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Posts posted by (PSN)NicolaiBM

  1. 1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

    This is an immediate red flag. You aren't looking for an actual solution, just more power.

    To me, it looks like he wants to bring the other damage types on par with slash, which is the right way to do it. Slash isn't broken, it's just strong, bring all physical damage on par with slash, don't nerf another thing.

    Besides, before throwing stones, make sure you're not living in a glass house (in this case, using slash weapons)

  2. 1 hour ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

    I agree with the mild Slash proc nerf, though I have different ideas for Puncture and Impact.


    Puncture: Areas hit with a puncture proc become a weakpoint (similar to Banshee's sonar, but not quite as powerful). Hitting this weakpoint does 25% bonus damage. Repeated procs stack. This would allow Puncture to showcase how it "punctured" the enemy's armor.

    Impact: Going with DE's idea with proc scaling, Impact will do multiple things. A single impact proc will simply stun the target for a moment. Further procs have a scaling chance to disarm targets as well as lower their reaction time.

    I like the creativity of your solution, but you have to consider ease of use aswell. In the case of your solution for puncture, slash would just be far easier to use and for your solution to impact, well puncture and slash offers damage and disarming 1 enemy makes no difference, when there's still 19 shooting at you, same reason impact is just slightly better than a wet rag at the moment.

    The solution has to be either all 3 have damage and ease of use or none of them have damage benefits nor ease of use. The difficulty of using the proc and the useability of the proc shouldn't be the deciding factor, since you can't change the IPS of the weapons. To balance them, they all need to meet a few criteria; damage benefits, ease of use, usability of proc and effectiveness of proc.

  3. 1 hour ago, ARTxZonda said:

    Hello all people,

    You all know, that slash is dominate other physical damage types, so i have a tip, how DE can change this meta:

    Slash: nothing to change in this for sure, maybe nerf damage of status on 30% instead of 35% like how it work now, but i think that's balanced well

    Puncture: remove old status-effect and add new, i have 2 ideas for this: 1) after status effect, your weapon will do more damage on next hits, so for example: your weapon damage is 200 overall, after stasus-effect damage will grow up on 2nd hit to 250, 3rd hit to 312 etc(25% damage boost(if you dont understand mechanic - check Legendary effect of 'The Problem Solver' from Fallout 4 - same thing)) so, this status need to be endless, like corrosive; 2)for example: if you hit leg of enemy and it goes with status - armor will be "sharpened" so you can hit not armor but pure HP(it's more logical than 1st variant, but not that funny, otherwise they both are very good for end-game)

    Impact: same as puncture: remove old status-effect and add new one - after new hit with status it will criple the limb, so enemy cant run or  hold his main weapon(gorgon/supra for example).

    Thats all, thank you for reading this, i hope you agree with fact, that physical damages need more, than just  "damage debuff" and "stagger".

    P.s. i understand that i'am possibly could not understand the nuances of balance, but i hope the developers will read this feedback and make some changes :)

    P.p.s. sorry for my bad english, it's really bad, i hope you understand something from this post 😇

    I agree with you, maybe not on the solution for puncture and impact, but I've got a couple of suggestions myself.

    Slash: reducing the bleed effect to 30% would be very reasonable in the interest of balancing IPS. Keeping the same algorithm for calculating the bleed proc, to avoid crippling forced slash procs and weapons with more equal IPS spread.

    Puncture: Replacing the old status proc is a given, damage orientated procs would be preferable. Puncture used to be armor bypass on procs, which turned out to be so powerful, that even slash was weak in comparison. The scaling damage output would probably also turn out to be a little bit broken on high RoF high status chance weapons. I don't think bypass damage is a bad idea though, so perhaps using the same algorithm as slash, 30% of the damage dealt on the proc, would be pure damage. I know it'll just be the same as slash, but in truth, anything else would just leave us in the same situation as now; one physical damage type to rule supreme.

    Impact: Now this is a hard one, because I think the name of the damage type should represent the function, but if it has no damage increase or bypass function, impact will be in just as bad a spot. A damage multiplier sounds initially good, but with the armor scaling being what it is in warframe, it'll pretty quickly become apparent why it would still be left behind by puncture and slash. This leaves once again pure damage as the only viable option, but I'm having a hard time coming up with an idea, that could work similar to puncture and slash, without being a direct cope of them. Perhaps make the proc'ed target vulnerable to all damage sources, but only 25% of incoming damage would be armor bypass while the proc is active. One thing is for sure, the staggering effect it have now, is just not worth building for and with blast doing a full knock down, stagger is just not the right solution.


    With those suggestions, I think we would be about a third of the way in the right direction, but there would still be things that needs to be addressed.

    • Elemental Damage; Right now the elemental damage types is in a very unbalanced place. We have procs like magnetic which is next to useless, electric which is almost just as bad, only providing a second or 2 of hard cc against a single target, list is longer, but arguably corrosive is the most used elemental combo and for a good reason, which will be my next point
    • Armor: It's currently the only tool developers have, to make enemies tougher to kill. Shields of course protect the health pool of any given enemy, but with no damage reduction, there's no need to worry about shields, when you have tools like viral and slash at your disposal. Armor is even so out of control, that mods like corrosive projection have an actual place in the game. This might just be my personal opinion, but I don't like the idea there's only 1 main tool across all 3 factions to make them tougher. I'd like all 3 factions to be completely independent of each other, so corpus wouldn't need grineer armor and the infested moas wasn't spitting out gue that created more grineer armor.
    • Bandaid fixes: Again maybe just my opinion, but there's a lot of items in the game, that I see as bandaids. Corrosive Projection, EMP Aura, Infested Impedance, Shield Disruption is in my view the biggest of the bandaids, but also the ability to regenerate energy with a focus school is something I see as a bad thing, as you can just to some extent ignore the efficiency of your frame and with no consequence create more energy.

    I hope it was clear and understandable, I hope my reasoning behind it made sense and I hope it brought some attention to the fact, that fixing a few physical damages isn't going to be enough, it'll also require some changes done to the factions, to both keep them independent and to make all damage types relevant.

  4. On 2018-08-20 at 3:02 AM, IrenHawx said:

    I'm well aware of that problem and put it there intentionally. In all honesty, we can slice it any way we want but either way, one party will get hurt there is no avoiding it so I'm leaning towards helping the dedicated players seeing as they are the ones that keep warframe alive during the content droughts, endure all the bugs when new content is released.   

    Then leave it be. Changes have been made, when they shouldn't have been in the first place.

    I don't disagree the system is kinda ridiculous, but I think there's things that would benefit warframe more, if the developers spent their time on that. I think damage 3.0 and melee 3.0 is far more important to get to work on than login reward 2.0, because as you said, there's no pleasing everyone. In fact login rewards is the most fair reward system warframe have anywhere in the game. Veterans went through it, so why shouldn't you?

    Damage 3.0, melee 3.0, armor scaling, bandaid fixes and generally just fixing issues in warframe should be far above changing login rewards. In fact, reworking the login rewards, should have lower priority than mapping the mating cycle of the common dung beetle.

  5. On 2018-08-21 at 8:01 PM, Faulcun said:

    I suspect DE plans to release the Lodestar armor set.

    I truly hope this is not the case. Fashion frame is NOT a real endgame. It started as a meme because there is NO real endgame.

    I was very disappointed with the syandana for an 800 day reward.

    We all started playing this game to blow stuff up, not to look pretty.

    The 1000 day milestone is an incredibly significant reward, especially for veterans. In my opinion, it should be a warframe.

    I agree that the fashion frame end game joke have gone out of hand, completely and utterly out of hand. It's so out of control, that it's more important to add more cosmetics, than it is fixing issues with the gameplay.

    With that being said, I don't think a warframe is a good option for a 1.000 day login reward. Either they will have to be meh and it won't really be used or they can make it decent/okay/good and then there's going to be even more crying from entitled little timmy. The fact entitled little timmys tantrums have to be considered is in the first place pathetic, but even more worryingly, his tantrums takes away from fixes and changes that warframe actually needs.

  6. 58 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Just live long enough and you will eventually see that what @MagPrime said to be quite true.  Which is in itself a sad thing.

    Just because the world around you is full of entitled, insecure, lazy, unintelligent little timmys doesn't mean your go to option should be toxicity. Try the nice approach first and let little timmy be in his own negative world. In fact, if little timmy want to be a hateful, toxic turd, leave him alone and get on with your day and stay happy knowing your world isn't about being an unpleasant human, who's too lazy and too unequipped to put effort in to anything and getting good at anything. At least thats my 30+ years of experience.

  7. 8 hours ago, Fineblade said:

    With releasing new frames, we need more arsenal slots to manage them.

    We can have 12 slots (MR25) + 20 slots (purchase by platinum) = 32 slots maximum.

    It is messy to interchange frames among limited slots.

    It would be great if DE makes more ten slots available for purchase.

    You can have hundres of warframe slots, but loadout slots are limited.

    I don't understand why there's a limit to the loadout slots, but any additional shouldn't be free.

  8. 4 hours ago, TeamFlyingPickaxe said:

    When are we getting new primed mods added i would really like primed rush and a few others would love more primed mods and can we remove mods that aren't needed like the primed mutation mods as well as primed regen from baro as they are practically useless to everyone

    I didn't realize they where useless, I've been making my builds all wrong!

    But Primed Rush sounds like such a game changer! It's just what we need, it's not like there's other mods that would probably be nicer to run, Primed Stretch (Overextended made obsolete), Primed Intensity (Transient Fortitude R.I.P.) and so on.

  9. 4 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    At higher levels, you will be maxing out frames from 0-30 in 1-2 missions.

    You just have to get there.

    Also, Warframe is essentially a second job. If you don't like that, or can't deal with that, then don't play.

    Same in lower level missions too, it's not about level but about the mechanics used to get affinity.

    For example hydron is just as good as helene, both allow you to do a weapon before wave 10 and a frame before wave 15. 

  10. 5 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    Not really. I've gotten more done with sarcasm than politely asking people to stop.

    In fact, I've been in situations where being polite has escalated the toxic behaviour because they saw it as a sign of weakness.

    In the end though, people should really use recruiting techniques when they want something specific from a mission.  No one's standard of behaviour is "righter" than the others, it's far simpler to just not be in the situation to begin with. 

    Well its always "righter" to be nice first, don't know how you where brought up, but it sounds like someone forgot to teach you that lesson. Sarcasm and rude behavior is not the go to standard for how you talk to people, that's how you get toxic communities.

    I don't know what kind of delusions people over there on pc comes with as standard, if they see it as a weakness to be polite and friendly, but here's the thing about that situation: if someone is so far gone from acceptable human behavior, that it's a weakness to be a polite person, their opinion matters nothing and you shouldn't let that kind of animals change anything in your behavior, my experience is, that if you continue to be nice, they're going to feel guilty about their bad behavior, as long as you use logic and reasoning, they'll usually end up apologizing for being toxic.

    Of course, if you jumpee in with unranked stuff and is looking to extract to forma again, then it's on you. Don't do fissures, eso or sorties with unranked gear, it's just being a tool, especially if it's the last 10 minutes of a survival and there isn't time to start again.

  11. 12 minutes ago, DovesLove said:

    Alright, so I had been off the the game awhile, then came back to suddenly find that my vacum now only pulled for 11.5m when before it was 14.7m. So what in the world happen to cause this to drop? And the fact that I saw NOTHING anywhere that said this happened is really a disappointment.

    What happened was Carrier (Prime) was by far the most used companion. DE reduced the range and allowed it to be used on all sentinels. You saw nothing you say, well read the notes and what not.

  12. 7 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    Yeah! Other responsibilities and chances be damned!  If you don't have the time for surprise 90+ minute survivals, you have no business being in public, right? 

    Who cares if you wanted to do something else! 3 total strangers decided they want to go for some record breaking times and by Lotus, you're going to do what they want because they couldn't be bothered to use private lobbies or find a suitable 4th!  Yeah!  What an awesome community!

    (In case you're having a hard time, yes, this is complete sarcasm. And yes, i am mocking the concept that people should just put up and shut up because of the majority choices of inconsiderate and entitled strangers.)

    That's why politeness goes a long way and sarcastic whining gets you nothing.

  13. On 2018-08-22 at 6:42 PM, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

    He didn't choose to be match with peoples who wanted to do endless survival, he just wanted to do a 15 minutes one and because guys like you play public in a completly selfish way he losed everything.


    Why dind't you leave ? You are in public matchmaking, you should be in a help the weakest state of mind. Next time you want to go endless, go private with your friends, it's better than ruining the game time of lowest rank players.

    Well if you're the weakest player, just go stand behind the team and let them carry you as far as they can, get more loot. I'd call that helping weaker players, teaching them about the game along the way.

    Letting them whine and cry and throw fits like entitled little timmy, just no. 1 wants to leave, 3 wants to stay, then you stay and do your best.

  14. 19 minutes ago, seprent said:


    this has the pellet counts


    this has a status chance to pellets but its kinda hard to understand

    but a pellet counter for shotguns or anything multi shot would be nice 

    if i remember correctly the game tries to divide status chance by amount of pellets 

    100% chance 10 pellets 10% per pellet 

    Think you need to have a better look at how status chance works for shotguns.

    100%  chance (before ms), 10 pellets, 100% chance per pellet,

    99% chance (before ms), 10 pellets, about 35% chance per pellet

  15. 2 minutes ago, MageSkeleton said:

    i did forget about the Sortie's having that chance for the FORMA reward, added that in the list. And this whole debate is about that "needed" patience.

    Once you have been playing this game for a long period of time, yes, it's rewarding and you have the means to enjoy what you have to either wait for the forma or to just not bother until you feel you need more. And the problem is not really a matter of patience, but is the long build time necessary?

    It's more the principle of the matter that to get FORMA from the market you need platinum which requires spending that time or just buying, or waiting for 24 hour time periods... if you even get back to claim then build another forma bp. As i said already, with everything available to play with and do in this game is the 24 hour time crutch really necessary? And especially with your point you made it feels like putting money into Warframe is the only way to even enjoy it.

    A friend of mine likes called WARFRAME a "Freemium" game, though he's also the type of person who feels he should be able to "purchase" the game and be able to enjoy everything of the game within hours, which really gave me the curiosity to find out what others have to say on just the topic of the long forma build time.

    Seems most people who stay playing this game are really patient people, or crazy. Literally one extreme to the next. Luckily it seems mostly patient people.

    First off, the game is far more rewarding as a new player, as you get new stuff far more frequently. New mods, new weapons, new warframes.

    Now to the point of the thread, the formas. Warframe is a free to play game, which means there's mechanics in place to have you spend money now and again. One of those mechanics is the crafting on formas, it takes a long time to build one, so if you get a frame or weapon you really like, you'll be tempted to spend a little money getting it formad and leveled a little faster. It's not an unreasonable mechanic either, as you can be patient and skip it or stockpile formas. Formas are even cheaper to rush now than they used to be.

  16. 34 minutes ago, Flames21891 said:

    Actually, you're the one entitled here (as are the other people defending this nonsense). You just want your exclusives to stay exclusive because you already slogged through the ridiculous tribute system to get them. You're salty at the prospect that DE might make these items reasonably accessible because it means you get shafted, and I feel you, but passing on your bitterness as snobby elitism does not make the game better.

    The issue is that NOBODY should have had to slog through YEARS worth of daily logins to acquire a single weapon or primed mod. We thought DE finally acknowledged that when they announced this change to the tribute system, but when they finally revealed what they were actually going to do...well, it doesn't really solve the major issue, which is that someone can have 2000 hours of actual playtime and still be behind on the tribute system.

    I don't think it's unreasonable to say that I shouldn't have to log in unless I plan on actually playing the game. If it was just cosmetic items so that you could show off, that would be fine. But locking gameplay content behind literal years (plural even) worth of daily logins...it's just stupid.

    Now that sounds like true entitlement. "I shouldn't have to log in".

    DE is making a free to play game, they don't run expensive promotions on TV, streaming services or YouTube ads, they rely on word to word and having warframe on popularity charts. That means it is completely reasonable they make a system to have you log in every single day, to boost their unique player count every single day. What is stupid is being so entitled you only think what you can gain and not how things affect the developer and what purpose things have.

    The real issue is exactly what I stated, entitled little timmy crying about how it's so unfair he has to do 1 single action every day, it's like hearing a little brat whine about having to take out the trash or clean his room. Bonus information, it is literally the only system in warframe when it comes to loot, that's 100% equal and fair.

  17. 8 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

    You're madman.

    It's the only half-decent place to level s***. So the gamemode would be way better if it was level 30 warframe OR weapon. And really your weapon is more important than your warframe unless you're Saryn. at the very least it should be a feature for solo. I've no *** clue why I should go to SO instead of ESO to level my Inaros for example in a solo mode. Like, at all.

    So serious the most you go is zone 8 for a focus.



    Sounds like you're the madman to be honest.

    10 waves at hydron if you do it right, not like it's too much work. Besides, go have a look at how affinity is calculated, you don't get double the xp for killing a level 50 over a level 25. Learn your warframe mechanics buddy.

  18. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    I'm glad to hear that.😊 Unfortunately it means that you didn't pay much attention to the posts on the page. 😔

    You should have looked at the one immediately above what I quoted. ☝️

    Just in case you were wondering, I did that particular select-quote-reply on a phone browser. 😉


    Anything else? 

    Same thing im using, you can just scroll up and press quote 😉

  19. On 2018-08-22 at 7:21 AM, (PS4)iQuedas said:

    Still bad and doesn't address the issue. You still have to remember logging in and out once a day for 2 years to get the weapons, which I've been doing for the past 2 months already.

    Cause the issue isn't the game, it's the entitlement.

  20. 2 hours ago, JaredWolf said:

    Did you have to quote the entire post just to say that? LMAO.
    I'm not on either side of this entire "drama problem". But trust me. Entitlement is as strong on both sides of the coin. It isn't a problem with Veterans, or "noobs". It is a problem with a vast majority of the current generation (Millennial). 'everyone' wants everything, they want it now, they don't want to work for it. Sorry but clicking play is not Effort. No one will convince me of that. I don't care if you had to quit your job to get your 800th day, or break up with your partner to have more time to log in. Or do some weird international morse code black market trade to get someone to let you log in while you were away from your PC.

    That isn't effort, or prestigious. That's a red flag that you have a problem. But yes, kids nowadays have no patience, that is true (on both sides of the coin).

    No, didn't have to, but I'm using a phone as I don't own a pc. Just made it easy on myself and figured you didn't have to read your own post, cause I would think you already knew what you posted.

    I'm not supporting either side of the coin, I don't think it should stay the same because of exclusivity nor am I delusional enough to think logging in requires effort. I think DE should have left it alone, because there's far better things they could spend their time on, than giving little timmy a choice on login reward, so he'll stop crying. As I've made several posts about, rivens are just flat out awful, the idea is good, but the implementation is pure poop, armor is the only thing in the game that makes enemies tough and slash is the only physical damage time worth anything in higher level content. The eidolons are so easy you can complete all in a night solo, even twice, 4-6 times in a team. We got a long list of bandaid solutions, which just seem to get longer. List goes on and on, yet little timmy who have no understanding of warframe mechanics wants his zenistar faster and he wouldn't even understand how to use it anyway or for that matter how to build it, this means wasted development time and no solutions for actual problems.

    That's my problem with stupid changes like the login reward. Entitled little timmy and his friends are not actually making warframe better by crying about irrelevant things, has nothing to do with I don't want them to have it, I think it's kinda stupid it's a login reward in the first place. That being said, it is, leave it there and work on some of the problems in warframe.

  21. 18 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    Every day I login is a day that I play. It's why I'm only just above 300 but have been here since right before The Second Dream.

    I don't see why exactly anyone would be opposed to not having to sink in nearly 50K Endo and 3 million credits on every "reward" to make it useful.

    Its useful when you get it. Mods in warframe is what makes a frame stronger, so that's what you're grinding for, making what you have better and stronger. It's why you farm kuva, it's why you farm mods and it's why you collect trash mods (dissolve for endo). If you got everything in the game fully leveled, there wouldn't be a need to farm really. If you don't want to farm, warframe isn't a game for you.

  22. 13 hours ago, Guthrik said:

    I believe Frame Figther has potential and the mechanics it already has. It just needs some love and care to make it truly great. Some of the following I see that needs some attention are the following :


    There is a big problem when your opponent is unleashing all different types of attacks an then grab you an takes away a lot of  your hp.

    •     Counter attack "if time correctly" stops the attack and deals some damage back to the player. This will keep people form just spamming attack to grab over and over.
    •     Blocking jabs/kicks Once in a blocking stance the player can do a 1 hit jab or kick "could stop the combo chain" this could allow starter combos or counter combos to change the flow of the fight.


    Movement in Frame Fighters feels like you have a heavy ball and chain attached to your warframe leg. Instead of slowly walk to your opponent it would be nice to freely run towards them and do slide attack or maybe a flying kick. 


    Frame Fighters as of right now feels like it was rushed, but it still has the ability to become great with a little bit of care.

    Let me get this right, you'd rather have DE waste valuable development time on a mini game, than fixing actual issues warframe have? Do you actually think it's more important to develop a mini game further, than lets say work on damage 3.0 and melee 3.0?

  23. 15 hours ago, JaredWolf said:

    Greetings Tenno,

    So I've been having some thoughts, and after seeing a lot of people ('veterans') complain about the mock-up of the daily login system, before we even got real solid information. I waited for DE to release more information. They finally have. Have the complaints of the veterans' and sympathetic new players' been heard? No, quite the opposite actually. This new system doesn't just mess with veterans; it also messes with everyone in the game. Before starting I'd like to state this is all my opinion, and can be 100% incorrect. So please comment below and tell me about what you disagree with.  (Tip, there is a lot to read here. And I write as if I am speaking, so it might help to read it with a lot of pauses, and not straight through like an essay)

    We need to cover some bases before continuing about the log in system. First and foremost, what the veterans' have been saying. Why are they complaining? Because they clicked [Play] for 900+ days to get all their rewards. And with the new changes, it seems someone who just started playing, at 100 days can now get what veterans' had to wait 300 days, or 500 days, etc. That is a bit of a slap in the face. What else is there to be heard? Prestige. This fancy word people like to use a lot in the MMO Genre. So lets take a look into that; and a few other definitions.

    • Prestige: "reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes. Distinction or reputation attaching to a person or thing and thus possessing a cachet for others or for the public"  (Urban Dictionary this, I think you'll get a laugh, I know I did).
      Cachet: "a sign or expression of approval, especially from a person who has a great deal of prestige."
    • Veteran: "a person of long experience usually in some occupation or skill".
    • Reward: "something given or received in return or recompense for service, merit, hardship, etc.".
      Merit: "something that deserves or justifies a reward or commendation; a commendable quality, act, etc."

    I've put in bold the words that I feel should carry more weight. Prestige makes you stand out, based on possessing a cachet. (Cosmetics rings a bell, doesn't it?) And you get prestige by earning it through merit, success, and achievement. Lastly, a veteran is simply someone who has a lot of experience; usually dictated by time spent to gain said experience.

    So with all of that said. Do people who reached a time-gated milestone, sound like a veteran? Does that sound like something to be rewarded? That depends on every single situation; it was a trick question. There are people who've, since the start of the log in system, logged in and played hundreds to thousands of hours. But there are also those who simply just logged in at reset, gotten their log in credit, and logged back out. There are plenty of people in-between those two extremes. So that question can't really be answered without a strong bias. Loyalty also gets tied into this. Can reaching the milestone for logging in show personal loyalty? This is not a trick question, the answer is no. Because of what I explained above.

    So we're going to continue using this basis. Time spent != mean loyalty. Nor does it mean you're a veteran, or warrant prestige In the terms of log-in.
    We're going to drill that in once more.

    Prestige is from achievement and merit, which is shown off by standing and possession of something. In which veterans will 'tend' to have.

    Lets take a look at one of my favorite, and least favorite examples of Prestige.

    Runescape: Cape of Accomplishment. As the name sounds. It is a cape (cosmetic) that you can wear after achieving an accomplishment (obtaining a max skill, or completing every single quest). To get that max skill (level 99) you need to play the game for a pretty long time doing something. In the time it took to get that, it is highly unlikely that you are new, or inexperienced of that particular skill. Taking this even further, when you get another skill maxed out the capes will change graphically. They will look more fancy with a trimming around it. And players get specific emote when wearing the cape. There is another version, for a "master cape of accomplishment" and this simply makes the cape have more visual effects. (All versions provide ingame effects depending on the skill but they're not some game breaking advantage either).

    Guild Wars 2: Legendary weapons. At release, these weapons were one of the coolest obtainable weapons you could get. They had visual effects when you equipped it, when you ran you left special footprints, they had unique audio effects, and certain skills effects visually change to reflect that you used that weapon. Having one early on showed that you clearly played the game a lot. You knew where to farm and what events to do etc. But as time went on, there were hundreds if not thousands of people who would convert real life cash into premium and then in-game cash; and simply buy the legendary itself (off the market from someone selling one they made) or the materials needed to make it, and then click a few buttons and make it that way. This was completely legal due to how the way ArenaNet made their premium cash store work. But those items lost prestige instantly as soon as the availability became more public. Due to cash conversion, and ease of availability.

    There we have two examples of what makes, in my opinion, a good example of prestige, and bad example of prestige. Now at this point you might have connected the dots a little bit. The second example sounds a lot like what DE is planning with the new log in system. They have thankfully reverted their idea of selling these items, but it doesn't change the fact that they'll be as easily obtainable.

    Both examples show the achievement of the player. But one cannot be bought, or fast forwarded to obtain it faster. This is what helps keep prestige effective. It is only natural that something obtainable by any, will eventually be obtained by all. The original people who got the skill capes, or the legendaries, felt cool and prestigious. But if you look at the game now. Its almost as if you get it for making a character after buying the game. This is nearly unavoidable, I certainly cannot think of something, without bouncing ideas off the drawing board, that would fix that. And truth be told, the current, or planned log in system does not give that guarantee either. Eventually everyone will get to the 1000th day log in, and it won't feel special anymore. Log-in Rewards should NOT contain "prestigious" items. In all honesty, Log-in rewards are a catch-up mechanic.

    So hopefully this clears up prestige, which is mainly what the veterans want. Something to show their dedication and time investment into the game. But remember, time investment isn't the only part of the formula to prestige.

    Going onto the next subject, yes you read that right, there is more to read. All of what I put above, is for the Veterans'. Its time to talk about the new players.

    What is it that new players want? Quick answer is "everything under the sun". But they mainly want to play all the content in the game and not be stuck in the "starter" content zone. So this is the reason developers started making catch-up rewards. to keep new players invested into the game, by giving a false sense of accomplishment. You didn't earn those, you were given those. New players will always want the "shinny things" that everyone else has. Which effectively increases, but in the long term removes, prestige. You feel good when someone asks you about your prestigious item. But odds are, it won't last forever; and that's okay.

    I know that was really quick for new players. But to be honest, that isn't my target subject to this giant post.

    There were things that added prestige into warframe, no one said there wasn't. Excalibur Prime, Vandal Set, and all the other event based, or founder based items. But Lets be real here. Excalibur Prime is statistically even with Excalibur Umbra (After getting rejected to give everyone Excalibur Prime, they went ahead and did it anyway, but made him look cooler). Naturally this wouldn't be that bad of a problem. Everyone has Excalibur Umbra, he was given out for free. Only the founders still have Excalibur Prime; but his visuals are extremely outdated. The Vandal sets are given out in alerts for all to take, so that is no longer prestigious either. While there isn't really anything to do for the Vandal set there is still something you can do for the founders. Give Excalibur Prime a complete VGU (Visual Gameplay Update). Make him look really cool really stylish, and maybe touch his passive and skillset (maybe not change his 2, but change his 3 or 4) Could make the visuals of his Exalted Blade look more flashier than Normal or Umbra variants. Ask the founders' what they'd like to see done to their Prestigious Excalibur Prime. As for Veterans' who aren't founders, this obviously won't do much for them. So this will bring us to my suggestion to the log-in system--after I talk about log-in systems as a whole.

    I mentioned catch-up mechanics before. Log-in system is one such mechanic. It's suppose to help players catch up to the veterans' and existing player base so they don't feel excluded or stuck in quicksand. Does giving them a once semi-exclusive weapon/mod catch them up in warframe? I mean with the Zenistar they certainly can play like a veteran by hiding out of LoS and spam skills and the Zenistar (I kid, I kid). Jokes aside, no it doesn't. So what should a log-in system look like then? Lets take a look at one that I think did it correctly.

    • Guild Wars 2: Log in System.
      Their system for log-in works well because nothing is too advantageous, and nothing is prestigious. But a downside could be, its the same rewards every single month. No "RNG" to what you'll get like in Warframe. Maybe I get credit booster, maybe 10000 credits. Guild wars 2 on the other hand. Offers crafting resources, and other things to help progress your account faster, level up scrolls, Luck (to "increase" drops), cheap cash shop items, like access bank or market anywhere, exp boosters, drop chance boosters, things to transmute gear appearances, etc. After you reach 30 days, which doesn't reset on you if you miss a day, the log in rewards reset. And its the same as last month. This system will help new players catch-up not by having things given to them, but giving them the means to get it sooner. This is the system I suggest Warframe uses for their Log-in System.

    With that out of the way we can start the main subject. Warframes' Log-in System.
    I suggest that the log in rewards be nothing cosmetic, or usable weapon/frame etc. But instead give chance at resources harder to obtain. And these % chance will change with Mastery Rank.

    • Low Mastery Ranking:
      • you have a higher chance to get things, like Gallium, Tellurium, Neurodes, 90 minute boosters, credits, etc. All things that you'd commonly need to grind at that Mastery Rank.
    • Medium Mastery Ranking:
      • At this point you'll need to be either grinding more quantity of what you've already been getting, or you'll need to start getting new resources. So; you get less % chance to get those resources from before, but you get higher amounts if you do get it. At this point you also get Endo, 2 hour boosters instead of 90, Oxium, Mutagen Samples, Cryotic, Forma blueprints, and 20-50% platinum discount. With a slight chance at Nitain Extract.
    • High Mastery Ranking:
      • At this point you no longer get things like Gallium, Tellurium, and all the more common of rare material. But if you do, once again its a huge quantity. You get more Endo, 3 hour boosters, More Oxium, Mutagen Samples, Full Forma/Reactors/Catalysts, higher chance at Nitain Extract, and a chance at a good chunk of Kuva. You also get 50-75% off platinum instead of 20-50%.

    That is just a rough idea. Something I thought of right before making this post, after reading the blog post by Rebecca. So it might not be balance, or coherent. But as writing it, it makes sense on paper. Now if this was to be the new log in system, you're probably asking one main question right now. What happens to the current rewards of the present system? So excluding the normal rewards and looking at whats really important; the milestone rewards. My suggestion is to place the Primed mods on Baro's list at a much lower chance than normal primed mods. And the weapons and cosmetics items, to be not removed from the game. But left with the people who've already received them. This way, you get to keep what you took the time to log in for, whether it was simply click and get, or actual log in and play time. And without being able to get it anymore, it will add prestige to the item. Especially the cosmetic rewards. The new rewards wouldn't have the same problem, and would be rather future proof. Veterans' get their prestige, and new players get their catch-up mechanics. At that point its up to DE to not mess up and give people these items at a later date.

    Two more things to note before I sign off on this massive post.

    A problem with the proposed new system, is you're possibly furthering someones reward (This looks like it would be fixed according to Rebecca's update to the proposed milestone rewards, but is still worth noting). So I recommend that of the day of the update for the log-in revamp. Everyone unlocks their closest milestone (unless they're nowhere close. Like if they're at 456 the next milestone is Zenith. They wouldn't unlock it, but if you're at like 486 then you're pretty close so you'd get it). Not to sure on this part here, but I think it would be fair to people?

    Lastly, I feel this change would help all, instead of hurt all. Because players will be able to farm new frames, weapons, riven rolls, etc sooner. And its more oriented towards how useful that resource would be towards your general mastery rank. But all of that can be changed based on balance. But with all this said. I'm not sure if it is best to leave everyones log in days the same. Or if everyone should be reset to zero. Technically this won't cause a problem, as there aren't really any Milestones anymore. (Unless we want milestones to be something like massive quantity of things. Like 10 Forma, or 50k Kuva etc).

    To all of those who read this all. Thank you, and I hope to see what you have to say in the comments.

    The only problem with the current system, is the entitled little noobs having no patience. That's it.

  24. 1 hour ago, felixsylvaris said:

    Having a choice of couple items is nice.

    However there is a problem with Primed Mods being so far off. With Zenistars there are alternatives, with primed mods they are best at what they do.

    Solution would be adding them to the Baro shop. And if we get some from tributes milestone then we can always pick riven mod or something.

    There already is a solution, it's called patience. The rest of us had it without complaining, crying, whining or anything.

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