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  1. Lots of good news so far but until the Line of Sight checks can be properly and fully fleshed out then Dante's Tragedy should just be reverted to a Zero check in the meantime while the team works on making a 100 percent proper check. This Hotfix adjustment to the Line of Sight check is a last second bandaid, that at times makes it even more frustrating. If it really is so bad that Tragedy could hit all enemies in range through walls then just reduce its overall damage or scale it based on distance but REMOVE the Line of Sight, at least until the team has created a fully realized and meaningful method of accurately Checking for Line of Sight. Nezha's Augment still needs to be addressed also.
  2. So Far the Deep Archimedea and Elite Archimedea are in an alright place. Definitely a challenge solo. Felt Pretty smooth with a group of Pugs. Nezhas' Augment having the Range Cut in Half is a bit too much. If it HAS to be the range is cut to balance the benefit then somewhere in the 25-35 percent range would be more amenable. Dante: WordWarden: The Damage change will not effect much because either the Noctua is being filled with Grimoire mods for support or its being stuffed with status mods to help Prime targets. An actual increase would need to be around 80-100 percent increase instead of 50 percent Final Verse Tragedy: The Previous Lack of Line of Sight requirement was a breath of fresh air. Newer maps / tiles are built with a fair bit more complexity and loads of auxiliary decorations that will CONSTANTLY block Line of sight to enemies. If a Dante builds to be able to spam the move then that should be the casters' right. Dark Verse already had an obtuse LOS angle. I think a better solution would be to Remove the Line of Sight requirement but Slightly reduce the damage and perhaps add a Proximity range to said damage. So things closer take more, things on the fringe of the max range take less BUT everything WITHIN range would get hit. Light Verse : All the changes i find to be redundant for Light Verse. Reducing the Max but Increasing the Regen rate only serves to make the Dante Player Cast it more often. Before in any mission under level 200 i would cast Triumph once every 5 minutes due to my high power strength. Now i'm casting Triumph maybe once a minute. If the claim to make these changes was to reduce 'dominant' play and allow frames that utilized self health damage. Then this change has failed to do that. All a Dante has to do is cast more often and the initial problem still persists. A larger overarching adjustment needs to be applied to OVERGUARD itself.
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