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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. Sorry man, I can't give a definite answer beyond what the wiki has. Since armor value can't be seen mid-mission, knowing that bit of information would require thorough testing and calculations.


    I don't know if it can be seen using Rhino's Iron Skin. I don't have Rhino...

  2. 4 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

    The game is build around RNG for the most part and does it still good for the most part for a F2P game.

    If people not like it, they can buy them or people can gift them.

    It's simple marketing and as muhc of a gridn wall some can be, i find it not as bad, since it is working as intented and opens up for peopel using plat which gives DE money, which they need since game has to run somehow.

    I know, I'm not complaining much about the RNG, just asking for people opinion on this idea. I'm not even expecting this idea to come true.

  3. I know, I know, it most likely won't happen. I just want to share a thought that refused to leave my head.

    I picked these three Frames since they drop in a mission that has a (some say quite high) chance to NOT give any part. So, making them tradeable would help people who have been unlucky to get them.


    The problem is, if this happen, it would likely open the floodgate of "why other Frames aren't tradeable?".


    With that in mind, I got some questions for everyone:

    1. Do you see any other pros and cons in this?

    2. Would you like it if this happens?

    3. How is your luck on getting these frames?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

    No jokes here, back in times when I was enjoying conclave, I've been hearing those accusations almost every match I played. Also, prime weapons were treated there as incredibly overpowered endgame stuff, trying to explain how weapons stats are tweaked in cc didn't help.

    Later I tried going with uncolored stock Excal and MK-1 Braton and was called hacker.

    Don't know what was worse - being a hacker or p2winner. :D

    Guess people are just salty and want to blame something, huh?

  5. 5 minutes ago, K244 said:

    ..I uh..Was going to comment I was ending this thread 'cause I was on Page one, now I'm on page Twelve thousand Eight hundred and Sixty Four.


    But I seriously have no idea which direction this thing went and I don't know if it's about winning any more.

    Mate, you don't want to know what's happening here lately...


    Or do you?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

    Very, very reasonable. I've been hearing the same about Overwatch lately. Limited skins and emotes somehow make players play better.

    Nice Sarcasm. :laugh:


    2 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

    Many conclave players would disagree. They believe Targis armor somehow deflects bullets and Jattuk syandana (grineer jetpack) allows you to fly.

    Is that really a joke that is happening between the Conclave veterans? Sorry, not really a conclave regular.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    So the Archwings are stuff that can shrink everything even if it's not attached to it ?

    I don't buy it

    It's not Archwing that shrinking them, it's DE. The shrinking stuff is just something in-game on the background to reduce the amount of models and geometry the game need to render. Lore-wise, we're still the same size. It's just performance related issue, nothing lore or world related.


    If you want a little proof, there was a time back when Archwing first introduced that DE forgot to code Stalker out of Archwing, the result:


  8. I really like Archwing. It's concept is nice and I would like to see it expand further. It will most likely take a while, since considering Warframe itself took a long time to get where it is now. I agree with a lot of your points here, since so many gears seems to be gated for no real reason.


    1 hour ago, Doubleplus said:

    Difficulty Obtaining New Weapons and Archwings = Lack of New player variety

    Lets look at Warframe's vanilla start: You get a choice between 3 frames, two primaries, two secondaries and two melees. If you want a new weapon, all you have to do is buy one of the many blueprints from the market and if you want a new frame, you just kill a boss. Now lets look at archwing: You do your quest, get the Odonata, Impertrator and Veritux. If you want a new weapon for most of them you are going to have to rank up a syndicate for half the parts you need, trade for the rest. For a new archwing: Clan Research, and while this is usually fine, imagine every frame in the game being locked behind whether or not you are in a clan that has it researched. Assuming the new player in question doesnt have an "in" for a proper clan, this system forces players to A. Join a massive moon clan that accepts everyone to inflate its numbers B. Form their own clan and build it on their own, sinking over 10 forma minimum into simply getting the labs up C. Accept that new archwings are out of their reach and they are stuck with the basic stuff, making what little archwing content there is even more stale.


    8 minutes ago, Shalath said:

    Totally agree! I really like AW but there is so little of it the whole thing becomes stale really quickly. Weapons locked behind syndicates is a really bad idea as it is a really long time before you can get out of your "training wheels" gear.

    It was worse before, when almost all of new Archwing gear are locked behind mission drop RNG, which means new players are stuck with vanilla gear even longer. Making it a Syndicate offering is a step forward, but we still need new gears that are more easily accessible through resources.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Lholland said:

    Also the Phage, there really doesn't need to be that many laser noodles, just condense it into one noodle and kill them fast, no need to make them suffer by burning 7 different holes in their chests

    Laser noodles... That's a... mild way to describe the Phage.


    On topic, I would like to add the Twin Gremlins. You're nailing bolts for constructions to their bodies, for pity sake. (I guess it's not so different than pumping bullets into them, but still...)

    Another one could be the Atterax, for the same reason as the Panthera and the Miter.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

    Exactly. That's why all the focus schools need to be reworked. I'm not saying they should become useless, just not making the game's content trivial would be nice.

    Focus rework is already on DE's table and have been mentioned (though no detail), so we'll see it eventually.

    Well, considering the bullS#&$ amount of grind we need to do to even get the Focus powers up to snuff right now, it should feel very powerful. IMO, Zenurik only made me able to use Caster Frames as, well, Casters.

    Naramon Shadow Step is just broken, I agree on that.

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