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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 24 minutes ago, PakkiTheDog said:

    The problem here is that people are unable to position them selfs in other peoples situations. How would you feel if all of a sudden you were unable to play the game that you like? And this is not a minority problem, these bugs have been here for a very long time and most people just choose to ignore them, cringe and restart. And this still isn't an excuse that DE doesn't properly fix them. It just show that they care more about how much money they can squish out of us than how the game runs. Also with every new update they bring a bunch of old and new bugs because of lack of a proper fix. I'v seen quite a lot of these threads in the year of playing and every time we get an update there are players that post a bunch of bugs that they would like to be fixed...that they don't for a long time.



    And i'm sorry for being rude but when it comes to peoples stupidity i just become sarcastic and with it insulting. To get people trying to invalid my point by saying it's your routers fault makes my whole thread invalid, and the thread will have less weight. And usually people saying this don't have a clue what they are talking about, like with most first posters in every thread.

    Okay, you think you know how to deal with it? Then try to apply for a position at DE to fix it. Or offer the help to do it. Instead of just complaining, how about giving some help? DE is already swamped with updates and bug-fixes. Do you even see how many bugs were listed in each hotfix?

  2. 1 hour ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    Now where did the tenno put hundreds or even thousands of those, that looks massive...

    Void Magic. The same place most of our Arsenal goes. You don't see your other Warframes and weapons in the Landing Craft, do you?

  3. 5 hours ago, perdigm said:

    hope a DE dev sees what happens when you use limbos' cataclysm to banish mag inside of it then polarize with mag
    needs nerfed 

    Is this guy... even serious...

    current Mag polarize... OP?

    Are you sure you're up to date man?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    No, not that. Legit strats. Not some strange bug or unintended side effect.

    Gas from proc, cold from artax, radiation from oberon, two more statuses on silva and aegis.

    Hm, you could add Heat from Cycron as well. Switching between the two could be a hassle though, and I'm not sure the upcoming dual-wield will include the Sword and Shield.

  5. 7 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

    Kind of. But more of pop-up alerts/invasions AW missions that sent wave of enemies if failed to be defeated, would proceed to become part of second phase.
    Only if the enemies succeed at second phase, will the health and construction be affected.

    Ah, so that's what you mean. That could work.


    7 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

    Well, it is a Single-Player game and score-based, so might not suit everyone taste. You can get it in the future, and no harm waiting for discount to get it too.

    Yeah. IGN said there's not much story and it's too repetitive. I'm just thinking of picking it up to goof off now and then.


    7 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

    More like Trials rewarding Arcane blueprints, the crafting of Arcane being the resource sink. Or upgrading the Arcane being the resource sink.
    The key act more of a pre-requisite(like Junctions, TWW completion for Sortie) to ensure that players who are participating in the Trials are the ones who could be the ones with excess resources.

    Is that how Arcane Enhancement were first introduced? I got into a few Trials a few months ago, and each completion awarded a fully-usable Arcane to be put inside the cosmetic of our choice. Upgrades of Arcanes were done by installing the same Arcane on the corresponding cosmetic. It rewarded repeat play, not much resources on the Arcane itself. The way I see it as a sink is indirectly, as people uses a lot of Energy restores in Trial (or at least, the group I got into).


    6 hours ago, DeadScream said:

    Wow, that's become such a long thread :o 

    Did DE say anything about the idea of giving blue resources drops depending on the faction instead of the location ? 


    If we got some Mutagen Samples everytime we get to fight the Infested, I'm pretty sure this issue would be less of a terrible fiasco. 

    The current problem, according to me, is the fact we can't passively farm mutagen samples. As soon as we needed a big lot of them, we have been confined to 1 or 2 working nodes, with a big incentive to play ONLY with a Nekros or at least an augmented Hydroid in the squad. That's the most boring thing ever. 

    No, unfortunately. DE even refused to increase Eris Mutagen drop-rate, and saying "it's raining Mutagen in the Derelict. Go there."

    Yeah, spreading out the Mutagen drop would help immensely. Unfortunately, it won't happen in the foreseeable future.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Culaio said:

    ... but maybe some rooms/buildings that new way for player to interact with each other(pvp mini games?), maybe building lunaro arena in settlement would unlock new arena for pvp lunaro.

    PvP stuffs are not that well-received by most people, so I'm not sure how well that would go.


    7 minutes ago, Culaio said:

    other buildings/room could be needed to unlock the lore of game, for exampla lab to study, infested evolution, or lab studying sentients. There could be even archelogical site to study history of orokin.

    More lore stuff would be good. Simaris Community Synthesis target has been stopped right now, so new way to get more lore would be quite appreciated. It would need DE to write a lot more stuff, so this will take a while.


    9 minutes ago, Culaio said:

    Hell there could be labs that unlock new weapons for us by investing in them, it would be kinda like research in dojo but instead of being limited to clan it would be global, of course it would need much more resources then in dojo lab(proportional to whole player base)

    That could work. More resource sink within resource sinks. People could be deprived of resources like that. :laugh:

    Honestly though, I'm thinking of moving all research to a Global Lab, maybe in the Relays. That could create resource sinks and solve many clans problems.


    9 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

    I understand that ArchWing controls are not very good, but this would be a good chance for more players to try out and familiarize with the ArchWing controls, especially in this scenario, empty space with less obstacles compared to some ArchWing missions.
    DE could also get a lot more diverse feedback and data from the players.
    Similarly, I don't like having PvP/Conclave events being shoved into my face. So here an additional idea.

    Those enemies that are able to bypass ArchWing defenders(Players playing in ArchWing mode) and landed on the planet/platform, would be dealt with by the ground defenders to prevent breaches. And maybe some Anti-ArchWing-guns(like Rampart)?

    I don't actually meant it to be exactly a Death Star, but the equivalent of Fomorian.

    Well, like I said, I'm not against Archwing, just stating the simple observation I picked up. 

    Separating two modes for this could be interesting, but it will require a lot of complicated coding regarding the progression and reward on DE part.

    From what I picked up from your idea, the first phase would be some kind of reverse of the usual Fomorian Sabotage, where DE would set a timer on how long the construction lasts, and we have various missions to prevent the health bar going to zero before the timer runs out.

    This is where things could get a little confusing. The health bar would probably decrease at a steady rate. Any mission we do, will either halt the decrease temporarily or heal the health bar a little? That's what I picked up, or you have something different in mind?

    Yeah, of course it won't be a Death Star. Copyright issues and all.


    22 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

    If you enjoyed the thrill of playing 6DOF and wanted to know how I expect ArchWing controls to be like, you should try it. The guns SFX are impactful and requires skill(Dogfighting) and missiles are satisfying to lock-on and launch/release.
    Also you might get some more interesting ideas from that game. :D

    Dang. it's on Steam, but cost 136k (270k for the DLC as well) in my currency. No Credit card, so maybe I'll just put it on my wishlist for the time being.


    27 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

    That is mostly because Arcanes are rewards from Trials which can't be solo-ed, requires key to access and most importantly optional.
    Players are not punished for not having Arcanes, and as far as I know, not tied to Mastery Rank and clan affinity like Hema research does.
    It would hold true, unless for example, DE intended to factor in Arcanes.

    For examples:

    • Let reduce the base Crit Chance of the weapons, since Arcane Avenger add Crit Chance.
    • 4 revives are too much, players COULD have Arcane Revives.

    I apologize if I made any mistakes regarding Arcanes, I have yet to participate in any Trials, Conclave/PvP and have any Arcanes.

    My main point is Resource sinks should be optional that encourages player to spend their excess resources for bonuses.

    Bonuses should not heavily affect the usual gameplay very much.
    Examples of bonuses that are optional:

    • Use plat to rush crafting
    • Use plat to buy extra loadout slots

    I agree that Arcanes are optional, but Trials itself are not much resource sinks, since the key is a bit cheap and Host based. It has a cooldown too, which makes it consumption quite slow. I agree with your points though, Resource sinks should be optional.

  7. Just now, Fox7000 said:

    Isn't forum account created the same time as game account?

    Not necessarily. Someone who have played months in-game could have joined the forum just yesterday.

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