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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 11 minutes ago, MystMan said:

    With Stalker's emo self, his AW would be named something like "Angst". The wings would be shaped like a bat and when he flies in front of the moon.... oh wait, copyright infringement. :crylaugh:

    You (or maybe DE) need to come up with the different name. We already have Angst



    The mental image you just put in my head is just so emo, it actually might fit Stalker :crylaugh:

  2. 5 minutes ago, Moysa said:

    alot of people(not me) hate archwing enough as it is. do you really think adding the chance of stalker showing up in em is gonna help?

    Could be. If done right, an epic duel of two flying space ninjas could be a lot of fun. And since we don't have too many overpowered mods in AW, people have to fight Stalker on even levels.


    Or we could go AoT like a bug that happened a long time ago:


  3. 12 hours ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

    I would've liked this better if that 'PvE' was 'PvP', but since it isn't, I would gladly say 'No thanks' and then shout 'GOOD DAY SIR!' before gently slamming the door shut on my way out.


    12 hours ago, .Zel said:

    See, now this is what we say when you guys come to PvP and suggest the same S#&$.

    In other words, Stamina is not welcomed anymore in PVE AND PVP.

  4. 2 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Ummm, wouldn't you be using the weapon that you're leveling for the stealth kills.  In that case the proc wouldn't be an issue.  Unless you are referring to getting affinity for focus.    

    Yeah, I am getting some affinity for focus. I put a lens in my bow and Rakta dagger, so I'm using both. I can bypass the proc from Gleaming Blight by not actively equipping the dagger, but it's going to be hard to do that with the bow, which is one of the reason I didn't take the Rakta Cernos, despite people saying how useful it is. Well, it's a matter of personal preference, I suppose.

  5. Just now, DatDarkOne said:

    The procs don't alert enemies anymore.  That was changed a long time ago.  Like either when Nidus came out or maybe before that.  

    Yeah, it doesn't. But I found it to be slight pain when they woke up from my sleep arrow or move more erratically due to being "alerted". Furthermore, kills by the procs reset the stealth multiplier, which is my biggest affinity leveling.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

    Ah, sorry, you two have the same profile pic XD.

    Flower face is obviously Vor. Do you even meme bro? And the ball is a roller. Gotta have those.

    Dude, I'm using the normal Kuria Glyph and he's using the cartoonized version. How the heck did you miss that XD

    Vor, huh? Sorry, I'm not too well versed in all of Warframe meme. I guess some still escaped me :crylaugh:

  7. 5 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    ... I use a combo like that myself.  Ivara+Rakta Cernos+Rakta Ballistica+ Rakta Dark Dagger= Prowl all day.  hehe


    That sounds funny alright. But wouldn't it be a pain for stealth-runs with the proc exploding every few seconds?

  8. 6 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

    I actually agree with ye. Arbiters suck!

    Finally someone finds Neewa cute, Jordas too... somewhat...

    And I'm glad you actually did your homework and got their names right. Good on ye!

    But there's much more important peeps you need to draw, like a flower face, or something that is probably too big to draw... and a ball.

    Why are you quoting me? I was commenting about Baro...

    Neewa is cute, I agree on that.

    Flower face? Ball? Okay, I'm confused on what you're implying here...

  9. 8 hours ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

    That was the joke :p

    Ah, gotcha.


    8 hours ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

    No thanks. We have a singular Vasto Prime, so why not a singular Magnus Prime

    I think he mean both singular Magnus Prime and AkMagnus Prime. All dual sidearm Prime so far require the single counterpart.

  10. 1 minute ago, Silvus-Sol said:

    Yeah... Dual Decurion...

    *activate mock-salesman voice*

    Have you ever wanted a weapon that fires slow, has big recoil, low magazine capacity, AND low damage? Well, you're in luck. Because the Dual Decurion exist, and they only require 4 parts to the usual 3. Isn't that one heck of a deal?

    Yeah... :sadcry: The thing looks so dang cool... Why can't it be at least on par with the others?

    Highest Crit chance of all Arch-guns, but that's only at 25%.

  11. 1 hour ago, Silvus-Sol said:



    I want a new Prime Archwing. No I'm not kidding.

    A new Primewing is a good excuse for them to give Archwing some more development, because it really needs it.

    Yes. Yes. Please more Prime Archwing gear. Dual Decurion Prime (the dang thing seriously need some love) or Centaur Prime (as if that thing isn't powerful enough...).

  12. 6 hours ago, Evanescent said:

    "..so I lit a fire

    Isn't it good, Norwegian wood?"


    1 hour ago, Aeon66 said:



    What's so good about Norwegian wood anyway? What makes it better than Parisian wood?

  13. 11 hours ago, AerinSol said:

    There is only 4 tenno truly alive. Simply swapping bodies left and right. Because the original beginning with the other 3 helping out. Would explain how little influence we keep having on the system. If there are thousands then we would have made a much larger influence already even with so little sabotages and exterminations.

    Raids would say otherwise. there could be 8 players on the scene at once, so at least 8 Tenno.

  14. 27 minutes ago, Vulpei said:

    Anyone else find it kind of funny they introduce shield gating to help squishier frames not get one-shot, and then introduce a new unit that completely bypasses shields.


    Meh, those dang Mutalist Osprey already bypass shield, and most Grineer seems to have a fetish for Slash proc (I swear it happens a lot when I'm fighting Grineer), so it's not much of an addition.

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