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Posts posted by Gamma745

  1. 5 hours ago, Jobistober said:

    At this point, no one is contributing anything new to this thread. All the facts and numbers and spreadsheets have been posted ad nauseum. There's nothing left to contribute. The point has been made, the facts presented, but DE is not budging. Now everyone is sour because Space Mom and Dad have put their foot down and said no. After 3+ months, 100 pages and 2500 replies, this thread is the equivalent of a (blubbering) teenager saying they hate their parents because they didn't get their way. Time to move on.

    Agreed. Both sides have been too salty with the other side, and DE not saying anything. Really, it's time to just move on, play as you like, and practically ignore Hema. And hope DE doesn't do this kind of thing again. Not healthy for the playerbase.

    Those who think it's ridiculous, you're free to stand with your boycott. Or help with the Hema sharing:

    Those who think it's okay, go ahead and stand happy with your bragging rights. That's what you want, isn't it?

  2. 6 hours ago, Flirk2 said:

    If you are in a clan with everything researched and not going to even try thinking how much effort would prices like that take...

    Let me tell you what a change like that will do.

    It will end the formation of new clans. Plain and simple. There is no point even trying. I tried to make and alternate account and start a solo ghost clan just to experience the research. The most annoying bottle neck on it were mutagen samples. Even before Hema. Then Hema happened, and that account got abandoned. Because there is just no way for an average solo ghost clan to get Hema researched and still enjoy the game to any extent.

    You know, I also have another idea to make it "fair":

    All existing clan would have all of their research cancelled. The resources contributed would go to the clan vault, obviously. But every clan would have to start over from scratch, old or new, with the new cost. No one would be put at an advantage.


    But that it just especially cruel. And since this is a joke idea...

  3. 3 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    A more reasonable idea would be to reduce the Hema costs by a factor of 10, and increase all* other research costs by a factor of 10.

    That way all of them require a non-trivial amount of effort, but none are excessive.

    (* Note: There are some other research outliers that should have their costs increased by less than a factor of 10, or only for some materials.)

    But that would still decrease the cost, and those Hema defenders would still say foul.

    29 minutes ago, The_Doc said:

    Maybe, but they'd also need to make research materials drop from their respective factions instead of specific planets, it's the only way to give fieldron, detonite and mutagen samples the same value.

    That would be one of the best way to handle the resource distribution, or the lack of balance thereof. It would mean a little overhaul of the resource drop table, a replacement of the missing resource when the research material is taken out.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

    So you want to swap inconsistent insanity for consistent one?

    If you are in a clan with everything researched and not going to even try thinking how much effort would prices like that take...

    Let me tell you what a change like that will do.

    It will end the formation of new clans. Plain and simple. There is no point even trying. I tried to make and alternate account and start a solo ghost clan just to experience the research. The most annoying bottle neck on it were mutagen samples. Even before Hema. Then Hema happened, and that account got abandoned. Because there is just no way for an average solo ghost clan to get Hema researched and still enjoy the game to any extent.

    Now, Hema is a ''grind wall'' of epic proportions.

    Your suggestion to build a ''grind city'' around it in order for Hema to not stand out... That's an endgame right there and then.

    Basically it'll effectively remove research as an element of the game. A new player who wanted to get all the research done was looking at spending quite a few more than 70 hours average total play time. Yet, you could get the research done in 300, maybe 500 hours of play time without boosters or trading until Hema happened.

    Make every item like Hema and there will probably be 1 new clan that would be able to do it. And it would be a ghost clan consisting of people with more than 2k hours each. 

    But even those... I strongly suspect won't even try to fund all those researches that will take 100 nitain or 100 tellurium instead of 1...

    Okay, that's the opinion of the (the cost is insane) side. I would like to hear those who defended the Hema research now...


    Just to be clear, that post is meant as a sarcastic jab to those who think that level of grind is reasonable.

    (You can grind Hema in just a few day, right? Clan research is supposed to be a communal effort and long term goal, right?)

  5. 3 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

    That is a very bad idea. For reference, my mutagen sample count, after 4 years of gameplay, is 2.5k. At my current rate, I would have to play the game for 8 years to get enough to research the hema on my own. It'll take 8 years to accumulate 5k mutagens, so 0.8 years (or just over 9 months) to get 500. This means that a completely full clan would have to spend 9 months to get each item.

    One item every nine months. That's terrible.

    I understand that, but try telling it to those people who said "I can got 200 in one run, ezpz".

  6. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    to be fair, I did about 3 attempts of the mode, which I didn't really understand much at the time, then checked my plat, said "screw this" and bought him. I mentioned the Index first because some feel as though there was WAY too many rounds of what is essentially the same mission. and Nidus is not the first frame to require RNG's favour, and he certainly won't be the last.

    yes, having to go to rotation C on Infested Salvage for each part is tedious and time consuming, especially when the mode is actually just the first stage of the Jordas Verdict Trial, but I've seen just as many, if not more complaints about doing so many rounds of the Index.

    Fair enough. I do see a lot of complains about the Index. Or at least, the Glast Gambit quest in particular, since that's where you NEED to play rounds and rounds of Index.


    Back to topic. Regarding the easiest frame to get, I say Mag, since currently The Sergeant is easiest boss by far.

    Oberon... for veterans maybe, but new players might not get him that easily. Eximus spawns half-rarely, and even then the chance of him dropping the part you need is quite low. The time you see them everywhere is long deep endless runs, not something a new player could jump into quickly. (I remembered the time I'm still looking for the last Oberon part while already leveled Zephyr) Eximus stronghold Sortie... Do you really expect new players, who might not have much potatoes, to try out Sorties?

    Next in line would be Frost or Rhino. Jackal and Lech Kril is the lowest level boss currently, so new player could attempt it far quicker. Excalibur is close contender, but since Ambulas is quite high-leveled...

    Clan-based frame is a mixed bag, since it could range from no effort (if you joined an old existing clan.) to quite long (if you start or join anew clan).

  7. 7 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    6. Nova: pre raptor rework anyways. I still haven't fought the new Raptors so it might be easier now, but I always dreaded fighting that thing before, stupidly overpowered with some attacks.

    Oh, the new Raptors... I think it's actually more dangerous than pre-rework. It got made into three different Raptors, with the pre-rework Raptor arsenal being the first in line. You basically fight three bosses in a row, with a game of hot potato/live grenade shuffling in between.


    7 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    honourable mentions: Nidus (Yo dawg I heard you like The Index..) and Saryn post-Rathuum.

    Seriously? you think The Index is the worst part of Nidus farming? Have you actually tried to farm it in Infested Salvage? Or have you been blessed by RNG when you did? since I saw a lot of people complaining about his drop rate.

    Well, at least the Judgment point requirement for Kela is reduced in the latest updates, so Saryn farming become less tedious (still more tedious than other frames, though).

  8. Ok, been reading through this thread and seeing both sides...

    (The research cost is insane) >< (You could've gotten it if you've farmed it)


    What I see is that both sides are already getting too irritated at each other, and almost throwing insults and belittling each other.


    Personally, I'm think the cost need to be reduced, or at the very least made on even level with the others.

    But I can also see the point of making research cost a communal effort. You're in a clan and you're supposed to work (or at least, play) together.


    So, how about this crazy idea? Instead of reducing the cost for Hema research, raise every other research cost to match! Multiply every other existing research cost in every lab by 100 (I mean, Hema research cost is almost 100 times more than the most expensive item, right?)

    For example, the Jat Kittag:

    Detonite Ampule : 15 -> 1500

    Salvage : 500 -> 50.000

    Alloy Plate: 200 -> 20.000

    Ferrite: 350 -> 35.000

    With that, no more outlier. No more Pac-man like chart. (Although, I realized that most vet probably have thousands of these resources, so it's not that hard for them....)


    But here's the catch. Make every item in the clan research tradeable. Make it that even people who don't have a clan can still get the items in question.

    Because the way I see it, the argument for those who defended the Hema cost is "kick the inactive" "Downgrade your clan". It's basically saying "Forget the casuals and inactive and only accept those who can play very frequently. Casuals and barely actives shouldn't be in a clan and shouldn't have a clan."

    This way, a clan is made by only those who are willing to sink time into the cost, and those who probably only play once every two weeks can get it from them.


    I realize this idea is actually counter-productive, since it will lock out those casuals from the new upcoming Kingpin system DE want to release.


    I would like to see both sides respond to this crazy idea. How about it?

  9. 12 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

    Did get some useless rivens like cestra or for laser rifle. Did convert them into endo. I won't do such a crime and "gift" people such slot wasting things. If anything, i would have to pay THEM for them to get my riven for it to be not a crime.

    Well, you may call it useless, but one or two people might actually enjoy it. I once sold an Aklato Riven to someone, granted at 20p or lower, so someone could like it.

    Finding such person, on the other hand, is the biggest problem.

  10. This sounds great. Not a Founder, but seeing more Founders using these exclusives would be great, even if it's just eye candy.

    To clarify though, it's just giving those Founders a Lato Prime and Skana Prime skin on their weapons category, right? Not replacing those gear with skins (thus, removing the gear)?

  11. Well, I need an excuse to get the Secura Penta anyway so I'm all aboard with this. Plus, seeing all the salt and rage will be a nice bonus.

    That being said, if this idea does get implemented by DE, we'll probably need some clarification from DE which weapons is classified as launchers. I mean, Opticor? I think that's kinda stretching it. The classification from the wiki is hard to hold, since it's just there for ease of grouping (I think). If Opticor is counted, does that mean the Ferrox and Javlok as well?

    Yeah, we need some official statement regarding this if the idea got implemented.

  12. Maybe it's time we hear some statement from DE, on what is it they had in mind for Absorb in particular. Was it always meant to be a shield? Or does DE want it to be a nuke?


    If it's meant to be a nuke, then perhaps a tweak or increase in its damage is in order. Right now, the damage on Absorb is very much not desired most of the time, since there are other non-ultimate abilities that deal more damage (Radial Javelin, Anti-matter Drop, Landslide) for less energy cost, and perhaps with more range too. Maybe more evaluation is needed here.


    If it is meant to be a shield, then how about dropping the damage absorption altogether? Even from the normal Absorb, not just with Assimilate.


    That's my little thought on this matter. DE, I sure hope you will make the right decision this time and able to give a good explanation.

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