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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. I have a friend who's not too smart and plays Warframe. I told him about Forma and how it can change the Polarity in a mod slot to match one of your many mod's polarity.


    WELL BELIEVE IT OR NOT....... My friend used a Forma, never chose a polarity and just clicked OK. So now he forma'd his Braton Prime but it has no Polarity into it. THAT'S RIGHT. Friend comes in, tells me he Forma'd his gun but he can't see the symbol.... :/


    So in light of this, there could be better preventive measures...


    - If there's isn't a giant flashing text saying "Click one of the mod box to change polarity", well there should be one.


    - If no polarity was changed at all, there should be a prompt before clicking OK saying "You have not modified any Polarity, please choose a polarity for a mod slot", or the game should straight up block you from using Forma.

  2. Still persisting in current version:


    1 -The Left Prisma Deadalus Shoulderguard's position on Ash Prime is displaced. Taking it off and on has no effect. Switching Apparence Loadout has no effect. Switching Custom Loadout has no effect. Swapping between other Left Shoulder armors clearly shows that the Left Prisma Shoulderguard is displaced for Ash Prime. Almost all of my Warframe use the Prisma Deadalus set and do not have this problem.



    Prisma: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=492521767

    Regular: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=492521841


    2 - Using Kinetic Siphons on Synthetics can sometimes make them clip through the floor.. After using the siphon, enemies will elevate at the correct height, but after a few seconds will lower just a little bit in elevation while in mid-air. When the fall-down animation occurs, the synth's "landing zone" will be under the map, causing the synth to fall under the map into infinity.

  3. 1 - Left shoulder attachment is displaced. I had Ash Prime and Prisma Deadalus Shoulder pad.


    2 - Using Kinetic Siphons on Synthetics will make them clip through the floor.


    3 - Some terminal can't be hacked in Spy mission. The green laser wallrun U-shaped corridor one, specifically.

  4. Any reason why when I play solo and get killed, there's a 20 second timer for someone to rescue me? I'm playing solo, who the hell will rescue me?


    I just failed a mission because of that. Couldn't keep enemies at bay during bleedout, enemies swarmed the coffin, and by the time I moved the cursor to Revive, enemies killed the coffin.


    Usually, when I die in solo mode, there's no bleedout timer. I just die right away.


    I've also noticed that bleedout can activate when Syndicate death squad attack and kill you in solo mode.


    So yeah, wassup with that?

  5. i think if u bought it you deserve to be ripped off...


    Anyone can see the plat price isnt worth it at all. u couldve used the same plat to buy twice the mods , mods which u specifically need , from trading channel


    The mods I got from the mod pack will repay for the pack itself. That's why I said I had nothing to say about the mod pack.


    It's the Fusion Core packs I'm trying to bring attention to. Yes, I deserved to be ripped off but I couldn't resist confirming the absurdly accurate pack description.


    80 plat could have bought any syandanas, suggatras, some armors pieces, color palettes, etc (stuff that stays). Meanwhile, you buy a Fusion core pack, 4 clicks later, it's gone, with no significant increase of your bottomless pit of a R10 mods you have.


    Every 2 weeks, new R10 Prime mods get injected in the game. Fatlus would be proud of the grindan.

  6. I decided to do something crazy with my hard earned platinums tonight and bought myself a Gold Fusion Core pack and a Dragon Mod Pack.


    I have nothing to say about the Dragon Mod pack, as it yielded some nice mods. But the Gold Fusion pack is really embarassing.


    1x R4 Gold Core

    1x R1 Silver Core

    1x R5 Bronze Core


    ....for 80 plat. More than 6$. For the 3 items above.... :/


    Meanwhile, Triton core farming is pretty cool, sometimes yielding 5x R5 Gold Cores per digs...


    Moral of the story here is... Fusion Core packs on the market... DON'T BUY THAT YOU DUMMY. So incredibly not worth the money I wanna cry..... of laughter.

  7. I've been using Braton Prime for a while now. I've come to notice this when you reload:


    - No clip is shown in the character's hand

    - the character puts the clip where there isn't one


    In overall, the reloading animation looks weird, like the animation belonged to another gun...

  8. 1 thing I forgot to mention. These pistols have multishot by default, they fire 2 bullets per shot. So, if you put Lethal Torrent and Barrel Diffusion to boost Multishot(total 180% multishot), you will fire more than 2 bullets per shot. Like 5-6 shots per fire. So in theory, these pistols are like mini-shotguns when fired in quick succession.

  9. I have over 34k kills with Akjagaras... No other secondary comes close in killcount.


    I also like Lex Prime, Hikou Prime and Gammacor. They all have around 7000 kills.


    Edit: My Akjagara has 1 Catalyst and 2 Forma (2 Madurai for Hornet Strike and Barrel Diff). Yes, I use Steady Hands.


    This is my setup(all mods maxed): Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Steady Hands, Scorch, Frostbite, Ice Storm, Razor Shot


    Mag size: 34


    Impact: 80.6

    Puncture: 80.6

    Slash: 602.1

    Blast: 860.2

  10. One word to increase the spamminess: Macro.


    My clicking finger is a spammy macro.


    Anyways, the trick with Akjagara is not to spam. I like to play it like Mesa on this one. Fire 2 quick shot, change target, fire 2 more shots, change target... With multishot mods, you don't need to fire more. >:)

  11. And it happened again. Someone calls me for a Bright Purity, I redeem the mod, go to dojo, invite the guy.... 2 minutes after sending the invite, guy tells me someone in his clan gave it to him for free... Now I'm stuck with a mod no one wants to buy anymore.


    This suggestion needs to happen.

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