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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. So yeah, there's definitly something wrong. Me and the same friend went for syndicate missions yesterday night after 7pm, like everyday.


    We cleared all 9 missions.


    These are the missions we had yesterday. The numbers represent the order in which we did them:


    8- Survival

    5- Sabotage

    1- Spy



    9- Interception

    3- Capture

    6- Rescue



    2- Spy

    7- Crossfire

    4- Capture


    So we finished the missions, called it a day and logged out. I log back in today at around 2:30pm. 8 out of 9 syndicate missions reset


    This is what it looks like today:



    - Exterminate

    - Capture

    - Capture



    - Rescue

    - Capture



    - Survival

    - Sabotage

    - Rescue


    And remember what I said, you can redo any of these missions and still receive syndicate rep and tokens...

  2. Strange bug encountered... Me and my daily syndicate mission buddy have noticed something strange. We do syndicate missions everyday in a particular order, leaving some for later. Then when we log on afterwards, we both noticed that we had more syndicate missions than there was supposed to be left. Here's an exemple:


    Let's say we have 3 survivals, 2 defenses, 2 Rescues, and 2 deceptions. Usualy, me and my friend would do the survivals and the defenses first. Then we take a break and log out. When we log back in, some of the defense/survival we cleared are still there. Sometimes, even the 1st missions we get will get changed, i.e. Deception becomes a Crossfire.


    Last night, I remember clearing ALL the syndicate missions with my friend and called it a night. When I logged back in today, 5 missions were still available. WTF?


    This syndicate mission weirdness started right after U18.


    EDIT: I can still bag syndicate rep and tokens. Until this is fixed, this will be horribly abused.

  3. I've been hammering Prime Target Cracker lately. Sometimes, right after applying mods/cores to fuse with another mod, the UI will get "stuck". Pressing the Cancel Fusion button at the bottom right or pressing Esc does nothing. The only thing left to do is Alt-F4.

  4. After hearing somewhere that WF had better controller support while in Big Pictur Mode (BPM), and plugged my old PS3 controller with DS3 tools.


    This "hidden" controller support is actually quite nice. However, I encountered a few grievance on the way.


    1 - I've used keyboard forever in WF and is fully customized. I do not use the default setup. If I decide to run the game in BPM with a controller, then decide to go back to keyboard later, all my keyboard keys are reverted to default. This super annoying.


    2 - Then, after realizing my keyboard got reset, I went back to controller. Guess what? Even my customized controller setup has been reset to default.... :/


    3 - All other options (Align Camera to attacks, Enable Vibration, etc) are left intact. Everything but the control scheme seems to remember the setup I gave them.


    Isn't there an INI file or something that I could use to unify both the controller and keyboard setup without having both reset when I decide to switch?

  5. @ Soulswipe : Thanks. What's your favorite one in all of these?


    @ WhiteMarker : Oh nice, I forgot she was going to change soon. I won't watch the devstream and wait for the surprise. :)


    @ Knightmare047 : Yes, she has the Featherfall effect. IMHO, that just makes her a bird. I figured aerodynamic-based weapons would be good for aerodynamic-based character.


    @ Phobonaut : How about a Proc Chance buff on Loki for enemies that aren't aggro'd? Would only work when he's visible, as in, Invisibility would negate this chance. This would give Decoy a little buff. I figured the "less aggro by nature" should've have been for Nyx since she has a mind-bending prescence.

  6. Ash

    - Faster reload speed for thrown secondary weapons (Hikou, Kunai, Spira, Castanas, etc)

    - Faster holster speed for Daggers/Dual Dagger


    I would have swapped Daggers with Nikanas but Exca's already on it with his Swordman passive. These passives would make him even more ninja than he already radiates with. Admit that whenever you take Ash, you bring along ninja stars secondaries, admit it. XD



    - Longer reach with Staves & Polearms.


    A magician always does his show with his magic cane. I always figured the Orthos Prime was perfect for him because it magicaly retracts when you holster it.



    - Low Chance to inflict Insta-Death with any Scythes.


    Death, death everywhere.



    - Slightly faster melee speed with Machetes (Nami Solo/Skyla, Provas, etc)

    - Faster reload speed with dual sidearms (Boltos, Magnus,etc) [Mesa has that for 1 handed sidearms, don't hate]


    I always pictured Hydroid as a pirate, so why not? It fits the gun-totting, scimitar-swinging image of pirates that I have.



    - If suffering from fire proc, you can set enemies on fire by touching them. You can do this for 2-3 enemies and then the fire proc on Ember burns out, time left or not.


    So yeah, instead of give Ember fire immunity, make her "carry the torch", if you know what I mean.



    - Reduce ammo usage for Magnetic-based weapons.

    - Increased range for Magnetic-based weapons.


    Mag's inner magnetism polarizes with magnetic based weapons, as in, for Simulors & Gammacors only.



    - Sliding on the ground can kick enemies and containers.


    You can't stop the rock.



    - Allies whitin 5m reload slightly faster.


    Allies near Nyx would suddlenly feel more focused and calm, helping them reload faster. You think Nyx did that? That's just your mind playing tricks on you. :)



    - Faster attack and holster speed for Heavy weapons. If any allies get within 5m of Oberon OR stand in Hallowed Ground, they receive the same benefit.


    That's one for my brO's out there. I'd bring Oberon in Infested missions more often if this would happen. Max range+duration hallowed ground Oberon, 1 Volt, 1 Valkyr, 1 Rhino and 4 Galatine. mmmm....



    - Allies within 5m recharge their shields slightly faster.


    Like Trinity wasn't already hacking enough, you could add this to make her an even bigger hacker.



    - Electricity-based weapons have a small status % boost. Proc lasts slightly longer. For electricity-based weapons only.


    Not a shock-inducing passive idea, but it would be better than nothing.



    - Faster attack and flight speed with Glaives. Can throw a second glaive before first one comes back.


    Glaives are underpowered. Make Zephyr give glaives the winds of change they need.




    That's it. I can't think of anything for Banshee, Nova, Loki, Saryn and Vauban. Maybe Saryn could be like Volt and do the same with Toxic-based weapons? Nonetheless, it would be nice to see more Waframe passives come into play.

  7. Great rework on the Ignis, but it's a little too strong. Find a way so that the punch through only occurs with enemies and containers. Being able to mass kill even before you step into a room is a little too OP, hek, it's almost cheaper than the Amprex.

  8. The Corpus Spy vault I am referencing to is the Laser Tower, the one where once you go in, there's an elevator going down with a window showing you said laser tower.


    In a recent update, the last 4 ledges of this laser tower have been changed. If you try to step on these, lasers go through and you blow up your stealth.


    In the event that the tileset randomzider decides to lock you out of the laser grid panel on top inside the vents, you cannot use the normal way at the bottom, right? You have to go down the tower. Herein lies the impossibility/cheapness of it.


    There is usually no other way to jump down those 4 ledge other jumping in a corner on the step above. Problem is, by the time you wait for an opening, jump and land, the laser on the 4 ledge are ALREADY at your feet. There is no timing window to pull this off.


    So there. If the Laser Grid panel is off access for the bottom way in, and that the laser tower has all it's laser, you're screwed.

  9. - Go into void sabo

    - Find all 3 caches

    - Cross the portal

    - Game crashes when boss on the other side talks(talking head screen popup)


    - Game crashes when I kill the boss


    This has been happening for a while now. Even more lately since Trinity's helmet is buried in T2 Sabo.

  10. Add gradually decreasing Mouse Delay when Peacemaker is active. When the Ring decreases 3/4, mouse delay is gone and you can move freely like right now.


    The best exemple of this mouse delay effect I'm referencing to could be Amnesia:The Dark Descent. When the player stays too long in the dark and damage their sanity too much, the game stacks fuzzy screens effects and mouse delay.

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