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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. noticed that too, looks like DE uses the Blue color as a default for all this stuffs, not sure about the bullet jump, but you can change the energy color of the sigils on the sigil tab


    I know about that, but how about when you can't find a close replica of the energy color you're trying to get? Nova's deep purple isn't in classic color pack, it's in Tenno pack. Fiery orange for Ember/Atlas would have to be a Shamrock orange.


    This is the point of the thread. If sigil/bullet jump would use the warframe's default color, I wouldn't have this little problem.

  2. This has been bugging me for a while, so I'll talk about it.  Best way I can explain is make an exemple...


    Let's take Nova Prime for exemple. Nova's energy color is Purple, right? Then why is it that when I equip Sigils, the energy color is Blue? Why is it that when I Bullet Jump, the energy trail is Blue? Wouldn't make more sense if it was Purple like the default energy color of the Waframe?


    Another exemple would be the brand new Atlas. He has Orange energy color and yet his sigils/bullet jump trail are blue.


    Another exempler would be Ember Prime. Clearly has Orange color like fire, and yet her sigils/bullet jump trail are blue.

  3. In case nobody noticed, I wanted to thank you for putting back the "press Spacebar to skip the result screen" for solo mode. I had wondered what happened to this function, and now I'm glad it's back. Thank you.

  4. Not So Original Idea: Make Davros like Syndicate/Simaris and let us do daily, if not, weekly missions for him. Do missions, get rep, redeem Clem Clone BPs!


    Another idea I had would be to make it so Davros can accept Syndicate tokens from all syndicates. Each 2500 points of rep, he coughs up a Clem Clone BP..... and maybe some hawt new stuff too. :D

  5. I once made a thread that was very similar to this : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/473270-syndicate-rep-tickets-idea/


    If there's one thing I'm tired about being a syndicate stuff seller is this.


    - You post a message offering syndicate items

    - You get a call from someone

    - You redeem what they want

    - Go to dojo and invite

    - By the time you click "Invite", the person cancels his order. You're now stuck with your stuff minus the synd rep.


    This needs to change.

  6. I've been trying to get a Chesa via random incubation. Wasted over 5 eggs/power cores now.


    One thing I noticed by chance is that when you start the incubation of an egg, the game gives you your future dog's default mods, which in turn spoils what will be the type of kubrow once it hatches.


    Aren't we supposed to receive the default mods after the 2 day maturity process? Or is this the Incubator Upgrade segment working its charm(I don't think so)?

  7. not really needed. some people do choose to forma out polarities, so its an option. at the same time, you can forma over forma'd polaritys, meaning you can have more than 8 forma on a weapon if you wished it. 


    Well, my poor idiot of a friend could have used these warnings. He's the one looking dumb with his forma'd Braton Prime with no Polarity in any slot.


    I know how the game works and I never wasted a forma like that. I just feel so bad for him.

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