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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. Just now, Troll_Logic said:

    That's a mature response.  Blade Storm is fine the way it is.

    I'll retort by saying your first reply isn't constructive and your username doesn't really help.

    If you don't like the idea, ignore the thread and let it die.

  2. I forgot a thing or 2. I will edit the first post with it.


    - The Paralysing Shuriken used in Bladestorm (right-click) would make Lock-Ons faster (instantaneous) for Tele-Kills rather than wait a lil second. This would encourage fine-aming of your shuriken before following up with Tele-Kills. So badass.


    - I don't know if Tele-Killing groups of enemies would be balanced. Maybe put a 3 enemy limit per tele-kills, like the current Bladestorm? Either way, I'd leave this balancing question to DE.

  3. Ok, I think it was a little late when I typed this and I was a little tired, so maybe I explained it badly.

    Right now, Ivara's #1 is Quiver. Tapping #1 will toggle between arrow type, holding #1 shoots said arrow.

    What I'm proposing here is to make the other 3 arrows shootable by holding the #2-#3-#4 skill key, like an ability quick-hotkey.

    Say your selected arrow is Stealth Arrow. Holding #1 would shoot Stealth Arrows, like usual. Holding #2 would shoot Zipline arrows, holding #3 shoots Para-Arrows, holding #4Decoy-arrows.

    Tapping #1 would select the next arrow like usual, but holding the 2-3-4 skill key would follow the arrow pattern. i.e.:

    1 - Zipline

    2- Para-arrow

    3- Decoy arrow

    4 - Stealth arrow.

    Each time the #1 would be tapped, each hotkey follows the arrow pattern:

    1- Para-Arrow

    2 - Decoy Arrow

    3- Stealth Arrow

    4 - Zipline

    And again:

    1 - Decoy Arrow

    2 - Stealth Arrow

    3 - Zipline

    4 - Para-Arrow


    So say I'm a fan of Para-Arrow. I'd tap #1 until it's selected. Holding 1 would be my favorite arrow, meanwhile, holding 2-3-4 would allow quick arrow casts without toggling between arrow types.


    I hope I explained it better this time.

  4. So, before I start, I must talk about an old hardcore ninja game that I used to play and still own to this day. It's called Shinobi on the Playstation 2.

    In Shinobi, you are a badass ninja that can stop enemies in their tracks when struck. Chaining to other enemies will give you a better combo. Check the video below to get an idea.

    If you watched the video, you might have noticed how Hotsuma (the hero) can kill enemies. If he kills fast enough, there's a little animation showing him sheathing his sword, and at that moment all enemies on screen (who were paralyzed) get diced at the same time in a stylish fashion.


    But what does this have to do with Hotsuma's great-great-great space cousin, Ash? Enter Bladestorm 2.0!


    So basically, Bladestorm would become a fusion between the current Bladestorm, Mesa's Peacemaker and Excalibur Exalted Blade. Here's a step by step on how it would work.

    - Bladestorm is now toggable like Exca's EB. Drains energy over time.

    - During Bladestorm, Ash is invisible.

    - While Bladestorm is active, Right-Click will throw 3 homing paralyzing Shuriken, Left-Click will teleport-kill an enemy like in the old Bladestorm fashion.

    - While Bladestorm is active, there would be a ring on the screen like Mesa's Peacemaker. This would be used to aim at enemies (duh!) for the next tele-kill. You'd have to aim at the enemy one lil second before a "lock-on" would occur, then you'd left-click tele-kill this locked-on enemy. Enemies who die by Bladestorm don't die right away; they stand very still like statues until the Bladestorm is toggled off (or the combo timeout timer expires). There could be a floating Orokin language symbol hovering in front of the enemy to indicate they've been Bladestorm'd.

    - The Paralysing Shuriken used in Bladestorm (right-click) would make Lock-Ons faster (instantaneous) for Tele-Kills rather than wait a lil second. This would encourage fine-aming of your shuriken before following up with Tele-Kills. So badass.

    - The tele-kill teleport radius would be relatively small, 25m radius tops (smaller than Mesa). When you're not in range, you have to walk yourself to the next enemy. You could still use #3 to do a far away teleport but you'd rather keep the energy to keep the Bladestorm going.

    - Once you are done Bladestorming, Ash does some slick move with his arms, retracting his hidden blades. Then all enemies who were tagged by Bladestorm dies all the same time, usually dismembered, chopped to pieces. Then Ash stands there wit his noble arms crossed pose looking real badass.

    - I don't know if Tele-Killing groups of enemies would be balanced. Maybe put a 3 enemy limit per tele-kills, like the current Bladestorm? Either way, I'd leave this balancing question to DE.


    And that's it. If he'd get reworked this way, DE could make a new Ash helmet in the like of Hotsuma's headgear (metal headband, red scarf). If this rework ever happens, Ash will have climbed his way on top of the mountain of quintessential badassitude.


  5. 1 hour ago, chaosdrako said:
    4 minutes ago, WASPGOD said:

    anyways whenever they finally track down whoever is doing this DDOS i honestly hope a very pissed off player lives close to them and goes over to the DDOSers house and murders them and their families and posts it on media for all of the players to enjoy the example. everyone gets their own in time, time sorts everything out. i would personally enjoy the show if someone does such a thing and if they are near me id happily carve them up for my fellow players :3  am i crazy? yes, yes i am. and there are alot more people out there ever crazier and ever more twisted than i am. 

    Holy S#&$ dude, the place where I live is getting bombarded lulz. RIP Montreal QC network

  6. I'm Madurai. Phoenix Gaze is maxed at 3/3. Chimera Breath is 2/3. Meteorite is 1/3.

    I don't really care much about the 5th ability because the numbers lie. Phoenix Gaze says "10000 points of damage", sometimes I stand for very long seconds in front of an enemy and it barely takes damage. :(

  7. Got myself a Steam Controller. It's very nice to see that DE made the ingame bindings for the SC.


    However, I had to heavily tweak my config to be comfortable with it. I destroyed the left trackpad bindings and set up a dual touch menu! Up-Down-Left-Right-Middle activates WF powers, while diagonals activate Place Maker, Reverse Camera, Item Popup and Inspect. THEN, I hold the right bumber and the whole left trackpad changes touch menu to Gear Hotkeys from 1 to 8.


    Grip buttons are Crouch(left) and Jump(right) for easy bullet jumps. Gyro is enabled by touching and holding the Right Trackpad. Melee Mode now uses the right trigger to attack rather than a face button.


    I also changed the Menu bindings and made it so you can switch tabs by using triggers instead of bumpers.


    All in all, it's been a good, fun ride with the SC. What is amazing is the depth of customization the SC has. You don't need to be forced to play with a certain key setup. You're free to bind and rebind everything.


    If there's one in-game command I would have liked is one that Bullet Jumps instantly, without having to crouch-jump. YES, I tried a dual-bind where crouch and jump where bound in a single key, however my character just did jump-kicks.


    So yeah, thanks DE for participating in Valve's little controller adventure. :)

  8. Don't tell me you are using BIG picture for controller right?

    It resets the controller that way.


    Yes, I think I was clear enough in the OP. Using BPM is the only way to see controller buttons in the UI and access some other functions you normally can't while using the normal launcher and controller.

  9. Hello. :)


    I use my keyboard with the normal launcher. When I switch to Steam BPM and play with a controller, I customize my buttons.


    I'm using a PS3 controller hooked up with MotionInJoy, which emulates the PS3 controller into an Xbox controller. When I click "Customize ...", it's not reading as "Customize Controller" but as "Customize Xinput".


    So, I finish customizing the controller keys, play, log out. If I switch back to keyboard, and then switch back to controller, all controller buttons are set back to default. And yes, I'm alternating between normal launcher and Steam's BPM when I switch from keyboard to controller, etc.


    I know you guys fixed this recently for keyboards resetting to default when switching, but it only worked for keyboards! :'(


    Sprinting using the Left Joystick click has got to be the worse button layout ever thought of to use your joystick's rubber to the bone. I know this is a COD trend, and I always hated it forever.


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