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Everything posted by Amen-san

  1. It doesn't. Pablo even said during the devstream "They're good, but not mandated, so you can just stick with your viral slash if you want to." The goal isn't to replace the current options, but instead bring up others. And the reason on why making enemies weaker, is if you can't fully strip the armor off of enemies, you're pretty much useless against them. Because even stripping 80% of an enemies armor at high level, still leaves them with 87% DR. It's why double corrosive shards are the popular thing right now, because it gives players flexibility in weapon choices now.
  2. Love how you're trying to call me out on stuff when you literally know nothing. Enemies don't block los on other enemies. You can test that in game right now. It's the same thing with Dante blocking his own los. It's just wrong. Even better, video proof. But here's the actual crazy thing which you probably wont believe. I don't like the los change. I think they should've set the ability to an unchangable 50 meter to match affinity, which opens up better build variety. Or make it so that ability just can't hit through walls. You probably won't believe it, but it's true.
  3. No I agree. I think making it a flat 50 meters unaffected by range would've been best. That way it's locked at affinity range, so allies would always get the buffs, even on negative range builds, which would open up more build options for him.
  4. Okay, so if Dark Verse already has an LoS restriction to it, then why does Tragedy having one matter if you needed Dark Verse for it to deal damage? Also where did I white knight? I literally said I expect people to complain if it's reasonable. But people are just throwing insults around. That's not helpful criticism.
  5. Nice assumption there. But no, I do expect people to complain. I expect people to be reasonable with there complaints as well, and not throw temper tantrums and insult people, kinda like what you and what a lot of the community are doing now. Have you even tried Dante's other build that still nukes every enemy you look at? Probably not. You probably wrote him off right away instead of actually testing what the changes did to him. Did you know that with Secondary Outburst + Ceramic Dagger that his book can hit up to 10mil damage on groups of enemies? Still probably not. What about the fact that Tragedy's damage hasn't been touched, so in large open rooms you can still nuke every enemy in sight? Probably also not. Here's what you need to do. Understand that for 100 energy, Dante was able to nuke every enemy within 70 meters with no LoS check. Saryn can't do that, Mesa can't do that, Gauss can't do that. Every single example that people have given when comparing Dante to others, cannot do that. If you expected Dante to exist without getting a nerf that severely impacted the ability of his 4, you are delusion, and have no respect for game balance. Even in a PvE game, balance is important.
  6. Listening to feedback, and doing every change the community asked for, are two very different things.
  7. Okay. I don't think I asked for it? But thanks for letting me know anyways.
  8. My favorite frame in the past was Limbo. I know the feeling of them getting gutted when DE added more mechanics that ignored the rift, his main mechanic. And I've dealt with it. Try better next time.
  9. The more I read comments, the more I realize how toxic this community can actually be for so little reasons. I wonder how many have started hurling death threats over at random DE members.
  10. If you build a frame/weapon, prepare for that thing to receive changes at some point. No matter how new. Deal with it.
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