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  1. Title pretty much says it. It would be nice if we could view the newer activities in the companion app, such as archon hunt information. It would be really cool and helpful to view our current rolls for the Deep Archimedia too.
  2. I encountered a bug where when playing as Dante and channeling his exalted weapon noctura I was unable to void jump in operator form.
  3. Would we be able to get Deep Archimedia and Archon hunt information in the warframe companion app?
  4. Please get rid of weapon arcane adapter as an Archimedia reward. You can buy them with standing anyways, and no one really wants one. Even a forma bp would be better.
  5. The time for bounty stages to complete is too long, and should be reduced. Regardless of the rewards or difficulty, they are boring and not fun. I get the impression that they want you to run bounties a lot, which I would be fine with if bounties were quick to complete. Taking nearly 2 min per bounty stage is too much.
  6. This happened to me as well. Spent about 40m looting and ended up having to abort due to it not spawning
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