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Everything posted by 0bsi

  1. With the amount of people I see wanting someone to carry them to a Lich confrontation - I don't know how much "earning" some people are doing to get their Kuva/Tenet weapons.
  2. Did you ever wonder what happens to the capture targets????
  3. It's only the 5 new incarnons that have the option to being bought for plat. They said it several times in the devstream. Not all of them - only those new 5. (If the time-skip doesn't work, it's at 29:30)
  4. From the wiki: Healing over time only takes effect when the defense object's natural health regeneration is active; taking damage from enemies briefly disables both the natural regeneration and external regeneration effects for a few seconds.
  5. After nearly 2 months playing reguarly with a low MR player (for whom Stalker flat out refused to stalk), I finally got the 3rd scan I needed so I'm done! Phew. That was an unnecessarily annoying grind. Since it seems that your shadow stalker, Zanuka, Gustrag and the syndicate death squads all take a potential spawn for Stalker (eg it seems a mission can only have one of those attack) - it might be quicker if you make sure you clear any other marks, so only the newbie player has their stalker mark... so you're not getting all the other annoying people instead.
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