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Everything posted by (PSN)BroadbandDrifter

  1. The Operator is actually faster than Drifter, which drives me nuts.
  2. Wow, really?!? A 9 year old playing an M rated game and watching an M rated Twitch channel but, mom jokes are inappropriate..... I wonder how Child Protective Services would weigh in on that...
  3. Given in The New War, Kahl was able to give commands to his brothers and Veso was able to give commands to the Moas and Shield Drone, why have we not received the ability to give commands to our companions (kavat, kubrow, etc.)? The companions haven't received a lot of attention as far as buffs or improvements as of late. Considering how squishy they are, it would be helpful to be able to command them to 'stay' or move to another area if the need arises to move them out of harms way. Also it would be great to tell them when to attack instead of them just rushing headlong in to situations that are not going to end well for them. I know the Helminth has a skill that can be added to a Warframe to recall and heal them but, seriously, who is going to waste a subsume on that when there are much better powers to subsume on a Warframe?
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