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Posts posted by ArchPhaeton

  1. 4 hours ago, Shining_Darkness said:

    I wouldnt say so, burned out would imply literally everything makes a person bored in game, yet he is pretty willing to keep playing and seems to be enthusiastic about it, the problem is that he has no goal to achieve that falls into *humanly possible* category, because 0.00000001% of getting riven rolls you want is not really a possible goal, even buying it is not possible thanks to horrible trading system. And well... besides rivens, we have nothing to work for at all.

    That's a completely subjective problem imo. I don't really think it's humanly possible for the devs to pump out every month "end game" content that every "veteran" out there will like, thus preventing threads like this. While I completely agree that there are aspects of the game to be improved, these "gimme real endgame" issue will persist regardless of what the devs do.

    Criticizing Kuva runs for "being the same mission over and over" is nonsense... that's what we do in the game from day one... Makes me think he's more frustrated from bad unveils/rerolls; then rename the thread to feedback on Rivens or something.

    Also the whole God Riven thing is bait. It does nothing but appeal to the OCD of people so that they don't feel at ease until they have god rivens for their favorite stuff, pushing them to either farm more (feeding the active player count) or buying them (feeding DE's business, so other ninjas can play free). Rivens are as mandatory as you want them to be.

    No idea what's your problem with the trading system. I've bought and sold several rivens with no real issues. Kids always will try to put some funny prices (both high and low) but besides that it's a free market and with a bit of patience I eventually got the couple I wanted for reasonable prices.

  2. OP You're just burnt out. It's bound to happen after doing the same things everyday for a couple years, regardless of whatever confetti they throw in to keep us distracted. Endgame is a myth: a bunch of high level content that people will burn thru in a couple hours before asking for more "endgame". A good, functional and dynamic gameplay is what I personally appreciate the most, and it's what has kept me around for over 3 years.

    I agree that stuff like the 5 min/5 wave relic re-select screen is kinda awkward, not to mention it has broke on me if there's a host migration, making other squad members lose rewards.

  3. Playability is directly proportional to the amount of options off, in my experience.

    My choices would be;

    Adaptative exposure off (I think that's the iris light level change, very annoying in all games to me)

    Glare off. I don't want no Arbok moves played on me.

    Ambien Occlusion on

    DoF off.

    Motion blur off. This, DoF and the iris light level effect shouldn't exist at all in games.

    Bloom on (In my experience it just makes light sources a little more glowy)

    Color correction: Off and shouldn't exist either.

  4. 11 minutes ago, ArcaneSnowdrop said:

    I have less problems with failed spy missions than with people who don't use the coolant cores in a sabotage. It is intensely frustrating to try to squint through all that red smoke when there was a simple way to avoid it, and I don't actually think that using a core takes any longer than the normal core.

    Why would you even squint your eyes, having a minimap to navigate? Also fire is quicker and simpler, which is why most people go for that, instead of failing the pipes defense (it happens)

  5. While people will go crazy and argue that the best frame is the one you like the most, there are definitely easy ways of doing each mission type:

    Interceptions: Max range and efficiendy Rhino -> positioning near the middle you'll CC most of the room.

    Defense: Frost and nova combo. Just fast nova if it's easy enemies. For sorties, a Limbo to banish the hostage.

    Survival: Looter frames work well for keeping the capsules dropping (Nekros and Hydroid mainly). For Sortie 3-ish, a max range and efficiency Disarm  Loki will greatly improve the squad's survival.

    Rescue: Limbo + Loki combo. Loki can infiltrate quickly the prison then limbo to banish the hostage and rush to evac.

    Spy: Hands down loki. With a bit of practice lasers become easy. Limbo for moon spy tho he works in normal spies, but sensors may spot him.

    MD: Same as Defense but these are usually easier.

    Exterminate: anything.

    Capture: Volt if people can't keep up to target. A shielded frame (such as Rhino, Nezha or Valk) is good for tanking whatever shenanigans the target brings up, and a good weapon for downing him fast.

    Sabotage: Stealth frames work well. CC or Frost if you want the coolant approach so you can easily protect the pipes.

    Excavations: Frost is good for protecting the excavs, specially in later waves. Looter frames can help getting energy cells if they're an issue.

    Hijack: A Trinity can replenish shields. CC frames for the mobs.


    Usually everything is easier with a Trin around, but you people often become spoiled by her. Also Zenurik passives help a lot.

  6. 3 hours ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

    -snip- Not kidding, actually. These posts are pointless and are starting to get on my nerves. snip-

    1. There's a bit of freedom of speech I'm using to share my personal experience with Nidus users.

    2. Somehow this has been happening a lot to me (being mostly into cc/support frames) and apparently it's just my luck since i'm no troll purposely screwing up w/e they're doing. Glad to see most other nidus users are pretty chill.

    LF> Comprehensive reading.

  7. 5 hours ago, Culaio said:

    -snip- its when you have frames for all situations you have most fun -anip

    Perhaps, different people have their fun their own way; however a Draco loot cave isn't needed to reach variety. You only see it like that if you obsess over mastering all the things and 6 formaing all the meta and nonmeta stuff. Endless missions in general give good xp... draco was an abomination and endless in general are mind-numbing missions anyways; they dumb down people who do nothing but them and then go around failing even the easiest of spy vaults. Sadly stealth runs aren't an option anymore.

  8. 5 hours ago, Culaio said:


    The bigger hurdle before new players between them and people who have everything the less likely they are to stay after they try game for the first few times.

    Nah man, it's only a hurdle if you take the bad decision of obsessing over it. People will love and stay in a game for the gameplay. I've had a friend join recently and while he's aware of the inmense amount of gear ahead of him, he's sticking around because he likes the gameplay and overall game features. Warframe definitely is a problem for people with OCD, myself included. Other than that you can level stuff just fine doing endless missions in general (coz stealth runs are a joke atm). Also remember that patience and speed are DE's business model, this is why boosters are a thing.

  9. 3 hours ago, Emeraudes said:

    Actually, which mission were you on when this happened?

    This was in a Kuva flood. Since the trend is for people to almost become ground elements in that scenario, I'd try to keep the place as clean as possible, at least while there's guardians around.

    3 hours ago, Salenstormwing said:


    If you're not playing Nidus, and you're one of those 3 spammable frames, then maybe you should chill a bit with the ultimate room-clearing abilities/weapons and use some of your other stuff.

    Nah man, I was rolling a CC rhino, low STR max range just to make the mobs relax.

    3 hours ago, B3I2 said:


    why you didnt help the guy ? why you didnt share your "ueber-settings" in all directions you have on your account to make him stronger ?


    Sounds like a Nidus complainer here... 1. He asked for no help. 2. I wasn't trolling him or anything. I literally spawned, buffed the team, CC'd the enemies, killed a couple and they started their thing.

    3 hours ago, Kuestenjung said:


    The same question goes for you that you felt the need to make a metacomplaint thread.


    This has been happening to me so often I was wondering if it was a strong trend. Seems like I'm just that unlucky.

    1 hour ago, Anarchy19835452 said:

    You know there is an ignore option? Failing that just ignore them, it's not hard.

    i take great pleasure in not responding to people trying to tell me how the game is supposed to be played, as this tends to hack them off more :-) 

    Yeah that's what I did early on and apparently they went on the whole mission, coz 3rd guy was asking not to be involved in the situation.

    57 minutes ago, Smilomaniac said:

    I've had the opposite experience where I've tried to build stacks, but another player kept shooting tonkor 'nades into the larva. I'm not talking about the occasional shot, I mean this person followed me, bullet jumping across tiles, to deliberately prevent me from getting stacks. Neither of us wrote anything in chat and I just aborted the mission to start over with a new group.


    Hel no man, I'm no troll, just a couple kills set them off. #nochill

  10. I was about to make a post on this but things are way worse than I was seeing them. Good post!

    And yes there is simply no reason to go in stealth missions: less loot, less exp, harder to keep the stealth combo, enemies getting alerted in split-seconds and breaking your combo even if you kill them all at once, etc etc.

    So they take out Xini, Draco, Viver, Egate  but still push us to the next loot cave...

  11. 42 minutes ago, Extroah said:

    snip- Next thing you know is people wanting a menu to pop up showing all avaialble drops to chose from when killing Stalker.

    Considering the amount of dreads and heavy impacts I've gotten from him, doesnt sound like a bad idea :D

  12. 6 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

    rage, zenurik andpizzas take care of energy


    ammo/health/energy pads are so basic I have no idea how people roll into missions without them.

    I also roll my lecta for creds and I dont demand people not to kill; as I mentioned earlier that makes no sense in our context

  13. 4 minutes ago, Miser_able said:


    So how about instead of spreading hate on the forums you suck it up and ignore them, we have an ignore button for an reason you know.


    Did you even read my post or did the first lines trigger you?

    The frequency of this phenomena in a given time made me seek out other people's experiences and most of the Nidus users here are pretty chill (unlike the ones I found ingame). Personally I find it pointless to whine and kick the ground in PUGs. Perhaps I was just unlucky and I really hope so.

  14. When I read «nostalgia event» I thought of something like, past events, or a mission with older mechanics.

    But draco, really? Sounds more like a exp grindfest event for lazy people.

    49 minutes ago, Culaio said:

    I-snip- As amount of weapons in game increase game will have bigger need for somekind draco alternative since for newer players amount of weapons and frames will be overwhelming,-snip-

    The amount of gear being overwhelming is no reason to bring a draco-like mission up. I rarely went there and I have a lot of non meta weapons 6-forma'd. The game is not a race against time to reach max mastery... Recently I put the 7th forma on Flux Rifle and I'm leveling it doing random missions.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

    I played as Nidus but never had problems with stacking. I feel you were just unlucky with those peoples but the majority of nidus players already know how to make themself stronger.

    Also a fact the nidus can be as annoying as ember with her ulti build. All missions what I did with nidus I killed the most assisted the most and out damaged everyone. The kills itself not problems the problem lays on who kills.

    Everyone who play this game want to kill -snip-

    Now you, my friend, have a greater understanding of things. While I'm happy with getting the job done and my assorted profit, after maxing some primed mods I started dishing out damage, not to make others feel small or anything (Tho tbh when I was new I never minded the older players carrying). This is why I also found it ironical to tell (not ask) people not to kill in a killing game.

    7 minutes ago, TonyWong said:

    Most people don't know that parasitic link allows virulence to also originate from the linked enemy/friend. (it wasn't in the vids or the description of the power at all.)

    Also: just ignore them. If someone was taking all the kills, I just stop and soak up all the shared affinity. :p


    10 minutes ago, Magnar21 said:

    Nidus, being a snowballing frame, sometimes does have trouble getting rolling. I play for +dmg and range, and don't always have enough enemies clustered to get rolling. Had a mesa in a Neo defense, and the mesa just spammed peacemaker, -snip-

    When I get in some ember/simulor mirage/whatevs hyper dmg squad I also sit back and soak dat exp. And I'm no troll, as I play nidus sometimes I know he needs the snowball to roll; but seeing this level of whiny-ness prompted me to check out on you guy's experience so far.

  16. 15 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

    "I met a single toxic player and I'm gonna complain about it on the forums"


    Kiddin' of course, but really just /ignore and play as usual. You can't fix crappy behaviour.

    Guess what, there was not one but two niduses and they teamed up to throw their poison at me. Obviously made good use of /i

    This happened to me a few times, more in the first days of release but at least once a day or so since then. As I said before I'm not going directly for their targets, is it my fault that primed reach sweeps rooms?

  17. 17 minutes ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

    By "out damages" are you perhaps speaking of Tonkor, Simular, or Telos Boltace? Because people with negative opinions (like myself) towards those weapons usually have a good reason to dislike them

    Nah man, Melee-wise I go for anything with range (orthos prime and now lecta coz creds) However with 4k hours on my back I have them well fit; primed pp, reach, etc.

    Primaries and secondaries I use non meta stuff unless it's some crazy sortie scenario. No mirage+simulor nonsense; My most used frame is Nek as most of the time that much dmg isn't needed really.

  18. They go like this;

    > "BOO Don't kill, me want to build stacks BOO" > Proceed to verbally harass whoever doesn't bend to their whining

    So what's wrong with these people? I have my Nidus and I play around, I spam my 1 to get stacks and it works ok. Never I've had the need to tell others not to kill in a killing game, straight out it's a joke and a bad one. Also it's not like I'm tailing them and killing all their targets... Neither is it needed to reach a million stacks or anything.

    Also it's not my fault my gear out-damages most other tennos out there. Perhaps it's a selfsteem issue for their niduses not taking the spotlight (?


    I really hope this trend will calm down as the Nidus fever subsides. The least thing I need in my fav game is a community as toxic and whiny as certain other games out there.


  19. Thing is they don't really encourage players to go further. Remember the DEAC "DE Approved Content" concept.

    With Void Tower keys out of the scenario, going to very late waves is more a test of skill and pride than anything else. Farm-wise as enemies become tougher you kill slower which reduces the overall profit. Good XP-wise tho, as eximi become more frequent and higher levels = higher exp.

  20. While I don't EV often I do see trin players being constantly harassed by entitled kiddies screaming EV every 10 seconds. Most of them are spoiled from akkad-style mission types where theyre constantly fed energy without major effort. In normal situations your best bet is to be near the trin (which is what logic dictates anyways).

    Definitely /ignore is your best friend here m8.

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