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Posts posted by ArchPhaeton

  1. I didn't have any problems with this event mechanism. It was rather a break from some other hardcore "encore" tac alert-oriented events, like when we had to do 100 runs for either grineer or corpus back at gravidus... They gave plenty of time and the mission was rather easy, doing 1 battle a day I managed to cover it.


    Like the previous guy said they compensate you for wasting your lifetime in the game. Definitely some of us won't be able to complete everything, it happened to me in the eyes of blight event where i missed the last tier of rewards. Sorry to hear your loss but that's just how it goes :\

  2. Is the orokin picker metallic gold or just normal colors?


    EDIT: They're just normal colors, no shiny metal. What's orokin without Forma shiny-ness?

  3. Dude, you've gotten a free double credit weekend. And not to forget the free Dex weapons that came with free weapon slots. Along with the 3 Day Promo booster they gave out recently. All in two weeks.


    Yeah, they seem to spoil the fun for everyone with those things.



    Bro do you even grindframe? The amount of creds and cores needed to max a few good mods is insane, and inhumane to achieve normally unless you either sacrifice your life to the grindGod or constantly buy cred boosters and even so you still need a bunchaton cores.


    These bonuses are little compared to the grindwall every tenno faces daily (But of course still welcome, like rain in a desert)


    Also, kudos to the guy who pointed out how fast they fix the grindfest workarounds.

  4. Dear DE;


    From my point of view you are wasting precious time and effort trying to catch/please the PvP kiddies.

    PvP already has a wide market to satisfy those who like it. Please put more love into the real Warframe.

    Second mission of Retribution bugged and we could not evac. Grineeer are still OP beyond all recognition specially compared to other factions. That Frost Prime removal scandal, Keys as void rewards & void droptable over-dilution, Dark sectors stealth nerf (as if taxes werent bad enough) and so many things.


    Please DE.

  5. FUBAR

    After struggling for hours to get past the pad-locked door and delivering the core of the 2nd mission, it bugged and we could not evac.

    LV75 enemies, all the grineer shenanigans such as: Eviscerators, Seekers, Bombards, even the inoffensive Scorpions pulling you out the pads and making 6 people go down at once... and the newcomer vault maniac every now and then.

  6. Plot twist: this won't help void droptable dilution at all.

    How I see this, just another cash-grabbing decision with the future introduction of buy-only Prime Vault.

    I know DE has to make money but this is so wrong guys. Specially considering the ridiculous amount of keys and other fillers that currently drop in the Void just to make us stay 20 waves or 20 minutes and then get a T1 MD.


    Faith in DE lost until further notice.

  7. hahahah RIP eGate! I have no regrets :3


    Edit: To DE and everyone, remember Mogamu's words: "There will always be a loot cave"

    Specially with the insulting rank10 primed mods.

  8. This is my feedback as beta tester on the current state of the game:


    - Rebalance the tar moa... it's not challenging, it's broken and annoying. (Example ->


    While both moas are equally annoying, the tar one is just unbearable.


    - Fix the Vectis scope fire. For some reason shots come out randomly from a side of the scope while zooming, and miss many times. They should be somewhat centered IMO.


    - I bought the Mirage winter skin, put it on and while in mission, after casting Eclipse skin goes back to default. Please fix.


    - Nullifiers... The concept is fine but those bubbles take an awful lot of time to shrink regardless of your firepower... Combine this with a Bombard or any of the two having an ice shield, and you have more broken gameplay. Yeah they can be overcome but it doesn't feel right, specially when either unit can one shot you.


    - Also, equipping some stances on frames cause attachments to get misplaced, being too separated from the body and only connected to it by some sort of pin.


    Just my opinion, which will be probably ignored, but at least I tried.

  9. I've given up hope.

    For the last few months, after every step in the reduce-grind-direction (Like putting some stuff in clan research) 10 steps are taken backwards (research itself, dem pigments...)


    It is sad to see all these good suggestions that in the end will only be flushed in favor of the increasing grind walls that aim at nothing but enervate players and push them to buy plat.


    What can we do? nothing, it's DE and their game. I'm now convinced that there's an specialized team of devs focused on increasing the grind and making it more and more complex and nerve breaking...


    Att.: A lone u8 Tenno.

  10. Lo que interpreto es que si se da el caso (poco probable) de que reinicien las cuentas (hubo esa opción en el pasado) te devolvían el plat que hayas utilizado.


    Si compraste 1k plat y lo usaste en items, hasta que te sobraran 100 plat, de reiniciar la cuenta perderías el progreso, pero te darían tus 1k plat de vuelta


    Es lo que entiendo yo...

  11. Personally I ranked all market-available blueprint guns before doing primes and clan weapons.

    For starters both boltor and karak are solid primaries.

    Kunai is a good secondary, I liked the Bolto too (I got my akboltos 6-forma'd)

    For melee I'm not sure about mastery requeriments. Dual heat swords are decent.


    My order was Mk1 braton -> braton -> others

    Lato -> aklato -> lex -> bolto -> akbolto ->others

    skana -> dual skana -> dual ethers -> ether sword -> dual ethers -> heat dagger -> heat sword -> dual heat swords -> others

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