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Posts posted by ArchPhaeton

  1. That's an alphabet, not language.




    The official Tenno/Orokin language is whatever language the game is set in and that for most people is English. -snip.


    Sorry but that's an assumption. There's no reason for the Orokin to have had english as their "official" language, considering they seem to be some sort of aliens or AI that reached earth some time after it was taken over by the technocyte,


    Anyways I support OP on the "more lively" enemies. The language translating options would be cool but it's secondary for me.

  2. -snip-


    You shouldn't be complaining.



    So we just have to sit around and take whatever is shoved down or throats? I'll have to disagree there.

    In other forums you are usually notified of why your stuff is locked or deleted. It helps to keep a sense of order, and for people to know that it's not some random dictatorship.

  3. The fact that the game is in English..? Of course, if you are playing anymof the localized versions then that language would be the Tenno/Orokin language.

    As expected a witty reply.


    The fact that Lotus speaks in English is just so people know what's going on, but tenno/orokin have their own language and it's not english (source). I could say having tenno/lotus talking in english and the liset stuff being in eglish is non immersive, following these arguments.


    Imagine running the game for the first time and hearing a bunch of gibberish as mission briefing.... not practical.

  4. It was also suggested that SoD summoned enemies would explode on death, or restore a certain amount of health/energy to nearby party members, as well as Soul Punch reviving corpses.


    Terrify should also slow down enemies a bit or make them run in random directions, sometimes they flee so fast...


    Nek could also have a boost on his dmg, health or energy based on the number of minions active.


    Just ideas but yes, he definitely needs love.

  5. ArchPhaeton supports this.

    Another issue is the neural sensors, they used to drop from infested Jupiter and mostly good ol' J3-Golem - basically an Infested context item. After Alad V the resource table wasn't changed, so Corpus drop an infested item for no apparent reason.


    Following this idea, they could drop from delerict missions and maybe Eris, and CM's could be moved to Jupiter and Europa.


    I think faction specific drops could help immersion as well. Ferrite from Grineer (armor) salvage from Corpus (robotics) nanospores from Infested (Eris and derelict, not Saturn) and so on.

  6. +1

    Making enemies more lively, instead of just mobile sentries. I remember in games ancient as GoldenEye 007, if slip aroun unnoticed, you can see the idle enemies doing all sort of animations ie. fending off mosquitoes, coughing, etc. something similar can be done within the game context.


    It would be nice to understand what they say but they probably won't go back to that. And people will complain about immersion regardless...

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