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Posts posted by ArchPhaeton

  1. Hey low MR guy, sorry but there's freedom of choice.

    I often help newbies/low MR people, but for certain missions I prefer efficient squads.

    1: MR does not equal skill, but time played does tend to tie in to knowledge of the game and knowledge of the game tends to equal skill.

    2: I'd happily take someone who uses the Synoid Simulor and understands that good equipment choices leads to successful missions, over someone whose sole argument is "LOW MASTERY RANK DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE NO SKILL! STOP USING CHEAP WEAPONS! RABBLERABBLERABBLE!"

    ^This here is pure gold. 'nuff said.

  2. Impressive, tenno.

    However I have a couple observations

    - If you are using these pictures to take measures, scale ("zoom level") is important; we are doing these measurements parting from the assumption that the scales in both pictures are equal, yet this may not be true. You mention a magnification correction, does this refers to the scale of both pictures?

    - If both pictures have the same scale, visually comparing them, orphid seems to have a lower volume than vanilla. I used your own pics for comparison:



    While I can't tell if your math is right or wrong (and I'm assuming you aren't trolling) It would be much more precise applied to orthogonal projections with the same scale, i.e. If we could put the models in 3d modeling or viewing software then take the pictures.


    Also, I vote up for the backside measure comparison, I'm really curious on that one since you can't even see there with orphid :(

  3. Another update, still no fix for the Despair holster. -________-

    I feel your pain tenno. I'm sure I posted that on feedback more than a year ago, so... yeah. I'm not using it anymore, partly because ugly and partly because synd weps are often better.

  4. What kind of question is that?


    1st get all guns for mastery

    2nd keep good weapons, or the ones you like, sold the ones you don't want to free room for more.


    You could also get some plat for slots, that long weapon list looks cool you know.

    As a general guideline I'd suggest you try out everything, sometimes numbers alone don't tell it all and peoples opinions might be contradictory. The DN in particular is strong but that's about it.



    /snip/ the herd of Scindo Prime users.

    Is this a thing? o.O

  5. And once again, I need to point out there is no such thing as "keysharing", it's a player concept.


    "well, how smart was it exactly to let a total stranger into your house? hmmm?"



    a. Keysharing is a reality, if you think it's a metaphysical concept you're very mistaken comrad. If we didn't need keys then keysharing would be effectively pointless, but we do need them and they're usually scarce.

    b. No I'm not asking DE to prevent burglars from getting into my house; I'm asking them to remove the reasons that push people into taking such risks. Read thoroughly before pouring salt.



    You can't expect random people to be trustworthy, and you can't expect DE to enforce a system they had nothing to do with -



    Obviously no mature tenno will expect random 13yos to be honest and DE definitely can't fix the ethical problems of our time, but they can definitely reduce and even suppress our need for taking such risks. I liked the "multipurpose void key" someone mentioned, where you earn a tier X key then select which mission to play - however it seems like it's not gonna happen that way.


    Actually your incorrect, 'free to play' is where you are able to play the game without paying for it in the first place, not have everything you want in the game for free.  


    This a thousand times. And from all the F2P's I've tried, Warframe (even with its flaws) is one of the most benevolent towards the non-paying players.

  7. Thanks for the info, knowing the keys will be removed (at least to a certain extent) is kinda comforting.

    A rep system might be needed, leechers, afk'ers and whatnot have been a constant in WF since the old days - tho a  butthurt warlord might get their whole clan to rain bad rep on you.

  8. Sup fellow tennos.


    Last night's happenings made me post again after giving up on feedback many ages ago.


    Basically, since it is hard to get the key you need to farm the item you want, many tennos have resorted to the so-called keysharing. And because people often joined keyshares knowing they dont have a key, the method of "keychecking" surfaced, were, as you know, everyone shows their key as a filter against shameless freeloaders.


    And it works most of the time. However, last night's keyshare turned into the last squad member logging off when his turn came... In good faith I tried messaging him after a couple minutes, but suprise! User is now ignoring you.


    DE definitely can't fix dishonest people, but they can definitely fix the root of this evil if they wanted. Currently building anything from the void is a double RNG ordeal, first grind for a chance to get whatever key you need, then grind those keys (if you got any) for a chance for that piece you want. It gets specially insulting when you burn the somewhat rare T3-4's to get paid with 5 cores or a forma BP that easily drops in lower tiers...


    Suggestions? Either remove those damn void keys (not so crazy, in other games you just use in-game currency to buy the mission) or put a key tier token that would let us pick which kind of mission we want in that tier, maybe? I have no idea of how the much mentioned void rework will result, I'm leaving my opinion here.


    "But Arch, you don't need to do it! The game is free! Grind is only in your mind! Get it from trading"

    FFS comrads, this is a damn game and games have content that we all want to peek at, without having to deal with 13yo pushers trying to take my hard-earned plat or burning out because rust never sleeps. 


    While I still like the game and it has improved a lot since day 1,  there are certainly things that can be improved, hence my feedback.



  9. After 2 or more years of players giving solid feedback and suggestions on how to, at least, ease the grind, you come to realize DE has no interest in doing so.

  10. the corpse vaporized before i could even hit desecrate

    If enemies die by a door, they will vaporize with no chance to apply post mortem powers (unlike with mol prime)

  11. I will be the one to not upvote this.


    The game is supposed to have some progression and make you play to earn stuff. The only problem a newbie would have regarding this is beginning and wanting top tier everything right away, which leads to power leveling and MR10 people begging for taxis.

    Besides the quicker they get all the shiny stuff the quicker they quit and DE knows this. Why do you think they punish us with stuff like the Emergency Exit Endurance droptable? (they totally overdo it tho)

    Back then I wasted my initial 50 plat in mod packs and revives... no big deal. back then we didnt even have trade options.


    TL;DR let the newbs work off their stuff. No pain no gain.

  12. Can't login in-game, but I can do so on forums with the same info...


    EDIT: I fixed my login issues by setting Kaspersky not to scan encrypted traffic, or something like that.

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