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Posts posted by (PSN)Radehx

  1. - Equinox...her damage never falls off no matter the enemy level and her clone's a John Wick / Mesa aimbot with the right gun.

    - Banshee...can theoretically amplify damage indefinitely.

    - Saryn...halves health of all enemies at all levels.

    - Octavia...can just teabag all day long an damage scales with enemy levels. 

    - Nova...is a walking nuke with antimatter drop.

    - Ivara...benefits from stealth multipliers, finisher damage bonuses and a great headshot multiplier. 

    - Gara...if you are willing to spend a loooooooooooong time stacking damage before engaging anything.

    I'd only pick Banshee for team games...but prefer Ivara/Equinox/Nova for their versatility. 


  2. Derpy clone is suffering a bit in tight quarters and got the aim of my blind grandma there...but in PoE, he's insane. No ammo requirement and in some cases not even damage falloff. Hand him a Kohm and you got a ridiculously good sniper up to 200-300m. Also godly with the Sicarus Prime, especially if you have a riven. 

    Sometimes if he "zones out" and does nothing, recasting the derp fixes it and he insta-kills stuff the second you recast. 

    If aiming with Mesa seems like too much work, take Duality Equinox :D

  3. On 11/30/2017 at 4:14 AM, DatDarkOne said:


    FINALLY!! Some people that realize you can do awesome, badass melee with Ivara.  Slap Healing Return on a status ready melee and constantly heal (if needed) while killing in Prowl.  

    She's so versatile :)

    Sadly found out the whole Zakti & Glaive thing doesn't work with Equinox's clone. That thing is simply too derpy for it or any other melee really. 

  4. - With Limbo, status procs stay up as long as stasis is up...and you can get 1-3k%+ melee damage boosts from rift torrent. He's an awesome melee frame.

    - Ivara gets stealth multipliers and headshot damage bonuses...which is amazing if you run with the Glaive as melee weapon. Dual-weild with a Zakti and use condition overload for some siiiiiiick damage.

    - Seeking Shuriken Ash (stripping armor) and most viral/slash weapons like the Lesion will make enemies melt in no time. 

    Those are at least my 3 favorite melee frames. 

  5. Technically, Octavia is hands down the strongest in terms of endless runs...but imo she's soooooooo booooooooring because I feel like focusing on watching timers run down and teabagging instead of actually playing the game. But she is super strong.

    Nova would be my pick because of the insane damage and more involved gameplay. She has a lot of interesting synergies between her abilities too and with Antimatter Absorb, she's very tanky even at endgame levels.

    Saryn works too and has nicely scaling damage, halving enemy health at all levels...but her main defense (molt) dies super quick at endgame levels, so I wouldn't pick her for solo stuff. Amazing in endless run teams though. 

    Long story short, all of those frames work and are worth investing in...they're all just play differently. The "easiest" frame would be Octavia, but like I said, imo she's incredibly boring to play. You just sit in a corner and teabag every couple of seconds while you watch stuff kill itself. Like watching paint dry. 

    If I was you, I'd get Nidus and invest in him...amazing endgame frame, both solo and in teams. For long solo runs Ivara is a goddess too and offers a ton of utility...or you could go with Ash who can achieve ridiculously high kills per second figure at endgame levels with seeking shuriken stripping armor before you finish stuff off with a viral/slash weapon.

  6. More and more people seem to catch on to negative range Limbo which makes me happy :)

    It's the setup I now run 99% of the time and even in pub games, I rarely get any hate once people realize I'm a neg range Limbo.

    Neg range makes it way easier to deal with nullifiers and you don't impose stasis on the entire map. At the same time, it still offers mates a safe space and place to regen energy. He synergizes soooooo well with squishy frames that have great damage abilities...like Banshee, Equinox or Mesa. Hell, he's awesome in a Nidus tag team too. 

    Tip against nullifiers:

    Fit a life strike mod on your melee weapon and hit enemies in stasis once...and once only. Slash procs will continue as long as A) stasis is up and B) the enemy doesn't die. If you whack a bunch of enemies in stasis like that, you get a pretty decent life strike burst tank going...giving you a bit of breathing room when fighting nullifiers outside the rift. 

  7. Nova actually has a lot of synergies between her skills...but imo the master of synergies is hands down Nidus. 

    If you use all his skills, his tanking, CC and damage is pretty nuts and he scales soooooooo well. I don't think any other frames has 4 abilities that synergize better than Nidus's abilities. 

    A for Nova:

    - Her 1 offers damage reduction which paired with Molecular Prime mitigates A LOT of damage.

    - Her 2 synergizes well with high damage weapons and paired with Molecular Prime offers insane damage.

    - Her 3 not only allows you to travel fast, together with her 1 and 4, it also further boosts you ability to dodge damage.

    - Her 4 synergizes with all her other skills and doubles the damage of her 2. 

    Some dude on YT actually did a video about ability synergies and lists the "best" frames in that regard: 

    Hydroid's great too because:

    - His 1 strips armor which greatly boosts damage of his puddle and tidal surge.

    - Tidal surge groups up enemies nicely for your puddle.

    - Puddle synergizes well with his 1 and bundles stuff up for your kraken.

    - Her kraken holds stuff in place nicely so you can hit it with your 1...or drown stuff in puddle.

    His abilities work on a line of sight basis, so you can spam them from super far away. Don't listen to the guys saying you have to sit in the puddle all the time...because stuff melts in 5-15sec in puddle once you've stripped armor with his 1. There really isn't a need to sit in your puddle for more than a few seconds at a time.


  8. Defense: Limbo

    Stealth: Ivara (utility) or Ash (damage)

    Tank: Nidus, Wukong, & Inaros (all can come back from the dead!) or Gara/Frost for defense

    Damage: Nidus, Nova, Equinox & Banshee

    If you want frames that can do everything (interception, survival, etc.), pick either Ivara or Nidus...or maybe Nova, but that requires you to be very good at juggling antimatter drop to be effective. Nova is great too with amazing damage and effective CC...but she's quite shishy, so you can't be lazy like with Nidus who can just stand there and meditate while stuff shoots at him. 

    All those frames can do very long MOT survival runs, so will do sorties just fine...

  9. 5 minutes ago, Acos said:

    Excalibur is about the only frame I've tested (that I have access too) whose damage doesn't fall off dramatically against level 145 Grineer Bombards. That being said, I also consider Grineer armor scaling to be broken as hek, and not really a fair indicator of gameplay as you only encounter that level of enemy in ridiculous circumstances. 

    Anyone with access to finishers is going to have a good time. So Valkyr, Excalibur, Ash, and a few others. Covert Lethality is a thing no matter how high the scaling goes, although it's not really necessary until the 145 range. 

    Anyone who can bypass armor or has some armor stripping mechanic will also do very well in higher levels. 

    Really, they just... need to fix armor scaling. 

    Ash + Seeking Shuriken + viral/slash weapon = everything just melts

    You don't even need a CL dagger with him. Hydroid's damage scales of enemy health and he can strip armor, so he has no issue with high level armored units either. Banshee can strip armor and has sick damage, but is squishy...but in a decent team she slaughters armored units despite the wonky armor scaling. Limbo's status procs stay up as long as stasis is up and he can get 3000%+ melee damage bonuses, so he has no problem with any type of enemies. 

    Imo while the armor scaling is a bit wonky, it also promotes team play which is a good thing. 

  10. Molecular Prime charged by your primary already covers you in terms of AOE damage...so I like going with a strong single target killer for my secondary. My current favorite is the Sicarus Prime, it does a SICK amount of damage :D

    Alternatively, I like having secondaries that provide me with a blast proc...because any enemy falling down while subjected to Molecular Prime takes aaaaaaaages to get back up. 

  11. 2 hours ago, (PS4)JohnnyPersia said:

    I haven't played with Nidus yet, but I do enjoy Inaros and Hydroid a lot. Just to be clear, when people say that Hydroid's 1 strips armor is that always or with the tempest barrage augment? Thanks.

    I find Hydroid a lot of fun to play, and honestly, the only times that I really use his 3 is as a sort of defensive mechanism right before I think I'm going to die.

    You need corroding barrage to strip armor...but it's totally worth fitting. 

    If you fit that mod, strip armor with your 1 before drowning stuff in the puddle...everything will die in seconds, even at very high levels. Puddle damage scales with enemy health (read: indefinitely!) but is based on impact damage which sucks against armor...so you definitely need to strip it first to really make the most of Hydroid's face-melting damage. 

  12. After a whole weekend of revisiting Nova, I can definitely recommend her too!

    Messed around with a balanced build (155 duration/range, 145 strength, 175 efficiency) and the antimatter absorb augment in POE and MOT. Holy batman I should have tried this mod earlier! You get around 50sec of molecular prime duration and 50m range...which is good enough and also allows you to play her in survivals where more duration sucks. Best of all though, the good efficiency allows me to spam antimatter drop...creating a ton of shields around me. I can charge AMD quickly myself, so don't use it to get enemy support for that...but it's an amazing mod for defence.

    I can just run with an AMD all over POE while stuff from the air shoots at me pointlessly. Paired with the damage reduction from her 1, the get out of jail card provided by portals and ability to nuke everything in a 15m radius around you...well, not as squishy as I remember her. Just takes a lot of practice to juggle all those AMD in the air.  

    I never used to jump head on into a group of enemies with her due to the squishiness...but now that I'm in an AMD shield ball, I can go totally nuts with her. Also, because I'm not gimping my range like with the standard slova setup, my portals are actually useful and give me around 75m. 

    PS: To those saying AMD is slow....stop constantly aiming at the ball or close to it! 

  13. He is team friendly, just requires proper set ups. He synergizes super well with a ton of frames like Nidus, Banshee, Saryn, Equinox and Mesa for example. Hell, even Excal. 

    Just requires both the Limbo player and his mates to adapt to eachother a bit. If that doesn't happen he can be annoying...but so are idiots shooting my squid ball when I play as Nidus, or fast Nova overwhelming teams, or max duration slow Nova making it harder to keep up life support for survivals, or Nekros having those annoying minions all over the place...could go on ;)

  14. 5 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

    And when I Nidus I tend to go max range min duration to spaghetti everyone into a ball and then make lots of death happen... I'm surprised I haven't tried this yet!

    Limbo can take a LOT of teams over the top, especially if you have somebody popping nullifiers!

    Maybe the community could start coming up with some color codes for people that want to synergize...like using a goldish power color or wearing that Tenno heart thing upside down like a belt.  It would be nice for those of us who are against the idea of 'frame hate' to be instantly recognized.

    I actually switched to medium range (155) in favor of more duration. The more duration you have, the longer your maggots are out...and those little dudes help MASSIVELY with stack-building and especially damage. Don't wanna leave that damage on the table and 155 range is enough...even in PoE I rarely feel like I need more. 

    I'm a Nidus main...but Limbo, Ivara, Ash and Wukong are alts I use almost as much. 

    Totally surprised by how awesome Nidus is in PoE. If you link up, you can't be knocked down...which helps A LOT when it comes to dealing with aerial bombardments. 

  15. 1 minute ago, FreeWilliam said:

    Sounds like I've got me a test to do this evening!

    And yeah, I didn't realize how good the pox was with Limbo until recently.  Pretty much turned nullifiers into a non-issue, they just happily walk into it while their bubble pops.  :)

    I really need to play him more!

    Oh: And fun fact...you use the sword and chain to yank dudes into your bubble.  It's like having a mini-mag :)

    Or pair him up with a Nidus...that way he can use his squid through Cataclysm to suck in enemies all around. Most OP team ever, especially if you also add an Equinox, Saryn, Mesa or Banshee ;)

  16. Steel Charge, Handspring 

    Rage, Primed Cont., Fleeting Expertise, Overextended, Vitality, Primed Flow, Streamline, Narrow Minded (R8)

    This gives you 176 duration, 175 efficiency, 136 range and 40 strength and focuses around Defy rather than Primal Fury. I prefer regular melee weapons over his 4. 

    Handspring's there because knock-downs are the one thing that can potentially kill him. 

    Also, fit dispatch overdrive on your melee weapon and cloud walker is suddenly pretty fast ;)

    You can't die with this setup...and keep defy on 100% of the time. To safely re-toggle it, you can either dodge to a safe spot or trigger cloud walker, disable defy while in cloud walker and then toggle it back on once you exit cloud walker. The brief stun you get from exiting it, is generally enough time to safely switch it back on. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

    Whenever I see a Limbo bubbling out comes the melee weapon and I'm just popping out to take out Nullifiers.

    it's actually crazy fun and a great change of pace!  And Limbo mains need community love to make up for all the dweebs in PUGs that complain about people using their powers instead of thinking 'how do I synergize with this?' (Seriously, as far as I'm concerned they're not playing the same game, and their game is way less fun than mine...plus they're being jerks.)

    I've only started playing less than half a year ago...and at first I got soooooooooooooooooooo much hate playing Limbo, even if I went out of my way to not impede their game play.

    This has definitely changed in recent weeks though. I'm actually seeing more people use my rift portals and actively seeking out my cataclysm...both for energy regen and to join the melee bashing. 

    He synergizes sooooooooo well with a lot of frames, especially those with great damage abilities. I can keep Banshee totally safe for example, and her stuff works through the rift. Same with Nidus, Equinox, Saryn and Mesa. All of those frames benefit greatly from the extra energy and safety Limbo provides. He's just not that straightforward to figure out because there are so many little cool weapon/ability interactions.

    For example, you can totally set yourself up with a nice life strike burst tank because slash procs remain active as long as stasis is up...so as long as the enemy you whack doesn't die, he'll act as life support for Limbo if he's forced to fight outside the bubble. 

    Everyone whether they play Limbo or not should watch the following video...would make it so much easier for both parties to adapt and benefit from Limbo: 


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