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Posts posted by (PSN)Radehx

  1. Corrosive Projection, Power Drift, Augur Message, Narrow Minded (r8), Intensify, Augur Secrets, Stretch, Rolling Guard (r8), Transient Fortitude (R8), Primed Flow (r8)

    That gives you 183 duration, 100 efficiency, 91 range and 202 strength.

    You don't need any energy mods, Nezha turns enemies into energy orb fountains. You also don't need any survivability mods because between the invulnerability provided by Warding Halo and Rolling Guard, you are totally covered up to silly levels. You can do hours of MOT without ever dying this way.

    I run with a corrosive Amprex, rad/corrosive or rad/viral Mara Detron (for rad CC) and a Zaw dagger with Exodia Contagion for guaranteed viral procs.

    Halve health, strip armor, kill stuff. 😉

    If you fit any kind of health/armor/energy mods on Nezha while fighting high level content, you are doing it wrong!

  2. 1) Seeking Shuriken Ash with a viral Zarr & viral Zenistar (or Zaw dagger with Exodia Contagion...sometimes a Zakti & Glaive Prime combo)

    2) Ivara with either a viral Zenistar and her 4 supported by a Hunter Munitions setup and Concentrated Arrow with a corrosive Pox...or a simple Zaw dagger with CL.

    3) Nidus with corrosive Pox 

    4) Mag with a corrosive Mara Detron

    Solo I'm having the most success with these. Octavia works great too, but omfg she's so boring to play. For long runs, Inaros/Rhino can't keep up with Nidus in terms of being a damage dealing tank. A lot of frames, including squishy Banshee, can do long solo runs...it's just (much) easier with the frames above. Would add Mesa, but imo she still dies a bit too easily compared to the others mentioned.

    Mag works amazingly well, but is the toughest to play well of the lot. Nidus actually gets stronger at high levels because it's easier for him to build stacks quickly against high level enemies. You want to correctly synergize elemental damage and ideally be able to strip both armor with corrosive and halve health with viral damage...unless you are Ivara with a CL dagger in which case you don't really care 😉

  3. I got 3 favorite melee setups for him...and always use the Seeking Shuriken augment.

    1) Zaw dagger with Exodia Contagion (guaranteed viral procs pair well with his armor stripping) and CL

    2) Zakti & condition overload Glaive Prime for insane slash procs

    3) Zenistar (viral/rad)

  4. 11 hours ago, (XB1)Neon Lights9212 said:

    im gonna put this out there,  rift surge is amazingly funny on so many levels.  ive had moments where i had cast it while i had a ton of enemies having just entered my 4.  then while i was on my way to extraction, i would see more enemies that were never at my 4's location just frozen in time.  like rift surge's range is huge for some reason

    I think many more will realize how useful it is given duration will be nerfed...it greatly extends duration indirectly.

  5. 1 hour ago, cghawk said:

    I mean if the only reason people like hih 3rd ability is because it grants a damage boost through augment then clearly his 3rd ability is bad, sounds like the augment may was well be the ability itself

    Well, pulling stuff into the rift this way is kinda helpful and less work than having to spam your 1 a ton. Allows me to focus on doing damage more.

  6. 2 hours ago, Gandergear said:

    Equinox says differently

    You need to kill first before you're able to nuke stuff with Equinox. It's not a "click this button and nuke everything" ability...you have to work for it. The bottleneck isn't his 4, it's the ability to charge it effectively which relies on more than just his ability alone.

  7. If enemies are dying too quickly to spores, you are applying them to enemies that really don't need the damage/debuff of spores. Spreading and building the decay counter back up is no problem at all at higher levels. In short, stop wasting energy by applying spores to enemies that are already so weak, they die to a sneeze 😉

    I hardly ever recast spores at higher levels...

    Complaining about this is a bit like complaining that enemies die too quickly if you stack 10 Banshee sonars onto lvl35s. It's overkill and unnecessary...but also the very thing allowing those frames to scale into more challenging (and fun) content.

  8. His 1-button insta armor stripping combo'ed with viral weapons is insanely good at high levels, his damage output scales really well. He's a more aggro Ivara and trades in a bit of utility for that, gaining armor stripping in the process. Both are super effective.

    He's (imo) hands down the best frame for the Zakti & Glaive Prime combo. Strip armor, apply slash procs, apply Zakti procs and the Glaive hits like a train. It melts everything. I have my Glaive rigged for viral/radiation and stuff either dies or helps me kill stuff thanks to rad procs. Those Glaive slash explosions are amazing AOE and single shots hit in the millions thanks to condition overload and stealth multipliers. Also godly with a viral Zarr and Hunter Munitions thanks to his passive. 

    I think I can go longer solo with Ash than any other frame bar Ivara or Octavia. If you want damage, Ash is your man...at all levels. BS is just a damage add-on. If you use Shuriken, BS and a viral weapon, his damage output is pretty nuts. I sometimes feel like I'm Banshee, enemies die that quickly with him.

  9. 5 minutes ago, VPrime96 said:

    Furthest i gotten in a team is near 190 and that was in a public Squad at Kuva Fortress (It was the most fun i ever had in Public). That was when i was playing in my old account. furthest Solo was lvl 180+ in this account and i wasn't using Radar mods but i was playing at Zabala,Eris.

    It's fun (imo) to challenge yourself at those levels. Some frames work better than others for such long runs...Ash, Octavia, Ivara, Saryn, Duality Equinox, Oberon, Mag and Nidus come to mind. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, VPrime96 said:

    Knowing DE, They would scale the enemies where the level the enemies would one shot kill you is the same level where they would be extremely Tanky. They haven't gave us challenges where the enemies just hit extremely hard like in Nightmare mode or Mot.

    I'm totally fine with them being tanky too, you just have to run the right setups for the task at those levels. If you know armor scaling is an issue and you're solo or your team isn't running 4xCP, bring an armor stripper like Saryn, Mag or Oberon to fix that issue completely. 

    Don't really struggle too hard with doing damage tbh. Frames like Seeking Shuriken Ash, Duality Equinox or Saryn pump out enough damage to go well into the high 100 and low 1000 levels in terms of damage.

  11. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    Indeed. I also wish they would drop the timer on kuva floods so i can just play them over and over and make a new flood that's lvl 100 - 120 starting out.

    Recently watched some endgame runners in MOT on Twitch. 2 of them were meditating the first hour out of boredom. 

    Give us a challenge DE!! I'd be fine starting my games at "one shot dead" levels. 

  12. 1 hour ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    Enemy scaling isnt high enough imo. Needs to scale infinitely and a bit faster.


    Although they do get cleverer in some ways at higher levels. After 3hrs of MOT for example, stuff will try to stay outside Octavia's mallet hit range. Cheeky #*!%ers. 

    Imo they should just add another Void branch starting at lvl80-100 for us crazy people. And offer us some real rewards for playing more challenging content.

    Armor/health/shields don't really scale the same though, they could align that a bit. Armor scaling can be a bit nuts unless you bring something like Seeking Shuriken Ash, corrosive Mara Detron Mag, Saryn or one of the other great armor strippers.

  13. The solution is PARKOUR...never stop moving, ever. Very few frames can face tank at higher levels, but they are still totally feasible. People do long runs with super squishy Banshee in MOT without issues, and it comes down to being good at parkour. Always roll, never stand still and you have to be situationally aware of where enemies are coming from.

    I only use Vitality and Regen molt on my Saryn, nothing else...and most of the time I do long endless runs. You also have to get good at placing molt in the correct spots, it makes a HUGE difference to her survivability. Need a "get out of jail card" at higher levels...use her 4 because it turns from a mostly damage to a mostly CC ability at higher levels. 

    I use the same exact Saryn build for all content:

    You can get 133/100/175/(214+25) with Regen Molt if you fit her with Growing Power, Power Drift, Augur Secrets, Intensify, Primed Continuity, Stretch, Vitality, Augur Reach, Transient Fortitude (r8), Regen Molt.

  14. Seriously, Saryn's decay counter is totally meaningless, ignore it. By the time you need a high figure, building it up quickly is so ridiculously easy, worrying about it is silly. She rocks now!

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