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Posts posted by (PSN)Radehx

  1. 2 minutes ago, LazyBlissIV said:

    Just what part of Equinox is AFK nuking? The high damage numbers that ramp up require you to actually damage enemies in the first place, unless you rely solely on your team at which point what's left nuke?

    Well, it is if you only play baby levels...which a lot seem to do.

  2. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    Rhino also has op CC ability. His 4 can basically cheese the game. And he can fly so fast like Zephyr. 

    Again it’s your logic, not mine so don’t give me questions.

    An 8sec movement speed penalty isn’t comparable to what a cc frame can do. Should be obvious...

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    He’a tank so he shouldn’t do insane damage. That’s your logic, not mine. He needs nerf so he can only buff teammates.

    I didn't say they have just one role...just not everything at once. Saryn has a debuff AND damage role. Rhino has a survivability & damage role. Trinity has a support AND survivability role...so no, she shouldn't also get damage on top of these 2 roles she excels at. Because that would be OP. 

    So no, your point isn't a good one 😉

    And no, if you are bitter about Trinity not being able to do EVERYTHING well, you need to get over it and don't unjustifiably ask for nerfs of other frames just because you are bitter. Or at least list some legit reasons other than the currently very obvious bitterness about Trinity. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    Why does Rhino has one of the best dmg buff in this game then? oh I forgot Rhino . Rhino needs nerf too. Give his dmg buff to Trinity or other support frames and give him Link.

    Because Rhino isn't a support frame...but Trinity is. Do you understand the difference? His theme is damage & survivability. Trinity's theme is support and survivability. Saryn's role is debuff & damage. No frame does everything like you seemingly demand.

    You are asking for support (!!!) frames to do damage like damage frames. That's not balance, that's you wanting an OP frame. It's akin to me demanding Saryn gets Ivara's sleep or Wukong's tank. That's not balance, that's wanting to create an OP fantasy frame. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Kairu_Aname said:

    Nidus is built to get his stacks. His kit doesn't have dead ends. It would be a different story if he lost a stack every time he killed something. I don't see any problem with nidus personally. 

    That's where saryn is different from nidus. She has those dead ends in her kit. I've built against the decay and it might as well just reset even then because it drains so fast. 

    So in my eyes, either they need to remove the decay and just let it reset every time it's not in an enemy, or actually gvee it more of a time to decay. 

    It's legitimate feedback and criticism of a system that doesn't work. 


    The net result is essentially the same, both frames have to "work" to keep up damage. 

    Imo the way to play Saryn isn't the fight decay (too much), what matters is that you rebuild your stack quickly...and there are enough creative synergies around to do that successfully. For example, you could easily use a rad weapon and have enemies that don't instantly die help you spread spores. 

    I run with a rad/viral Mara Detron for example and having enemies help you spread spores is amazing. The decay is a way to balance her damage, but you can work around it and she's still insanely powerful. I can think of only Banshee/Octavia who can outdamage her consistently. And that's in her current "nerfed" form. 

    I ran a few hours of MOT with her last night...damage is totally fine if you adapt. Don't totally nuke duration for example. I see too many run with negative duration. Your weapons should focus on spreading spores, yet somehow, I still see too many people focusing on weapon damage over spreading spores. There are super easy ways to keep spore damage up. If I can take her into an almost 3hr MOT run, her damage is totally fine imo. There are plenty of (damage!!) frames she beats already. 

    Imo people just need to get a bit more creative when it comes to spreading spores. 

  6. Just now, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    So you don’t care if other people lose their time and has to abort the mission ?

    How do you farm forma bp in this game ?there’s only 1 way to do that. Why should I care about your opinion when you do not have care for others.

    You don't have to abort your mission, reactants still drop whether you kill the enemy or not. If anything, that fast killing SPEEDS UP missions because of the higher kills per second figure. 

    To claim she's not helping with farming when she helps killing faster is obviously ridiculous. What's next? Wanna complain about Banshee allowing everyone to one-shot enemies? Or Nova being able to nuke entire groups in one go? Or Mag being able to run a Hydron round by firing only a single magazine the entire round? Or Ash one-shotting entire mob groups with a single Glaive Prime explosion up to lvl150? 

    Those frames are damage frames, it's their job to make killing faster. Other frames like Nyx are more CC oriented...or more support oriented like Oberon and Trinity. The trade off is that the damage frames tend to be squishy, lack comparable CC or decent tanks. They should excel at damage because they are much worse at the rest. Just like Trinity should excel as a support frame, at the expense of doing less damage. It's called balance.

    And again, what you claim only works at low levels. Your nerf would make her totally useless at challenging content...and some people like a challenge compared to easy mode levels.

  7. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    Are there any level 100 fissure? no. Saryn kills everything before enemies getting closer than 100m. I saw so many people failed to collect 10 reactants just today because of Saryn. 

    There is content where she clearly doesn't kill everything instantly. You don't even need to go to level 100 to realize this. Have you bothered to try sorties with her? Or MOT? Or any really challenging content instead of stuff where the vast majority of frames are OP? And of course stuff still drops reactants even if she kills stuff. 

    She's no stronger than Octavia, Banshee, Mag, Nova or a ton of other frames. Does she dish out more damage than the SUPPORT frame Trinity? Sure, but that's balance...because Saryn & Co have no support abilities that are as good as Trinity's.

  8. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    Also Saryn needs nerf 

    She is definitely broken right now in survival fissure missions. Saryn can kill everything before it is affected by reactants. At least Nuke trins could give teammates affinity but this Saryn can kill things 150m away denying reactants and affinity. Nerf Saryn again.

    You guys started this I’m tired of being in the losing side. Saryn should be nerfed. It’s like nothing is even spawning at all. I can’t enjoy my game.

    Equinox also was an elephant in the room nobody talked about. It needs some tone down. Kills everything with a press every 10 seconds hell yeah is broken.

    Stop only playing at low to mid levels...because this isn't the case at higher levels like MOT and sorties. If you balance a frame based on low levels, it'll be utter S#&$ for any really challenging content. This goes for both your Saryn & Equinox comments.

  9. 4 minutes ago, SenariousNex said:

    That's why they need to rework other EQ abilities before nerfing the nuke, it technically has 7 abilities and still comes down to spamming just one, which is bad gameplay and a wasted opportunity. 

    You should really check out her other abilities if you are only using one...especially since they actually boost her ultimate. Her one with the duality augment for example makes it sooooooo much quicker to charge maim. Her 3 boosts the damage of his 4 and his 2 in night form can further help to charge maim by allowing you to quickly kill stuff thanks to sleep. Her skills synergize so well, you are missing out by calling her a 1 ability frame. 

    The boost in damage you get from Duality for example is nuts. 

    Either way, it's clear you can't just afk and hit your 4 and win at anything but baby levels...so I don't consider her OP. I feel like people are trying to "balance" frames by looking at how they perform at baby 10-40 levels or bloody 5 rounds of ESO. It's ridiculous. 😕

  10. 12 minutes ago, SenariousNex said:

    LOS nerf would seem to be the next logical step for EQ, but I am thinking that they want to improve it 1st.

    That would be a massive nerf, too much of a nerf imo. What's next? Wanna do the same to Banshee's sonar and Saryn's spores? The amount of damage they'd lose would be silly given how tight some tilesets are.

    This whole "nerf Equinox" bullS#&$ by people who are bitter about Trinty is silly because the "OP" feeling you get from using it is mostly present in low to mid levels. Balancing any frame based on low to mid level gameplay is $&*&*#(%&ed because it makes the frame useless at higher levels.

  11. If you think Equinox can afk at anything but baby levels, you're simply wrong. She has to work and put her frame at risk to charge maim at anything but low & mid levels...and balancing a frame based on that would obviously be silly because it would become totally useless at higher levels where gameplay is actually challenging. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)TheRealTommo said:

    Never picked up the MD, maybe I'll get it on when Baro comes for Tennocon.

    Totally worth it because you can rig it for either rad/viral or rad/corrosive which is insanely effective against high level enemies. Damage is nuts and the rad procs provide extra CC. You can get it to 100% status too, so it's super reliable. Probably my favorite weapon for Mag too because it synergizes so insanely well with Magnetize.

  13. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)TheRealTommo said:

    I used her a few times last night on Hydron and also Sanctuary and things just died... A lot... Using Plague Kripath with Exodia Contagion lots of viral procs lol

    Give her a go with a radiation/viral Mara Detron and 2 full sets of Arcane Awakening. Anything that doesn't instantly die gets rad procs and helps you spread spores. Great efficient way to spread spores. 

    Also works great with the Amprex and Zarr but I think the MD with AA beats them by a tiny bit. It's got a super fast reload, good range and hits like a truck even without a riven. 

    She's also godly with the Zakti & Glaive Prime combo because it's super easy for her to stack a lot of procs...making your condition overload (and Toxic Lash) boosted Glaive hit like a truck. If you explode it, you get a sick AOE explosion. I run with a viral/rad GP if I use a Zakti over the MD. Both versions have an insane damage output.

  14. Just now, (PS4)Cynicaid said:

    Was only able to tolerate one game thanks to this abortion of a UI, so it might just take more getting used to.


    That said, enemies were perfectly happy to keep firing at Saryn instead of Molt until I got completely out of sight. Loving how much longer it lasts in general though.

    You want molt always between you, and enemies. If molt is closer to them than you, they'll reliably go after molt over you. Also, you want as much damage on molt during the first few seconds because it determines how much damage it can take after the invulnerability phase. Lastly, if you trigger it while jumping, you can keep it out of range of most melee units, making it survive even longer. 

    Think about how you can accomplish this. I was like you when testing this in the sim the first time. But now, I can keep bullets off me at almost 100% reliability as long as I place molt in the correct spot and then gear my parkouring around it. 

    LifeOf Rio did a great Saryn twitch stream yesterday showing this off...and he plays insane endless run levels. The aggro pull is super reliable if you use it correctly 😉

  15. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Cynicaid said:

    Her molt still needs some work. The aggro it draws isn't nearly good enough, and that speed boost is deadly.

    It’s pretty much perfect. You just have to place molt in the correct spot and learn how to parkour correctly to make molt pull aground reliably. It keeps me perfectly safe past sortie levels.

  16. Ditto, she’s amazing now with damage only rivaled by Banshee/Octavia. Her CC is amazing too by pulling aggrieved reliably and molt actually survives much better at higher levels.

    Dunno what the guys complaining about damage output of a frame that can strip armor and halve health are smoking tbh. She’s beast if you set her up and play her correctly. Think about weapon/ability synergies to spread spores!

  17. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)bighugesumo-king said:

    I love the fact that you are allowed to check tge infection status in the ui, if it start decaying just spread in a different zone and it ramps up again. Love it and molt is a perfect exit strategy now. 

    The ability to strip armor and halve health in a single frame scales sooooooooooo well. She's probably in my top 3 endgame frames now right after Ash who's (imo) still the endgame king.

  18. They should change it to the same mechanic as Mag's magnetize...make the bubble shrink instead while doing some damage to nullifiers instead of freezing them in time. This would still mean nullifiers are a pain, but they are manageable. As it stands, Limbo's entire it falls apart with nullifiers on the field.

  19. What is wrong with all the people complaining about Saryn's damage output??? Only Banshee/Octavia come close to her as it is...what more do you want? Her damage output is outright insane, you just have to build and play her right. 

    Learn how to ramp up damage quickly by thinking about weapon/ability synergies! Don't just expect a one button kill everything mechanic, learn to actually use your brain. She's insanely beast right now with amazing damage and effective CC keeping her safe waaaaaaaay past sortie levels.

    Also, at low and mid levels, any complaints about decay is obviously silly. She doesn't need much to crush at those levels, just like Nidus doesn't need 100 stacks to beat lvl20 games...or lvl50 games. 

  20. I like the changes a lot, you just have to set her up correctly to spread spores and keep up damage. I use rad procs so enemies help me spread spores. This ramps it up super quick even if your previous burst has decayed. 

    Molt is amazing now and doesn't die as quickly at super high levels. It's great CC keeping you totally safe once you figure out how to place it correctly. The speed boost is actually pretty cool in terms of making you more survivable. 

    Toxic lash roooooocks for both melee and guns. I mostly use a rad/viral Mara Detron with 2 full sets of Arcane Awakening and it hits like a truck. Anything that doesn't die instantly helps me spread spores thanks to rad procs. 

    Miasma is situational for me. If enemies are clustered up, I use my guns or melee...if they're all spread out over a larger area, I occasionally trigger Miasma to spread spores...not as a main damage ability. Also handy for extra CC. 

    I don't think anyone can complain about the damage output. Imo only Banshee/Octavia come even close to her kills per second figure. On top of that, her CC is a lot better now, making her a lot more survivable at post Sortie level missions. 

    If you don't totally neglect duration, put most of the points into strength/range and fit a rad weapons, you don't have any issues with damage or "tank". She can still "nuke" rooms at low/mid levels and at higher levels, her damage output is still almost unrivalled if you set her up correctly. If you use a room nuker build, damage will fall off at higher levels and depending on the mission type. You have to work for her insane damage to materialize, and imo that's balanced. 

  21. On 2018-05-24 at 1:22 AM, Kromatia said:

    So my thoughts on Saryn's rework.....I hate being in a squad with a Saryn.

    Her abilities are great and the buff was much needed, however, she has returned to being a Press 4 To Win frame with the ability to clear rooms with minimal effort given. I'm sure most people are happy that they can just AFK in a game, but I'm here to PLAY said game, not have it be played for me by a Saryn with stupidly high range that can clear an entire sanctuary onslaught tile with a single press of 4. Please limit this range to a maximum of say 50 meters or something. It's very boring and frustrating not being able to kill anything at all and watching the game be played for me. I come to enjoy my time and I'm adding Saryn to the list of frames I refuse to play with in Pubs.

    This is only the case at low level missions...and I don't think that should be used to balance a frame. Stop playing easy mode missions.

  22. I feel like the decay complaints aren't all that warranted, similar to the complaints of Nidus stack building. You just have to figure out how to ramp it up quickly.

    I love Saryn now and just put rad damage on my guns/weapons. This way, enemies end up helping me to spread spores. Makes it super easy to ramp up damage. Molt is great too once you figure out how to place it correctly to get the most out of it. 

    She can strip armor, does insane DoT (if you set her up correctly!!) and has effective CC allowing her to solo post-Sortie level enemies no problem. You have to work a bit more for it now, but that's fine imo given few (if any) other frames can outdamage her. Just focus on figuring out how to ramp damage back up quickly when building her. Don't totally neglect duration! 

    Also, you don't have to mindlessly spam Miasma all the time! It's useful if you cover a larger area and enemies are spread out...but if they're clustered together, save the energy and fire at the mob with your gun or melee them. 

  23. I have no issue with damage output since the change, but Christ they seem to have nerfed Magnetize's defensive ability. You're basically dead if you step inside your own bubbles with enemies inside shooting. I guess we can adapt, but this was an unnecessary nerf to Mag imo. Maybe unintended? It really nerfs her bubble by a lot 😕

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