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Posts posted by (PSN)Radehx

  1. So we all still trying to "balance" Saryn based on low levels? Because it kinda sounds like it...and imo that's an idiotic idea. 

    There are frames that simply work better at higher levels, just like there are frames that work better at lower than higher levels. Don't think Nidus/Saryn work great against lvl20? Fine, take another frame...just like you should pick another frame when playing higher levels. Not every ability works fine against everything and that's ok imo. It's called variety, deal with it.

    Saryn can now reliably strip armor and halve health. At lower levels she does it so successfully, stuff dies too quickly for the spore train to take off...but that is OK because she doesn't need a gazillion spore stacks at those levels, just like Nidus doesn't need 100 stacks to beat lvl30 enemies...one stomp is enough. Whining about all this is so silly. If you want to experience the full power of those frames, move up to higher levels and challenge yourself a little. 

    People need to also get over decay, it's bloody irrelevant. By the time you need all those stacks, you'll generate them in no time. Use Miasma at lower levels. By the time it falls off, you can start the spore train. Or use Toxic Lash...a lower levels that on its on provides you with all the damage you need.

    I pretty much agree with H3dsh0t's assessment: 


  2. 32 minutes ago, ActionPoohole said:

    The issue is that you spend 30 minutes of what could be spent enjoying shooting things in the head just waiting around doing nothing. A Saryn with high range will complain about your range of desecrate even when you're running a tanky [shield of shadows] build so you can actually engage in combat. I'm not interested in running 250+ range so a Saryn can make us spend 40 minutes being a life support enhancer because they selfishly want to take over the entire game. Most of them know for a fact that they're doing it and they don't care... 8/10 Saryn players that I encounter seem to have this really selfish style of play where they run off down hallways killing everything and calling everyone else noobs if they don't fit their terrible style of play.

    KUVA survival is a tool for gaining power through reroll of Rivens. So generally you'll find people that have high power weapons running these places frequently. By the time it gets to about 30-40 minutes the game is over and you've done basically nothing, but get bored senseless. Your weapons are finally starting to see their potential at this point, but then everyone wants to leave because the point ends up getting bombarded or flamed and almost instantly dying.

    Why a frame like this even exists in the first place is beyond me, I don't see any engaging mechanics at all.. That's my perspective. I see them run into a hallway, spread spores down the entire thing so nothing can even manage to get close, they switch lanes and do it again while everyone sits at the point and does nothing.

    This might be a lot better to deal with if the KUVA Fortress didn't feel like a poorly thought through Excavation that has life support involved. But it's made all the worse by AoE frames (Saryn especially) that take away almost any enjoyment that remains upon the easy and poorly designed setup.

    Spores could be designed a much better way and the currently lazy spam fest garbage that it is right now only destroys game modes like these. I know KUVA isn't hard, it's pretty easy... But it could at least be somewhat engaging. From time to time it is when you're carrying some newbies through. But it's just depressing to have a Saryn turn 40 minutes of what could feel like 10 minutes into something that seems to take hours. I thought half an hour had gone by, I check the timer and it's at about 15 minutes. All because I had about probably 10 stray enemies to kill.

    Frames like this are lazy, lazy, lazy. Lazy = Boring.

    There's no need for map nuking and the trend is getting old really fast.

    Whatever happened to gunplay? Seems to have taken a back seat to game destroying AoE abilities. I see more often than not people who were looking for Nuke Trinities to Farm Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. Glad that was fixed because it was an atrocity to gaming. But the developers left it because noobs were enjoying it... They didn't intend for the function to work with Aviator, it was an accident. It took how long to fix? It should have been fixed instantly... But the developers don't seem to care about that. Hell, I made a complaint about the function of [Magnum Force] not working at all for the [arca scisco] and they don't seem at all interested. The mod doesn't spread multishot with MANY weapons like it should. But instead of fixing that, they turn Saryn into this? This whatever it is? I have no idea...

    There seems to be this endless META switching because DE keep making frames or changing other frames to be the go to's for lazy, lazy and boring farming. Bring energy and buffs and a leech for them to all stand around for 1 hour while they press a button. That's not gaming, that's a farming addiction.

    I think DE know this, that people get addicted to loot so instead of actually providing engaging mechanics, they give people ways to nuke maps to feed their addictions rather than rewarding skillful play. This is typical of developers these days to cater to this sort of thing.

    Eventually people will realise that they're not actually enjoying themselves and that they're just addicted to loot. Hell, I'm addicted to loot too. But I'm not happy to aquire it by standing around for hours doing nothing.

    Pitiful excuse for gaming. I'll make a suggestion to any Saryn players who want to come in and take over games with this garbage: Please warn people first and have some manners to let them know that they will be doing virtually nothing for 40 minutes.

    As for end game or harder content? I wish. Survivals are the only real place for that IMO as they scale well and endlessly slam you with enemies. But that doesn't work so well with KUVA due to running from point to point and leaving enemies spawning all over the place to catch up. In the end you have to leave due to life support issues unless you have a Nekros and because of that, rinse and repeat. No challenge and enjoyment is worn very thin when map nukers are happy to join and make you do nothing.

    Let them know that they're making life support run out? Most of the time they will blame you, and the rest of them with half an ounce of give a stuff for anyone else will go "oh, sorry" and stop using their map nuke and claim they didn't realise.

    I might not be a game Developer and I'm not saying I could do better. But if it was in my hands there would never have been a chance for this sorta horrible gameplay to happen. I'm a loot addict and a gamer as well. Not just a loot addict 1 button pressing afker.

    DE, please start working on engaging Warframes and bring weapons back into the spotlight because this is garbage. Please!

    You're missing the point. Most of the recent frames and reworks make it clear they are giving frames scalability. At the low levels you speak about most frames are OP. Nidus kills stuff so quickly you can't kill those enemies either at low levels. Same with Nova. Same with every single frame that has an AOE damage ability. Even those that don't can simply fit a weapon that one-shots stuff so quickly, others will unlikely get off a shot themselves. If I fight lvl30 with a Zarr, I AOE nuke stuff so quickly, you won't be able to fight it either. 

    But that's the price you pay for having frames that are useful at higher more challenging (read: fun) levels.

    The engaging game mechanics you ask for are there...you just have to stop playing easy-mode content. Also, Saryn isn't making life support run out. Her crazy kills per second figure helps to keep it going! 

  3. 1 hour ago, ActionPoohole said:

    Run a KUVA farm and stand around while everything dies pretty much out of sight to this Warframe? Not fun for others around. Pretty similar disaster to Equinox bleeding everything. Power yes? Engaging and enjoyable for other players? Completely not.

    I'd like to see DE making frames more engaging and interesting rather than just stronger. There's plenty of content where this sort of frame is just overkill and leaves nothing for utility frames to do. Standing around with an OP pistol or rifle while all enemies die off screen. Using minions or globes to protect a point that has nothing attacking. Finally become somewhat useful at around 40 minutes when things aren't insta dying then everyone wants to leave.

    Engaging and fun? Absolutely not. This is just show boating power and really not fun for anyone around. If you're happy to stand around and AFK for loot, this is your frame. Other people choose to engage in actual gameplay.

    This is only an issue at lower level missions! At higher ones, none of those problems exist. Banshee can't quake everything to death, Equinox needs a lot of work to charge Maim and Saryn can't just hit 4 and nuke everything at once. You can't balance a frame based on low levels because it would make them totally S#&$e at more challenging content. Most frames crush those levels. 

    Challenge yourself at higher levels if you want to experience the full power of your frames.

  4. 21 minutes ago, --Q--Captain said:

    I didn't realize it was a crime to play a frame a different way than intended. I guess when I play Loki and don't go stealth I'm committing a crime, or when I play frost and don't use his snow globe. Just because Warframes are said to be a certain role doesn't mean they need to be played that specific way. That ruins all of the fun in playing.

    People who used the DPS Trin weren't exploiting, they were using what they were given and were trying new things. Trinity has always been used as a support role, so why not try something new? Yes it might've been strong but that's something we discovered by trying new things and not sticking to what she had always been.

    On another note, they could nerf Equinox but it wouldn't really help them. Destroying the meta only results in players trying to find a new meta and using another frame. Many people used Ember as a DPS, but after they reworked her, everyone began to use Equinox as a DPS. By nerfing Equinox, they aren't solving any problems, they're creating more problems.

    Nothing against trying things, but some things are just too OP for the low effort you have to put in. I "liked" trying Exodia Contagion Ash, but that doesn't mean it's not OP...because it was, just like Trinity. You can try stuff and still admit when it's OP for the effort put in. Jumping and nuking everything in a huge radius while also being a sublime support frame isn't balanced. What's next? Are we going to give Banshee Wukong's tank because it's "fun to try"?

  5. The Trinity balance was needed, just like the Exodia Contagion nerf with certain frames like Wukong. Took 'em a bit longer to catch on to the Ash & Exodia Contagion thing...was fun, but got boring quickly because it was so OP. I think Ash & EC was the largest single cast/hit damage in game before the nerf in combination with Seeking Shuriken. It removed all challenge from the game, so I was fine when they balanced it...even as an Ash "main".

  6. 1 minute ago, davej83 said:

    i nver heard ( read )  any1 in any team complain abouth equinox never never.. it help alot and its perfect balanced, while trinity is suposed to be suported oriented that fix is apreciated.

    It’s the “buhuuu, they balanced my OP frame, so now I’ll demand irrational nerfs for other frames” mentality that’s toxic...and incredibly childish.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    Inside the AA sphere is not an absolute defense either. I stuck the AA to myself and nope, it doesn't protect 100%. Running AA in Mot and not dying doesn't really = invincibility.

    Yes, it does shut down like most incoming gunfire, but it's not as absolute as you say. Just admit you are exaggerating for effect.

    Sorry, but are wrong bar the bug when orbs stick to you. No bullet touches me otherwise and it works VERY reliably otherwise: 


  8. 8 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    Not true. Especially if you are surrounded or the AD is too far from you. I've used it to block a lot of shots, so I know how it works. With a Speedva build, which is High Range too. It also doesn't block bullets if you are between the AD and the bullet.

    Pretty sure Artprince read your comment as "145 strength gives Nova's Wormhole a 72 meter range". Aka he thought you were implying power strength increased wormhole range, which is of course false.

    Granted, your grammar there was pretty messed up and a lot of words that should be there are not, because you didn't mention that 145 strength gives you enough mod space to mod for 72 meters range on Wormhole.

    It blocks it very reliably as long as you stay inside the bubble. Obviously if you're outside the bubble, it won't block everything. If you run inside the bubble, you are safe. I can't remember ever getting hit inside the bubble, and I run her a ton in MOT. It's what makes her viable there in the first place.

    It also makes perfect sense that AA won't block stuff if you are between the bullet and the bubble. It does so however if AA is between you and the bullet...or if you're inside the AA sphere.

    But yeah, meant range instead of strength for the wormhole. Typing on mobile while on the road 😉

  9. 27 minutes ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    Uh... wot.

    What drug are you on to make you think Antimatter Absorb makes Nova invincible? No, that's just straight up false.

    Antimatter Absorb blocks all bullets and makes Nova invulnerable....try it. So no, it isn't false. 

    Not sure what your issue is with the first comment. I run at 145 strength most of the time getting 72m...but if you want to hunt whisps, going with a max range setup makes more sense.

    In short...what drug are YOU smoking? Maybe better if you read before posting 😉

  10. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Kairu_Aname said:

    She's only energy efficient under like 3-4 types of builds. She's meant to use abilities and under that premise those few builds only use two abilities at most. 

    Putting condition overload on any decent melee with toxic lash basically just kills any enemy.

    I'm not finding it hard to kill things. I'm finding it hard to keep the spores going because the mechanics of them is finicky and inconsistent

    Then you are only playing low to mid levels 😉

  11. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Kairu_Aname said:

    That's one thing I can't agree on. Radiation makes them see everything as an enemy. In a game where you generally want things to die, why would I not just kill that one enemy and spread the spores anyway. 

     right weapon for the right job, and the job she's made for is killing. 

    Because it ramps up damage quicker than you can on your own...which ultimately nets faster killing. It's a way to overcome decay fast. 

    She's a super energy efficient frame too because you really don't have to spazz out and spam her abilities.

  12. 38 minutes ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

    I think what you have to do to keep spores going up along with with the people playing around you, it has no synergy. I don't like that when I'm playing Saryn I often stop myself from killing things because I'm trying to micromanage other stuff and that just doesn't work in this game. When I'm all on my lonesome? I enjoy it. Saryn just doesn't play well with others. 

    I'm not sure what you mean by "no synergy" for other team mates. I strip armor and halve health for all enemies. That's a massive debuff making everyone's life much easier and is no different than Banshee giving them a damage boost.

  13. 1 minute ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    Yup. DE should definitely balance the game around your opinion sir.

    Well, given I'm fine with the changes, I guess they are already...while they clearly disagree with you. Of course they do it because of logic, not because of my opinion. 

  14. Just now, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    Yeah sure. You’re right. Rhino CC is a sub par ability for sure. For sure..

    It definitely is compared to proper CC frames. Which is why he beats those when it comes to damage and in many cases survivability. Just like Saryn beats Trinity justifiably when it comes to damage at the expense of support abilities. Again, it's called balance, thank you for agreeing.

  15. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:


    Great argument. /s

    Seriously, learn in what categories frames fall to realize that none of them are good at everything like you want Trinity to be. I'm glad they nerfed her damage because it obviously wasn't balanced that she was great at everything. So her doing less damage than Saryn makes sense, just like it makes sense for Saryn to do more damage at the expense of not having any support abilities. It's called logic...and balance.

  16. 23 minutes ago, (PS4)Kairu_Aname said:

    First, Nidus doesn't have to work to get stacks. His stacks don't just disappear when he doesn't do anything. He really doesn't have to work hard at all. He's a cohesive frame built around a mechanic and built around it well.

    Second we aren't talking about saryn's damage. Her damage isn't the issue, it's the mechanics for delivering that damage that is the issue. So apparently you have issues reading posts as well. People complain not because something is fine, but because something needs work. It's not because people are not creative, It's BECAUSE the mechanic is an issue that rears its head often enough to BE an issue. 

    I've seen the problem firsthand when I played with a bunch of different builds and took her into the mode she was designed around. Only a few builds really function well, while the others fall off.


    This is pigeonholing, and I don't like it. 

    You can personally like a frame but not addressing the issues that frame has is not going to help that frame overall

    But the mechanic is fine, it's not hard to keep up damage appropriate for the level you play at. You don't need your spore damage at 1k against lvl10 enemies. And at higher levels, she has no problem dishing out damage IF you build her correctly and synergize her with the right weapons. 

  17. 1 minute ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    Oh.. the rhino build I know is......

    I can’t tell you I’m afraid they really nerf it. No lol

    Comon' man, you are pretending Rhino is a CC frame like one of the proper CC frames (Nyx, Nova, etc.)...that's clownish. He has one quick CC ability giving a pretty short movement speed penalty. To pretend that makes him a CC frame is clownish.

    Good DE is balancing frames and not you.

  18. 39 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    I’m not gonna read or reponse to you since you called me acting like a kiddo or some disrepectful remarks now and I saw you doing that quite often in this board. I hope you stop commenting me anymore because you won’t hear from me back anything useful. Bye. 

    Still better than your whiny Trinity bitterness clouding your mind. It's not as if your posts make any logical sense.

  19. 47 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

    Nah sounds like you got dubunked. Move on. 

    Saryn needs nerf bc she totally kills everything before someone can collect 10 reactants desperately looking for them for 5 min.

    You have no clue what CC is if you believe an 8sec movement speed penalty with Rhino makes him a CC god. Comon', your Trinity bitterness is now reaching comical levels.

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