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  1. Who has called it a bad weapon? i literally said its a great weapon. But lol 3 times faster? wtf does that mean u can fire 3 times the bullet while having to akwardly turn left and right. the latron could be fully automatic and it would still be worse because its tiny aoe size in comparison the fire rate doesnt matter if i am just gonna fire at the same enemies. while 1 shot of the bramm is an insta clear to the entire room. its just doesnt compared especially not because of the headshot gimmick giving you dumb amounts of down time. the time to kill and clear rooms is infinitely bigger, with the bramma i would just shoot at my feet and clear multiple rooms in normal gameplay, with the latron i have to shoot turn around shoot turn around its insanely annoying and i have resorted to going back to the phantasma because i can just hold my button without thinking.
  2. am i talking to a bot? you are just making a series of strawmen arguments. for one the game could easily have a circuit path WITHOUT needing to have those specific adapters just specifically made to give you something to work towards for new and old players. wtf are you even talking how does it not cross your mind that you can have a reward path without making some special resources are you incapable of abstraction or are you just chatgpt in diguise? or that you can make differnt aquisitions method for new players? or just make them be able to get these resources? hello? like this is why i call you a bad faith actor you are making up complete strawmen red herrings hypotheticals that i never argued and try to make an argument, even though said argument should have the answer for anyone with an a iq slightly above the standard deviation. How is it a necessary evil? there is nothing to skirt around, if they want old resources to be useful they can make end game weapons and such take more resources, or just make it locked behind new content that utilizes old resources. and old players just use their old ones, how is that an issue? what kinda "Neccesary evil is that" and if you say "they have to make money" they already do, its not from grinding random resources u cant even buy the incarnons with plat. its from cosmetics. that is just not even in the realm of an argument. like honestly i just think u are average iq and a bad faith actor
  3. that is such a S#&$ bad faith argument, it is actually a perfectly reasonable request, asking for your resources you spent a long time obtaining to be relevant. lmao if you think that this is asking to make the game for free idk wtf to even tell you. idk why you are being such a bad faith actor about this. the game is perfectly capable of introducing ways like helminth to eat our resources that actually rewards veteran players for stockpiling them, infact you can do it both ways you can make resource sinks that are cheaper with new resources and old ones use alot for example that causes oldeer playesr to have something to do with all this useless junk. and most importantly we dont even need new resources just have a duviri circuit like progression where you get stuff with exp, and not resources and just make resources to craft stuff, that way you still have the "grind" but old players can just reuse their resources and new players just farm the base resources anyways.
  4. wtf are you talking about, the latron prime is the clunkiest aoe weapon in anything but the highest content, having to akwardly kill a couple low level enemies, when i could have jsut pulled out the phantasma and just roll trough the map. like they are strong but if you think they are as as strong as the bramma which had effectively infinite ammo and just one shot everything, compared to a mag that has to akwardly reload, relative to the actual aoe area the fire rate is pretty slow compared to the kuva bramma. where i could infinitely just fire massive bolts trough walls. while you are walking around switching targets because of your small aoe area and limited incarnon charges the bramma player would have cleared the map 3 times over. we are literally not playing the same game, the latron is not nearly as good as those other aoe weapons, ontop of the fact its probably not even the best weapon for clearing rooms period anymore as many other options exist.
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