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Posts posted by Kracken

  1. One of the most important thing for a game is how completely new player is introduced to a game. And we would all agree that Warframe is still doing a bad job for it.
    (most of things i mention here are my observations based on the most frequently asked questions in region chat)

    Tutorial is OK-ish, but player is till getting only minimum information of how to move, act and etcetera. Biggest problem is that it allows player to bluntly go past it (or get help from outside).
    Player have to be taught the basics before he will be able to go to the "real game". I believe that sometime the game need to "take the player by the hand" and show how to do things and force him to do the same (best example is teach them how to increase a mod rank by mod fusion).

    Let Players who barely ended the Vor's prize serve as an example ask how to change weapons in region chat.

    One of the Proposed solution is to rework the Vor's prize missions as they have to be a introduction to those type of missions. AND turning off the chat till he end the quest.
    As for standard controls it should be also implemented as a pop out here and there (during tutorial quest) or as a F1 button with basic hints and tutorials that can be accessed on mission.
    Stolen Dreams quest is a nice introduction to spy quest but ... players have problems even with those...
    We had a Events like introduction to reworked bosses - those should stay/ be reintroduced.

    Codex and its functions aren't mentioned in anyway in the game.
    Since i have proposed a change to the introduction mission - change them in a way that it will hint a usage of the codex - it can also be a way of introducing it on New Strange or Once Awake as a hint to finding enemy weakness/ info about the target.

    One of the most common request of new players is to give them a taxi to a planet node where they can find X resource and/or where to find X resource.
    Solution for this would be completely block the ability of entering nodes that a player don't have access to.
    And since we are at it. Each planet have a extractor icon. Hovering over it with an mouse cursor will reveal the resources of the planet - this mechanic is so unintuitive for new players and is as good as a hidden feature. The basic available (excluding pegmatites) resources should be visible - ALWAYS.

    One of the main reasons mentioned in the conversations is how unfriendly is Warframe to new players and how overwhelming number of information a player is bombarded with.
    My solution for it to... cut the feed. If a player don't have access to a planet/haven't ended a essential quest - why would he need a information of what Alerts / conflicts happens on it?
    At the same time - introduce each mechanic separately. Or even block them by restriction to MR (in similar manner how Konzus Bounties are restricted).

    Give a player a reason to increase their Mastery rank - and tell them what it IS how to increase it. New players are essentially missing a straight road sigh that will tell them to what to do next.
    As we don't necessarily want to see each time a opening scene from 100 days of Warframe. Lock the advanced movement behind MR 1 and as a test for that rank lets make the tutorial of advanced movement with a decent repeats- it will be something much cooler that a simple mockup of a timed extermination mission.

    I also think that giving players a starter 50 plat is sometimes confusing and or counterproductive. I agree for not letting players earn plat just by playing(trading is OK) but cant tell what philosophy is for letting player chose of what to do with it. Inventory slots for weapons and frames - at least the first two/few (equivalent of those 50 plats)- could be available from a quest or a one of the first Mastery ranks. If you need to introduce the Market - do it by showing it how to buy blueprint of Incubator Power Core schematics for Howl of Kubrow quest (and change the need of argon crystal to build it - its unavailable for players that just got access to Venus). Show them that stuff they need have a "free to play" alternative.

    The game could be more forgiving / friendly in the aspect of the player progression. At least in the very beginning of the game.

  2. i had read what you have wrote and ... imo its not a feedback but a rant...

    If you are in an instance where someone trade "bad" plat - that trade should be reverted regardless - but its should be solved by technical support. Technical support from their side should track that "bad" plat to the source and act accordingly - case by case.

    The only instance where a player gets a temporary ban when that "bad" plat is taken back without rolling back the trades/buyouts.

  3. 1 hour ago, zerofighter005v said:

    If a temporary kick-out from chat  happens, when will it would last?

    A kick take effect till next login in to the chat.

    1 hour ago, zerofighter005v said:

    Also, if a spammer is reported in-game, then the bot or mod will take action against that spammer immediately if they're present at anytime?

    Bot will take action if there is too many of the same letters in the one msg, for other action it need a human.

  4. Czasem jest to efekt "zapamiętania i zablokowania" kierunku ruchu podczas ALT-TAB'owania gdy podczas wspomnianego zminimalizowania okna poruszamy się w danym kierunku.

    Ale proponuję stworzyć następującą sesję: włączyć grę - zaobserwować anormalne zachowanie gry (w tym wypadku chodzenie w lewo), zamknąć grę.
    Dzięki temu gra wygeneruje nam plik EE.log z danymi co się działo w czasie tej sesji. Wystarczy go przesłać do pomocy technicznej Warframe w celu analizy.

  5. 41 minutes ago, Achven said:

    O mój boże. Wystarczy, że gość z Nowej Kaledonii lub Wysp Vanuatu zapragnie grać w z europejskich serwerów i mamy takie jaja? Powinno być jakieś ostrzeżenie. To koszmarne rozwiązanie. Czyli jak ja miałem problemy z ograniczonym NATem przez operatora to cierpiało całe party? To by wyjaśniało tą niezrozumiałą dla mnie agresję gdy wywalało z gry.

    Jest ustawienie w opcjach które blokuje dołączanie do gier z pingiem powyżej zadanego poziomu (standardowym ustawieniem jest 300~400.ms). Jeśli nadal masz problemy z wysokim pingiem znaczy że to wina internetu do którego się podłączasz NIE HOSTA.

    Śmiem twierdzić że z tego co czytam to masz ogólny problem z jak nie z ustawieniami modemu/rutera to z kiepskim dostawcą internetu.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Achven said:

    Jak to hostem? Łączymy się z grą przez osobę, która zbiera party? Pingujemy do osoby, która zbiera party czy do serwera gry?

    System p2p który powoduje, że na czas misji jeden gracz jest tak zwanym hostem czyli robi na czas misji za serwer gry. A wszyscy inni gracze w drużynie są do niego podpięci (klient) i wspomniany ping (opóźnienia)  jest względem hosta. 

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