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Posts posted by Kracken

  1. Bardzo jednak rzadko pokazuje się uw błąd kiedy łącze internetowe z którego się korzysta podupada (czyt wysyłanie danych). Jeśli grasz normalnie Z kolegami a potem masz problemy z połączeniem ... może być to problem od strony dostawcy internetu.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Invoky said:

    No I never had a chance to even skip it. Vorz Price came out after I already went into break, and since I returned it was just locked already.

    In that case the game should force you to play the tutorial. If not its skipped.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Invoky said:

    I have been wondering why I never see any Acolyte, then I read the last patch note...

    I am a return player who took a break almost 5 years ago, back at the end of 2013. When I started Warframe again about a month ago, the Vor's Prize was locked for me. I have never completed it nor given the option to skip it.

    I didn't really care since people say it doesn't really effect other part of game(I haven't start Saya's Sigil yet). But now I read that Acolyte is link to Vor's Prize somehow...

    Have I been missing other content because Vor's is bugged out for me?

    If you had skipped it - it count as complete, in codex its just "unavailable" to see its progression / lore or whetever you name it...

  4. 13 minutes ago, radastir said:

    Someone handle this guy over the smartass-of-the-year award. And now start at least trying to pretend being helpful in any way...

    First of all the Name of the tread is misleading and placed in wrong section of the forum... (it should be on mission bugs)
    I was only addressing the NAME of the thread.

  5. 27 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    So if a particular moderator finds a word offensive to themself and adds it to the bot within code, that is still not opinionated right? Cmon. What rules do moderators adhere to? Because naming and shaming on the forums is something everyone should follow, especially those who enforce it, and I have seen a particular moderator do that on multiple occasions.

    I would like to see how far you get with attempting to report an Adminstrator on a power trip.

    Moderators don't have access to bot black list. Above all else Code of Conduct is the primary list of rules all players and mods alike have to obey, whenever they like it or not.
    The moderators set of rules is the prolonged version of CoC - with the addition to what a mod can do with each offense.


    15 minutes ago, KissMeQuickly said:


    Most of those statements are false ... as you approached it in ... wrong way.

    qIh1t1g.jpg(you don't send a F-list request because you want to)

    I case of "moderation feedback" ... well If that was a constructive feedback of moderating and not " why i was banned" or blaming a moderator / bot for his /her behavior and misunderstood rules, broken principals... that would be something...

    And again - If someone has a problem with a Moderator or see his misconduct he or she should report it to Support. Yes ... sending a ticket... You don't create a forum thread .. or send a private msg to administration Forum Acc - but sending a ticket WITH evidence of Moderators misconduct  / abuse of power.

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