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Posts posted by Sebastianx

  1. Between rounds, when the scoreboard is showing, the only useful interaction you can have with the UI is "Leave Conclave".  I think that is a little bit of a design oversight- your only option for interaction is quiting?  You should encourage the players to talk to each other.  Regardless of the quality of conversations, it's more likely they stick around for the next round even if they don't participate in conversations.

    Aye, the UI is incredibly basic right now, it could use some more functions and features. Like map voting in between rounds, shuffle teams vote, because sometimes the game places 4 MR20 vs 4 MR5 for some reason, ability to see your conclave progress, how much you have to go until the next rank, what is your total available syndicate points, etc.

  2. There is also the patching, many patches are good but other times it's due to too many salty people that are not that experienced in the game or a lack of attention from devs. For example when the vectis received the lie and wait mod almost all frames were 2 shot kills except for Loki and Banshee. Because of the massive complaints of veterans or fundamentally good sniper players destroying in the conclaves they nerfed the snipers to the point where they are unusable.


    There was also the karak nerf, many people did not want the karak to be nerfed but for all the other weapons to get a univsersal buff. Yet the devs decided to nerf only the karak and give band-aid mods to weapons taht actually need a lot of love. So yay RNG walls.


    Then there is the TTK. Honestly after 2 years of playing this is the most frustrating game and build of warframe pvp that I have ever played. There is too much movement and too high TTK. It akes forever to kill someone and 80% of them move really fast, so you can baiscally get shot once, flock away and get a health/energy orb and come back.

    They'll nerf every weapon that is too strong in order to add mods for that weapon type so the player can pick and choose how he/she wants to customize the weapon, without it becoming overpowered. It will happen to every weapon type. (after they find a middle balancing ground for that weapon type)


    And TTK is very subjective, some of us enjoy low TTK while some prefer it higher. I do agree that HIGH TTK really doesn't fit Warframe, but it should definitely not be like it used to be before the conclave rework, because getting killed by a stray bullet scratching you sure wasn't fun at all, or getting killed by a press 4 to win frame wiping out the whole map in one go...

  3. I play pvp more then I pve nowadays.... My friend and I often feel we "cannabalize" the community because there is a steep learning curve, and new players who join more often than not find themselves stomped into the ground. This probably leaves them with a bad taste in their mouth.


    We try to let them kill us, and cap the cephalon etc etc. But the skill of some of these players is so low that they have a hard time doing that as well. Hopefully some sort of matchmaking system will eventually be put in place, or a newbie pvp map will be implemented for newcomers, because its just as boring for us to stomp new players as it is to be stomped.


    When rank 0's join our games we always feel guilty killing them and end up drawing the games out 10x as long just trying to help them learn the ropes. Just one reason that maybe the conclave isnt played more. Although i never have a hard time finding a match at any time of day.

    Yeah, I feel that is a very big problem right now. DE really needs to do something about it because PVP is losing a lot of people due to that.

  4. So, as you may know, there's no tutorial or introduction to the conclave for a beginner. Some of them do find their way in there, and I fell sorry for them because most times they're getting slaughtered without the proper preparation.


    But why is it that so few of us play it? It's a LOT of fun, especially with a friend.


    I've made a PvP guide video on how to improve in order to try and attract even a few more people in there, but it still feels empty.



    DE finally nailed the basics of conclave, they got the main structure ready to be built upon, and it's slowly but surely turning out to be a great thing, one of the funnest PvPs I've played for years in a game, and it comes out from what was initially a PvE game. But I think they need to advertise it some more, and also adding a tutorial for the beginners to help them familiarize with it.


    Why do you think PvP is getting so little attention from the player base?



    Currently known deterring issues:

    - Lack of dedicated servers, which causes horrible lag. (seems to be the biggest issue as of yet by a long shot)

    - Some people are waiting for better balancing before diving in.

    - Lack of interesting rewards and motivation.

    - Current Capture the flag/cephalon iteration is simply not working out due to the fast paced nature of the game and the small maps. (need maps with twisty enclosed sections that also have open shortcut like sections which are VERY risky to go through)


    Here's the video which I posted on players helping players when I made it, got a bit of feedback but not really enough (I think)...since very few people actually go on the Players helping players section.


    My next video, which will focus on Frost, will be up in 2-3 days and I'm just curious, what would you like me to improve on? I really want to get good at this, and help people, but I can't really do that if I don't know what the people want to see. Thanks.


    I think this video could've been shorter and more concise by cutting some of this 'fat'.


    For editing purposes, might consider switching up the song over the course of this 8 minute video. Labeling the sections for different concepts (as I have done above) + changing the song can help distinguish different concepts for your viewer.

    By the way, I'd really like your opinions on what you'd think is "too much" on another video I'm thinking of posting. Also, I'd really like to add more interesting songs and change them up...used to have an AMV channel 4 years ago, got to a few million views then it got taken down due to copyright because youtube started to get more aggressive, so I'm being way more careful now.

  7. Really nice guide man! I admire the fact that you covered both PvE and PvP. Not a whole lot of people do that ya know.

    Thanks a lot! I'm still nailing down what should and should not be in a guide, and I think I'll focus more on the advance-ish stuff for the PVE section, like specialty of a skill, combos, synergies and builds instead of so much introduction and the basics, because I realized how counter intuitive it is. For a player with some experience, he/she already knows the basics, so that is redundant, and for a new player, explaining advanced things that require corrupted mods, synergies with other frame skills that he/she probably doesn't even know much about is again pretty pointless. And anyway, there's a lot of people doing introductory videos to Warframes.

  8. As long as you can't use the skins in conclave, sure, go for it. Since it's very missleading to know what you're fighting, is he using Dual Zoren? Or maybe Ichors? Or the new Basolk ? Will I have to deal with slash, toxic or fire damage? As someone who plays a lot of conclave that's important to me, depending on what frame I have, I'll approach the fight differently. It gets even worse with some other weapons.

  9. So are we... supposed to just stick to Gas Ignis now to be able to do stuff with Saryn? I mean... to combo, even with all those cons, all our skills when other frames just press a button to do the same faster and more efficiently? Mhhh.....

    Less and less frames start doing that, it all started back with Nova, then Excal, now Saryn,and eventually no frames will be able to do it, it's the play style DE and most of us are sick off, the one trick ponies that nuke the map with little to no effort. They'll eventually tune out all the one trick ponies, removing power from the 1 trick skill and shifting it into the frame's other skills, which is a good thing.


    Nova used to only be used to nuke the map, same for Excal and Saryn...well not anymore, Mag used to be used to pull loot, not anymore (she'll receive her changes soon-ish too), Trinity was used only to spam 4 and keep everyone invincible after corrupted mods were added, Frost was used only for his perma-invincible Snow Globe and so on...all of them changed, for the better once all the frames receive the same treatment.

  10. ...IS AWESOME.


    No, really, hear me out.


    But first, you have to know, that this works with an Ignis moded for Gas (which I think shouldn't be necessary, but I'll explain how easily this could change if DE wants to, just keep reading)


    First of all, it seems that spore spread radius is now increased by power range (i'm currently at work and can't test that), but if it's true, that opens a whole NEW WORLD of possibilities Let's see the range of her currently best combo.


    Spore = 16m

    Molt = 10m

    Miasma= 15m


    Now, with max power range:


    Spore = 37.6m

    Molt = 23.5m

    Miasma = 35.25m


    Combo execution:


    Cast Molt (0.1 seconds) > Cast Spore on Molt (0.5 seconds) > Cast Second Molt to detonate first Molt (0.1 seconds) and spread both the Spores and Molt 100% Toxic proc in a 23.5m radius > Make a 360 spin with the Ignis (1.5 seconds) to explode most (if not all) the Spores for further spread of damage and Viral proc with 100% chance > Cast Miasma and enjoy the INSANELY high damage procs since Miasma's damage gets Doubled then Tripled when hitting Toxin + Viral proced enemies.

    Total combo setup time: 2 - 2.5 seconds.


    CONS of current Saryn:

    -High energy costs

    -Low survivability

    -Almost all abilities are effected by all stat modifiers (strength, duration, range, efficiency)


    Ways to fix current Saryn:

    -She should have the highest HP out of all frames, her appearence, DOT based kit and everything about her just screams high HP, low shields, average armor. (would also make more sense to use Regenerative Molt)


    -Her ability costs should be cut in half, yes HALF. She is supposed to be the spammiest out of all the frames (besides Trinity maybe, but she can restore her own energy easily)...I'd expect to see her abilities with max efficiency to cost around: 3 Spore, 6.25 Molt, 12.5 Miasma...mostly because of her spammy kit and setup time.


    -None of her skills should scale with power duration. Sounds insane, but that would actually increase her effectiveness as long as DE doesn't add very low durations on her skills. Just add like +25% increased duration to her current duration times to compensate.


    -When Molt explodes with Spore on it, it should spread a Viral proc along the Toxin proc. This would mean that no Ignis is required for the combo I mentioned.


    I seriously love Saryn now, gives me the feeling of a combo based warlock class, which is pretty cool.

  11. -snip-

    Wow, thanks a lot, very useful. Also, added an annotation on my vid in regards to the DPI thingy, somehow i mixed it up. And about genetics and reaction time in MS...it's helpful to know that reaction times don't mean everything, a lot of my friends keep complaining that "I don't want to pvp, everyone kills me because my reactions suck" which isn't everything when it comes to PVP. Also in regards to FPS, I'm sure that most people know and can also feel for themselves when they play a game that goes smooth compared to a game that goes bad because of low FPS. Anyway, thanks a lot, will keep in mind most of the things you told me, very useful info.

  12. Hey guys, finally decided to do a video on how to improve a bit in pvp after a few people commented that they'd like to see it after my first video, the Excalibur pve & pvp guide. 



    Here's the video. 


    If I'm not asking too much, could I please get some feedback on it? What do you think I did good, and what did I do bad? Yeah, I probably missed a few things, but it actually took longer than expected to figure what to add in, and how to add it so it doesn't sound like total non-sense, like it's pretty much in my brain.


    I'm posting this here because it's technically still players helping players...


    Also, I'm not a native english speaker, so sorry if my accent is a bit funny

  13. Good guide! One minor correction: Radial Javelin hits enemies that are aware of Excalibur or vice versa - Excal being aware of them. Also, a PvP tip: Don't use Exalted Blade on targets that are fleeing or are well past close range. The ability is quite easy to doge so make sure the enemy is approaching you and will have a hard time changing direction. From the perspective of a shotgun user, the most dangerous Excals are those who wait for me to close in for a shot and then activate Exalted Blade; Excals rarely kill me with EB otherwise.

    10 times I kept telling to myself while editing to also add the "aware" thing about Javelin, 10 TIMES! And I still forgot it...oh well. Also yes, EB is hard to land at longer range but if the enemy has only one way to go and they start runing just out of pure fear when the Excal pulls out EB (me being guilty as well sometimes), most times it's easy to predict their path...perks of playing Tribes games for years I guess. Most often than not EB can be used as a psychological tool as well, since NO one sane enough would go head on with an Excal that just activated EB. Still good point, trying to snipe targets with EB isn't exactly the best of ideas.

  14. Weak hand, hm, depends how weak it is, in the most extreme case I'd suggest going for a melee orientated frame that doesn't require aiming...maybe Excalibur or Rhino, ramp up the mouse sensitivity so you don't have to move it much and go slashing...or bashing...or piercing, whatever is the melee of your choice :P also since parkour 2.0... prepare for a lot of flying enemies, better take them by surprise or you'll scare them away, BUT going head-on with a slash dash or a rhino charge works just as well.

  15. yea they sure did a great job there


    though I think hysteria is balanced, it has the melee limitations, a crappy stance, low range and most of all, inferior to EB, same damage almost but no waves, in return defense is needed, also it`sn to 100% god mode, u can take all the dmg u stored (next to HP bars) if u deactivate near an enemy, pretty annoying with nullis, I once killed myself by that, thanks to me not knowing about it lol


    also kitty is a solo frame most of anything, so I think god mode VS her lack of support is balancing her for solo, and under powering her in team

    She'll probably get an opening with some sort of buff along with it when using her ult. Like, the more damage she stores, the angrier she gets, increasing her damage by a lot but also slowly losing her 100% damage resistance, slowly going down to 99%, 98%, 97% and so on, while receiving more and more damage increase as well, just to remove some of that 100% godmode. Would force some opening every now and then, where you'd lose your damage but regain your durability.

  16. he is spammy, but slash dash already costs little, with streamlinei t take like 16 energy I think, pretty much enough ;)


    and now worries, u had so much in, u dropped one :P


    same here, all stuff that get reworked are at the same level if u noticed, shotguns, kitty and cal are all stronger than others (with few exceptions) but u get the general idea, right?


    and yep. looking forward to saryn`s rework, and u should do frosty next, he has been reworked for longer than kitty, so tweak possibility is less

    DE had an interesting approach to Warframe over the last half a year, remove borderline broken warframes that are just 1 trick ponies, like Frost used to be used only for Snow globe, and Excal only for 4 spam to clear stuff in Draco and occasionaly used to spam blind instead, Trinity used for the permanent 100% damage reduction from blessing, (and now Saryn used only to spam 4) all of that got replaced by more skill-based abilities rather than mindlessly pressing buttons...and they shifted more to a all-rounded stronger kit, which makes me think that Valkyr might get a buff to her 1/2/3 skills and a nerf to her 4 because as of right now, being permanently invincible with the only drawback being that you're in melee range seems to be getting awfully close to how Iron Skin used to be in closed beta or Blessing used to be until last year, and look what happened to those skills...lol.

  17. good job mate, I like it, but i think the Damage build should have more duration and no fleeting expertise, now it`s affecting effeceincy on EB


    also in PVP, u could`ve added slash dash+shotgun combo, I do all the time, stagger them to stand still and finish them off with the burst shot ;)


    though I think it could use more jokes, but I always go for jokes, so don`t take that as a serious penalty coming from me


    and an advice, don`t do frames that didn`t get reworked yet, u can do frost/kitty next :) saryn when the rework train picks her up from nuke station xD

    Hehe, yeah, I thought about the damage build, but If anyone else is going to spam slash dash as much as I do, then Fleeting is pretty useful. I feel like Excalibur is very spammy unless you build for CC. Also, nice combo with the slash dash + shotgun in PvP, not sure how'd I miss that one.

    And yes, I won't review frames that haven't been reworked yet, DE is doing a good job and they finally found a middle ground to how powerful the frames should be, doing a good job with Excalibur and Frost so far, and Saryn looks very interesting as well, Banshee's also in a very good place. Really thinking about doing Frost next, I love frosty as well.

  18. I think you should focus more on pvp since there are tons and tons of reviews and guides already out there for PVE for all warframes. PVP is something most people in this game don't like AFAIK and a good guide might help them take a second look at it

    Very good point, I thought about that, but didn't want to overdo it. Also, trying to focus on warframe synergies in PVE  since from what I'm seeing everyday is that people only use some meta frames that run around constantly, while disregarding some warframe combos that are outright ridiculous if used right, like Excalibur + Banshee + Limbo (throw in a Rhino Roar build in there too), that combo got me and 2 friends in a almost 2 hour T4 survival and possibly even more, but there was no point in risking it since my friend's net started lagging and we were afraid of a disconnect.

  19. Hello guys and girls, I finally decided to man up and do a PVE & PVP guide for every frame (eventually). First, Excalibur.


    Yes, I know that doing anything PVP related is a bit crazy with how volatile PVP is right now, but DE seems to have gotten the PVP base structure in place, and I feel that mostly just numbers will change from now on, so I went for it.



    Here's the video. If I'm not asking for too much, could I please have some feedback from you guys? What did I add that was too much, or what more should I add in further videos? What else would you like to see added in further videos? Did I overdo something? Or did I underdo something? Does it need more humor? Less humor? Do I need to speak more clear? etc.


    Keep in mind that I did not go in super deep in the base game mechanics, like how to mod and what modding does. I'm going on an asumption that whoever sees these videos knows some base game mechanics, and instead tried focusing on what the skills actually do, what they're good at, and in the case of PVE, some usefull warframe synergies.


    Any feedback is appreciated, as long as you keep it clean instead of mindless hate, thanks.


    EDIT: Also, if my accent is bad, it's because I'm not a native english speaker, so sorry about that, I'll improve it if I try hard enough eventually.

  20. I love runing around just with my Nikana, and I do block quite a lot of things (especially snipers, bows, slow firing pistols, other melees,etc. ), but due to the auto weapon spam lately because they're by far the strongest weapons, I'm resorted to use Martial Magnetism to have a fighting chance, but that makes blocking useless, so ya...people only see how "OP" MM is, but not about the downside it also gives you. (mind you a nerf from 4 to 3 meters lock-on on MM is still necesary, also bug fixes)

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