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Posts posted by Playford

  1. The only problem I see with that is screen clutter, Right now you rely on those waypoints to find the towers in intercept.. while there could be 20-30 craft on your tail while you're looking.


    As I said, smaller waypoints for distant enemies should reduce clutter, and enemies should be marked with a triangular waypoint so they are distinct from hexagonal waypoints used for intercept towers and players.

  2. In normal and "trench run" missions the current minimap works well. But in the open space missions it's worthless.


    The first reaction for some is to replace it with a 3D variant. While that could work, I am somewhat sceptical of that approach and am going to suggest something different.


    Get rid of it entirely and replace it with a completley different system.


    Freelancer is a 2003 space combat and trading sim, a full on space game, and it doesn't have a minimap. It does have a map system, but it is in no way usable during combat, it's used solely for long distance travel and navigation.


    So, how did space combat work without a minimap, you ask?




    Every enemy in weapons range was marked with a waypoint, while they were on screen they would have a targeting box around them (just like enemies in archwing have a triangle thing around them), but when they go offscreen, there would be an arrow showing which way you have to turn to have them in view. It worked remarkably well, and even during fights with ~10 enemies you always knew where everyone was.


    A similair system could work for archwing. Enemies that are too far away are simply marked with a red dot to prevent too much clutter on screen, as they get closer that dot turns into an arrow that starts small and gets bigger as they approach.


    That right there tells you everything you need to know, which way you have to turn to have your target in view, and if they are offscreen how far away they are so you can prioritize.


    Also one more thing, the whole axis lock... please give us the option to disable that if we wish, I played Freelancer for an unhealthy amount of time and can handle free movement. It did have what was considered a default plane, and you ship would level out to be parallel with it but only if not given directional input for a few seconds, it even had a "returning to normalcy" effect after a hard fight that was very enjoyable.



    Play Freelancer.

    Unfortunately, the game is not on any DD service that I'm aware of and only option beyond Ebay has you going 'yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum' which is... not nice.

  3. Hellion Dagryns have several problems right now, they stun too easy, do too much damage and obscure vision with explosions. But as long there are 1-3 of them they are fairly easy to take down. However on Uranus significantly more then 3 spawn and the volume of missles simply stunlocks and melts everything.


    People spawn and before they get control they immediatley get a barrage of missles from 5+ Hellions shot their way, often insta-killing them before it's even possible to react.

  4. There are strange discrepancies with gear that the devs never properly explained. I always considered the MK-1 Braton to be a cheap Corpus knockoff, while the Braton was the "proper" Tenno weapon. Some of the older weapons need a model update.

  5. Regarding weapon/warframe slots; when the closed beta launched, there were 8 warframes and ~30 weapons, the starting number of slots was enough to have a decent arsenal but not enough to have everything.

    Now we have 20 warfames (not counting primes) and ~150 weapons (total number of weapons is 173, but some are no longer available), an extra slot or two won't make much difference (they don't even have to be mastery rank rewards, they could just be an increase in the default number of slots).

  6. Regarding 1.

    It's a known (and really annoying) bug, happened to me once on ODD, eventually fixed itself by waiting 5+ minutes. Don't know if that is a reliable way of dealing with it.


    Regarding 2.

    Even though the prime drop location post claims you can't, you very much can get R5 cores for T4 Exterminate. Those cores show up as unranked among the mods you picked up, rather than the box on the left (even though they show up as unranked, they are still rank 5).

  7. I don't remember DE nerfing the BV.  It was simply left alone while the other Bratons were buffed repeatedly, to the point where the BV was worse than the regular Braton at one point.


    Right now the BV is in a good place relative to the rest of the Braton family, comparable to the prime variant.  I'd love to see both the vandal and prime versions receive a damage boost to keep them competitive with newer weapons.


    I remember that it was competetive with the Gorgon back when it was the best gun available and the it did significantly more damage per shot, but you could be right, can't find reliable damage values from when it was released.

  8. The old rollers. Once I was soloing Kela De Thaym back then. The fight dragged and she spawned a sea of Rollers.

    I got stunlocked the moment I hit the ground.

    It was a NIGHTMARE.


    The old rollers still give me nightmares.


    For those that don't know:

    They used to be much, much faster and turned almost on the spot, no turning circle whatsoever

    They never stopped moving, ever

    Their hitboxes were bugged and smaller than the model

    They had insane armor, and were completley immune to elemental damage

    They did damage that wasn't in single digits

    They caused stagger at the slightest touch

    They came in packs


    The only way to deal with them was to jump on a box and shower them with bullets, but even then people had to abort missions because they ran out of ammo, and jumping down from your box meant being stunlocked to death.

  9. When it was first released it was a bit overpowered and had to be nerfed (several times), buffing would be more like restoring it to former glory. And it's not like there aren't other powerful weapons.


    On the other hand, having a powerful weapon that noone can get would be unfair.


    I would suggest that both Brandal and Prime be buffed and have near identical stats.

  10. Leech Eximus is infuriating when there are two of them somewhere but you can't see them and they drain your energy just by being on the same continent as you. And their auras stack which is stupidly op for them.

    Haven't seen it in the patch notes, but has the negative energy bug been fixed yet?

  11. Biggest changes are:


    U11 -> Damage 2.0 - a complete overhaul of the damage system.


    U13 -> Melee 2.0 - you can now equip your melee weapon in your hands, charge attacks were removed, channeling was added.


    U14 -> Starmap removed, player ships added. Though that change is more of a convoluted UI change.

  12. Regarding Excal's skills


    Slash Dash already has a mobility aspect to it, I don't see adding extra utility effects as completley necessary.

    However, the damage is pitiful. It shoud scale with equipped melee weapon (and have some base values if there isn't one equipped).

    Haven't been using the skill much lateley, but if it dosn't have a forced slash proc, it should.

    Or maybe the forced proc should be based on the dominant base damage type of equipped weapon? So Jat Kittag gives impact procs if someone wants to try that.


    Radial Blind is currently his best skill and the reason he's viable at all when facing lvl 20+ enemies. If you are going to nerf it to needing line of sight, he becomes (nearly) useless. If you go through with the change, then I request that all his other skills be buffed/changed to compensate (also change how the blind effect works on Mirage's Prism so they are consistent).


    Super Jump is useful as a situational mobility tool and nothing else. Replacing it completley is not unwelcome, though adding extra effects is also good (I actually like the skill and am probably one of five people that has it slotted).


    Radial Javelin is... lacking. There are several skills that fall under the category of the "I win" button, in theory RJ is one of them, in practice it isn't.

    This is because it's blocked by almost everything. Thin railings, boxes, level geometry, friendly Tenno, sentinels, kubrows, Shield Lancers all block the projectiles. You can cast it in a room filled with enemies and only hit a few, while other skills like Stomp, Miasma, Soundquake, Tentacle Swarm, Crush, Avalanche and others deal damage (and some even provide CC) while completley ignoring cover and affecting ALL enemies.

    Also, the fancy showoff animation after cast is way too long, more than once I got killed because Excal' was showing off his moves for the ladies while being shot by surviving enemies.


    I see two ways to buff it into usefulness:


    Enemies that are hit and die act like normal, those that survive are ragdolled just like the killed ones and pinned into the surroundings, needing time to unpin themselves giving the skill a much needed CC component. It would also need some slight punch through so it isn't blocked by stray floating leaves of paper.




    Instead of projectiles going out in a circle around Excal they come up from the ground, impaling enemies (in the butt because we're mature like that).

    Also suggest renaming it to Mass Impalement and not having a limited number of javelins.

    If in this rework the surviving enemies are also pinned and held in place it would also give extra CC on the skill, though that may make it overpowered relative to other AoE nukes.


    In both cases I suggest making the damage scale with the melee weapon so it scales better into the lategame.



    Regarding PvP conflicts


    Tried once, lag was horrific and not really representative of actual gameplay, talking with clanmates I got the impression that it is horribly unbalanced.



    Regarding DNA Stabilizers


    Suggest the following:

    Kubrows don't drop below 100% HP, this is their baseline and it can't go lower.

    DNA Stabilizers give percentage based HP buffs that last several hours.

    Give them a bp for crafting (something to get rid of my nanospores pls ;_;), and change the credit ones to plat.



    Regarding Mod UI


    There is some wasted space, extra row in some places would work wonders.

    Easier to identify rarity by color now, but I heard that some colorblind people still have problems, showing rarity with different borders would fix that.

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