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Posts posted by Playford

  1. Replacing the motherboard IS getting a new PC in your case.




    On this site you will see several completed builds. Find one in your budget range, and see if the components are available in your region.

    To save cash you can probably recycle some parts of your current PC, like case and hard drive. The 400$ build would already be a significant step up from your current PC.




    The best places for advice and information on building PC's are:



    Just be sure to follow the subreddit rules in the sidebar


    and this thread on NeoGAF


    If you don't have a NeoGAF account, don't bother signing up to ask just two or three questions, member requierments are a bit strict and account approval takes weeks maybe even months, just browse the thread.

  2. Latron is a Tenno weapon, as for why Wraith and not Vandal, no clue. Maybe one of the artists prefers making Wraith skins.

    I would encourage people not to think too hard about this, I just consider event weapons to be non-canon oddities and are there just for fun.

  3. When you reach 500 points in the event you unlock an excavation mission on Phobos where you get 200 points per excavator. At 1000 points you unlock Europa where you get 300 points. On Europa getting 3000 points is trivial with a squad, and can even be done solo if you are careful.

  4. You do know the Beretta 92 is almost an exact copy of the Walther P-38 Right?


    Very interesting that one, they both have the same de-cocking mechanism, they both take-down in the same way with the one difference being you have to c0ck the P-38, they both have the same exact slide-lock, and both have the same locking block with the Walther having a bit beefier locking block.


    Pretty much the only difference between the Walther P-38 and Beretta 92 is the spring and slide.


    Anyway, on to the Luger.  Have you ever fired a Luger before?  there's really nothing quite like it.  The recoil is much different, the gun almost wants to go down and into your hand, not up and out like with many other handguns, making it much easier to follow up shots, and in my experiences the Luger is a more accurate gun than the Beretta 92.


    But the Beretta 92 really is a great looking gun, not many guns look nearly as good, except IMO the Luger P08 and the C-96 Mauser.


    I have a thing for older guns...


    Edit: yup, you can't say c0ck without it blurring it...  What if I were speaking about chickens DE?


    My grandfather had an officers Walther that was confiscated in WWII, no gun experts in my family so they don't exactly know which model, but it's likely it was a P-38. Sadly my parents had to get rid of it before I was born, such a shame.


    Also, when talking about male chickens the "proper" word is rooster.

  5. yeah ive heard. makes me feel worse though that they really arent much better currently. although i really like the darkness of the map tile, that should still be there.


    The darkness really did make infested missions more atmospheric and tense, but it was very annoying for gameplay and back then there were threads saying we should have some sort of night-vision. Also for some reason people insisted it be called tenno-vision.

  6. While I agree that there are more menus than before, the new UI is in no way console friendly, seen reports that people on PC using gamepads have far more trouble with it than those using m+kb.

    Also, if you press ESC the old menu is kinda there, a few too many submenus and clicks to get where you want to be, but its there.

  7. You raise good points, but I will point out that moves and animations are tied to a stance, if Karyst is to have it's own special moves, a new stance would be needed (which would be compatible with other daggers, which could make things wierd).

    Regarding sheaths, I think it does need one, but not because it's special, but because I want most weapons to have sheaths.

  8. Noticed that when I used Rhino's Stomp to kill enemies, Shield Ospreys would leave behind this nearly invisible explosion that lingered permanently after their death. This may have happened with other 'frames and abilities, I will perform tests and update accordingly.


    With static screenshots it is very difficult to see the explosion, and my pc isn't powerful enough to record, the only way I can show this is if I give you a ton of screenshots I took and you 'flip' through them.


    But here are a few screenshots anyway for you eagle eyed folks:











    You might see the explosion better if you open the two similair images in new tabs and switch between them.


    Not sure if this is important; I was playing solo during all of this.

  9. I'm not sure that their removal would fix anything, if you rush and complete the objective while the rest of the squad is who-knows-where, you still have to wait at extraction for non-rushers to catch up.

    And because they are never even given a chance to catch up the wait would be even longer, unless you have another rusher keeping pace, but then FD is only a 3 second distraction and you still have to wait at extraction.

  10. The lower damage multi-hit weapons should benefit more from lower rank? While slow and strong hitting ones would benefit more from the max ranked one?

    Correct me if this logic is wrong.


    For lower damage multi-hit weapons, the problem is draining your energy too fast, so keeping it unranked is reccomended.

    For slow and strong hitting weapons, even at 5% each hit can restore a decent chunk of hp, so no real benefit from ranking it up either.

  11. "How do you feel about the MK-1 weapons being added to the market?"


    I want more mastery, not because it's good or useful, but because I'm borderline OCD and a bit of an idiot.

    Considering the regular versions of the tutorial weapons are not very good (they are fine weapons, but not all that special), I'm not sure creating the "noob set" was the best decision when just the regular versions could have been used.



    "What is your opinion on damage that bypasses shields?"


    The other day I did a quick Mercury run to level a weapon.

    After leaving the spawn room I met my first enemy, a lvl 6 Ballista.

    Before I had even noticed her (was hiding behind a corner just out of sight), she fired of a single shot that not only managed to hit, but also inflicted a bleed proc. I had a rank30 'frame and a max redirection equipped, but it made no difference. Over the next six seconds I bled to death without ever my dropping my shields.

    I was both amazed and amused.


    But in all seriousness, I don't have a problem with damage bypassing shields. My problem is the way that damage scales, and that after one proc expires, an enemy can immediatly inflict it again.

    My suggestions are to:

    - add a cap to DOT inflicted on players (player HP only goes so high)

    - add an temporary immunity to a proc after it expires

    - bleed and toxin damage can't lower your HP below a certain threshold



    "Do you think damage should be able to bypass shields in PvP?"


    Mechanics should remain as consistent as possible across all game modes, see previous question.



    "How do you feel about Ordis's chatty demeanor"


    I don't mind, but having a mute button would not be unwelcome.



    "What's your opinion on the current state of Silva and Aegis?"


    Shields in videogames are almost invariably named Aegis or Vanguad.

    As a weapon... it's alright...

    Nothing special or noteworthy about it. But I think, because of the shield it should do something different when it comes to blocking (like the aforementioned lower stamina drain when blocking).



    "What's your opinion of the new UI?"


    Old one was much faster and responsive, no question about it. But I also like the new UI because I can jump around like an idiot inside my ship and try to glitch through it when im waiting to form a Void squad with my clan.

    Speaking of glitching, in the lower deck, if you jump from a slide and time it right, you can "glue" yourself to the ceiling.

    You will remain in the jumping animaton and hover a meter above the floor, any movement (crouching) breaks the glitch and you land.


    Now for some useful feedback:

    Too much clicking. Especially for the mod collection interface. Old system of a single menu where select you mods and actions (selling, fusing, transmuting) was much better. Now browsing the collection, fusing, selling and transmuting are all done through their own seperate menu and its pointlessly convoluted.

    The interface moving around with my cursor takes much more getting used to than it should.

    Text being at an angle causes problems and doesn't solve any.



    "Trying to fix this poll. Cake or Pie?"


    Pie. Better with milk.



    "Poll seems to be broken again. Star Wars or Star Trek?"


    This is a topic I always found interesting, comparing the two settings when they have so little in common.

    Yes, both have "Star" in the title, and both have spaceships, aliens and interstellar travel, but thematically they are so different.


    To expand on that:

    Star Trek is science-fiction, it's main theme is the advancement of technology, culture and how they affect eachother. Each episode of the series would explore some wierd technology and how it would influence our society and culture, from holodecks changing how we experinece entertainment, teleportation allowing people to instantly end effortlessly travel (with warious mishaps along the way), contact with alien cultures and even how would first contact look from the perspective of humans being the techonologically advanced ones.


    Star Wars on the other hand is science-fantasy, and the original trilogy (Solo shot first you bastard) is a coming of age story framed in a setting of aliens and space ships, the setting just being background noise showing off special effects (before they were ruined with digital crap), the "science" setting could have been replaced with something similair to Tolkien's work and the story told would be nearly indentical.

    Seriuosly, try it - rewrite Star Wars with a different setting, replace aliens with elves and dwarves, planets with cities, the Death Star with a floating castle that rains fireballs, the jedi are suddenly wizards with steel swords, and yet.. it's still a story of a young boy going on an adventure, of a dashing rogue getting the girl, and teddy bears defeating metal monsters with wooden logs.


    The differences in themes is one of the reasons Star Trek films are difficult to pull off, a big blockbuster movie demands action and explosions, but Star Trek is not about that. A Star Trek movie that stays true to the source material would just be a regular series episode stretched to double length, they tried doing that with the first film. It was meh.

    One of the best Star Trek films was Wrath of Khan, and even then it wasn't a "very good Star Trek movie" it was a "very good movie" because it abandoned some of trappings of the TV series and tried to be it's own thing, telling a personal story of friendship, loss, and revenge.

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