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Posts posted by Playford

  1. Out of nearly a dozen Mesa passive buffs there was only one debuff, no melee = more hp. So what it looks to me is they won't hinder/punish a player for weapon choice but rather persuad you to use loadouts inteded for the frames playstyle. Mesa = guns

    Edit: only see 3 passives for Mesa now, I remember seeing more when she was released. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Unless I misunderstood something, here is what happened with Mesa:

    Passives in general were being discussed, and there were several ideas on what should be Mesa's. She was supposed to have a few out of many that were suggested. Nobody told the programmer responsible for her, so he implemented all of them.

  2. Before Damage 2.0, Despair was ridiculously powerful, and while I'm not really keen on the idea they should wreck everything (we lack weapon variety at high levels as it is) I do think they should get a buff.


    And you are correct, if you have all the Stalker scans, you can see that Dread is a common drop, Despair and Hate are uncommon. Kinda strange that his most common weapon is the most powerful.


    Since we are talking about Stalker's weapons, Hate should get a buff as well. Since we are talking about a scythe, can all the other scythes get a buff as well?

  3. In all honesty I would prefer if Primes had stats identical to non-primes.



    When it comes to warframes, prime weapons should be better than regular versions.

  4. Regarding what can be primed, devs said that all Tenno (and only Tenno) equipment is eligible, meaning all warframes, all Tenno weapons, all sentinels (except maybe clantech sentinels like Djinn and Helios).


    As for lore... Tenno High Council designed Nova, I have no source that says the High Council only existed after the fall of the Orokin.

  5. Title.


    Maybe I'm too OCD, maybe I'm annoyed by the RNG involved to get the right unit, maybe I'm annoyed that I often kill the unit I'm looking for by accident, or someone else kills it before I get to scan it.

    But please, give us the option to trade reputation for data-discs/flash drives/magic crystals/floppy diskette/whatever, some consumable gimmick that completes a codex entry of choice.

  6. Here are some more mod ideas, because why not?



    Shadowwalk: after using an ability (after the animation ends), become invisible and create a holographic decoy that roams around distracting enemies. Attacking and using abilities cancels invisibility early and dispels the decoy. The mod has its own cooldown that prevents it from being used too often.

    Stonewall: chance to survive a blow that deals lethal damage, when it triggers instantly restore shields, dispel all status effects and gain temporary immunity to them.


    Melee weapons:

    Pickpocket: melee finishers generate extra loot (basically a single target Desecrate).

    Essence Theft: after killing an Eximus temporarily gain its aura.

    Great Riposte: when resisting a knockdown attack (either by blocking or by knockdown resistance mods) perform a melee strike that hits all enemies in range and does bonus damage.


    Ranged weapons:

    Out of ideas for these, feel free to suggest your own.

  7. After thinking about it, "nerf" may not be the best term to use, because it implies reduction in power, what I want is a reduction in numbers while the relative power levels remain similair(ish).


    Let me put it this way: It takes a corrupted gunner of level [x] 5 seconds to kill an Excalibur that has max Vitality, Redirection and Vigor equipped (860/860), the game should be balanced so that same gunner of level [x] needs 5 seconds to kill Excalibur without those mods (300/300), but with them it takes 7 (lets assume after rebalance they give 470/470). At that point those mods give survivability, but not to the point they are irreplacable.


    If you have better suggestions feel free to share them, but I feel that as long as some mods give too powerful bonuses they are discouraging people from exploring alternatives.

  8. I'm talking about a complete rebalance, reduce numbers that are too big, enlarge ones that are too small. If done properly, shield and health mods would be useful but not absolutley necessary, or could be used as a crutch for those less skilled. Some weapons should still be better than others, but the gap should be reduced to something reasonable. And yes, lowering damage numbers does not mean new options open up. Adding mods that have good and interesting effects make new options open up.


    And we already have tons of mods that are not worth ranking up or even equipping (Warm Coat? Antitoxin? Insulation? Handspring? Provoked? Undying Will?) they already are a faliure from a game design perspective.


    The point of all this is that we should remain powerful, but not by making numbers bigger (that should be a single component, not the only one), but by having more options.

  9. Hi, I use Retribution. It may not be the best thing ever but, for when I'm in the thick of it, the periodic Shield Damage induced Finisher + AoE stun is really, really nice. Between this and Prolonged Paralysis, my Valkyr kinda laughs at the notion of shields for defence.


    Basically Retribution is, for me, a good 'Melee Support' mod; if you're mobile and have enough shields, that one melee attack from your flank turns into an opportunity. It's actually giving me ideas on how to make a fun Rhino build that isn't 'Apply Iron Skin, aim Automatic rifle'. And ideas for supporting Ember against Infested attacks. Stun > Accelerant > Fire Blast/World on Fire/Fireball/Heat melee of choice I guess


    Like you say, Niche builds. For what it's worth, I have actually stopped using Pure damage mods in favour of Stabiliser/Metal Auger and the like. Elemental combos and that's about it really, with multishot for Status boosting. I have fun, but I guarantee that most people would Blacklist me from public games if they could, knowing that.


    Doesn't really matter, Solo the only things are me, my frame and whatever I'm hunting.


    I like 'No One left behind' and 'Nothing Wasted', though the latter sounds potentially exponential; I'd assume a cap to not count its own damage in the conserved damage, yes?


    As for Headhunter, that'd be fun with a punch through sniper rifle.

    You see, this is awesome, you found a series of conditions and are using the game mechanics to your advantage, this is how it should be done, and this is what the mod system should be about.

    But the problem is that such builds are not really "endgame enough" to be useful and it all comes back to the numbers being really, really silly once you go past a certain point.


    Regarding 'Nothing Wasted', yeah, there should be some damage cap based on the rank of the mod, much like Energy Channel.

  10. I haven't played BL2, any similairity with it is coincidental, have played Dota 2 and any similairity is not coincidental (I'm sure some have noticed).


    Here are more suggestions because I drank coffee.



    None Left Behind: if someone on team is bleeding out, bonus armor and movement speed.

    United We Stand: chance to resist knockdown when near allies (companions don't count).

    Unstable Energy: using abilities causes nearby enemies to take damage proportional to energy used.


    Melee weapons
    Crippling Fear: critical hits that kill causes nearby enemies to become terrified.
    Nothing Wasted: overkill damage is stored and used on the next attack. Kinda hard to put this one into words, but here's an example, enemy has 5 hp, you kill it with an attack that deals 20 damage, that extra 15 damage is stored and used on the next attack.
    Ranged weapons
    Shock and Awe: while shooting, enemies in a small radius around the shooter are staggered, enemies in a larger radius have their accuracy reduced (Overrides noise reduction mods, not usable on weapons that are silent by default, such as bows).
    Focused Fire: if the magazine is emptied in one long burst, reload faster (only usable on fully automatic weapons).
    Headhunter: headshots give a (temporary) stacking buff to damage, bodyshots remove stacks.
  11. Honestly, it seems that if they remove damage falloff, and tweak some of the numbers (damage, spread) shotguns would be just fine.

    Drakgoon has no damage falloff, at full charge it has punch through, and is silly accurate even with max rank Vicious Spread. But I never see anyone using it.

  12. Your first suggestion I don't want. DE have given 10 slots now for warframes (yes, on the old system you could potentially have had 12 if you formaed all your power slots), that allows allot of customization but with compromise. You want an radial disarm Loki, dropout duration. You want an ninja Loki, dropout range. There are so many slots you should be able to add in 1 or 2 of your 'fun' mods and still be effective. Some of your 'fun' mods are already requirements on some builds, i.e. Rage Oberon, Heavy Impact Zephyr.


    The idea with all of the stat based mods is to allow you to customize your playstyle but forces you to compromise. Yes, you're gonna want one shield/life mod otherwise you will be a glass cannon. But it isn't necessary, played with several skilled ranged DPS builds on long T4 defenses that had none (they just had to be careful of corrupted venomous eximus, and on a well-oiled team they're usually put down pretty quickly).


    Yes I understand the build you posted is exaggerated to highlight a point, but you built a one-trick show-pony and expected it to run steeplechase? A build focused so heavily on a fraction of the game is bound to fail.


    Most of your mod ideas I like. The only one I have a problem with is Desperation. If the damage buff at low health was significant you'd end up with godly Rhino (Ironskin) and Trinity (Link) builds, safely running around with low health.

    I'm not saying that fun mods should completley replace boring mods, they both have their place and purpose. I'm saying that because the way numbers work at the moment, boring mods are significantly more important than fun ones. Yes, a few have found their niche in specific builds on specific 'frames. But many are never used on anything else than joke builds. Seriously, have you ever heard anyone using Retribution?

    Ideally, builds should use both, and skilled players will be able to switch out more of the boring mods for fun ones because skill allows them to survive, not having four digit hp/shields.


    And yes, they are not really necessary if you have a well thought out and coordinated team. Those don't exist for soloers and public matches.


    More of these mods will not make the already existing popular builds dissapear. Disarm Loki, stealth Loki can continue to exist and not care about a mod that increases power strength with missing hp, because none of his skills are affected by power strength (okay, Decoy is, but his other skills are far more useful).


    And I avoided adding numbers to mod suggestions, those are easily changed when it comes to balancing and not really that important, I made those suggestions as a demonstration how to add interesting mechanics and extra effects.


    (Also, we have 8 slots for mods, we used to have 10)


    Two videos by Extra Credits everyone (especially DE) should watch:

    Both are very relevant in how the game is designed and balanced.


    Definitely agree with the ideas and sentiment of this thread. I doubt it will change honestly but the stat modifiers of the mods in this game are really nuts. I mean maybe it's just my coming from ME3 but there the largest stable damage boost one could apply to their weapons was somewhere around 200% and that was utilizing consumable boost items for about 75 of that 200. Utilizing specific abilities and builds you could add an additional 30-70% to that.


    Then you look at warframe and a single mod can boost the damage of your gun by over 200% and you can keep adding to that with mods that will give you orders of magnitude more total damage. It's just insane and means that enemy scaling has to accomidate for a absolutely massive gulf of player power. Everything from an unmodded Mk-1 weapon to a multi-forma prime weapon with max mods. The sheer numerical difference in stats is absolutely absurd. How do you balance things for that kind of range of power? 

    Max Hornet Strike increases damage by 220% to 320%, Barrel Diffusion + Lethal Torrent -> 320*2.8=896% dps increase. And that's without elemental damage mods and without Magnum Force. It's insane.

  13. This is something I wanted to talk about for a while.


    Let me seperate mods into two broad categories; fun, and boring.

    Note that they are not automatically good if they are in the fun category, and not automatically bad if they are in the boring category, there are good and bad mods in both categories. This seperation is purely based on what they add to gameplay from a mechanical standpoint.


    So what is fun? What is boring?


    Fun are mechanical changes, or additions that allow you to do things you normally can't.

    Examples are Rage, Quick Thinking, Reflex Guard, Reflection, Retribution, Heavy Impact, all of these and a few others add something that should allow you to change your playstyle, or create a completely new one.


    The problem however that these mods are mostly (some have found a niche in some builds) overshadowed by the boring ones. Redirection, Vitality, Focus Intensify, Serration, Speed Trigger, Fast Hands, Hornet Strike, Gunslinger, Quickdraw, all statistical changes, all boring and uninteresting. I put these in and they make numbers bigger (or smaller in a few cases), woo.


    "So just use fun mods then :D" you say.


    And here is the problem. The boring mods are necessary to survive and deal enough damage to be a contributing member of the team, and not just dead weight.

    I posted this image in a thread recently about silly builds. That build is worthless beyond Mars, even then, the reason it works is not that it has good mods, it's because those are low level planets and any rank 30 'frame has enough shields, health and max level abilities to handle whatever comes their way.

    Beyond Mars it doesn't matter this build makes you (nearly) immune to cc, you are going to die because you don't have enough hp/shields, and you can't help your team because your abilities are not powerful enough, or because they don't last long enough.


    It's boring and frustrating.


    I've been yammering on about what's fun and whats boring for a while now, what are my suggestions for improvements? If you've been reading this far that's what you want to hear?


    I have two.

    The first is simple enough, add more mods that are not simple statistical improvements, but give other types of benefits, I'll even suggest some of my own at the bottom.


    The second suggestion will be somewhat controversial.

    Nerf health, shield and damage mods into the ground.

    At the same time, nerf the enemy hp/shield/armor/damage scaling.


    If done properly, the difficulty at higher levels shouldn't change much, the nerfed mods would help, but would not be crucial to survival.


    For example, if Redirection only added 110% shields at max rank, would you really take that, or would you take something that gives you a chance to resist knockdown? Both should be useful in their own way.




    Suggestions for fun mods:



    Desperation: power strength increases the less hp you have.

    Battle Trance: casting abilites gives a (temporary) stacking buff that increases casting speed.

    Juggernaut: while sprinting, inflict an impact proc and ragdoll enemies you bump into, each impact drains stamina.

    Ablative Shell: after you taking enough damage, purge all status effects, and gain temporary immunity to them (damage from bleed does not count).


    Melee weapons:

    Phantasm: attacks have a chance of creating autonomus holographic decoys that distract enemies (decoys move around and attack enemies on their own, but deal no damage and have no collision hitbox).

    Repeated Strikes: gain bonus damage when attacking the same enemy repeatedly, attacking a new enemy removes the bonus.

    Crippling Weakness: deal bonus damage the less % hp your enemy has.


    Ranged weapons:

    Faulty Magazine: after reloading, drop the used magazine which acts as a stun grenade, dealing little damage but stunning in an area that increases in size the more rounds were in the magazine at the time of reload.



    And now I realised it's well past midnight and time to sleep.

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