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Posts posted by agung.up

  1. Lesson? Only bring a Nova whos lvl30... minimum...




    You made this up. Any1 in their right mind sees how useful MPrime is in Defense. Also can't believe any Nova would die to using MPrime since it has such a tremendous range, that she doesn't need to leave the Globes safety.


    as harsh as this will sound... I call Lie.

    that's why i said it's depend on who use it. i don't know about you, but i met several nova user running to the crowd to use mprime. of course you can say that i'm lying, i don't care. i don't have proof and doesn't need to prove it anyway.

  2. Apparently you haven't been playing the ASH for very long. The ASH bugs have been persistent for a LONG time.

    actually, I play ash since two month ago. and still play it til now. so your argument is invalid.


    my point is, even though they know there's a bug, if they can't replicate it, they can't know where to look (to fix it). it doesnt help that most people reporting the bug with just "ash is bugged! it's floating!" and only stated what skill that bugged, but didn't tell about other things that maybe affect it. well, of course they didn't tell it.... most of us can't know what actually trigger the bug beside what abilities. so dev need to replicate it from scratch.

  3. Vauban/Frost/Nova/Nyx

    a little out of topic, I've seen f Vauban/Frost/Nova/Nyx that lose a defense mission (I'm in the party as vauban). the reason is because the Nova player keep trying to use mprime that he think is really useful in defense. I admit, it's useful. the thing is, he died every other second and then got angry because we don't have time to revive him. once my friends (in frost) finally help him, we lose.


    the next run, we replace the Nova player with someone who use Loki (and the nyx one changed to saryn, but that's not the point here), and the loki keep running around invisible, disarming people, while we use bastille to keep them from entering the pod range (and make my friend with frost feel useless [he isn't]).


    Loki somehow make the mission become easier. but i think it still depend on who play the loki. he's really a frame for advance player.

    Loki sucks, one random rocket from grineer napalm in high levels = dead. Useless at pod defense (can't clear pods while getting overrun by enemies)

    Sure he can live forever, but that doesn't mean the pod will. Radial disarm is good? Have you heard about Chaos? It's a number 3 skill that's better than your #4 Lokis. Chaos is even better than Bastile. At least it speed things up.

    Like this one. I don't want him to use Loki if I invite him to party (no offense, bro). If I want somebody with Loki in party, he must be the one who play it a lot that he know what he's doing and what he needs to do, and can survive long with Loki. if asked why not Chaos, simply because sometime for me it's more fun with disarm :D

  4. err.... dude.... since when fixing bug is so easy.... do you think just because a bug appeared then dev can magically fix it in short time?


    aside of that, I agree. ash's bug is annoying as hell. and it already took long time to fix it.

  5. Loki has team-centric ultimate. Radial disarm + Bastille turns range faction defense into a joke. Use it alone and lure all of them with decoy for teammates to hit large group of prod swinging Grineer with ultimate is a sound strategy.

    Playing Loki and hope that your teammate has enough creativity to deal with the situation is definitely harder than playing Loki himself.

    ^this. why people keep playing alone in a 4-players session.

  6. Okay, you want suggestions?


    Ok, fine.


    I can't help but to notice there's a little wire that attaches to the blade. Is that for heat? If so, it should have fire damage. Or maybe electricity? Okay fine then, give it electric damage.

    now we have something to discuss. machette stagger ancient, so it actually already have something better than skana. But now that you said about the wire (I just notice it), heat (fire damage, I mean) will fit the lore, considering it's grinner weapon. what do you think?

  7. How much freaking feedback do you need?


    1). It is just a reskin of THE worst melee weapon in the game.

    2). It takes way too many materials to make, given its sucky stats.


    I........don't.......know what else one could possibly say?



    that's the point. Nothing else one could possibly say. So what's the discussion point here? If only there's a suggestion, even a little one, the we have something to discuss. or at least start the discussion with a question, what they need to do to improve this. But because nothing about that, then this thread is already concluded since the first post.


    and also:


    As I said, just bear with it. Livestream confirmed that Longswords are getting a total revamp at some point. They are aware that most of them suck, some more than others.

  8. After the game, nobody ever says I was wrong. Radial Disarm truly is an underused but very helpful skill. When mixed with Vauban's Bastille? GG.

    agree. it's actually useful, even though many people said it's depend on the situation. and also it's more fun doing this then just sitting in the middle waiting and killing, at least for me.
  9. In all seriousness. I bet DE closed that section because servers can't handle the thread numbers... which is quite funny and lame at the same time.


    I mean... this is only a forum, not an MMORPG which needs a server-park with 5000 Exabyte.

    it just a forum, but our post is saved on database server that, although not reaching exabyte, still take resource. for example (just a rough calculation), a post with 200 character will be saved on database server as 200byte + header data. looks small? every post must be processed by several request and reply to the server, with each of them take several byte. still looks small? now, just for see the post like we do now, there's still request and reply with the server that take more byte. still small? now imagine this is done about thousand times every second.


    it can be understood that to use the resource more efficiently, they need to remove unnecessary (or repetitive) feature. but yeah... if this is the case, it's lame that DE still don't have enough resource just for the forum....

  10. If you think that's 'playing the victim'... I come back to the forum for 10 seconds and I've already lost my patience. I have the urge to insult you. Look again.

    and that's why I already apologize. not to you but to op, because I don't take his post seriously at first. then I start my opinion on topic, try to discuss this matter seriously. yet you keep back to insult people. I don't know who's the victim anymore, if there's even a victim.


    so, can we back to topic? or do we need to insult each other more? because like you said, I'm a smartass, I can't insult a genius.

  11. You know, some times... some people are somewhere else... and can't get on the game to use the chat.

    for this, well, nothing we can do now, right? so how about get another party? although maybe we need to repeat the planning phase, it's still worth it because not only you can play with another style, you can know other people, so you won't be limited by the same party every time you want to play.

  12. You didn't try to help anything, the three of you dismissed the entire subject of his post (the subject being the Find a Squad section of the forum and how no one can make a thread in it) and gave him smart-&#! replies.


    Don't try to play some kind of victim just because you can't be bothered to read his post and actually contribute to it.

    oh, good to hear you can notice that lol.


    ok, now for serious reply. I think the reason we can't make more thread on Find a Squad subsection is because most of the thread actually search party for the same goal. for example, there's more than 10 threads about looking for void party last month, and none of them get full member. That's because people start their own threads, but didn't bother to search other people who have the same goal. The result are only duplicate threads.


    Although I actually don't agree with locking the subsection, I can understand that if they don't do that, the duplicate threads will become too much that more and more people can't get their party right. Another way to solve this is to have more moderator that have time to merge the similar threads, but it will put the burden on moderator, and we know that moderator can't have so much time for that.


    So, for now the only solution, and it's really a solution, not me trying to be smart-&#!, but a temporary solution, is we can only use what we currently have: recruitment chat, clan/alliance chat, and of course, friends, to gather the right party. Now let me detail the step:

    1. chat people, 'looking for party' kind of thing, and state what you need. for example: "LFP T3 void, need frost and loki"

    2. look for people who answer the call, then invite them. when they gather in the lobby, chat first about the plan.

    3. if nobody answer, leave session and repeat until you get the right party.


    Maybe it feels tiresome, but actually it's faster than forum. I've done that, so I don't understand why you can't. considering that I'm the smart-&#! here.


    Last, I'm sorry if our previous reply isn't really thoughtful. most people here (including me) can't stand people who don't want to use or even try the game feature just because they want something instant given to them. And most of people here (including me again) don't bother to read the post thoroughly and respond seriously when the post title itself have sarcastic tone in it.


    So, for the name of our beloved community, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

  13. I like how there are a few people in this thread who assume that others have access to the game all the time, every minute of every day.


    You know, some times... some people are somewhere else... and can't get on the game to use the chat.

    well I'm sorry if we can't know what every players in the world are doing.... we give one solution, assuming that op is like the most people in warframe that still can't grasp the UI. but then op said he know about the recruitment tab. so I give another solution, based on what I know. If that's still not enough, then I'm sorry. we tried to help.

  14. As much as his feedback itself is very bare bones I gotta agree with him. Although it's somewhat okay, it's not really worth the 4 gallium, and it most definitely isn't worth all those Plastids.

    actually same with me. machete isn't worth it. and op already said that. nothing to discuss. hence my compliment: what a great feedback.

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