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Posts posted by agung.up

  1. (a little oot) learn from OP, guys. this is what we can call constructive feedback (take note on "constructive" word). this kind of feedback is what the game really need, not just some "feedback" that came from people's angry moments.


    (back to topic)

    I'm not building synapse yet, and I don't meet anyone using it yet. I just want to ask: is the range really sucks?

  2. 3. Why I would dissconnect from everyone else when I want to finish the mission with the squad not by myself!

    not disconnected by will, but by accident. after I read your post again, I'm pretty sure you have a connection problem. all your problem are common problem on bad connection.

  3. So here they are:


    1. Melee weapon withdraw -  sometimes you can`t withdraw your melee weapon if you want to defeat the mobs, even if you keep pressing the E button! I don`t understand how or why it happers this! Sometimes the bug dissapears if you change the weapons.


    2. "Invisible" door - sometimes when you open a big door, you can`t pass it! When you try to pass it into next room your running in one place like your running agains a wall!


    3. Host Migration in progress - WTF is this?  Is this a bug or what?! This happens many times (I don`t know how or why), and each time, it doesn`t matter if im in an alert, solo or online mission or even a private mission, after this occurs, I end up alone in the mission! Everyone in the squad is GONE!


    4. Health/Energy Team Restore devices - Even if I use Energy or Health it simply does the same freaking thing! It restores Energy to me and to team mates. So the problem is why when I use Health Team Restore, instead of giving me HEALTH it gives me ENERGY!


    5. Running in one place players - well even if it sounds wierd that it happens. Even if I don`t feel im lagging I see other running in one place like they are running agains the wall (I guess they are lagging)! Please fix this!

    1. Never happened to me. Well, maybe because I'm not using melee often enough....

    2. that's happened because of lagging (CMIIW. I never encountered this one).

    3. That's hapenned when the host player disconnected. When that happened, the host will be changed to one of the players on that squad and all the data will be migrated. It's not bug, it's the game's mechanism. IF you're alone after host migration, then the one who's disconnected from the rest is you.

    4. Never happened to me too. Anyone have idea?

    5. Lag, lag everywheeeere.


    Like what above me said, there's no real fix for lagging issue.

  4. I'm not sure either, but the value changes depend on the missions we took. Example, now you have skill 30, then you failed the next mission. Your skill value become 0.


    Maybe the value will rise up depend on our performance (don't know how to measure it though) in a mission, and reset back to 0 when we failed.

  5. No, not really.. but they they do say that all the blueprints come with a slot and a catalyst which is a lie.

    Just thought I'd point it out so no fool would think that they actually came with those.


    .... I don't know who said that to you. i think somebody lied to you....


    blueprint DON'T give slot and catalyst. purchased item with platinum do.

  6. Enlarge the ring of the seat a little and he looks almost exactly like Alad V XD

    @agung and the others: You guys do make a point, Alad V is supposed to be a coward I suppose. It's just that he looks too PATHETIC right now to be a boss battle. Agung raises a good idea though, what if the boss fight was in the form of a Capture mission, with Alad V as the target? When you find him on the ship, he sicks his dog droid on you and runs away, and you have to evade the dog and take down Alad before he escapes, and THEN face the dog? That would actually make a unique boss fight!




  7. btw, i like the idea that AladV isn't the real one. because, only grinner use clone system right? they (grinner) boss keep respawning for us to kill can be explained by they keep cloning. the infested boss is infestation, it fit the lore too. and corpus boss usually robotics. so if AladV is a boss, then what can be the explanation for him keep coming back (for us to kill)? if the one we kill isn't (and never) the real AladV, then it will makes sense (well, common sense isn't used in this game anyway...)

  8. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Alad_V

    So DE released an image of Alad V and his robotic dog pet recently, and I gotta say, his appearance is such a disappointment! I mean, GEEZ, he looks like he has a TOILET SEAT around his neck! And other than that he doesn't even look that badass at all neither. The robot dog is pretty cool though, even if the cyan color is questionable.

    But really, I was expecting so much more from him! His appearance really doesn't show his cunning and wits, it makes him look like a politician instead of a shady corporate mastermind; and I would have thought a hawk or some other robotic bird of prey would have suit him more than a dog, which would have fit the Grineers more. He should've looked something more along the lines of this:

    Also, I was talking to my clannies on the Lone Rangers clan chat the other day, and we were discussing Alad V's appearance and how the dog looked better than him, and someone said "plot twist: Alad V IS the dog" and it immediately got me thinking.

    What if Alad V transferred his mind into the robot dog, and the human is merely a decoy? Afterall, a robotic body would grant him immunity to aging, and also provides better survivability compared to a human body. Plus, with everyone thinking that the human is the real Alad V, he can also escape assassination attempts easier. The "toilet seat" around the human's neck is really the mind control device that the real Alad uses to control the human body remotely from his robot dog body! Such a twist would truly be fitting of his cunning, as well as his cowardice.

    So, thoughts on these ideas and Alad V in general?

    toilet seat lol. now i can't unsee it :D


    AladV looks like a politician, and a bad one too. but isn't that the point? AladV is a coward, and his dog is the one attacking us (maybe, i think...) while he will run to hide and we will need more effort just to find him. hey, maybe he is one of the corpus crewman in capture mission!


    but yeah, i think he looks too weak for a boss. unless DE really want to make a boss character that need more effort (like: searching him first) to kill than just bombarding him with bullet....

  9. Do Orokin Reactors/Orokin Catalysts Cause Stat Loss?


    One of my ex-friends who played this game with me and taught me some stuff told me that applying an Orokin Reactor to my warframe would cause me to lose a lot of stats, such as armor, max HP, and max energy. He also said that adding an Orokin Catalyst would reduce the natural stats of a weapon, such as its natural armor piercing, its natural dmg, etc, in order to compensate for the extra mod points.Is this true, or is he full of sh**?

    either he's full of S#&$, or he's too dumb to read, or both.

  10. how about we do this together? we collect mods from various enemies (we can use video record, so we can replay the video again to make sure who drop what mods), and share the data here to be processed. then we combine  the data. more data from everyone, more accurate we can determine which enemies drop the mods we want.


    let's make this an unofficial community event :D


    of course, we can just wait DE to give us the drop table. but where's the fun in that :D

  11. DE mentioned in the teaser, that there are to be around twenty new mods, dropping in U10. This is exciting, but also a little bit of a letdown. What adding more mods also means, is that the rare mods that are crucial for fusing become even more rare.

    My solution?

    System specific, maybe even mission specific mods would allow for more purposeful, and strategic game-play when farming up, while playing certain missions Tenno could additionally acquire desired mods, without copies of undesirable counterparts.

    IE: You play Pluto, and only certain missions drop certain mods.

    it's already done, if I'm not mistaken. not for every system, but per-enemy drop table.


    All I want is something to replace my Sniper Scavenger....Seriosuly...Anything.

    that's aura.... wait for alert....

  12. Well, knowing that the same mod can be used simultaneously by two by two different items is something! Though I assume that doesn't apply for sentinel gums? But what I really wanted was builds, really. Doesn't sound that hard to implement and make life so much easier. Thanks anyway.

    currently, it applied to sentinel weapon too... but looks like it will be fixed. Soon™.

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