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Posts posted by agung.up

  1. 4) what? i have thief's wit in this slot. radial disarm is useless.

    oh for me, radial disarm is my triumph card. i spam it near gate on kappa and let them gather closer to my decoy.... than one-shot bunch of them with ogris. or simply make the heavies become $&*&*#(%& and then hit them with gram. repeatedly.

    all his skill maybe not really useful by itself, and some people hate that he don't have one-press-kill-all skill, but playing loki sure is fun. that's the important point in a game :D

  2. Not a siren. Sirens are aggressive and malicious, banshees are benign gaurdian spirits. All the major ancestral irish clans have their own associated banshee, her job is to direct the bereaved to the funeral site of the deceased. They also forecasted great tragedy and were often observed washing the bloody garments of slain heroes in a river, like the time cuchulain killed his own son, but as a rule their primary job was to direct relatives to funerals, she might foreshadow bad news but wasn't malicious like red caps or the rusalka or nuckelavee. Her wailing moan was haunting but wasn't "weaponized" until she became a d&d monster.

    So pre-tenno banshee is an irish funeral director.

    Damn. Would have made a better goth than saryn.

    how about make her have tragedy in her past life? just suggestion :D

  3. if i'm not mistaken, there's an option to turn off or on the hud. i don't remember where (currently i can't run the game because of reasons). maybe you accidentally turn it off?


    EDIT: sorry, didn't see that you got it on and off. maybe it's a bug.

  4. Feedback is a user's thoughts on a certain subject. This is the Warframe Feedback Forum, so any thoughts we have about something in-game belongs here.


    The OP saying "Vauban is too RNG/luck-based to obtain" is a valid complaint. He'd like it to be improved, made a lot less luck-based.


    And to be honest, are you seriously trying to say that Vauban ISN'T at least 10x harder than any other Warframe in the game to acquire, due to the ridiculousness of having to wait for his Alerts to appear some time and place you're able to get it?

    if this is the first thread about that, maybe me and some people will react differently. but after the hundred whine about vauban and nothing is changed, can we at least start the discussion with something constructive? not the "oh no i have bad luck. f*** you de".


    and no, vauban difficulty to get the parts is depend on luck. it isn't harder if you're lucky enough, but yeah, hard if you aren't lucky. the thing is, some people still think that they deserve to get an in-game item just because they play the game, or because they work or have some more important activities outside the game. it's fine if they have something more important, but that doesn't mean they deserve to get anything. if that the case then I also deserve to get vanguard helmet or 12 hour vanguard helmet alert because i'm currently at work.

  5. If you think that a feedback forum is meant to avoid focusing on negative things, I don't think you understand the purpose.

    feedback is supposed to be constructive, not whining over negative things. tell what's wrong and tell what can be done to make it better, then it can be called feedback (I think we already said this repeatedly?)

    and if you see some last posts in this thread, you can see that this actually happen because of bad luck. no one can be blamed because of a mere bad luck, yet this kind of thread keep appearing. and still without constructive feedback. still think I don't know the purpose? it's up to you then.

  6. My 3x Forma'ed Gram loadout for Infested, spamming charged attacks:


    V - Killing Blow max (6) 

    -- - Molten Impact max (6)

    D - North Wind max (6)

    Fury max (9)

    Rending Strike max (9)

    Sundering Strike max (7)

    Reflex Coil max (7)

    Smite Infested max (9)


    Total mod points: 59


    This is also flexible enough for just spamming normal attacks should you wish to mod it that way: simply replace Killing Blow with Pressure Point, and Reflex Coil with Reach.

    asking for permission to use your build, dude. this one awesome. gonna build my mountain of forma bp now.

  7. well, even if they think about that, that doesn't mean they can do it immediately. there's still some things to be considered. and don't forget that every changes still need to be tested before they send it to us. a lot of things can be happen just from a small hotfix....

  8. I see...

    I still want the maximum amount of damage

    so shouldn't I remove Fury instead? (If Shocking Touch still does normal damage to Ancients)

    I haven't been swinging my Gram around alot

    only knocking down and charge attacking

    Gram still get bonus from fury. the wiki (yeah maybe wiki isn't the most reliable source, but bear with me) 

    • Charge Attack has 2 stages, each of them can be accelerated: The charging part can be accelerated byReflex Coil and slashing part by Fury.

    i don't really know about pressure point. i still use it anyway.

  9. remove shocking touch. it isn't really useful anyway at 30% max.


    EDIT: and I see you already have Focus Energy. Just keep that if you want electric damage.

    EDIT2: not sure about electrical damage against infested. but I think it's still not effective enough.

  10. (did this considered bumping old thread? oh well, it's needed anyway)

    Are the fangs good? I am getting the zorens for zorencopter, but I am unsure about the fangs/fang prime. Did anybody test the two and find out which is better?

    personally, I choose fang (or fang prime. i still don't have the prime yet). that's because I like to smash button more than charging it. fang is better against armored enemies because it deal armor piercing, while not really good against infested. Dual zoren is the opposite.


    if you want the fire rate (for that-copter thing), dual zoren looks like have more fire rate than normal fang (2 vs 1.5), but fang do 3-slash for one press of button, the same as 3x fire rate, so it's up to you.


    about the damage, normal fang and dual zoren are the same. fang prime have a better damage (at 25) with lower fire rate, but i think it's still considered as upgrade.


    just choose whichever one you like.

  11. And you seriously don't think there's a problem when we get like 3 dark sword alerts in 2 days? or 2 physique alerts in the same day? They seriously should implement an alert system that repeats the alert at 12 hour interval. For example we get vauban systems alert at 5 pm whatever american time zone is used as standard and then we get another one 12 hours later. Will it mean some people use it to get multiple good things? yes. Does it mean people will miss good alerts due to silly things like sleep or work like now? Less likely

    No. there's no problem in that. dark sword, auras, are supposed to be more common than the rare ones like helmet and parts. and about the 12 hour alert:


    That would make the game too easy, when grinding bosses you are not assured a part for every run but for alert you already know what your gonna get. throwing in so many chances might literally just be spoon feeding the player. The way it is right now is not say perfect but also not bad, alert missions being low risk low reward where they don't come out often but u invest little time to get the item when they do where as boss grinding is high risk high reward, you can grind for hours and get nothing or get all 3 parts, so yea putting more missions would change the missions into low risk high reward, do like 3 missions and tada a warframe is given

    what he said.


    and once again, if you have something more important to do and you know it's more important than a game, then why whine about an in game item that you can always have chance next time? I'm not against negative feedback. I'm against the whiners that called their whining "feedback".


    (and btw, I agree with xblackpandax suggestion about choosing reward. that's what you can call "feedback")

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