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Posts posted by xXRampantXx

  1. there are a lot of good ideas here that I'm not really going to bother responding to because there's not a lot of point in just saying "good idea".

    1 hour ago, Kitty-Hawk said:

    Add a separate slot for augment mods in warframes

    They've discussed this before and concluded they aren't interested in doing it.  They also discussed making them all exilus, and while they didn't really say "no" I think the fact that it never happened is pretty telling.

    1 hour ago, Kitty-Hawk said:

    Remove the restriction on installing an arcane when using arcane helmets.

    There's a reason this is the way that it is, it's not going to change and I think it's best that way.

    1 hour ago, Kitty-Hawk said:

    Add a universal forma (like aura forma) for the major polarities (madurai, naramon, vazarin, zenurik)

    I don't think this is a good idea, but an alternative I'd suggest is allowing players to only apply a polarity so some configurations, similar to how helminth infusions work.

    1 hour ago, Kitty-Hawk said:

    For each missing weapon (e.g. if I only choose secondary weapon), implement a sprint speed bonus.

    Sprint speed is honestly a meaningless stat in the current state of the game. I just don't think such a change is worth dev

    1 hour ago, Kitty-Hawk said:

    Add universal goods to Chipper.

    Main idea: increase motivation to play Kahl's missions

    I don't' see this change doing that, if anything it will just create more annoyance with being pushed to continue playing a mission that functionally repeats every three weeks.

    1 hour ago, Kitty-Hawk said:

    Add the option for Loid to block or mark arcanes so that they don't accidentally dissolve valuable ones for potential sale to another player.

    No disagreement with this one, but rather an expansion: there are many situations in this game where being able to lock certain pieces of equipment would be beneficial, not just here.

    1 hour ago, Kitty-Hawk said:

    Remove or make easier the "Kahl Go Fast" (15 minute speedrun) challenge for Kahl's mission, its hard to do when you have to defeat Ven'kra/Sprag and search all over the map for other challenges.

    You don't have to complete every optional objective in a single run, I'd even be inclined to argue you aren't meant to.

    1 hour ago, Kitty-Hawk said:

    Streamline, stretch, intensify prime...

    We already have one of these, it's just called umbral intensify instead of "prime", mechanically though, it's basically the same thing. as for the other two, DE has already said they have no intention of ever adding them.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, NeverToReturn said:

    3) Are there any recommendations (early & late game) for preventing status procs from being applied or cleansing such procs before I get melted like a marshmallow?

    For early game (which I'm qualifying as "before the second dream quest") Kullervo's Recompense, Rhino's Iron Skin, Nezha's Warding Halo, Harrow's Covenant, Revenant's Mesmer Skin, Nidus's Parasitic Link, Titania's Spellbind, Trinity's Link, and Valkyr's Hysteria can all provide status immunity while active, and Oberon's Hallowed ground provides in while standing on it.  Additionally Hildryn's Pillage Nezha's Firewalker, and Garuda's Bloodletting will cleanse status effects that are on you.  Lavos will both cleanse and gain a few seconds of immunity when picking up an energy or universal orb.  Nyx and Wukong can also get status immunity, but you're functionally locked out of normal gameplay while immune.

    For mid to late game Qorvex's Disometric Guard, will prevent status effects, and there's a mod called Rolling Guard that can give you a cleanse and 3 seconds of status immunity on any 'Frame. 

    Technically you could use Rolling Guard early game if you're willing to buy it from another player, Qorvex if you buy him from the market with plat, and a number of the abilities here can be moved to other 'Frames with the Helminth as well as the Helminth-unique ability Hideous Resistance.  There are also a number of ability augments that can give you status cleanse or immunity, but I'm too lazy to look all of them up. Also the wyrm sentinel has a precept called Negate that will prevent one status effect every 5 seconds

  3. 41 minutes ago, (XBOX)ONI Prowess said:

    its in the guidelines.

    like banned no questions, let alone interactions. 

    I don't know what guidelines you read, but the only mention of alt-accounts in Warframe's TOS is this


    The creation of alternate accounts will be handled on a case by case basis, and we reserve the right to remove accounts used to circumvent any form of restrictions to the game or the Service including the official Warframe forums.

    As far as I know there's no more specific word from DE on what "used to circumvent any form of restrictions to the game or the Service" means, but the general consensus I've seen is "you can have them as long as they don't interact directly with one-another."  The closest we have (and probably ever will have) to an official statement is from one of the forum's community moderators, which can be found here.

    So as far as streamers go, since you mentioned them in you're title, No you can't report them unless they are trading things between their accounts or playing multiple of their own accounts together.

    • Like 3
  4. 9 minutes ago, Urlan said:

    I don't understand, why would changing up the boss be a blip for anyone without it having new offerings? If it doesn't add to game play or progression what is the point of congratulation outside of seeing that new players that have experienced both, but not got their complete Rhino prefer the new versus the old?

    Because a new and interesting bossfight is new gameplay, even it's a fairly small addition to it.  New gameplay that I, at least, am very much looking forward to.

    • Like 7
  5. The upcoming rework isn't a rework of Venus, but of the Corpus ship tileset in general, with includes all the non-archwing mission on Phobos besides the two Dark Sectors.  As for the Sargent, his rework has been in the works for a while now, He was previously referred to as "Sergent Nef Anyo" and the current Nef Anyo is (eventually) meant to replace him as a boss.  Or at least, that was the idea at one point, pretty sure it's been around 4 years since any actual discussion of the rework, so who knows what'll happen at this point.

    • Like 1
  6. 52 minutes ago, STUVash said:

    Math wise Reaper prime is slightly better, it's because of the higher status taking into account the possibility for a new proc, but Hate is actually consistently better for slash damage.

    (cut the quote for the sake of convenience) You're post is actually much more interesting than what I have to say, but also lacks the reasons I planned to put forward.


    Both weapons rely on consistently hitting orange crits to fuel the damage of their slash procs but have slight differences:

    • Reaper prime has a higher potential damage thanks to it's slightly higher base crit chance which allows for the occasional red crit. 
    • Hate with the same build has a slightly higher general damage (thanks to a higher base) but lacks the potential for red crits and actually has a slight chance (5%) to downgrade to yellow due to only having 195% heavy CC as opposed to 200+ like Reaper.

    The result is that on the majority of hits, Hate will have the slight edge thanks to it's higher base damage, but on some % of hits (a % which I am in no way qualified to calculate as it would have to incorporate both the chance of Hate missing an orange crit and Reaper hitting a red) Reaper Prime will outperform Hate by a significant margin. 

    Despite my lack of qualification I roughly estimate the % of hits on which Reaper will outperform Hate to be around 30%, but again, I lack any significant knowledge of statistics and shouldn't necessarily be trusted.  Even if my estimation is right, it's then left up to the individual to whether the damage gained that 30% of the time is worth it or not.

    Either way, we come back around to my previous conclusion of "even if they aren't technically equal, they're close enough".

  7. Reaper prime can reach over 200% heavy CC with both sacrificial mods, so it has a slight edge.  But, with slash procs, either one should one-hit nearly anything you're likely to encounter in a normal mission.  Of course anything that has immunity or any level of resistance to slash procs won't die in one hit, but even they'll fall to a few repeated ones. 

    So, no, they're not quite equally matched, but they're close enough not to matter too much.

    EDIT: I actually looked into it a bit more and there is a bit more depth to it if you're interested.  It doesn't really change my conclusions, but it does create a small bit of objectivity as to which one is "better".  Either way, they're still on nearly equal footing.

  8. 1 hour ago, Scruffel said:

    They aren't selected through vote by players, they are added into the game by DE when they find it acceptable through their TennoGen guidelines and standards.

    You're not necessarily wrong however the way the items reach DE's review process is by receiving votes on the workshop from players, making those votes the greater deciding factor in what gets added.  So even if it isn't technically true, functionally what gets added is decided by vote,  and I didn't feel that the minutiae of the process really needed explaining in this situation.

    1 hour ago, Scruffel said:

    Actually, the reason why we see no dual-sword skins through TennoGen, is because the files for them haven't been released yet.

    Again, you're not wrong, but there's no reason why the sword designs on the workshop specifically stated by their creators to be intended for use as dual-sword skins can't be implemented as such just because DE didn't include any dual swords in ther list of released files, which are specifically referred to only as examples and not some end-all-be-all of what can or can't be made. 

  9. The deal with the polearm skins vs the dual-sward skins is that most of the skins for polearms are tennogen, I can only think of one that isn't.  Tennogen skins are made by, and selected (by vote) by players, so really just a matter of those being the skins a majority of players wanted to make/have, and hypothetical dual-sword skins aren't.  scrolling through tennogen, the melee skins I see are overwhelmingly polearm, heavy-blade, and Nikana, I literally had to search to find items indended for dual-sword.

    29 minutes ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

    but why is there not even any tennogen for guns?

    There are a couple of weapon-specific tennogen gun skins, but no universal ones.  Like above with dual swords it's just a matter of no one making or voting for them.  Looking through the current most popular tennogen items, I don't find a gun skin until the 79th item, and even that is a specific one, not universal, the next gun skin at item number 89 is also not universal.  I guess, in the end most players care more about their melee weapon looking cool than their gun, or they're just satisfies with how their gun already looks.

    EDIT: the comment below made me realize that probably the reason we don't gen universal gun skins from tennogen it that DE doesn't allow it, due to the extra work it could entail.  They have five guns that players can download the existing models for in the tennogen guidelines and they specifically say "Texture changes only" on each one, whereas for melee skins the only limitation they give is a polygon count.

  10. I'd suggest trying out different equipment.  Warframe is very much a game about trying out as many different 'Frames and weapons as possible.  If you're looking for a tank, I'd suggest Inaros, but you should also find a clan to join, as that will give you access to Wukong, which will functionally be "easy-mode" for just about everything in the game. 

    I'd also like a look at you're rhino build, He isn't the best 'frame for solo play, but he should at least be able to handle level 40 if you build and play him right.

    • Like 3
  11. Checking out their respective wiki entries would've saved you the trouble of posting.  Both have a chance to drom from containers in void missions, so you could try to get them there.  Otherwise, the highest drop chance for intensify would be the third stage of Tier 1 Cetus bounties, although you'd need to check to make sure it's actually on the current rotation, and the best option for continuity would be low-level defenses at wave 20.

  12. 1 minute ago, Drachnyn said:

    For me the aura is the far better part of the ephemera and I wish I could turn off the infested thing on the ground. Maybe it should just be split into 2 ephemeras.

    I have to agree with this on all counts.  It really would've made sense for it to be two separate ephemera from the beginning, I have some (most) situations where I like the aura more and others where I like the infested path more, but there are't many situations where I want both.

    • Like 1
  13. 38 minutes ago, Mikhael222 said:

    DE seemingly got distracted and decided to devote some of their resources toward experimenting with the Kuva Lich system.

    I'm pretty sure the Liches were meant to be a part of Railjack that they pulled off of it to release early, but I could be wrong.

    2: The gore is honestly a lot less than when I joined.  Anyone else remember blasting chucks out of enemies leaving their ribcage visible, or seeing them rolling around clutching at a stump that was a leg moments before?  I'm pretty sure they even said in one devstream that they were "bringing back" the gore. The thematic structure you're talking about is a fairly recent thing, and I don't really see how gore detracts from it anyway.

    No response from me about 3 and 4, I wholeheartedly agree with them.

  14. First off, a question.  Am I correct in thinking that the Gram Prime has basically invalidated Heavy Blade Zaws as useful weapons?  Sure it's slow (supposedly, it seems fast enough to me), but all it's other stats are so high I can't see a situation where any Zaw I could make in it's class could even come close to matching it.

    Regardless of (and, if yes, in spite of) the answer to my question, I intend to make one as I like how they look, so I am curious as to what those of you who have some think would be the best option.  I had been thinking I might go for a High attack-speed status type (Seekalla grip and Ekwana II Jai or Ekwana Jai II link) but I'd like some other opinions.

  15. 22 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    The problem is, you can't see the stats of ammo gauge before you are return to the weapon. You can't see which one you were holding too. And you can't use fire button to make the melee attack while in sword alone.

    If that's the problem, then you should have let with it instead of the completely invalid "fluidity" argument you did lead with.

    22 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    All the things costs me to actually fire or aim MANUALLY. Yes, I mean MANUALLY. Even if what I need is only one or few swings of melee attack, the warframe is forced to fully grab the melee weapon and the weapon is switched to melee weapon, and it costs the player to MANUALLY press the another button to back. Every time, not even a single exception, when you make the melee attack. That costs me a ton of annoyance, and why I am bothered to do that?

    As for this, you might find it a bother, but personally I quite like the current system.  sure it prevents me from seeing the information of my current ranged weapon as you pointed out, but, for me, having immediate access to me melee combos is much more valuable, and while I certainly can't speak for the entirety of the community, I can say that everyone I have discussed this with, like me, preferred the current iteration to the old one.  Your issue is 100% opinion.

    22 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    And, it also makes the side effect that mess up the primary/secondary change while change the weapon to non-weapon devices(notably scanners).

    This is not a side effect of melee, it happens even without it and is a completely unrelated problem.

  16. 3 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    Not really. You need to either manually press fire button or aim to do

    How is that any different? sure you'r still holding the weapon, but that only affects how you look and has no actual effect on gameplay.

    3 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    and it is actually even worse because I can't use fire button to make the melee attack while on sword alone.

    This I actually agree with, but I imagine (and hope) that's probably just an oversight that will be fixed at some point.

  17. 3 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    It doesn't make me to only make the melee attacks one or few times and automatically back to the gun smoothly.

    Except, it does?  Swing your melee and pull the trigger and you're immediately back to your gun.


    I can fire my gun, aim or no aim, at any point during the combo, it's practically the same thing as quick-melee.  Unless I'm just completely misunderstanding your problem.

  18. 39 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    It results fully grabs the melee weapon, rather than making a quick melee, sir.

    Yeah you fully grab, but unless your options are screwed you should automatically go back to your gun when you try to shoot, making it functionally no different from quick-melee.

    In case your options are screwed, look for the circled option:


    If it's already off, your game's broke.  If it's on, switch it off and shooting will put you back in gun mode after a melee attack.


  19. 25 minutes ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    your not suppose to advertise on the forums

    I don't think something like this really counts as advertising, since OP isn't trying to sell anything or otherwise derive any kind of personal monetary gain, unless you're trying to say he's advertising for the charity.  I know I've posted about livestreams I or people I know were doing in the past and it's never been an issue.

    Regardless of that, I'm pretty sure this belongs in the Fan Zone sub-forum, not in General Discussion.

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