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Posts posted by Eidolon_Slayer

  1. i like how the angrier it gets the more this topic grows and makes important topics like adressing viable ways to add cosmetics, balance existing frames, new weapons, lore possibilites, Thank- you's to DE, and bug compilation threads smaller and almost unnoticeable


    The more the rage, the more feedback there is. It works. Psychology. 

  2. Who am I? A fellow Tenno that read your original post demanding something to be changed to whatever values you see fit, yet without explaining why. I'm tired of nerf threads where a fellow user, and not game industry expert gets on an says "change xyz to abc" without even a just because, but rather a just because I said so. The gun hasn't even been in our hands for longer than 5 days. Again it takes a whole clip to take down high level heavies, because it's not armor ignore.


    The objective of this thread was to draw out all the points why soma shouldn't be nerfed. Why else would I start the rage with a ridiculous fire rate?

  3. Of course I do love these forums for one fantastic reason.  At a glance, I can see people who were swindled into paying $100+ for an online F2P game and thus take the biased spew they put forth with hefty grains of salt.

    You've proven my point with your response.  Thanks.

    Well, then you may assume even more about how the world works. Just like those who thought that the Earth was flat. 

  4. Amusing that you respond with yet another tired cliche.

    Spending money doesn't entitle you to any more respect or sympathy than you deserve.


    Microtransaction is a misused term and various people have different incomes and desires for what they feel would be 'micro' to them.

    The term 'cash shop' is much more apt and appropriate for these circumstances.


    As for you, I'm not inclined to argue with children that feel entitled to link image macros and pretend they're special because they can spend mommy and daddy's money via credit card for an online F2P game.  Nice moves there, genius. :P

    How would you know it's not his/her money?

  5. OP doesn't have the greatest idea. Here's a suggestion, wait for the armor update before complaining about the awesomeness that is the Soma. I'm glad DE is moving on with a tiered weapon system though, good weapons won't get ruined quite as much this way. Much like this thread's suggestion. 



    Because who the heck are you? Official balance consultant to the entire gaming industry number one? What are your qualifications to call for a nerf? Who do you think you are?

    This thing does bullet damage, and last I checked, once you hit beyond lvl 100+ heavies you're going to be emptying a 1/2 to a whole clip to down one. It only feels OP on unarmored targets. We don't have any outstanding bullet damage type weapons in game that are effective against higher level enemies anymore. This and the Strun Wraith are welcome additions in my opinion, I'm tired of rocking the same flux rifle and acrid combo on every T3 Def I participate in.

    You guys, read through all my posts in the thread. 


    @sushidubya Well then who the heck are you? And what are your qualifications to judge my role as a tester? Why so serious? This is a public weapon feedback thread, I have every right to post what I want if it's on topic.

  6. Soma is not OP, I have one that has 3 forma and all best in slots mods. It runs out of ammo if used often on thing that have decent health pools. Things that need nerfs are the AOE skills that nuke everything with 20 meters that do not take any skill or planning to execute. DE does a far better Job with weapon balance than they do with warframe's skills.


    Co-Op needs rework and a party of 4 needs far more of a handicap such as 50% less damage because there are 4 people. This is beyond the level of NPC they just need to have a damage suppression on parties so groups can not steam roll everything. Solo is very well balanced compared to the Co-Op in this game, with nothing at all standing out as overpowered. I have come to the conclusion that DE is very good at making single player games, but needs to figure out how to make party gameplay as fun as their single player or solo mode.

    Well... This is unrelated to the topic but. I happen to have more than 200 rifle ammo boxes, and when I use soma on Rhino, I feel like a heavy machine gunner.... It's fun.

  7. SO inow that I understand Power creep a bit better now, thanks to you guys. The way they can fix this and avoid the bad power creep is by giving more new content higher requirements? making it so the old tech will become more like stepping stones to get to the new stuff making them no-longer irrelevant? am I close?


    @PeripheralVisionary, I hate Korean based MMO's. no thanks.


    Quite close. It's also due to the fact that a $1 cap-gun from the dollar store can out-damge and out-shoot a minigun that costs more than $100,000.


    Naturally you have the poor people supporting that the awesome cap-gun shouldn't be nerfed and should stay at $1. On the other hand, you have high-rollers that own the minigun saying the cap-gun should cost $100,000 +.

  8. then why are you talking with me right now? Oops, did you try to troll and fail? keep at it tiger, you'll get it one day.

    I was asking if you were mad. It seems you thought I was trolling. You gave your own implication to my simple question. Which implies that you either experienced attempts of trolling, or you're excited.

  9. actually no, whats the matter? cant name one? lol

    I'm not a gun enthusiast. Can you name a scientist that bases his theory off his previous theories?

  10. Lol this is funny. People ask for nerfs on this game more than any other game ive ever played. like ever......thats alot of games...


    Anyways, if its so friggin powerful stop pulling punches. make it have a rank requirement of 8 or 9, Rank 8 or 9 machine gun. How much you wanna bet people would complain thats way too high?


    You cant have it both ways. if you want it to stay as is, higher requirements are needed. if you want it nerfed then it will become a S#&$ty starter weapon that nobody uses making it irrelevant and negate all the hard work DE put into making the weapon in the first place.


    I understand it sucks when a better weapon that what you got comes out, hell I just got supra and only managed to forma it once before this came out. and im not to &!$$ed about it, Cause i know there is a chance Supra will become armor ignore in the future. but you guys are missing the point.


    The point is, new content has to be better than old content or no one will want it. this game is Upgrading, Not Sidegrading, Not Downgrading. UPGRADING. weapons get better, but this weapon is a bit too easy to get for its ability and it the requirements need to be changed immediately.


    Another thought, Name one weapon manufacturer irl that would instead of making better weapons over the years, would prefer to make them all the same with different looks? Name one, go on, do it. Ima fallow this topic to see if you can.

    Are you mad?

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