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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. +1 on the idea op, however there are several problems. #1 the automatic host migration checks still do not prioritize the best connection in 9 out of 10 circumstances. It seems as though the system fails to recognize potential problems in the chosen host. We have a clan mate that has a great connection but is behind a strict NAT and when we play with him, should the initial chosen host DC for whatever reason he is sometimes chosen, instantly our entire group dissolves due to the fact that we cannot connect properly to him as host.


    #2 Hosted DE servers- While this is the best solution of all the game would then potentially come down to DE having to shell out more money thus increasing all potential costs for us players(because corporations always pass the buck). Although I think in this circumstance due to the partnership that DE worked out I think they have the capital to do so without impacting players. This would also provide additional inherent risks of players not being able to play sometimes due to hackers being able to attack the servers. While currently we still suffer from a bit of this, in situations where servers are hosted this problem can be much more pronounced and more often.

  2. +1 OP many of us feel that the Mastery system needs an overhaul to incentivize players actually progressing in game. There have been many discussions on this topic and hopefully it will bear fruit. As a note to keep in mind OP the only ones that will cry out against this prospect are those that do not want to work for nice things. Don't worry yourself with naysayers and continue to fight the good fight.

  3. Fire rate does NOTHING for the Vectis at all. Only reload speed affects it. Utilized a Primed fast hands to get a super fast Vectis. Dread benefits from fire rate and reload speed mods. That is the difference you are seeing.

  4. Wasn't the afk system for non-endless missions only?

    No the afk thing counts for all mission types, the only thing that does not go against you is end of mission rewards from non endless missions in which you participated btu got killed and ran out of revives I think. In endless defense if you AFK you lose all the rewards, however actively using an ability even if channeled counts as participation.

  5. Rhino easily. This experience after being frustrated at so many Rhino's that run around using  Iron Skin only, providing relatively no help to the party, and subsequently getting downed constantly because they thought Iron Skin was an immortality button.


    I took out approximately 10 clan mates that were not aware of the implications of making an entirely power based build plus other defensive/survival mods. It was awesome actually getting more involved with playing Rhino as previously I completely ignored him rushing leveling to 30. Once I ran them around all of us on Rhino we all found that Rhino is a truly fantastic frame as long as you do not shoehorn your build into a survivability only setup. Rhino FTW folks.

  6. I'm not horribly upset about DPS loss, but this is still relevant.

    There is a MASSIVE amount of gaps in the kohm's spread coverage due to all these missing pellets.\


    Also you shouldn't confuse warframe builders DPS with applicable DPS.

    When it comes to a high spread weapon like the Kohm, those are two VERY different numbers.

    I love the Kohm, Kohm fanboy, Kohm for prez 2016, but even I will admit that the godlike DPS everyone always talks about the Kohm having is just not real, or even usable, unless your giving slowva'd vor a belly full of lead at point plank range.

    LOL my Kohm never had a spread at all I run a maxed out tainted shell and Shotgun Spaz. The only thing I calculate for my damages is the number of shots fired+hell's chamber+ the damage It listed in the Liset. My numbers pre nerf were vastly higher than post nerf thus my issue. For me it was never about the spread.

  7. Empowered strikes is the ability I like :3

    My version of the toggle system allows for such things to be kept on permanently but with a reduction to energy as a whole which would balance out the spamming due to the reduced maximum energy

    I think that empowered strikes would benefit greatly from this toggle (I also think it should give Excal some damage reduction)

    Damage mitigation is implemented via the Augment listed for Radial Javelin. Excalibur would gain a shield provided based on the damage of radial javelin modified by the combo counter.

  8. The host isn't the important one for key-based missions, it's whoever clicks the void mission first to start the vote.  That's the player who has their key used, and that's the player that needs to stay in the mission for it to complete.  If they drop, even if they are not the host, the mission fails.

    I am aware of that, fortunately the keys are all mine from syndicates as well.

  9. You think desecrate frame is the cool? Opinions i guess. As for limbo he's a good frame people just enjoy trashing how we looks.

    Correction good sir, Limbo is an AWESOME frame provided you are not a troll and are ok with lousy damage. I love his battlefield control thematic. I simply run around banishing high threat targets until the team is finished with the trash mobs then we combine in a concerted offensive vs the heavies.


    It's not all about offense anymore and I am truly thankful for that frame(now that Cata got a toggle that is).


    +1 op I understand the feeling however we just need to realize that there is a massive advantage to this frame that non other boast in a viable(hopefully) DPS oriented.

  10. Her Ult doesn't cost more than Excalibur's. Assuming no mods his ult costs 100 to activate and deals 1,000 damage. Her's costs 50 to activate and 10 for each second after doing 1,000 damage per second. That means that for 60 energy Mirage does what Excalibur can do for 100 and she will get a blind effect on top of the damage. Hers gets even more efficient when you don't end it after 1 second because she won't have to pay the 50 activation cost again. For 100 energy, same as excalibur's ultimate, she will do 5,000 damage over 5 seconds. That's way better than excal. The energy and damage will scale the same way with mods, so mods don't matter. Her damage numbers look low, about 250, but it hits about 4 times per second, that's 1,000 per second unmodded. If you want to see 1,500-2k damage on her ult, just mod it the same way you would Excalibur's. It's true that her damage is line of sight, but that rarely matters because you can make her ball go behind or above obstacles. Oh and the range on her ult is better too along with her energy capacity which means that it's more spammable. Her ult is way better than his for almost anything.

    LOL her ult does not hit for 1k damage per second by any means. With my build setup without blind rage using only Intensify and Transient fortitude I hit approximately 800 per second less by a small margin in any circumstance involving higher armored targets. Ult lasts 8 seconds to kill roughly 10-15 targets given the LoS requirement for the lasers. I will give her ult the top ranger as it can hit 100 meters radius with overextended and stretch, however her damage is nowhere near Excals within his 50m range he hits UNLIMITED targets and therefore is more by default, mirage even with maximum efficiency must expend 2x as much energy as excal in order to kill the same number of targets sometimes as her ult is target limited and the LoS mechanic outright ignores those beneath cover or behind objects. In a flat open area she is able to out DPS Excal such as on Cerberus Pluto which I have done many times but on any other map it is massively difficult for her due to the LoS mechanic. There is a good reason RJ was used the most out of the entire roster of all WF abilities to kill things.

  11. My point was the Mirage is more efficient for that kind of kill farming and I stand by that. I know people don't use her as much for multiple reasons like not having her but she does have a better ultimate. When people say Radial Javelin is OP, they should really look at Mirage. Her ability is Excalibur's two best abilities combined and improved. The blind effect doesn't even have a line of sight requirement like his. The damage, energy efficiency, and range of her Ult is higher than his.

    Mirages ult costs more and has LoS requirement for the entirety of it's damage= worse than Radial Javelin. That's precicesly why he is used instead of others. Massive range plus good damage= better. Additionally I'd love to see a mirage build that in one hit can produce 1500-2k damage on her ult.

  12. They were never removed in the first place.. 

    I saw everyone complaining about it and did some T4 survivals to check myself and bam. 5-15 cores every 40 min run. Still there after extraction.


    Also they "added" them back into lvl 20+ missions last hotfix.


    No clue why chat and forums is raging about R5`s...

    Because we used to be able to get 10-40 cores per run depending on how long we went.

  13. Ty for the info.

    Do you have the official source?

    Give me a moment.



    Edit: I am unable to find feedback posts, this may have simply been a remembrance of a DE employee speaking to someone on such a  thread. My apologies for being unable to cite proof. 

  14. Do assisting Tenno get assist points and affinity when:

    1)  a target under their influence is killed or damaged by another Tenno?

    2)  another player under direct assistance of another Warframe's ability makes a kill, does damage, uses energy, etc? 


    In other words, are Tenno getting their just dues when actually providing assistance?  If this is difficult to calculate, would it be better to have mechanics that are easier to calculate?


    It's obvious what a kill is, one scores the last point of damage.  But, is that how it works in Warframe?  Is it useful or fair to compare getting the last damage point instead of comparing the proportion of damage done to a target?

    Um I think you are confused on how affinity works. If you are close enough to the tenno who kills the target you get FULL affinity for the kill regardless of whether you touched said enemy or buffed the tenno.

  15. http://imgur.com/27jd6Hv


    What the title says. And - if the answer is affirmative, could you tell me how to fix the issue?


    To present the exact problem, this screen appears whenever I finish a Void mission - but only when I finish it in solo mode. I get all the rewards and everything, but have to restart the game to unfreeze it.

    Any advice?

    If you are playing through Steam it occurs more frequently. I personally have not had this issue since AW was first introduced, my clan mates that play through steam however have noted this happening quite often. Roughly 5 out of 15 runs they have this.

  16. Greetings and welcome to warframe. "Now let go of the Bunnie." Can you tell me what movie refference this is from.

    Con Air OFC ^^



    Welcome to the Forums MonsterBunnie, beware as there are trolls lurking beneath every bridge around here.

  17. So an invasion mission with no good rewards or allies

    Precisely SMH. DE we are reward driven and after as long as many of us have played that is the only good that comes from star chart missions as they are simply too easy. Power creep is a thing that will ruin the entire game no matter what content you try to push. I can't wait for the PvP update so I can finally stop playing the rest of the game mostly and have some challenge.

  18. Kohm wasn't nerfed -__-

    An over 10k dps loss was clearly a nerf. Maybe try and do the math? DE did not take into account Hell's Chamber when they reduced the pellet count down to 5. We in actuality lost 10 rounds fired per shot at max spool, sometimes more than 10.

  19. Drew" post="4413657" timestamp="1423607489"]

    The Community Hot Topics are community driven. They do not reflect what is being worked on internally. If/when the Silva & Aegis is up for review, the community feedback will be taken into consideration. Your title is slightly misleading. It should say "our" community hot topics, not "their".

    I disagree entirely as the hot topics are no true indicator due to how they are set up. Previously the hot topics have touched on several issues we are highly involved with however due to the multiple choice nature of the setup people are not actually provided an appropriate means of communicating precisely the stance they have on the matter due to how the questions are worded. This has been clearly shown via the "Do you use all your powers" question that clearly via the numbers on that question that people felt they used most of their powers regularly, but in the most recent by the numbers clearly put the lie to that community response. It is not possible for this community to be truthful on some things if they fear they will lose said things.

    I agree, that DE should pay at least some attention on Hot Topics, but seriously. You've chosen the most insignificant thing from all recent Hot Topics. Yeah, Silva&Aegis is cool, but it's just a single melee weapon. Things like warframe balance. missions rewards, RNG should obviously get a priority.

    Agreed but let me add to that. Repair the energy gating mechanics that were broken with fleeting expertise and Streamline, or meter ults separately from normal skills. GAME WIDE. Don't nerf a specific frame to uselessness as you are so fond of doing DE. In addition, look at melee for an overall rebalance to allow it to be more damaging than guns. After all greater risk should equal greater rewards right? At least your byline for a ton of the time I have played includes the whole risk vs rewards statement.
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