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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. Antimatter Absorb= both an offensive and defensive tool on Nova. Massive range build=GG without having to use 4 all the time. Plus Spirit bomb reference while running around saying "lend me your energy" ^^


    Also Vauban's Repelling Bastielle- You shall not pass(unless that awful bug they haven't fixed yet occurs)

  2. I'd like to caution against getting Rhino, something many players here are advising. As someone who made that decision, Rhino hurt my enjoyment and understanding of the game tremendously, and I don't think I'm alone in that by any stretch. The problem with Rhino is that he has some abilities that make low levels an absolute joke, while in high levels become painfully useless. Therefore, any time that would've been spent learning skills (granted, this game doesn't require a ton of it) that would help you at high levels will just be missed. Then you'll have more trouble learning at high levels.

    The point is not to rely on Rhino for end game. The point is to allow the gentleman the ability to progress through content and acquire the various mods to make the other frames more survivable and powerful. IMO that is precisely why Rhino is the second frame you acquire and he fills the role admirably.


    And as far as the time investment this game requires, many of us are well over 1,000 hrs in game without acquiring everything within it. This game is just as massive a time sink as every other MMO you can find on the market today. The only difference being that you can directly buy your way past various time/rng gating mechanics in the game by purchasing things directly from the market or trade channel.

  3. I can never win with you people. And i feel half the time your choices on thread movement are wrong. This is a warframe general topic not and off topic. Off topic would be stuff about anything not warframe. But again another poor choice and my thread is put in the wrong section to die. Again.

    I know precisely how you feel. Hopefully you will not get a warning as I did for making a comment in this vein. Unfortunately DE feels it is not appropriate for players or forum users to discuss the moderation choices that mods make. We are not allowed to state our opinions on the matter or we are risking a warning point. There have been a couple of times I have pointed out the mistake moderators make and I get a warning or a personal message telling me not to say anything about it. I refuse to do so and therefore I gets a warning point. Quite frankly I do not care and will simply make another account and change my forum user name if they ban me. I am not about to prevent myself from stating my opinion on any matter simply because someone's feelings get hurt. Either we are all adults and realize that outright criticism constructive or not is bound to occur or we are children that require others walk on eggshells around us in order to maintain our fantasy lives. Guess what people, life does not revolve around making you feel good. If someone criticizes you accept it or defend your stance. If you are not adult enough to take a simple comment regarding the efficacy of your decisions then you obviously need not be in any capacity such as a moderator. It's that simple.

  4. Glad to have you! Ok so pretty much we see this all the time and where most go wrong is the levels versus difficulty thing. Additionally modding may be a part of the problem you face. Generally I found that among my clan mates what we needed to do first of all is isolate your primary build of mods you should work from. I found amongst the new users that utilizing Rhino as a beginner is the optimum strategy until you have gotten the mod base that you mentioned. He is available from the second boss you encounter Jackal.


    Various traits are great for leveling but without an expansive mod selection you are kind of left in the lurch. So as a sort of cushion for your lack of power I say concentrate on survivability. Whenever I level a frame from 0-30 my focus is simply surviving in order to ensure I obtain appropriate exp in order to level. To do this you should focus on using Vitality and or Redirection . If you can get either one or both of these mods maxed out you can ensure you easily survive any challenges in the solar system.


    An additional trait of the affinity system you may not be aware of is how exp is portioned out amongst your frame/weapons/sentinels and Kubrows.

    When you kill an enemy via power use it goes 100% towards your frame affinity(exp). When you kill anything with a weapon or when a friendly unit nearby kills something via any means you get 25% to your frame/25% to primary weapon/25% to secondary weapon/25% to melee weapon. Remember that even if a weapon is ranked 30 it will still take it's portion of the affinity. Therefore if the content allows you may decide to remove your melee/primary/secondary in order to level the other things faster. Also keep in mind you must have 1 weapon equipped at all times. To unequip a weapon go to the weapon you wish to remove in the arsenal and choose equip, then in the top left hand slot you will find the unequip button.

  5. I think the armor values across the tankier frames need to be tweaked and once that is done, remove invulnerability from Hysteria and replace it with rapid active health regeneration. The heavier tank-esque frames should have high armor values.


    Valkyr as a berserker should be a high risk/reward warframe. Hysteria could grant a melee damage boost/attack speed boost/rapid health regeneration (Even while taking damage) /percentage based damage mitigation so that it can still soak a large amount of damage but too much incoming damage would outstrip the recovery potential.


    The same could be done for Iron Skin making it duration based and rapidly recover shields (even while taking damage) /percentage based damage mitigation (Higher than Valkyr) /Immunity to CC and procs.


    The idea is that the armor values would be in line with the percentage based damage mitigation to not grant excessive tanking potential but allow for both warframes to function without taking away what makes them unique. Valkyr's hysteria would still do finisher damage and focus on melee. Rhino's Iron skin would allow Rhino to soak greater damage, but would not make it impossible to be defeated.


    Essentially both frames take damage in these states but are better defended by using their strengths (Rhino's large shields gaining percentage based damage mitigation and recovering even when taking damage and Valkyr's health gaining percentage based mitigation and recovering even when taking damage)

    This is actually a sound idea. The only issue that I can see is for complete and total damage invulnerability through the use of shield restores +the DR granted by IS. Which is by and far the thing we are trying to avoid. Infinite tanking ability is excessive and broken within the concept we are trying to work on. However I will state that this appears to be mighty close to what we need. Perhaps ensure that players cannot receive restorative effects from these while IS is active?

  6. Do the math yourself then.


    Divide the damage taken by 1 minus the DR.  Say a bullet heals you that would normally deal 100 damage.  With a 75% DR, you take (100 - 75) damage, or 25 damage.  With a 95% DR, you take (100-95) damage, or 5 damage.


    25 / 5 = 5, so 95% DR is 5 times as effective as 75%, since you take 1/5 as much damage when it is active.


    That is pure math, how is that unfounded?  It's simple arithmetic that any third grader can do.

    Actually the way that would work is 95%-75% first because you said MORE effective, which should only include the percentage increase above the original value which would be 20%.  


    20% increase does not equal five times more effective it equates to roughly 1.5 x as effective, roughly mind you, but no where near 5x. At 5x as effective you would suffer 0 damage under all instances and would potentially even heal from damage suffered if they were to implement such mechanics.

  7. Dunno what you're talking about.

    You can trade invincibility for shields with shield flux...

    Or you could just block indefinitely with Reflex Guard.

    Quite frankly though who is going to waste all those resources trying to transmutate a shield flux? The transmutation system is the worst case of RNG that Warframe has atm and is an utter waste of both time and resources.

  8. Ash and Loki are primarily melee frames.  Ash quite obviously has a melee focused build, due to his fourth power, and loki as well can nullify the ranged abilities of his opponents.  But their main melee power is in their invisibility, as it grants sneak attack damage modifiers to all melee attacks to double their damage at melee.

    Incorrect. It quadruples melee damage not just doubles it. Thus bringing to mind the idea that those two frames are the MELEE frames in Warframe.


    75% is broken enough, but 95% is FIVE TIMES the effectiveness of 75%. 

    This is an increase of 20% man. Please stop making statements that affirm for us that your claims are totally unfounded and sensationalist.

  9. PC Tenno!


    After looking for an ETA for 15.13.0, the expected released date has been confirmed to be Thursday, February 5th!


    The Update so far is confirmed to have:

    - NPC Accuracy Changes: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/395422-npc-accuracy/

    - Spy 2.0: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/392168-spy-20-preview/

    - & Much, much more.


    While this is feeling like a bit of a routine to post 5 p.m EST on Wednesday's, this is our first Mainline Integration of the year. What this means is we've been cherry-picking items for deployment before today, but now all the work is going to be merged for release! And yes, this is to get a lot of foundation in place for larger coming updates this year... Mainline deployments can be tricky and we'd rather work through any unexpected kinks without risking a Major Update being involved!


    Thanks in advance for your patience, everyone.

    Then why not implement earlier in the weak in order to give yourselves time to fix problems that crop up prior to the weekend? This would save us all a large amount of time in the forums over the weekend and allow us to play the game more during peak free time. Currently the way these updates have run there are massive problems with the implementations and then we are forced to wait another week at times for a fix or you guys are stuck at the office all weekend trying to sort things out to prevent a fire on the forums.

  10. *Note: This has nothing to do with the Founders Pack.*


    I had made a thread a bit back near Xmas about the candy cane and people quickly responded in droves saying "Nope its exclusive" like they where quick on the draw to defend it. Then it got released the next day and my thread died.


    I've noticed this with many threads popping up about other old content and people jumping into "it's Exclusive!" like they had a quick-time event pop up in there heads. Its happening with Proto armor when people ask about it lately snapping to that response.


    This happens a lot with the Warframe community more then any other game I've played. Why? Will people learn nothing is set in exclusive stone. *Besides Founder pack*

    The reason many players resort to this quick defense is because we as players have had it ground into us by founders themselves. In every single circumstance they have made sure that there is never a player that has not had this iterated to them by no less than 100 founders in some cases and therefore it is a conditioned response.

  11. This is supposed to be DE Rebecca's (and Megan too, I suppose) job. Community Managers.

    Given how few posts they actually respond to I consider them more akin to a fire prevention/mitigation team. Currently there are no individuals from among the DE team that are responsible strictly for the forums. If there were I would think we would see much more developer feedback on various matters that have been deemed quite popular by the forum members.


    What DE attempted to do was implement community moderators which only serves the purposes of sorting data and enforcing forum rules and procedure. Unfortunately there is still a large disconnect between the players and DE in general. It would be fantastic if they gave the players more reasons to communicate, but as it stands it feels as though a large measure of the community is simply ignored and therefore wastes it's time in giving extensive feedback. I think quite frankly that's why we see many ill thought posts and far less productive feedback than we could. Simply put it feels like the devs don't care about many of our concerns and therefore many players do not care whether they actually put a large amount of thought into what they post.

  12. Looking for additional feedback and possible changes. It's best if we get as much feedback as possible within a concise posting to ensure the devs get a clear understanding of our thoughts on the matter. Thus far I have updated op with most of the good ideas presented and will continue to do so. Weigh in folks!

  13. Honestly I feel that if AW were well received and liked DE would have created a by the numbers thing to show AW participation by now. I can say per my experience in game AW players are by far the minority in WF and it is generally disliked at best and downright hated at worst. There are a few staunch supporters of it but as I have stated before, until AW has some benefit to ground combat which is the core of Warframe and its major draw, it will not be generally accepted by the public as it represents a waste of time. 


    The unfortunate fact of the matter however is that in order to obtain a WF soon or possibly only a new AW(here's hoping), we will be forced to take on the J3 Golem Redux. This prospect really bothers me honestly because I feel like they will force AW on us despite the dislike that a massive amount of the community has shown for it.

  14. No it was not necessary at all as they were not uber powerful by any means. However many players and DE themselves felt like it was absolutely necessary to wear something they did not like the look of for the additional statistics and therefore was unfair to their way of looking at it.


    IDK why they don't just put a slot in helmets and offer various Corrupted mods to fill the head slot. It would allow further customization and allow players to wear what they want.

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