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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. +1 op. I too am becoming just about sick of all the QoL changes that continue to provide more pervasive grind issues. The additions of R10 mods from Baro literally just about made me quit but due to the way we could farm in t4s it was not necessarily so hard to swallow. Now with the recent changes I felt that this was nearly the end of my play time with WF(and I sincerely love the entire premise/aesthetic/action of WF).


    Many of the changes they make are definitely misaligned with community feedback and appear to actually be counterproductive rather than helpful in the least. On top of that once they make the changes they make statements such as "She's in a good place" or "We're aware of the problem and should have it fixed SOON, and then we see nothing at all to address the issue for weeks upon weeks. Sometimes it takes longer than a year for some fixes. All in all it feels like the continual push for NEW and SHINY is far outweighing the quality aspects pushed out by the devs despite their claims.


    This for myself as well is nearly the end. Let it be known that if DE ever expects anyone to push through with this game till it's end they need to ensure that quality and not quantity remains the number one focus, and changes the community desires should ALWAYS factor into any decisions they make. After all players are the ones paying DE's bills. 

  2. It's fairly simple. Meter ults separately from standard energy use. Players should need to do things in order to obtain the ability to use the be all end all combat abilities in game. Then subsequently buff ults through the roof in order to compensate for reduced availability. Then ults can really shine and be truly beneficial much further in game as well. 


    Subsequently DE can provide an additional multiplier to all map types other than Spy 2.0(which has a great multiplier already), survival/defense/interception(these already provide far better affinity than the other non-endless maps.

  3. was he already in the huge walker mode? If not then you must wait to shoot his face once the mask opens. Once he hits walker mode just hit him anywhere to finish the job. Just took a clan mate there a couple days ago and pwned him very quickly. One word of warning though, for some reason there is a glitch sometimes after you kill his walker form he will respawn as the floating version and be invulnerable while still killing party members. Once the extraction point appears just leave.

  4. The opinion on "no reason to use" should be kept to yourself

    Stop trying to ruin the game for those who enjoy it already

    I you don't want it, then don't do it and find a group of people who share your sentiments.

    The spam will continue until the point where DE can rebalance things effectively; till then, suck it up

    The point is that attitudes like your's where you just accept rather than asking for the balance change are the problem. This needs looked at. My personal preference would be separate metering of ults in order top bring them in line with their intended purpose as an OH crap button.

  5. This is fixed. I am doing 40 minutes plus survivals solo with no issue.

    In co-op mode we went to over 40 without activating a single life support module.

    The point is we should be able to do runs WITHOUT Nekros just as far as with Nekros.

  6. Remove LS from desecrate mechanics entirely. Fix drop rates/spawn rates to make Survival runs equally as viable for EVERY group. Make SOTD AI behave like Infested being super aggressive. Dead bodies should not be afraid to fight. Additionally the 150% damage buff is still not nearly as effective as the majority of ults in game. Make it a solid 2x damage and aggressive AI to fix that.

  7. Meter ults separate from energy. Require a player to actively participate in combat with guns/melee/other abilities. Problem solved. In the process buff ultimate damage through the roof to ensure they feel EPIC when we get them. This would also have the bonus side effect of requiring players think tactically about how and when to ult.


    Currently in the system we have "specialization" ruins your entire kit aside from one ability.


    How is it a positive aspect to stand in one place and press one button? Furthermore how is it a positive aspect to run from one room to the next pressing one button in each room and then moving on? Let's add one more to that, how is it a positive thing that every other player in warframe gets various changes made to combat spamming which affect them MORE than the spammers(due to energy costs vs functionality and the loss of energy due to various eximus)?


    +1 OFC OP

  8. With recent changes only to "Easy" survivals and Solo survival gameplay I feel that this topic is still unresolved. This needs to be a universal increase in LS drop rates not just for Easy survivals or solo play.

  9. From EUL agreement

    The limited, personal use license granted to you in Section 1 is subject to the following restrictions and limitations as well as all other terms and conditions of this Agreement (collectively, the “License Limitations”). You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:
    f.      use cheats, automation software (bots), hacks, mods or any other unauthorized third-party software, tools or content designed to modify the Software, the Service or the Game experience;
    From this statement we must garner that autohotkey is a program designed to automate an action and it's use is therefore a ban-able offense, however it has been stated by DE previously in another thread that they are aware some individuals have a handicap or issue preventing consistent use of some of the more repetitive movement actions therefore autohotkey is not logged as a hack or exploit but DE cannot provide support for it's use as it is a third party application.
  10. From EUL agreement




    The limited, personal use license granted to you in Section 1 is subject to the following restrictions and limitations as well as all other terms and conditions of this Agreement (collectively, the “License Limitations”). You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:


    f.      use cheats, automation software (bots), hacks, mods or any other unauthorized third-party software, tools or content designed to modify the Software, the Service or the Game experience;


    From this statement we must garner that autohotkey is a program designed to automate an action and it's use is therefore a ban-able offense, however it has been stated by DE previously in another thread that they are aware some individuals have a handicap or issue preventing consistent use of some of the more repetitive movement actions therefore autohotkey is not logged as a hack or exploit but DE cannot provide support for it's use as it is a third party application.

  11. No friendly fire please: in concept it sounds cool, but there is enough trolling going on without having to worry about getting shot in the back by somebody who thinks it's funny.  Because it's not funny.


    Rakta Ballistica: I'm on PS4 so we haven't got the buff yet, but one thing that was taken away from all syndicate weapons was the ability for the AOE attack to get you back on your feet during bleed-out.  This was heartbreaking, and while I understand that it made all the syndicate weapons very powerful, why put it in the game if you are going to take it away?  At the very least, replace that with a weapon mod (rare) that does the same thing.   Please.

    Rakta never had this anyway. Rakta is an energy restore weapon not a health restore weapon.

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