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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. "What we need is more LS on the ground from the large restore spawns and have Nekros be entirely optional for long runs rather than a necessity."


    What we did was make Survival runs for players more viable. So: even without a NEKROS, you should be able to do 20 minutes of survival. While for longer missions, you might still need NEKROS.


    Please post whether your problem was addressed or whether your want more information in general, or whether you miss information about the Survival Game Mode. We took great care to make Survival more accessible to casual players, so we will take all feedback into account.


    There might be an issue still, where the O² timer gets frozen; please make sure that you mention such cases. We need a large amount of samples to make fair judgment as to possible bugs or just general annoyance, and we need to keep those numbers apart.

    The entire point is that in every single instance of a long survival there should not NEED to be a Nekros at all. This necessitates a "Farmer" Nekros position and that should NEVER be a thing. There is no way that anyone can justify to me there being a farmer in the party, period. This is an action based 3ps that requires a fast paced style and when even one player is taken out of that loop it is hampering the gameplay of said individual and the potential damage output of the entire party.


    It is a mistake to force anyone into that role and is highly counter intuitive in the warframe gameplay style. There should not be any frame that is a necessity for any mode. I have the same issues with Vauban and infested and Frost in any defense other than infested.


    Why this concept has been accepted by players (given the premise touted by DE) that you play how you want in Warframe is beyond me.

  2. In a key-based (or syndicate-based) mission, if the key user (or user who started the mission) drops from the game in any way, the game is considered null and will insta- fail.


    Have somebody with a better connection use the key or start the mission for now.

    I am aware and that's not what I mean though. I was hosting everything and I never disconnect and players rarely if ever drop from my missions. Additionally in these instances I was the key holder and starter of the missions. Until recently I have never had these problems period. Something is definitely off currently.

  3. That's 3-4 per second.  We should be happy that WoF isn't another idiot-button that hits everything in the room with impunity.  The new targeting mechanic supposedly fixes your other issue; it's worked serviceably for me so far.  The level of safety WoF gives now almost feels like cheating compared to how it was before.

    Wasn't ever a good ult beyond the first iteration. Still isn't what an ult should be. Unless they make it utterly annihilate the target no matter the level it will not be a worthwhile skill targeting single units over time. They either need to massively increase the target limit or remove it entirely for it to be equal to others in the game. I could also live with every other ult in the game gaining a target limit and being made into a channel.


    Currently so long as WoF remains as is there will always be an imbalanced ultimate in game. The worst part is that Ember is touted as a fully offensive frame that eschews defense in order to be fully offensive and she has 3 skills that are CC and her ult does not even clear a 5 foot space around her SMH.

  4. I've actually had it go for the little ones and ignore the big one that's actually killing me. Plus, the AoE doesn't reach far enough, not like it used to. Before the first of the last two nerfs I used to be able to get it to hit everything, hard, fast and indiscriminately, but now even with one or two of the corrupted mods that add to range I can't do that, it's limited to idiotically close and also 3 enemies at best. They also need to get rid of that damned time limit, I think it would still work somewhat if they'd take that away.

    There is only one corrupted mod that affects range.

  5. Seeking more feedback on this subject. Guys I feel like this is a most pressing matter and we need to address it as a community rather than letting this continue. Currently there are many weapons that require far less work to acquire than these two that are quite a bit stronger. Again I feel that the sum of the multiple parts should be &#! strong as their statistics combined or stronger to provide a commensurate reward for the work involved with acquiring them

  6. With the recent changes to survival spawn rates and Life support tweaks it feels honestly like something is off. Multiple times the last few days we have come to a point where there was not enough life support spawns nor could Nekros even get enough small life supports to keep the group going. This is a Nekros mind you that has a full Desecrate build and previously could keep the party going until we could not kill the enemies.


    I am unsure what kind of tweak to LS was made but I sincerely feel that you need to iterate exactly what changes you make to these things rather than some ubiquitous comments saying you "tweaked" it.


    Edit: Recent hotfix adjusted rates for "Easy" survivals and solo runs. This is a nice change but needs to be UNIVERSAL not just for new players and solo runs. It should not matter how you are running the survival or where in order to get a fair deal.


    What we need is more LS on the ground from the large restore spawns and have Nekros be entirely optional for long runs rather than a necessity.


    So from, further testing I found that the LS drops from enemies have been reduced as well. This is not acceptable and further emphasizes Nekros' farmer roll. FIX THIS ASAP!

  7. We had the same thing occur last night while helping clan mates on Stolen Dreams. We had not even made it to the A, B, or C targets and insta fail.



    In the void this could be attributed to a key owner disconnecting mid mission but anywhere else is just a bug.

  8. The game has been following the East in style for about 90% of the game I would like some other influences mixed in now.

    The game is about Ninjas. What other influence should there be?? Personally I think it needs to completely keep itself in that vein of design elements. As it is per the latest dev stream we are getting a Dragon-like frame. 


    I would truthfully love to see an actual Ninja set of skins for every frame. If they do that I know precisely what I will wear until this game closes it's doors. Also Samurai skins would be valid in keeping with the Japanese vibe.

  9. Bonus credits are awarded, but there is a glitch with them showing. Currently I am getting the bonus credit listing once I get back to the liset, but not at the end of the mission when leaving the void/other missions.

  10. I absolutely agree. Working for something is always acceptable, however the layered RNG is the primary complaint. It's the same with void rewards. To get a void key: RNG to see if a key is the reward, then more RNG to see what Tier of key, then more RNG to see what type of Key, and finally more RNG to see if you get the part you need from said void key. Sometimes one layer of this RNG is removed because said node only provides t4 keys for example, however the layered RNG problem still persists.

  11. The other problem they did not take into account is the overall loss of DPS due to removing the extra rounds from the full spool.


    DE removed 5 rounds but due to hell's Chamber what actually got removed was 10 rounds minimum and sometimes even 11. This caused a massive DPS loss even though they buffed the base damage.

  12. In recent Tenno Reinforcements we have had several weapons that pose a problem. Both the Panthera and the AKJagara are fairly difficult to build, each require quite a bit to be done in order to even obtain them, and finally once obtained we find them severely lacking in overall worth and usefulness.


    Below I will be showing the various requirements for both and their various statistics in the hope that you people at DE realize the error of these weapons implementation and look long and hard at rectifying this mistake.


    In short what we are seeing here is a disturbing trend of more work equates to less worth and this cannot continue.


    Panthera requires:

    20,000 credits for the BP and 20,000 credits to craft, 24 hrs to craft.


    Miter-15,000 credits to craft. 30min-2hrs to farm the BPs. 24 hrs to craft.
    Hikou-15,000 credits for the BP, 15,000 credits to craft.  24 hrs to craft.
    5 orokin Cells
    500 plastids
    600 rubedo
    4,000 salvage
    So that's a minimum of 48 and 1/2 hours to craft, 85,000 credits, and various amounts of time to farm the resources alone in order to craft this ONE Weapon.
    Now we get to the bad part.
    Before we even get to the damage statistics lets talk about the ammo mechanic. How can you justify the ammo mechanic of the Panthera? It fires 1 round and costs you 5. There is no way that this can stay as it simply makes figuring out how many rounds you have left difficult in the middle of a hectic fire fight.
    Please remove this mechanic.
    Miter dmg   +    Hikou dmg    =    Panthera dmg
         250        +          25           =           100
    How does this math work?
    So at this point we have a large investment of both time and resources for an extremely lackluster weapon that requires two relatively good weapons to make.
    Please buff this weapons damage up to 250 or 275 to ensure that our investments of Time, Resources, and effort are not wasted for Mastery Fodder.
    AKJagara requires:
    Dual Skana - 25,000 credits for the BP, 20,000 credits to craft. 
    Lato (x2) - 20,000 credits. 
    Bolto (x2) - 30,000 for the BPs (and 24 hours min to craft both), 40,000 credits to craft. 
    AkBolto - 15,000 credits for the BP, 20,000 credits to craft. 
    1,900 Polymer bundles 
    850 Ferrite 
    300 Alloy plate 
    7 Orokin Cells 
    4 Neurodes 
    2 Morphics 
    20,000 credits for the AkJagara BP and 20,000 credits to craft. 
    210,000 credits total, 48hrs minimum to craft, various amounts of time to farm resources.
    In fact this single weapon has the greatest amount of credits and resources in the entire game to craft barring Clan Tech.
    Now we get to the bad part.
    AKBolto dmg    +    Dual Skana  dmg   =   AKJagara dmg
           45              +             32                 =          60
    Again how does this math work?
    Please buff this weapon's damage up to 77 bare minimum. In fact it would be more fair given all the resources and effort that goes into obtaining it to put it all the way up to 100.
    In the future please try to look on this experience as a lesson and ensure that the work is equal to the reward. Otherwise the only thing you will generate is embittered players that are extremely frustrated with each and every combination weapon you may implement.
    edit: Title changed for clarity.
  13. It's amazing. I've always hated gold, it's great to have the option to change it and have it not ruin my colorscheme.



    I'm surprised that you think this logic is sound in any way. If you think Prime = Gold... then don't change the Gold. Simple as that. 



    I for one am super happy I can get rid of the tacky gold trim that does not match any of my preferred color schemes. Good riddance to that gaudy rubbish!

  14. Some of you people..I can tell are new.......and never played OG Rhino......


    And let me tell you............you do not want OG Rhino back............excuse me Original Rhino if you don't know what OG means


    Lets just say I'm SURE DE doesn't want Original Rhino back also........More than likely Scott will make some "adjustments"....but to sit here and literally ask for "FACETANK RHINO" is why I understand Scotts expressions on DevStream


  15. It's not that players want to nerf everything, just the worst offenders. Radial abilities overshadow all other abilities because they hit infinite targets in a 2*pi*r^3 spherical area. These radial abilities make most other abilities look worthless in the eyes of most players in this game. Beyond radial nukes, the only other popular abilities are self-buffs, invisibility/godmode, and any ability that carries a mission (Snow Globe, Energy Vampire, Desecrate).


    If a warframe doesn't have a radial to spam or the ability to be a support slave, players deem it worthless. Sometimes, radial spamming even displaces the importance of weapons. Any optimized radial damage ability can kill things through T4 void non-endless missions. All that's left for players to do is endlessly farm endless missions, which is still best done by spamming radials but at least you have an excuse to shoot your guns then.


    Alternatively the developers can buff other abilities to make them more similar, like making Shuriken deal 8500 base finisher damage in a single cast to justify its damage alongside Blade Storm (2000*17=34000). However, enemies in the game are already pretty weak, so said buffing would kill the game as of currently. Expanding the solar system can balance this out, but everything up to Pluto, T4 Void, and a bit beyond will be considered easy-mode fodder to be forever untouched once you reach the new part of the solar system.


    We don't need to nerf, it just seems like the easiest option. The result players want is for skillful gameplay with variety to be better than "Press 4" easy mode. Players put all their effort into understanding enemy movement, telegraphing, aiming their gun, and learning their entire ability kit. All of that means nothing when all you need to do is press 4 to win. Literally.


    As for Rhino, he's a symptom for this problem in the game. Easy-mode is better a lot of the time than learning how to be skillful in gameplay. You can learn every warframe in the game, but Rhino still has his appeal in ignoring statuses and knockdowns, and rushing fast with the Vanguard helmet. Easy-mode is the way to play this game frequently, all you need is a grocery list of things to make yourself powerful. There's little reason in this game to become skilled when there's not much practical point to it.

    Mecha already said it so I'll just copy it here.

  16. No, it isn't a purely solo game, however it is supposed to be a "choice of play" type game (given the diversity of frames we have) and having my choice of play get removed because of a few..... less than courteous players, is rather insulting.

    This is precisely my feelings on the p42w playstyle as well.

  17. Except it takes time to reach those nearest you, does less damage, and won't affect enemies at all if they are partially obscured by environment objects, including the ones nearby.  


    Just because relatively few people appreciated the nuances of the ability doesn't mean it's ok to rip them out of the game as part of a quick fix for people who didn't even like Ember outside of the shiny factor.  

    Yeah, unless they fix the wonky LOS Ember is just utterly lost at this point.

  18. With the recent patch to the Kohm this weapon lost over 10k dps.


    What was not taken into account is the 10 rounds per shot (due to Hell's Chamber) we lost at full spool and I think this is where the mistake was made.


    Please give us back the 5 rounds removed and simply keep the reduced particles. 

    Please also revert the damage buff from this patch and let us see if the removal of the particles will be enough.


    Aside from the overall damage lost what many players considered a strong suit of this weapon was in it's spread which is now completely ineffective.

  19. +1 op


    2x current damage to show it's worth considering the use of a Miter in construction.


    Removal if the multiple rounds used per firing unless they make it a 5 round shot burst weapon.


    Increase flight sped of Projectiles so it is not another exercise in futility attempting to use the thing.

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