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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. Overall I sincerely hope this is not the week's update by any means. Still no Ember changes the community can live with. Still no updates for Nekros to free him from the farmer role or to fix SOTD's AI(hint: give it the syndicates AI, simple fix that is already IN GAME). Still no resolution for the core nerf, or Kohm nerf, or any changes to the Panthera or AKJagara to make them worthwhile. I could go on and on about things that need fixing but you guys get the drift.

  2. Still no fix for "Alt Fire" weapons not being able to zoom even if you bind zoom and alt fire with two different keys.

    This functionality is not intended and therefore needs no "fix". A DE staff member came into another discussion and stated that the way weapons work only includes two buttons and therefore this function is not possible in the game's current iteration.

  3. You know what else would be great? You reverting the changes made to Prime equipment.

    I don't pay for Prime Accessories just to look like an average Tenno. 

    Absolutely against this. I hate gold and have always found it extremely gaudy. If you like the color keep it. As far as the shininess of the gold the new lighting techniques utilized in PBR will not allow for the previous metallic look. Either way it is a win for any player that dislikes gold and that makes me very happy. I sincerely hope all prime gear gets this transition to ensure full player customization of our color schemes.

  4. Oh please, so it's gotten the most kills. That doesn't mean it's a bad ability that's bad for the game. We've already debunked and showed that there are very few places where this can actually be useful for nuking a map. Defense and Interception were the places. Hence why people go to those maps, Vivergate, Draco, Stephano, and so on and so forth. So the ability can kill things on the Star Chart when enemies aren't up for the damage output of an end-game or higher level build, that's the case with any damage dealing power modded for damage higher than the map they're fighting on.


    It isn't too prevalent when it's only useful in a small portion of content (two mission types). It doesn't need a serious look because DE is already adding in enemies, changing up the maps like Viver, it was the first to change after Vivergate, and it isn't going to be the last. So Excal players like using RJ, doesn't mean that it's a bad ability. If anything, it's alright where it is, lacks a bit of CC, but could use a buff.

    Not the point man. The point is clarifying that energy is not properly gating ultimate abilities as has been stated by multitudes of players time and time again as well as DE themselves. Ultimate skills are simply proving via their use the point we have all stated many times.

  5. Just wanted to clarify a point for players that think p#2w is a non-issue. In the recent by the numbers they noted the most used abilities in the game(barring Tailwind) are players ultimates. This is simply not appropriate at all and proves that energy is not gating the use of said skills properly.


    Here's the link in case you do not want to look for it. Radial Javelin clearly tops the charts as the most used ability in game(as I said barring Tailwind)


  6. This is easy. You should not "Main" anything. The simple fact is that there is a different tool for any job you want to do. To play melee style use Loki, to kill with powers use Excalibur/Saryn/Mesa/ Mag. To defend the pod in Defense use Frost.  If you want to be a CC god look at Rhino or Nyx. Being a "main" in WF is not really a valid concept because no 1 frame rules them all except in Reputation runs where Excalibur clearly out kills everything. (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/399939-by-the-numbers-warframe-powers/?p=4413024#entry4413024

  7. This kind of debate would all be over in an instant if they simply changed how the melee combo multiplier scaled. Daggers in all forms would suddenly become massively more useful and powerful by leaps and bounds if they just made damage scale off of every 5 hits. 5 hits x1.5, 10 hits x2.0, 15 hits x2.5, 20 hits x3. Heck they could even make it scale faster than that, Melee 2.0 was supposed to ensure that melee was a viable alternative to gunplay and versus many different enemies it still falls extremely shy of that mark.

  8. To clarify this point look at the newest by the numbers where they clearly tell exactly what has killed the most enemies in WF over the last month. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/399939-by-the-numbers-warframe-powers/?p=4413024#entry4413024


    Radial Javelin is clearly the killer of choice. Hence our fear that p42w is much too prevalent and needs a serious look and not the half-hearted attempt that was made this past November. 

  9. For Limbo - Banished Enemies who get ouside of the range of Limbo's Banish become un-Banished.


    For Mesa I'm not entirely sure what could be done, though one suggestion is changing her Peacemaker in PvP like this;


    Peacemaker - Instead of giving her instant max range, what if her range is limited initially but grows as the ability goes on?


    The way it works is that there will be a circle around Mesa that indicates her "Damage Zone", with enemies inside taking damage (if not behind cover) while enemies outside are safe. Initially the zone will be fairly small, but as the ability is being used it starts to grow larger and larger.

    Abilities such as these will probably be completely changed to suit the skill based gameplay. PvP needs to be a showcase of skill and not a press#2 win display. 

  10. This would be great... if implemented at the same time.

    Implementing o-cells first without any marginal indication of additional plans says this probably isn't case.


    More so, I can't figure out why a basic drop from Saturn [lvl 12-15ish] and pretty much every boss is somehow appropriate as a round reward in the hardest end-game modes--particularly to replace R5 core packs.

    I could see o-cell packs in T3 -maybe- (even though personally I think void rewards should only be void items--parts/cores), but there isn't a rational reason to put o-cells in T4 unless T5 is about to jump out with some amazing core/fusion options.


    My honest question to DE: Is the expectation that players simply forgo doing anything other than ever playing Warframe (which would make it kind of hard to purchase the plat to continue supporting the game)?

    Or have the past few months been an exercise in retention to see how well players can be drawn back in after driving them out with bizarre or uncalled for nerfs?


    The one thing I think staff is forgetting is that this is a game--what should be an enjoyable pass-time.

    Please consider not making playing and enjoying it as arduous as possible.

    If players have a slighter easier time getting stuff and enjoying it there really isn't a problem.

    If anything it increases the popularity and economy of the game.


    Sorry for the rant. I used to genuinely enjoy Warframe and respect DE's efforts toward improving an already strong game.

    These days... read pretty much any patch note comment that isn't "Praise DE!" without even testing the patches/hotfixes and maybe it'll make sense.

    Another spot on quote that deserves some more face time

  11. For some Reason, R5 Core Droprates had to go down. What was available over X amount of playtime needed a decapitation of the top end of grinding availability. I can not see any justification for it and while the starchart change is appreciated, it does not change anything about the real problem, that you just bloated the average time to max out a primed mod from ~30 run a 40 minutes each to about double that amount of time? Not to mention the additional key grinding required?

    Because you chose to replace the most needed resource in the game with a building resource that is literally obsolete and devoid of value for any veteran player who has finished building all items associated with it.

    Sorry, this is NOT a solution to the problem you've created. Sheldon, time for duck and cover is over. This time you've taken it too far. This WILL cause a mass-exodus. My clan evaporated due to this update and i am unwilling to continue playing unless you fix this, as in restore a way of obtaining roughly the same amount of cores farmed per hour.

    This is the best response on this matter. Forcing massive amounts of play time is unacceptable. This is a resource that is absolutely necessary no matter how long you have been playing WF. Now with the future possibilities of more primed mods it behooves DE to rectify this situation now prior to any more players committing to a mass exodus from the game. We have enough grind elsewhere by god. Give us this one thing

  12. this has been suggested for dojos. but i think it would be more fun if they were added to relays too. Then loads of people will be testing weapons at the same time. 

    IDK but if they do put in a range they need to put an arsenal in dojos or on relays if they put one there. That way we can actually test various mod loadouts without having to exit back to the ship to change up the loadout. Otherwise it will be no different than going to a random planet to test.

  13. Simply put be prepared to lose a large portion of the relays. Even with PCs admittedly far more vast population it was not near enough. Of course after the 3rd time you run a single formorian it is awfully monotonous. Heck even if you ran each one only once each it was extremely monotonous. I am only wondering at this point if the exact same relays will stand signifying that it was rigged. There is a large number of players here that feel the relays that got destroyed were the ones DE wanted to fall. Currently there are relays at very precise portions of the game. Beginning-Mercury, Middle-Saturn, and End-Pluto. Additionally the formorians on said planets were destroyed far more quickly than even the Venus formorian(Venus appeared to be far more heavily defended considering the number of players on it consistently than any of the others barring Saturn as Baron was due there in a couple of days). 


    Time to find out exactly how devious the developers were with the event.

  14. The host and key holder aren't always the same person anymore.  If anybody else selected a void mission, then even if you're the host, the person who selects the mission from the "void" ring is the key user for that instance (even if it's a repeat of a mission you yourself started earlier).


    if you're ABSOLUTELY sure that this happens when you are the host and key user, then record the setup so DE knows to look into it.


    I am the only one that hosts in our clan due to various connection/port issues of others. This problem is still occurring intermittently and I have OBS already however I refuse to record all my gameplay in the hopes of catching this bug in action. DE needs to look into this already as it has been going on for quite some time and occurs in both solo and multiplayer. 

  15. Hay all, I've not updated the thread for quite some time recently, as I have been rather busy on my own business, rest assured, I still come back to check on it every once in a while, though at this rate it is unlikely any of the mods will receive significant fixes and corrections.

    Petition the mods to move your thread to bug fixes. Change the introduction a bit to reflect the various bugs and problems and it should be a clean fit.

    Unfortunately I doubt DE has even read the report due to the fact that it is in players helping players.

  16. Or could some pre-delay be added in so the dry sound isn't always totally masked by the reverb tails?  The reverb is cool (if a bit grainy) but it colors the dry sound too much since it sounds like it is right on top of the dry.  Delaying the reverb onset by a fraction of a second (50-80ms?) would probably alleviate some of that "overly colored" sound.  Maybe it is already pre-delayed and I'm talking out my rear but it either needs that or to be just a bit quieter.

    This please. The reverb is an awesome addition to the game but it feels slightly off because of the lack of delay. Echoes naturally have a small delay in them and in game it is currently being reverberated immediately.

  17. Ok So after some extensive testing I found the following just to settle the re-iterated doubts. The Invulnerability period does indeed refresh upon each cast. The snowglobe is in fact now better on spam build with moderate pwr str included rather than the previous massive power str/shield/steel fiber build. I was able to easily keep the SG in place on a t4 defense through 80 waves with little trouble given I spammed(casted every 4 seconds for 4 casts then ran around killing enemies for roughly 45 seconds without issue at wave 80) during the largest engagements to make it have tons of health. As a bonus during the entire time span you are spamming the thing absorbs all incoming fire. At one point I had the globe up under concentrated fire from like 10 heavy gunners and 30-40 smaller grunts without refreshing the cast due to playing it this way. Another nice feature is that as far as I can tell all of the health from the prev SG carries over not just the base health.



    The only negative I can see here thus far is the fact that Bombards rocket explosions still bypass SG entirely.




    For me this is a clear buff although some indicator of percentage health or total  health does seem to be in order for those who are not fond of recasting.

  18. Nerf the other 4s.  Radial nukes are dumb and crutches for weak players.  As long as they exist DE can just say "oops, just use your 4!" whenever balance issues arise.   Ember is more like what warframes should be like.

    I agree to an extent. I do feel like they should be toned down in various ways in order to bring the abilities in line with the rest of the game. The damage should be increased across the board and a target limit be implemented. That way the abilities take on a more focused  damage role rather than an aoe kill everything up to a certain point and then become utter crap button. The damage on Embers 4 feels good atm given how much we spam accelerant, but without accelerant it feels lacking just like tons of other ultimates.

  19. 3. Vaubans bouncing you off an exit platform as the timer finishes so you don't get reward, or placing bounce on route to exit platform

    Being at the exit point when timer completes has NOTHING to do with your rewards.


    I sometimes wonder if the people who post things in the forums are even playing the same game.



    +1 OP since I did not say it before. Stealth changes should NEVER be made under any circumstances. Absolute transparency is necessary to ensure we never feel any kind of  negative feelings regarding the integrity of DE. Many times in the past we have seen undocumented changes that cause varying amounts of distrust to form between the developers and ourselves. If this is a change that was intentional this is just one more occasion that causes this distrust.

  20. Panthera requires:

    20,000 credits for the BP and 20,000 credits to craft, 24 hrs to craft.


    Miter-15,000 credits to craft. 30min-2hrs to farm the BPs. 24 hrs to craft.


    Hikou-15,000 credits for the BP, 15,000 credits to craft.  24 hrs to craft.


    5 orokin Cells


    500 plastids


    600 rubedo


    4,000 salvage


    So that's a minimum of 48 and 1/2 hours to craft, 85,000 credits, and various amounts of time to farm the resources alone in order to craft this ONE Weapon.


    Now we get to the bad part.

    Before we even get to the damage statistics lets talk about the ammo mechanic. How can you justify the ammo mechanic of the Panthera? It fires 1 round and costs you 5. There is no way that this can stay as it simply makes figuring out how many rounds you have left difficult in the middle of a hectic fire fight.

    Please remove this mechanic.



    Miter dmg   +    Hikou dmg    =    Panthera dmg

         250        +          25           =           100

    How does this math work?


    So at this point we have a large investment of both time and resources for an extremely lackluster weapon that requires two relatively good weapons to make.



    Please buff this weapons damage up to 250 or 275 to ensure that our investments of Time, Resources, and effort are not wasted for Mastery Fodder.

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