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Posts posted by HillsAndTheSea

  1. Tenno do not have ANY relation to the T-Cyte outside of their Warframes.

    They are humans who have gained supernatural powers from exposure to the Void.

    • "Unburden yourself from this mortal coil, ... Join Us."
    • "We embrace you. Why do you defile us?"
    • "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh."


    are you saying the dialogue of BOTH j3 golem and lephantis has no meaning?


    it directly links the tenno and infestation, and implies the main difference between tenno and infestation is (obviously) that the tenno retain some of their humanity.

  2. The Warframe and Dark Sector universes are not linked the way many think.

    I do not consider Dark Sector lore to be canon within Warframe's lore, that would be downright silly.


    excalibur proto armor almost directly states that hayden tenno is the prototype of the tenno, and he was known to also have the virus, considering it is a large component of the original game


    "downright silly" or not its confirmed by DE


    dark sector and warframe are definately linked, with both occuring in the same universe.


    there is however a significant time gap between the two

  3. all the evidence points to this theory.


    the infested are all victims of the technocyte virus as a result of an orokin experiment to create a bioweapon to combat the sentients in the old war. the expierment was deemed a failure, and in an attempt to cover up the expierment, the ships were sent to the void



    it is also known, that the tenno have a mysterious connection to, and draw their power from the void, and have all been exposed to it.


    so more than likely, the void acted as a catalyst to the technocyte, and amplified its power. from this, you can infer that the tenno are essentially infested on steriods, that are perfected and further boosted by the warframes, and are easily capable of anything the infested are, to a much, much higher degree. it would not be a stretch to compare volt to an electric crawler, trinity to an ancient healer, valkyr to an infested charger, etc


    this is reinforced immensely by the rhino/ember/excalibur primes codex entries.

    also the fact that lephantis is located in the derelicts (a ship that was orokin but failed to make it to the void) adds to it. when the infested (J3 golem iirc) says, "we share the same flesh" they are referring to the technocyte virus as well.


    so, how to do tenno switch warframes? how can a single tenno wear a rhino and an ember warframe?


    how can a grineer lancer become an infested charger? 


    how can a normal human being become the creature known as lephantis?


    the tenno can change their phsyical and mental shape at will, however they need to use warframe as a reference.




    tenno are basically "mature" infested, and their void exposure gives the tenno a much greater control of the technocyte virus over standard infested, allows them to use their infested powers more freely and to a much larger extent, one of these powers being changing both their phsyical and mental shape and form


    so anyone else agree? thoughts? 


  4. infinite and instantaneous ammo that could be bought for an insignificant amount credits and used at the single push of a button?


    is it really that hard to figure out why they were removed?


    also, (large) ammo restores are better teamplay items anyway since they not only restore ammo for you but for your entire squad, makes more sense in the long run and fits better in line with the ammo boxes used in other multiplayer games.

  5. i would like to point out, that one of, if not the main reasons the tenno can not, or rather, do not, recreate orokin tech is because its largely impractical, and a blantant waste of resources.


    if you werent aware, what makes the prime weapons, "prime", was the orokins use of ornate (sometimes overly gaudy) and sometimes ceremonial designs, made using tons and tons of forma.


    the current tenno, do not have access to anywhere near the reserves of wealth and forma the orokin did, and alot of the time still use the orokin design, but simply substitute the materials and or make less ornate designs, this is what accounts for the majority of the differences between prime and non prime equipment.

  6. (and even with the suggested tweak, it would still be more than enough to kill off high level Grineer). Even if the enemy has Alloy Armour (meaning -50% to Slash), the other elements will more than cover up for the Slash Damage reduction. 


    and how in the world does that sound like a buff? or even a change worth doing?


    currently you have present no counterargument as to why DE should change the vectis to be slightly better against infested, only to be vastly worse against grineer, other than, "i like the vectis and want it to be a more effective weapon vs infested ancients" which is entirely impossible due to the fact that the primary strength of any sniper rifle is high firepower for a slow and heavy oppenent, and the infested is largely based on the oppisite


    and seriously, you can already use the vectis fine, against infested if you really wanted to (although i would prefer almost anything)


    and even more importantly, if you like the vectis? why in the world would you want it nerfed? even if the nerf is a small one, the gun honestly isnt anywhere close to OP and frankly could stand to see some buffs

  7. your suggestion would only serve to make the vectis less effective.


    puncture is largely a better damage type for snipers, since it scales better against tougher enemies, and the enemies who are usually weak to slash damage are squish anyway and a damage type is mostly irrelevant


    slash damage is by far less effective against the most dangerous higher level enemies (ie heavy gunners/bombards) in which a sniper rifle is most effective, and the bleed proc is largely irrelevant since the point of a single target high damage weapon is to remove the largest threat from the field, instantly.


    vectis already has a problem (snipers in general) with extremely inconsistent damage, and needs changes to fix that, but this is not the right step.



    and most importantly, why not just add a brand new sniper rifle with slash damage instead of effectively nerfing the vectis?

  8. Energy pulse - release energy gained from energy trap as a weapon. Though we dont have he have elemental frames that do this.


    fyi you actually can still do this with with the glaive.


    you can release an explosion attack that is capable of adding a small element of aoe damage, you can also kill yourself with it

  9. people probably dont mention an obscure and generic game from 1988 because they more than likely havent heard of it, and its even likely that the game came out before they were even born or aware of video games


    they might also not mention it because when you think "free roaming space combat using a variety of melee and ranged weapons featuring people in battlesuits", things come to mind other than top down shooters. gundam, for example.

  10. Let me guess, you're one of these people who uses a rocket launcher or machine gun and is careless with their ammo in missions?


    let me guess, you are one of those people who dont understand how 95% of this game is made up of trash mobs making a machine gun or rocket launcher largely more effective than a sniper rifle in virtually every situation.


    also your suggestion is terrible, sniper rifles need buffs, not nerfs.

  11. the suits are not "custom made for a single tenno", they are interchangable.


    how the bosses refer to you by name, and you suit as equipment, and how we design warframes in tenno labs are proof of that


    some examples;


    "your EXCALIBUR would look so great on my wall"

    "your RHINO looks so.... slippery"


    the suits do not define the tenno, the tenno are actual beings.

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