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  1. This would probably be better posted on the mobile bug report subforum. Be sure to list details on how to replicate (steps), log reports, and other details (such as device model) if applicable.
  2. I’d post this on the bug reports subforum. It’ll be easier for the dev team if you post it there. can you replicate any of these bugs consistently? If so, I’d also recommend posting the steps on how to do so.
  3. Just as a side note, this bug seems to also be in the PC version, so it may be a game-wide bug not limited to platforms. The most consistent way I found to replicate this bug is as follows: 1. Enter Open world via hub 2. Leave open world back to hub 3. Reenter Open World 4. Bug replicated in rare cases it doesn’t happen, and in even rarer cases I’ve seen it happen after exiting archwing in open world sequences. Those however I wasn’t able to replicate consistently.
  4. What controller is this? Recommend checking controller first to see if the buttons broken or not. if it isn’t broken what controller are you using? I tested both of mine (Xbox Series controller and gamesir x2 in iOS mode) and they seem to work fine
  5. First of all, this is the bug reports general subforum. I’d recommend taking this to the feedback subforum. Secondly, along with the points others have mentioned, I think you have burnout from the game. As a lot of people say, take a break if you feel so. The game unlike most in the F2P sphere will still be here for you to pick back up when you feel the Warframe itch again. 😄
  6. Could this be what you’re looking for? I honestly couldn’t hear the pager sound so I have no idea what it sounds like.
  7. I feel that the 1 free revive for the passive is unnecessary and feels out of place with the theme of Warframe. Also, instead of the passive being given to allies, the 1st ability should be shared between your teammates. Ability 1 feels fine and I think this is a great change. Ability 2 feels ok, but I think it should be that ALL damage for YOU only (so it stops Oberon from sabotaging other ppls’ builds). Ability 3 is also fine, as you say doesn’t need much change. Ability 4 is great, but maybe along with the health bonuses it should give someone more. I’m not sure what, but I feel that just HP is not much. Maybe instead of HP it should give over
  8. Is there any news for tile set specific optimisation? The Entrati Labs tile set still has some incredibly crippling performance while more standard tile sets run butter smooth now.
  9. Always impressed with the work the mobile team has been doing so far. I have noticed a major performance boost over the last ~2 months when the start of the hotfix train started.
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