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  1. Note: In all experiences i am the host. Unsure to how to reproduce this voluntarily, but this has been consistent throughout my multiple missions with titania prime. Everytime this problem occurred i am usually entering operator mode while titania has her 4th ability active or after de-activating her 4th ability. I notice this issue when i am running a build that runs: blind rage, transient fortitude, razorwing blitz, power drift, spellbound harvest, augur secrets, umbral intensify, streamline, primed continuity and corrosive projection/growing power. i run arcane velocity and molt augmented. it's a build where i prime targets with epitaph get tribute stacks and enter razorwing to let my drones dps, so it's a build that ends up going in and out of razorwing very often. operator comes into play because of magus anomaly using transference to group enemies up and making spellbound harvest easier to use. I have made sure that this occurs during the current version of the game. it is incredibly frustrating. unfortunately my computer can barely run the recorder and the game at the same time so i am unable to provide gameplay recordings. i have ruled out spellbound harvest playing a part in this because i use 3 other different builds that still run into the same problem without the augment. no action reverts the loss of operator function besides spending a revive after bleeding out, any other form of revive keeps operator locked away. i did a search and i couldn't find a post about this i am sorry if there were posts talking about this exact issue. i personally find this build to be fun but razorflies already die too fast and this issue does not help. i will update this as i find more information about this.
  2. pretty simple, pretty uh annoying don't merge while you have a pet incubating by luck if the last pet you equipped was a panzer you can actually give it to son in deimos and that fixes the problem which is what i did but that's depressing because 4 forma panzer just vaporizes from your inventory so yeah make sure to check whether there's a pet incubating or not as far as what happens it just instantly closes the menu for the entire incubation segment and you aren't allowed to use any beast type pets while incubation is happening so it's just really not a fun time. i should mention that even if incubation is done it's not really done until you claim the pet so no this is not an issue of waiting it out you are very literally locked out of using them until it's fixed. debated posting this for a while because it's so specific.
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