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Posts posted by PopTartZombie

  1. 4 hours ago, taiiat said:

    um, what limitation exactly? seeing as Psychic Bolts is easily 100% of Armor, Shields, and disables some Auras.
    Mag is able to do that with an Augment, but Nyx is getting this for free.


    3 hours ago, EpicD said:

    He ment that Nyx can only strip up to 6 targets only. If you want to strip other targets you have to recast the ability but lose the armor strip of the previous targets.

    Removing the up to 6 limit. Cast cost should be the nerf. Mag has a lot more powerful semi-direct damage tools at her disposal. Nyx needs a lot less cons vs pros to be brought back up to speed. I like the direction theyre going, yet I'm not seeing the frames persona yet, let alone a feel for what playstyle Nyx is intended to be. Right now, shes good at not dying and beat around the bush cc.

  2. Nyx is actually pretty well rounded, can't wipe low level enemies, but her ability to turn a battlefield into chaotic friendly fire induced hysteria is pretty good. Mostly when applied anywhere other than the more grindy mass murdery type missions.

    My feedback as of now as far as figuring out Nyx and a good way to make Nyx more of a well rounded frame.

    Step one. Remove the limitation for armor stripping, as Mag does this but 1000x better.

    Step two. Change the one mind control limit to 4-6 allowing a more consistent amount of converted "help".

    Step three. Chaos if fine.

    Step four. Give absorb innate assimilate 15%/30%/45% movement.

    By doing this you'll need to change assimilate and make people angryeryer. Ahh, I can already hear the fanboys screams. Like a symphony. Back to the feedback. Maybe nerf assimilate it's self being 15/20/25% movement. Maybe add an additional change, giving assimilate a base 5k dmg towards absorbs startup. Giving a baseline to the reflection damage, and giving the opportunity to increase movement with assimilate, making it optional.

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  3. On 2019-08-05 at 12:41 AM, Enchillado said:

    This is not something that they would do for an old warframe. Regardless of the game engine, such task would require a lot of new code, both for logic and visual representation. Why do that when essentially this is Nekros' Shadows Of The Dead?

    The closed beta I played, in comparison to now, definitely tells me that yes they could easily drop and change an entire ability. It's more about what the majority of the community wants, if all of us keep saying "rework nyx, I hate her 4, she still sucks". They'll do it. Rhino used to be an entire level murderer with stomp. Especially with the old mod setups, I've seen people running 4000% power range. It was way too op so they completely changed it into a CC ability, in addition to changing the way mods worked. It got completely new "code", animations and the amount of damage done was lowered, not to mention causing enemies to float. DE built this game in house from the ground up, it would take maybe 4 guys and about 2 weeks to get Nyx completely reworked. The older frames are the most important frames to keep up to date.

    • Like 1
  4. My thoughts on Nyx as a whole, is that DE needs to go back to square one.

    She is supposed to be a map altering Psychic-Like Warframe. The changes I'm about to suggest are just what I personally believe would be a better, and still give a psychic-like feel to Nyx.

    Passive: This needs to be a consistent and notable difference. It could be allowing Nyx's focus to be able to draw out an additional (25%) more energy? Or maybe have a 5% chance to cause an enemy in melee range(5m) to be disarmed and float. Perhaps, having the mental focus Nyx is supposed to have, get a 50% damage bonus to melee channeling. I agree with what was stated before, 20% accuracy loss to enemies is more fitting on a more agility/stealth based frame.

    Mind Control: Should be combined with the current Chaos and create a converted army at your disposal. With a cap on how many enemies get converted within a specified range, increased by mods. Possibly 2/3/4/5. 5 at max level, 6 with augmented mod maybe.

    Psychic Bolts: Should be changed completely to an AOE that destroys moral. Causing enemies to have a debuff on accuracy and movement for about 20 seconds at max level (20% debuff). With a small chance (5%) they go insane and desert the fight all together.

    Chaos: Being combined with mind control, could be completely changed into true chaos, amplifying team damage and and a 25% chance causing random enemies to become an additional conversion at a reduced duration (10 seconds), on cast causes blind (3 seconds). (Complimenting Mind Control)

    Absorb: Dropping the current use completely, this ability could be reworked into a new ability that uses telepethy with all dead enemies weapons, causing them to float and be used at your disposal by your mind. Automatically firing at all enemies within a certain range for a certain duration at a certain damage percentage.

    Of course all of this would need to be tested and balanced accordingly by DE. This would be a really great way to make Nyx way more fluid and currently viable Warframe, and give her abilities a not so comparable uniqueness.

    Personal thoughts: Nyx may or may not get a better rework in the future, but I'm pretty sure its not going to be for a while, and I really doubt it's going to touch on everything that we would prefer to see. I definitely agree with anybody asking/stating that Nyx does need to be brought up to speed with the game. She's one of a good few that have fallen behind a bit.



  5. I love her 1, 2 and 3 now. I'm just really disappointed they barely touched absorb. Her passive is also decent, but it would be better if it was something "mind" related. Like -"With Nyx's excellent mental focus channelling has an additional 50% damage increase" the 4th needs to be something that can bring her up to speed with every other Warframe. Played a couple fissures last night with a Vauban and felt completely useless. Literally just played around with the mind control every 35 sec or so to see what % I could get them to and that's it. Used absorb on last wave, everything got nuked before I was at 3k dmg build up. A horizontal-only shield that collects damage and multiplies it to a higher extent and allows 100% movement wouldn't even brake her. With that one change to the 4 she would still be maybe a B- Warframe, solely due to the fact you still have to build damage. But with full movement, you would at least be able to put the damage where you want it, instead of having to wait for enemies to find you again, without getting wiped prior to.

  6. 23 hours ago, (XB1)RPColten said:

    So obviously yes a Grineer variant would be a fitting addition. The question becomes: How does it fit into the existing arsenal without stepping on the toes of the current shotgun-class items? How does it differentiate from the Corinth, Plasmor, Hek, Sobek, Strun, Boar, Attica, Tigris, and Quartakk? Technically the Convectrix and Phage are shotguns but they don't behave as such. Quartakk isn't a shotgun but it does behave as such. Does it just function as a higher MR Corinth, sitting at 10-13 instead of 8? Does it have a multi-shot shell option for slugs, flechettes or such?

    Arca Plasmor: I've seen people using it yes, haven't used it personally, and I didn't even know it was a shotgun.

    Yes, doom is also another good example of a clunky pump action shotty.

    To make it stand out, it could easily be like the heat based weapons the grineer have. Shooting super heated bird shot. Also having a higher status chance, (maybe 26%). Could possibly be a dual damage type using only puncture and heat as well. With the pellets being super heated, they can puncture flesh easier. They could also give it a really unique sound and put the animators to work and give it a fancy new reload function like they did with the Quatz. Except flame AOE and the clip flying off and throwing in a new one then one handed pump for the reload. For the mastery requirement, I'd agree, being right at or around MR 12.

  7. I had some old games on my PC I thought I would revisit. In playing Star Wars: Republic Commando I stumbled upon the Trandoshan ACP (accelerated charge particle array) "shotgun". 

    I got all kinds of goosebumps hearing Boss say

    "Hmm. An energy weapon that looks like a slugthrower. I didn't think lizards were that nostalgic."

    By far my favorite level, and weapon in that game. Now I'm not asking DE to directly copy the gun from SW: Republic Commando. It's really just something that could inspire the design heavily. If you haven't played it, I would highly recommend it to anybody as a great classic fps.

    Nothing says clunky, adrenaline filled, space shotgun like that shotgun. While using it and loving every minute of it, I was thinking to myself "something like this would make such a fun grinner shotgun".


    Image sourced from Google, only for reference.

    As far as stats and everything go, I'm content with that being up to DE. As long as that clunky, cheaply made, pump action space shotgun was the goal.

    I'm well aware of the Sobek, Hek (grineer) and Corinth (Tenno? Pump-action). This would be a Pump-Action grineer shotgun.

    I've really been waiting to see if a shotgun would surface that just makes you wanna say "blow" every time you fire it. Maybe two in the game do that. There is a pretty noticable shotgun lackage. Out of the 5 or 6. Only 2 I've seen/heard mentioned as great shotguns. The Tigris (great double barrel) and Hek (good starter shotgun).

    If you agree, please leave a comment, if not, also leave a comment and explain why if you don't mind. Thank you for your time.


  8. Much better than my post about Nyx. Also I am incoined to agree, though Absorb needs trashed and rebuilt from the ground up, it's simply too slow for the game.


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  9. 19 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    well done... so much easier to understand.

    first post looked like you wanted various objectives put into the current missions as additional challenges/objectives (to slow people down, so you could catch up).
    second post was just ridiculous jumbled text slapped together.

    it's a OK idea, not good nor bad.

    i personally think it wont happen for a while, maybe wait and see what their next big update brings. that should involve some new stuff to play with (mission wise).

    coding new nodes will be a lot of work, and with everything they seem to be working on, any additional nodes will be stuck on the back burner for a long time.

    they don't even modify the current nodes for more enjoyment, let alone creating new ones.
    for the one they did recently make as well as the boss fight, they got some serious flack

    the way you space out your explanation is serious when you are trying to get your point across.
    if everything is smashed together, it becomes a pain to even consider reading.

    Yeah exactly what I am trying to get at. The mission nodes are pretty dusty if you ask me, yet here comes DE with more expansive content. Applaudable yet cause for concern when speaking about the already neglected missions.

    The tilesets and the way they're implemented is great, but taking data on how they're played isn't done. If it is, nobody takes a second glance at that information. I like to believe it's most important how we all play missions. That is the content.

    Oh and yeah it's a curse I deal with, my brain has a super fast and receptive process, but it's not organized. At all, and it shows.

    Let's put DE's possible priority and current projects aside, just given what's implied here, I want to hear your opinion on this. Do you think it would generate more time and more enjoyable content in mission. Or would it become just more of a chore?

  10. 35 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    I think Braton and Lato are the only anomalies due to their age. Otherwise Vandal / Wraith / Prisma are just direct upgrades.

    If I were to assign stats comparatively between the two it would be mostly handling.

    Braton Prime
    Damage: 35
    Accuracy: 40
    Fire Rate: 9.58
    Crit Chance: 20%
    Crit Damage: 2.0
    Status Chance: 32%
    Reload Time: 1.8
    Magazine Size: 80
    Max Ammo: 800

    Hybrid Build - Sustained DPS: 18k - 1.34 Status Triggers per Shot, 12.8 Status Triggers per second.

    Braton Vandal
    Damage: 35
    Accuracy: 28.6
    Fire Rate: 9.58
    Crit Chance: 25%
    Crit Damage 2.2
    Status Chance: 20%
    Reload Time: 1.5
    Magazine Size: 60
    Max Ammo 800

    Hybrid Build - Sustained DPS: 22k - 0.84 Status Triggers per Shot, 8 Status Triggers per second.

    Braton series is now better than Soma Prime while all other Assault Rifles should be improved accordingly.

    These examples are definitely more detailed than my own. I agree with the changes too.

    That's the contrast I'm talking about, the Soma Prime, mine is currently a mid-level build and it out preforms the bratons substantially. Which is sad because the higher damage over consistent sustained fire is supposed to be what would separate assault rifles from lmgs.

  11. 12 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:


    i cant make heads or tails from that... even your first post.

    please try be more to the point, instead of a long story that leads to confusion.

    summed up.

    you want a new mission node with various objectives?

    I'm using my personal player experience to describe what exactly it is I'm going through in various missions. Then, proposing descriptive way to help apply more content with somewhat little effort.

    I don't space out my words, I should use paragraphs, and yes I do agree I could be more to the point on a couple subjects. I'm not trying to miss an explanation where it may be needed. That's all.

  12. 12 minutes ago, 5p33dy_01 said:

    there is a solo option that lets you enjoy (daydream) to your hearts desire, without worrying about anyone else's objective.

    bringing your unranked weapon to Arbitrations or Sorties, that's just dumb.
    bringing your unranked/useless weapon to pub games and being a leech, that's just inconsiderate.

    if you feel like stopping to smell the roses, or want to attempt at trimming those bushes with a blunt tool, consider using that solo option.

    some people have played that very mission 10 times, maybe even more.

    if you're not new, then you haven't played that much, either way, try look at it in other peoples perspective.
    i could say the reverse things you have said.
    for completing your objective and extracting in a certain time, you get bonus rewards
    as for your idea, that involves HUGE mission rework on a grand scale. so i will be HUGELY surprised if it's even considered anytime soon.

    my idea however, is just a matter of a script to trigger bonus rewards for objective time.

    I can see exactly what you mean. I'm not saying I want to stop and smell the roses, I'm just suggesting a way they can better display mission content to players in an optional way. It wouldn't necessarily be a HUGE change. All the assets are already there. For example when a spy mission becomes an exterminate, or at the end of an interception. I'm only speaking about adding or changing one node per planet. I also was only using other player speed as an example you also used. The other person in that party may have ran it 10 times already. I've sped through missions plenty. On strictly a preference standpoint, I would always prefer a mission that took work and had me thinking quickly on my feet while working with other Tenno at the same pace in a more dynamic and unpredictable setting. As for how much work it would be for DE, script 5-6 nodes to pay out more rewards depending on 1, 2, 3 objectives completed Y/N? 1 or 0 for yes or no. Using the same script assets in the spy/interception as stated above, have Rebecca voice 1-3 more sentences for those mission change dialogs. Make a new script for a mini-objective (script the size of having to hack an alarm to make it silent again, maybe a few more lines). Alarm triggered, yes/no? Yes. Alarm reset yes/no? Yes (script start in 20sec, player undetected). Except, it would be a room lockout, with enemy's breaching and you could only hack alarm until all the enemies were killed. All this would be doing is give way more depth to the currently very shallow mission types available. This system would not be forced on anybody, being given its own mission node.

    In short, the current missions are boring and outdated, no they're not challenging unless it's a sortie(sometimes), depth sells, and a rework is necessary but I'll take a few nodes for now until they maybe get popularized.

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