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Posts posted by PollexMessier

  1. 1 hour ago, Hobie-wan said:


    Perhaps you just used up your reserve of oopsies.

    But yeah, don't use the skin you accidentally bought for now and send a request. Be patient and wait for a reply. If they say no, then just roll with it.

    Nah those were after. The one support said they couldn't help me with was my first support ticket.
    And it was because of a game bug that they said was a known issue. Resulting in me having a massive amount of stalker sigils that are un-sellable and don't stack with eachother.
    They take up a good chunk of my sigil menu and they're still an issue.





  2. 1 minute ago, DopamineDreams said:

    Thanks. Yeah, thats where some of my confusion came from. The event page specifies that the signa will be available, while the official forum post only says "The Vendor store will be open until February 15, 2024" which confused me a bit. 

    Ive looked at it further, and it calls the splinters "Event Currency" and says something along the lines of it being rewarding after completing effervo during the operation. So the splinters shouldnt be farmable. Guess its time to buy 10 more R5 energizes

    Yeah the inconsistency between the event page and the forum post is frustrating.

    The store will probably still have all it's stuff available. But I'm sure the splinters will be removed from the drop pool after jan 15

  3. My main complaint with it is that it's almost impossible to tell if your mele is in Incrnon mode or not unless you have the combo count needed to transform it or higher and your combo meter isn't glowing. which is just really cumbersome. I'd really appreciate having the same bar on the crosshair as the guns have to show me when it's ready, active, and how much time I have left on it.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, R3DTAIL_GHOUL said:

    appreciate the help ig ill just live with it since i should have paid more attention to it. sadge


    It's still worth trying to ask support for help still I'd say. You won't get punished for it if they say no.

    I've wasted their time over dumber stuff before lol.

  5. As the guy above me said, support might help.

    However. I've had support tell me that they can't remove items from my account before. Unless that was a lie cus they didn't wanna put in the work, or has changed since then, it's pretty unlikely they can do anything about this. Cus if they can't remove the existing skin from your inventory, refunding you would be equivalent to just giving you a free skin.

  6. 1 hour ago, Nimisha_Prime said:

    Every time I go to Duviri it is grouped... It changed the numbers between the three (sometimes I get 2 primaries, sometimes 3, and so on) but I've never seen it not group them primaries left, secondaries middle, melee right.

    Weird. Mine's always organized primaries on the left, Mele in the middle, Secondaries on the right.
    It's really annoying that you don't just get 9 weapon options with 3 for each category.

    14 minutes ago, quxier said:

    That's weird. I got 4 on left and 4 on right. Maybe it's not grouped on non-maxed Drifter intristic?

    The 4 slots on each side is right but they are also grouped by having weapons in the same category next to each other. But whatever the middle category is will be split by the gap.

    • Like 1
  7. I mean, it has a model. It's just really thin. Which it kinda needs to be to fold up and not be a brick.

    I guess they could make the blades thicker and ether just clip them through each other (Wouldn't look as bad as it sounds) or flatten them as it's folding. But I think it's fine as is. A lot of weapons barely hold up to any scrutiny when looked at up close so it's not like this is any sort of outlier.

  8. Cash is probably a significant part of it. But I think it's more complicated than that.

    Firstly frames are treated like equipment. Not characters. You're not expected to start the game and just pick whatever you want right off the bat. There's a certain amount of progression to them. The further along in the game you are, the more tools you have at your disposal, the more powerful you become. Theoretically.

    And secondly they have to give late game players something to work for. If it's even remotely manageable for a new player to get, it's downright effortless for a late game player to. and that's not particularly good for keeping the late game players around.

    Also imagine how utterly flooring it'd be to get hit with needing to decide between 55 frames right out of the gate. The game already gets a lot of complaints about how overwhelming it is after completing vor's prize. Slowly gaining access to more frames as you progress instead of having access to all of them at once mitigates that somewhat.

    There's a lot of compounding reasons.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, trst said:

    You can still do exactly that and ignore the weekly content as you're not missing out on anything by skipping them entirely. And if you're for some reason concerned about Shard FOMO it's almost inevitable that there'll only be more sources of it in the future. Just do them whenever you feel like it.

    Also you can only expect more weekly/daily content going forward (or maybe DE will mix it up with monthly content next). As it's the best choice DE could be making for dealing with the player retention issues WF has always had. The alternatives would result in far bigger problems than some FOMO.

    That's what I've been doing already but just their mere existence and needing to actively fight myself to not do them and just do what I enjoy is so mentally straining it's easier for me to not open the game at all and decide to do something else.

    Also I really doubt DE actually needs this garbage for player retention. It's losing my interest in the game, and I've heard multiple people voice the same complaints as me. It discourages new players from sticking with the game because NO ONE actually likes weekly time gate garbage and it's just one more mental hurdle you need to get over to decide to actually pick up the game. And It's casing fatigue in the players that are actually keeping up with it. I'm positive it's losing them more active players that it's helping them keep.

    And the game has multiple thousands of hours of content without it. I mastered every single weapon in the game one single time. Since then I've actively been falling behind the game as it continues to release updates. Not even counting the weekly stuff. I haven't touched a single frame that's been released since Styanax came out and the game gave them to me for free. I don't even have a job and I don't have enough time to finish the last grind the game put out before they release another one. Even without weeklies, New players will literally never run out of stuff to do from now until the game's servers shut down. The people that actually have the time to do every little thing are a very minute percentage of the playerbase.

    The game's player retention is about the same as it's ever been. If not slightly lower. It certainly hasn't been going up. It doesn't look like weeklies have been doing anything to fix any sort of player retention problem. So what "bigger problem" would we have if the weeklies weren't a thing?

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Improved spawn rates of The Anatomizer and The Severed Warden enemies in Alchemy Bounties. Particularly to address the issue of being unable to complete the “Kill X Flying Enemies” Bounty Challenge. 

    Can we like, not? Severed Wardens were immediately my least favorite enemy in the game the first time I encountered one, and Anatomisers are excessively tanky.

    Perhapse the real issue is that the "kill x flying enemies" objective exists at all.

    • Like 6
  11. 11 minutes ago, stormy505 said:

    Wait what? Ik pilfering swarm and Pilfering Strangledome don't stack cause they're both loot on kill, but desecrate should cause it's loot on corpse. Unless they changed it during the hydroid rework?

    • Loot while alive: Ivara's Prowl

    • Loot on Petrified kill: Atlas' Petrify with the Ore Gaze augment

    • Loot on kill: Khora's Pilfering Strangledome OR Hydroid's Pilfering Swarm

    • Loot on corpse: Nekros' Desecrate OR Chesacrate

    Oh they undid it? How tf did nobody ever tell me that till now? it's been 4 years.

  12. mele-ing through walls
    self damage
    void dash
    Zenistar being a good weapon.
    Old gas city updrafts making the "get x headshot kills in a single aimglide" riven challenge effortless.
    The old gas city tile with two elevators like an actual reasonable building.
    The old corpus ship tile with a vent that lets you bypass the elevator
    void dash
    Zephyr's tailwind not softlocking you against a wall for 5 seconds in an un-cancelable animation.
    Desecrate and Pilfering swarm stacking with eachother. (I guess they reverted this)
    prime releases feeling like a big deal
    Being able to clip outside the map by just using transference while bullet jumping into a ceiling.
    and void dash.

    • Like 2
  13. If it's the room I'm thinking of. One of the doors should have a breakable vent near it on the wall that gets you down behind that grate. I don't know if it's open-able or not. I've seen the grate missing, but the hitbox was still there. If it really isn't tho it should be. cus the path to get behind it is unnecessarily long.
    A screenshot of the room in question would be helpful tho, if it's not that one.

    You can navigate back to whatever mission through the same way you enter bounties in the sanctum. Just don't select a bounty before entering that room. Then there's a terminal you can interact with that gives you a mission selection. Same way Zariman's elevator works.

    • Like 1
  14. I'd love it. Kinda hate what they did with the zariman making it random tile generation. It kinda works with anatomica but the constant transitioning between outside and inside rooms feels really disjointed.

    The biggest issue the game's open worlds has Imo is just not utilizing the space well. and having a ton of landmarks that no bounty stages ever take place in. Like half of fortuna's landmarks are entirely unused and it's really wierd and frustrating. More if you count the caves as landmarks. So much wasted effort.

    • Like 1
  15. They're split on modding because it depends on the weapon. Weapons with high critical chance and low status should be modded for crit. Weapons with high status chance and low crit should be modded for status effects.

    Typically the first two mods you should ever slot onto any gun tho is raw damage and multishot. Then firerate if it needs it. Then if it has high crit stats (Like 20% critical chance or more, regardless of it's status stats) critical chance and critical damage. Then hunter munitions if it's a crit weapon (available from ghoul purge right now). Then if it has 15% status or higher (Give or take depending on fire rate or if it's a shotgun. Shotguns with a high pellet count, and high fire rate weapons can get away with having lower status chance. Slow-firing weapons that aren't shotguns need more to be effective status weapons) use the golden elemental mods, viral (cold+toxin) if crit and you have Hunter munitions, corrosive (electric+toxin) otherwise, +heat if you can fit it. If status is too low, use the silver element mods and only mod for corrosive (or the element[s] most effective against the faction you're fighting if you wanna deal with constantly switching your mods). If you have a mod slot left after all that fill it with vigilante armaments.

    Secondaries won't have access to hunter munitions or vigilante armaments tho. But they should almost always have Lethal torrent. Filling any free slots on them is a little bit more involved based on their stats.

    Some weapons have some unusual stats or mechanics that'll break generalized modding conventions like this tho. But for the most part those guidelines will still work decently on them. An example would be weapons that specifically deal mostly impact damage by a significant margin, and have a large amount of status chance. Those should take one of the mods: Internal bleeding or hemorrhage.

    Soma primes's build is gonna look something like:
    Serration, Split chamber, Point Strike, Vital Sense, Hunter Munitions, Malignant Force, Rime Rounds, then Thermite Rounds or Vigilante Armaments

    Prioritized in that order.

    Mele is all over the god damn place and I don't really understand the current mele meta so can't help you for general mele building advice. Xoris is an absolutely broken early mele tho if you can get it, and if you use it correctly. (Hold mele to throw and then press alt-fire/heavy-attack while it's airborn to detonate. Stack up some combo with normal attacks first for bigger damage if you need it)

    Xoris' build is gonna look something like:
    Pressure point, True steel, organ shatter (or amalgam organ shatter if you have it), Blood rush
    Killing blow, Volatile quick return... and then the next two will depend on some preference. Corrupt charge and fever strike or molten impact if you wanna be exclusively using the devastating heavy attack explosion, or Fever strike and shocking touch if you wanna use light mele some. But the main draw of this mele is thrown heavy attack so that's what the build is centered around.

    If you're having issues staying alive. Volt is very survivable with his Capacitance augment, and Redirection to give him a lot of shields. If you can manage to sustain his energy enough to be casting Discharge frequently.


    Side note. I hope your PC account has existed long enough to be eligible for account merge.

  16. 4 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    You don't think it be like it is, but ... it do.


    Upon activation, the globe is invulnerable for 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds.
    Incoming damage that is absorbed during the invulnerability period is converted into health and added to the globe's health.

    Ah you right.
    "Snow Globe's health can stack with repeated casts until reaching a maximum combined health of 1,000,000"
    There it is. That's the actual problem.

  17. 12 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

    I have no idea what you're talking about, frost has one of the best overguard in the game and when i play him in sp i always have 40k+ overguard
    unless you're doing level cap (which is something VERY irrelevant) then frost is one of the BEST overguard tanks atm 

    Don't know what I could possibly be doing wrong but that's not my experience. Doesn't matter how much overguard I manage to build up with him. Gone in one shot, every time. I've seen it go from 10,000 to 0 instantly. It does nothing. I could spam the ability 20 times without getting hit and still lose it all the instant I take any damage.

    And no I'm not doing level cap. I almost never play any endless mission past round 4 cus there's no point. Unless it's disruption which I never run on steel path cus demolists have some broke af damage reduction scaling. Or arbitration which can't be ran in steel path anyways.

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