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Posts posted by PollexMessier

  1. 6 minutes ago, Alphas said:

    I highly doubt that you're constantly having to abort your missions to clean up cat vomit, answer a phone call or answer the door whenever you're playing.

    No. Not constantly. But it sure would be a massive kick in the balls to lose a radiant relic whenever one of those things does happen. and that's the point I was trying to make.

    Punishing people for abandoning mission by consuming their relic will hit people who did it for something important a lot harder than the few dimwits who are wasting theirs and everyone else's time trying to game the system.

    There's also the possibility of radshare groups that had one member disconnect or bail out in the middle of the mission loading, or picked a wrong relic, wanting to bail out and regain a 4th member. Except with a punishment system like this they can't do that. Do you know how many times that's happened to me? I'd've have lost hundreds of hours if relics got consumed as a punishment like that. And that actually incentivizes people to try and join radshares with unrefined relics more often because the team is effectively forced to finish the mission if no one notices until the mission loads.

    Plus. If they do implement a system like that. There's an incredibly easy way around it. Just disconnecting your internet instead of hitting the abandon mission button. As soon as people figure that out it'll be like the punishment doesn't even exist. And people will just be calling to punish anyone who gets disconnected at all, which absolutely cannot happen.

    I'll bet the vast majority of host migration you get are actually disconnects anyways. And just coincidence it's happening more frequently for you in lith fissures.

    Regardless. The amount of completely innocent people's time this would waste if it was implemented is astronomically higher than just needing to put up with a few complete idiots trying to get better drops in the most brainless and inefficient way possible, causing some host migrations.

    The game would be worse for it. period.

    • Like 2
  2. 7 hours ago, Alphas said:

    It's still extremely toxic and one of the reasons why DE originally implemented the Unidentified Item system in the first place.  Nobody should be sitting through host migration after host migration potentially breaking each mission they do because they're NOT running a Gauss relic.  The fact that you're so adamant against a change like this implies, to me, that you're the kind of player that tries to Radshare in public lobbies.

    No. I'm the type of person that might abort out of a mission cus my cat's about to vomit on the floor, or my nephew starts crying, or I get an important call, or a knock at the door.
    Or literally any of the thousands of real life things that warrant bailing out of a mission that you shouldn't be punished for doing.

    I use recruitment chat cus it's just better. Honestly I doubt so many people are actually doing that pub strat cus in the time it takes you to find a single other person running the relic you want, you could've ran a full squad from recruitment, farmed up another relic for yourself, or just ran multiple fissures with random relics and made some duckats and void traces while hoping you just get lucky with someone running a relic you want (I do this for common parts a lot of the time).
    Repeatedly joining and bailing out of missions trying to find someone else running the relic you want is such a ridiculous waste of time. Anyone doing that is wasting their own time more than anyone else's.

    If you're getting host migrations that much, have you considered it might be your internet that's the issue? Or potentially DE just hasn't fixed whatever issue massively screwed up matchmaking when whispers of the walls released.

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  3. 20 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    If you do not have the relic, find out where you can farm the relic

    To be fair. you only need to do this step once.
    Lith: Void Hepit
    Neo/Meso: Void Ukko
    Axi: Lua Apollo
    Vaulted? Get aya from ether void capture, or bounties.
    Or, just blow all your excess syndicate standing on relic packs till you have what you need. Except for Axi which you'll still probably need to farm a bit.

    That aside. The process is a soul sucking nightmare because prime access and player trading exists. They wanna make it as painful as possible to encourage you to ether buy the packs or buy platinum to buy it off another player. tbh tho it's surprisingly tame compared to some of the other garbage in the game.

    28 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Consider offering more ways for new players to get void traces. It's a struggle due to low trace acquisition rates, low trace caps and the likely lack of boosters (which do not sustain constant relic cracking anyways).

    This I would really like to see. But if DE was ever going to make traces faster to get. Steel path fissures was the time they'd have done it. And they didn't. I doubt they ever will, because money.

    • Like 1
  4. It looks like a useful tool that just serves at a UI overlay. I kinda wish WF allowed for UI mods like ESO does (or did, idk it's been years since I last played it).
    If anyone's getting banned for it that's kinda BS.
    That is assuming it uses exclusively local data to function. If it's somehow pulling information from servers that's an entirely different matter.
    Ether way tho. I'm not sure I'd trust something that can read data from my account like that.

    I doubt support or any admins will give you a definitive answer. They'll just spout off their usual, completely useless, copy paste "use at your own risk" schpeel

  5. If you somehow ever manage to have more ayatan sculptures than you have stars to fill them, and are far enough into the game to get Vitus essence which is required for that blueprint, I have a much more important question for you than how to get amber stars. How are you getting that many sculptures?

    But also: Just container farm with Xaku or Limbo. Or run Narmer bounties.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 minute ago, Venus-Venera said:

    are we playing the same game? Do we live on the same planet? and how many rose-colored glasses are currently on? 10 or more??????

    Because AOE weapons have been a laughingstock since forever. every single target/beam is trillions of times better than aoe can ever be

    My Bramma, and Tenet Envoy can 1-3 shot acolites depending on my luck with crits. And make steel path enemies feel like default star chart.

    Back when I was trying to farm acolites, absolutely nothing else I tried even remotely came close. Even glaive prime took many more hits than that.

    I haven't really bothered testing incarnons on them since they came out, cus I've had no reason to really fight them anymore. But most of my incarnons seem to struggle a bit with even normal steel path enemies, without armor stripping to help, so I don't think they'd fair that well against them.

    So ether I'm modding something horrendously wrong, or you are, or both. These things are so overpowered I've started to purposely avoid using them cus they're literally just god mode.

    • Like 1
  7. This has been an issue with the game for literally years and it's REALLY annoying. Some enemies are immune to the armor strip of some abilities, but not others. And it's not even consistent what abilities are effective and which aren't between different enemies like this.

    Everything that has any level of armor strip resistance is immune to Fire blast for some ungodly reason. One of the most cumbersome armor strip abilities to use on it's parent frame because of how obscenely energy hungry ember is and it's reliance on her heat meter. Is entirely outclassed on every other frame by Pillage, which also works on nearly everything and gives you a massive survivability boost. Genuinely stupid. It's not just inconsistent, but entirely unbalanced. And the only way to know what enemies are entirely immune to what abilities is pure trial and error, or look it up on the wiki.

    Every ability that says it strips armor, should do so consistently across all of them. If one ability works on an acolite, all of them do. An angel? All of them. No ifs ands or buts. I should not have to play russian roulette every time I enter a mission with one of these inconsistently resistant enemies every time I want to try out a new frame.

    It's PARTICULARLY stupid with acolites, because that entirely determines if a frame is viable for steel path or not. Some frames are just, completely locked out of steel path due to acolites having an incredibly arbitrary and senseless resistance to their armor strip specifically.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, (PSN)FreelancerYork02 said:

    When will cross save be open again? Also why do DE need to open and close it? Can't they make it like in Destiny and other games where you just log on your preferred platform and transfer your account progress.

    Hopefully it gets to that point eventually but it's not that simple rn. In classic DE fashion the thing was bugged to hell and clearly not fully baked.

    People losing items, entire accounts getting wiped, weird specific things like getting locked out of using animal companions if you were incubating a pet when you merged. Being entirely locked out of cross save if you participated in account migration years ago when the switch port launched. Tons of user error that support just doesn't have the means to deal with.

    They closed it cus it was practically on fire. It's been a mess so far. Gonna be a slow transition from it being a technical nightmare to being seamless. If it ever gets that far.

  9. I like the heavily stylized sort of cell-shading look of the current highlight. And it emphasizes more details of the enemy model to make them more readable. But I do agree an outline is a good alternative option that should be added. Both have their Pros and cons, which is exactly why options like this are a good idea.

    It might also be a good idea for the outline option to also outline enemy weakpoints independently.

    • Like 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, RipperBravo3 said:

    Thanks Pollex, I thought that but the stats seem a bit weird.


    Weird how?

    If it's the mele damage thing, Hound weapons are basically just you modding their... Claws? Feet? They don't have mouths to bite with and one of the leg types doesn't have claws so I'mma say they attack with their feet. They're mele weapons.

    It doesn't affect their projectile attacks because those are abilities. Unless you have a companion mod like manifold bond which applies the elements of a hound's weapon to their abilities.

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  11. The absolute worst take I've ever seen anyone make about disruption, shot of the people that just want it removed from the game.
    Requiring all 4 conduits ever is an awful idea cus sometimes the spawn just janks the hell out and drops the demolisher right on top of the conduit. And there's no accounting for a teamate that might run off and start multiple conduits they're incapable of protecting.

    And those drop table suggestions are awful. If it had to be changed, which it really doesn't need, it should be something more like:
    A/B/B/C (4 rounds for C just like every other mission. But allows you to farm for rotation A for 4 rounds if you want to which is really nice)
    B/B/C/C Repeating.
    Gives you some wiggle room for jank spawns and garbage teamates, but still requires a reasonable amount of effort to get C. I don't think all 4 conduits should be required to get C past rotation 4. But I also definitely don't think it should be basically free only requireing one conduit.

    On 2024-01-05 at 2:22 PM, Hexerin said:

    Once you're on round 4+, you are incentivized to just ignore the fourth node because you only need three for rotation C.

    This is just false. The 4th conduit specifically is the one you want to secure above all others because doing so clears the round faster than ignoring it. With the exclusive exception of round 4 if you're farming for rotation A items since you also always want to make sure you capture the first one to secure mission success in case anything goes wrong with the others. The only thing that incentivizes ignoring conduits is the loot rotation allowing you to farm other loot pools than the round you're on by doing so. Which is one of the best features of Disruption's reward mechanics, next to being able to repeatedly farm C or B after round 4 instead of the reward pool looping around.

    On 2024-01-05 at 2:22 PM, Hexerin said:

    Once you reach round 4+, you start receiving two rotation rewards per round (1x C rotation and 1x D rotation), which rewards the player for their ongoing efforts. The introduction of rotation D also incentivizes the player to put in their best effort, because it greatly increases their chances to get what they actually want.

    That is just god awful reasoning because it assumes the drops exclusive to C are the only things that people want. But a huge amount of people play these for the relics, and it's the only thing worth playing the game mode for after you get the exclusive rewards from it. There's literally nothing exclusive to the rotation C of any disruption that's not one and done content besides universal medallions, and those are a separate issue because they're way too rare and should have many other ways to get them. Disruption is far more generous with everything in it's C rotations, other than the medallions, than literally any other mission type in the game already. One of the few things in the game I'd genuinely say needs little to no improvement.

    Many people fail multiple conduits on longer runs on purpose to consistently pull from the B pool. So removing the ability to do that is actually just making the farm worse. Having all C rotation on round 4 and beyond, or any round at all really, makes players farming for relics substantially less likely to get what they want. And, I damn near NEVER say anything of the sort but, The idea of rotation D just giving you the C-exclusive items every round you clear all 4 conduits from rotation 4 onwards, is way too generous. You'd get everything exclusive to that disruption node in like 8-10 rounds. And it'd severely disincentivize long runs because it's actively detrimental to the actual evergreen rewards of the mode (again, except for the medallions which are their own special little case).

    I have you on my ignore list cus you consistently have some of the worst takes I've ever seen on the forums. But this one was so egregious I had to say something about it. (I read it after seeing the title on someone else's response in unread content).

  12. 21 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Or they could have done the logical thing and made a seperate node for each boss, removing the unnecessary RNG entirely. The amount of times suzerain showed up was too damn high.

    That would've been kindof annoying tbh. I would've just preferred they had an even spawn chance. Maybe give loid the ability to fuse two of any given curse into the third one as a form of rng protection.

    Speaking of the curses tho... I have like 300 extra cus the splinter farm was much larger than the curse farm. At least in low rank clans or large clans where more than 2 people were farming the event for arcanes. We gonna get anything to do with these excess curses? I was really hoping they'd let us convert them into splinters, tho I never had high hopes for that happening. Even being able to turn them in for Cavia standing would be nice. Something besides just being able to sell them like DE loves to do with excess event items like this.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    For information, there's a bit of a thing with the event; if you're trying to farm the Curses, you can predict which ones you're going to get by finding the boss arena ahead of time. So players have been starting, immediately sprinting to find the boss arena, then quitting when they don't get the one they actually want.

    DE could probably have fixed this by making the Steel path version drop one guaranteed of the specific Curse for that boss, but then a guaranteed second curse of one of the other two, meaning there would be progress on the Event for every single boss run instead of making it more likely players would quit to avoid a boss drop they didn't want.

    They could've prevented this issue entirely by making all of them have equal spawn chance. But the distribution is about 100, 75, 50

  14. 31 minutes ago, FrediSK..JAck said:

    Also note

    Dont buy prime frames with regal aya, its really nit worth it. Just farm some normal aya and buy the relics the frames are in.

    Use regal for cosmetics as they are the only thing that cant be obtained for free

    Also also. Since you bought regal aya you probably have a decent amount of platinum that came with it. You can use that to buy the prime off another player instead and not even need to farm the relics. Use Warframe.Market to find a seller.

    Do note tho, if a prime has a mastery requirement higher than you, you can't receive it in a trade.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, 0bsi said:

    Honestly, I have so many syndicate specters because I have nothing else to spend my standing on.... sometimes I literally just toss out a bunch of them for fun :D

    I spend all my standing on relic packs and just never need to farm for relics. Then when I'm caught up with all the primes I buy weapon Exilus adapters just so I have them when I need them. Especially now with Tennokai added.

  16. 9 minutes ago, ArbitraryWisdom said:

    It's a Corrupted Lancer Specter deployed by one of your teammates.

    Huh.... So it is. I didn't think corrupted eximus units were re-textured like that, I figured they'd still be kinda tan and glowy. The blue energy is weird but kinda makes sense to differentiate it from enemies.
    I don't think I've ever seen anybody use the syndicate specters before.


  17. I'm just at a complete loss on this one. As far as I know, corrupt lancers are the only type of lancer eximus summon-able with an item. All of Khal's friends that come with the Skaut air support are named, and not eximus units. It's not under the influence of mind control or thrall. I'm working against the Grineer in an invasion mission so the only allied units should be Corpus, and even if it was bugged to have a Grineer ally spawn for some reason, It shouldn't have blue energy. There are two weapons I'm aware of that summon a specter of an enemy upon killing them with it, Ballistica Prime and Synoid Heliocor. Ballistica Prime's ghosts have a very distinct appearance and don't last very long, while this thing looks like a normal unit aside from it's energy color, and was running around nearly the whole mission. And after checking the profiles of everyone on that team with me, none of them has ever even owned Synoid Heliocor.

    As far as I'm aware, this shouldn't exist. What is this thing?


    It said ally when I pinged it and you can see it's a blue dot on the map.

  18. 1 hour ago, Hobie-wan said:


    Perhaps you just used up your reserve of oopsies.

    But yeah, don't use the skin you accidentally bought for now and send a request. Be patient and wait for a reply. If they say no, then just roll with it.

    Nah those were after. The one support said they couldn't help me with was my first support ticket.
    And it was because of a game bug that they said was a known issue. Resulting in me having a massive amount of stalker sigils that are un-sellable and don't stack with eachother.
    They take up a good chunk of my sigil menu and they're still an issue.





  19. 1 minute ago, DopamineDreams said:

    Thanks. Yeah, thats where some of my confusion came from. The event page specifies that the signa will be available, while the official forum post only says "The Vendor store will be open until February 15, 2024" which confused me a bit. 

    Ive looked at it further, and it calls the splinters "Event Currency" and says something along the lines of it being rewarding after completing effervo during the operation. So the splinters shouldnt be farmable. Guess its time to buy 10 more R5 energizes

    Yeah the inconsistency between the event page and the forum post is frustrating.

    The store will probably still have all it's stuff available. But I'm sure the splinters will be removed from the drop pool after jan 15

  20. My main complaint with it is that it's almost impossible to tell if your mele is in Incrnon mode or not unless you have the combo count needed to transform it or higher and your combo meter isn't glowing. which is just really cumbersome. I'd really appreciate having the same bar on the crosshair as the guns have to show me when it's ready, active, and how much time I have left on it.

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