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Posts posted by PollexMessier

  1. 10 hours ago, (PSN)Foxville1971 said:

    I do understand what you are saying but everyone plays it their own way.

    If it's a case where it becomes easier to buy everything I therefore don't see the point of the game.

    I don't mind the grind but it's taking the piss for me at 19 in a row never mind the poster that seen 57 or something just to get a rhino part.

    It's not easier to buy everything. For one there's a lot in the game you can't buy. But there's also a lot in the game that is just easier or more fulfilling to farm for.

    The point everyone's been trying to make is, this ain't it. Relics are the most repetitive grind in the game. You're not losing out on anything by admitting you're sick of it and bypassing some bad luck stints with some platinum. It's basically the same system as the belric and rania crystals, just with the extra steps of needing to sell some stuff and interact with other players... in an mmo... You get bad luck, you sell the crap you got that you don't want, you buy the thing you wanted. That's how the system was built and balanced. That is part of the experience of the game. You're not robbing yourself of anything by using the trading system, you're participating in the game as-intended.

    It's not the game's fault you refuse to do this. It's yours. This is 100% a you problem.

    • Like 2
  2. On 2024-03-18 at 10:25 AM, Rawbeard said:

    I honestly have no idea what even happened here. can anyone translate this into a coherent chain of events?

    They bought some stuff and it's not showing up across all their linked accounts because of the ridiculous restrictions DE has in place around what items in your account are and aren't available through cross-save.


    On 2024-03-18 at 4:43 AM, He_Aint_Real said:

    I hope they'll see this and change this problem, because in like 2-3 days, i won't be here and i won't be looking at forums, I'm just a dude who's trying chill and not to take life too seriously, yet works at a serious job, while at the same time play video games that i love and read books that i love. And if a game company decides to do something like that, i am not going to waste my time.

    Unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath on this. Among the many anti-player issues crossave released with... some of them have caused significant issues with founder accounts. resulting in people being forced to ether lose thousands of hours worth of playtime, or lose their founder items and status to participate in cross-save.

    In case you don't know. "Founders" are people that monetarily supported the game in the early stages of development. They are a major reason this game even exists today.

    And DE's response to these issues was a pretty blunt "No, we're not changing it."

    And that's only one of the 3 major groups of people cross-save's massively screwed over. The other two being the entirety of switch players, and anyone that participated in previous account migration events. Which have both also gotten pretty much the same response for their respective game-ruining issues.

    On the off chance they do actually fix any of these issues... it's probably not gonna be for another year. Cus when it comes to actually doing the right thing they tend to operate at a snail's pace.

    • Like 2
  3. Yeah the restrictions on cross save are disgusting. If it was any other company I'd be shocked they let it release like this.

    With DE tho I'd be shocked if they ever release a single thing in an acceptable state. Still even for them this sort of stuff is pretty abhorrent.

    I haven't played it myself but you might find armored core 6 interesting. It's near the top of my list of games to try once I get the money to upgrade my PC. Gives me almost a mix of Warframe, Darksouls, and Nier Automata vibes.

    • Like 2
  4. On 2024-03-18 at 8:16 AM, sly_squash said:

    Imagine using recruitment chat to find people for radshares...

    :/ Not everyone's in a 2000+ member clan full of people jonesing to jump on the first person to ask for a relicshare of any kind. Or has a large group of friends that play the game willing to just drop everything to help you farm one stupid prime part.

    Some people are in tiny clans, or personal clans, and none of their friends are into the game. It's not a difficult thing to wrap your head around.

    • Like 11
  5. On 2024-03-17 at 7:52 PM, sly_squash said:

    I agree that the game does not respect my time, but you're not doing it any favors by farming the part as inefficiently as humanly possible.

    • A radiant relic in a solo run has a 10% likelihood of dropping the rare part
      • Therefore you have a 90% likelihood of not getting the rare part
      • Since each trial is independent, that means you have a (0.9)19 = 13.5% likelihood of not getting any rares at all in 19 runs
      • This means you're more likely to not get any rares in 19 runs than that you would get the rare on your first try
    • A radiant relic in a 4-man radshare run has a 34.39% likelihood of dropping the rare part
      • This is a 65.61% likelihood of not dropping the rare part in a 4-man radshare
      • To not get the rare part in 19 runs would be a (0.6561)19 =  0.03% likelihood of not getting any rares at all in 19 runs
      • This is only about 5x more likely to occur than for you to be struck by lightning in your lifetime.


    There's a reason there are clans with exclusive clan gear and missions with key and relic sharing, and this is that the game's progression isn't balanced around purely solo play.  

    As much as I think OP is being unreasonable.... have you ever tried to get a relicshare group for an off-meta weapon from several prime releases ago?

    You'd be lucky to sit in recruitment all day and find one person.

    On 2024-03-17 at 2:24 PM, (PSN)Foxville1971 said:

    What rng protection are you talking about? 

    Use context clues my guy. We were talking about the trading system.

    And for gods sake the blueprint you want is 15 platinum on the market right now. That's as cheap as a rare part gets. You probably tripped over 50 mods each individually worth more than that along the way. It'd literally be more effort to go make a sandwich than to trade for this part.

    • Like 5
  6. 8 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

    Also, you can spot the blue hue or is it green? Like necramech computer spawn if you were trying to hit them all.

    Yes except they don't spawn until you're right next to them. If you already passed that area and it spawned without you noticing then you can see the blue light form halfway across the map. But 9 times out of 10 I see them spawn in when I'm practically standing on top of them.

    And if I only ever did archarbor I'd have completed the entire pathos clamp grind 5 times over by now and still not gotten the damn bow.

  7. 30 minutes ago, (PSN)Foxville1971 said:

    Yeah but I've enough plat to buy everything I need without trading but then why don't I just log on buy everything, in fact it's a better use of my time to go and work a few hour overtime, buy plat and never have to play the game at all.

    What do DE want more plat sales and less people playing?

    I spend plat on boosters, cosmetics, if the rng is going to be that bad, like I said I've better things to do.

    And yeah dual keres probably is crap but there are few primes left for me to collect.

    Then just buy it. You don't have to do it for everything. It's up to you. But there is an rng protection system in place here, and you're not using it. That's all there is to it.

    If you feel like you've put in more than enough play time to get the thing you were after and you still don't have it, it's tradable, you have the plat to get it, and you're not saving that plat for something else. Just do it. It's not more complicated than that.

    I get that just paying your way around a problem is frustrating. But if it's pissing you off that much, at some point you have to swallow your pride and just say "I'm not willing to put up with this". The confusing part is you have already, and instead of taking the next logical step down a paved road, you dove head first into a nearby swamp instead.

    Especially for prime parts tho. Because prime parts are an endless grind. You're not skipping some experience with the game you otherwise won't have a reason to come back to. A new prime will release every 3 months or so, and you'll have the opportunity to do the whole song and dance again, forever, until the game's servers shut down. If it was something like say, skipping Nidus' grind, that would make a little more sense to get this frustrated over.

    • Like 3
  8. I'd really prefer drifter combat not be made more difficult personally.

    I would like for them to continue adding incarnons but if they do the need to add a couple reward choice slots that will randomly roll incarnons that you don't have. The cycle thing is really stupid any infuriating.

    And they need to make the Cinta bp tradable so enigma puzzles don't just become meaningless to do once you have it. And a clarification on how those damn things spawn.... or a rework on their spawning mechanics entirely so only a set amount spawns and they all always spawn the instant you load into the map instead of you being able to check the same location 20 times and not have it spawn, only for it to spawn there after you kill the worm so you can't get the rewards from it for some reason. Like 99% of my duviri playtime has been circling the map checking every enigma spawn location only for a single new one to spawn each time I do a full round. Absolutely stupid system for what would otherwise have been a fun mechanic.

  9. 1 hour ago, (PSN)Foxville1971 said:

    No ,I will complain running 18 rads in a row is too low of a drop rate for the grind, it's not just the time to get the trace's to rad them, it's not just the time to run them, it's also the time to collect them.

    It never used to be this bad, I'm pushing legendary 4 playing this game for over three and a half thousand hours so give me some credit.

    Do you really think it's ok to run 56 relics to get a rhino part like another poster said?

    Running ten or even fifteen would just about be accepted.

    I've better things to spend my time on .

    People get stints of bad luck. That's how rng works. My worst was something like 15 full share squads (so 4x as many relic rolls overall) to get a common part. I don't remember what part it was. But I had similarly bad luck on a rare Saryn part.

    Nothing about the relic drop rates has changed. you just got some legendarily bad luck. Which you're bound to get a few times if you try to farm every single prime in the game. It's just a matter of time, everyone will get the bad run, and everyone will get the run where they get every single part of an entire prime release first try. Provided they stick with the game, it's just a matter of time before everyone experiences both. It balances out.

    If you're having luck that bad, guess what, trading is faster. Like someone else said, it's on you if you don't wanna engage in the system that's specifically meant to solve the issue you're complaining about.

    Now stuff like Cinta, which has a non-tradable blueprint that's suspiciously one of the only things in the game the devs haven't publicized the drop table for.... THAT's some grade-A BS.

    Is dual ceres prime even like... a good weapon?

    • Like 3
  10. 3 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    What, you mean like Braton/Lato Vandal? Two of the most expensive items in the game because of a 2% rotation drop chance?
    Well and the fact few people do that game mode because it was a chopped up version of whatever it was intended to be.

    DE isn't above low drop chance cosmetics either. I remember two events where Rift Sigil was the main prize at very low chance.
    Now they give it away. RIP to anyone who tried to grind those events for it.

    As much as I despise that grind... Luck is not challenge, and those two weapons are so bad they're not even really worth thinking about until you've obtained literally everything else in the game. I'm more annoyed with grinds like Aeolak and Cinta... which are actually useable weapons. Grind wasn't really part of the discussion tho.

  11. I for one loved the character segments in new war. Buuuut it did kinda feel like a waste of development time to me.
    Veso's puzzles were mostly intuitive aside from the boss at the end. I needed to look up that you had to use the shield drone to protect the bomb drone long enough to reach the boss and detonate itself. Intuitive in hindsight. But in the moment I just wasn't getting it, and I tend to be extremely good at puzzles.
    Kahls segment of the quest was rather short and unobtrusive I thought.
    Teshins... well all you had to do was pay attention to the on-screen prompts... But I'll grant it was a bit more challenging.

    I also, personally, love arcwing and railjack. The main reason most people hate them is cus the devs just, refused to expand on them more. Ironically DE taking the "more warframe, less railjack" complainers to heart, resulted in railjack being made worse with the garbage timer side-objectives in corpus railjack, corpus railjack mostly just being a scenic-rout to normal star chart missions, and the complete removal of railjack-only grineer nodes. Necramechs need some serious refinement of their movement, and an actual reason to exist... I did use my voidrig to help in the fight with the fragmented one. But that's a one-off optional challenge boss.

    I also think Duviri is worse off with the annoying time-guzzling warframe undercroft objectives that just rehash mission types we've all done half a million times, than it would be without them. Love the maps, but every time defense, excavation, or survival pops up I wanna swan-dive off the side of the island.

    So, some people hate this stuff. Some people love it. Can't please everyone.

    Side note: You can get banned for swearing like that. Even tho the site auto-censors it. Even censored swearing is against the community guidelines, and if someone decided to report you you'd get a strike for it. I know because it's happened to me.
    So, as stupid as I think that rule is, cool it with that. For your own sanity. I have this permanent infuriating "inappropriate language" strike on the side of my profile that pisses me off every time I look at it. I was hoping it'd just disappear when the strike expired but it doesn't. It just sits there taunting me about that infuriatingly arbitrary and hypocritical rule, and how some jaded prick reported me for it cus they disagreed with what I was saying. Probably because they had the same thing happen to them.

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  12. If that were the case that would be an absolute disaster. Player trading is too important to the entire economy of the game. If people didn't trust it that would cause some serious problems. And if it was possible, it would happen a lot, and the forums would be absolutely flooded with complaints about it.

    As others said they were probably just being kind. Even items that are genuinely valuable some people just don't care about gifting around. I've gone off and bought new player's slots a few times just cus I felt generous and had a lot of plat on hand in the moment, cus I know slots are one of if not the most agonizing part of the game for new players.

    The longer you've been playing the game, the less valuable stuff like this is to you. The person probably just had like 10 of them sitting in their inventory collecting dust. Probably collected while farming Forma or something.

    They might even have a specific way of farming platinum that doesn't involve prime parts, or they frequently buy prime access and/or platinum packs so don't need to farm platinum at all, so the prime parts they do have don't even register to them as worth selling.

    There's a lot of reasons someone would have just done that altruistically.

  13. 1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

    Wait, people were upset at that?!
    I always say this game is easy as hell, so having an unlockable "extra" cosmetic being locked behind a decent challenge is something I'd love to see more of.

    It wasn't so much that the cosmetic was locked behind a hard challenge, as much as how hard the challenge was... But that's more or less the same complaint just worded differently.

    It was pretty ridiculous how many complaint posts popped up about it.

    1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

    ... but they're also the kinds of player who drop the game after two or three weeks anyway because they can't be bothered to learn how to jump.

    To be fair. the game does a very bad job teaching players how the parkour system works.

    A lot better than it used to. But I feel like a junction needs to direct players to the "advanced movement" tutorial in the codex or something just to hammer it in....

    As well as maybe changing the name of that to "Basic movement" and having a second movement tutorial called advanced movement that actually goes into how chaining different parkour moves together works. I've been wanting to build a legit advanced movement training track in my dojo but haven't gotten around to it. I also really think we should have a "parkour playground" sort of area, ether in relays or iron wake or something, for players that wanna mess around and experiment with the movement system in a place that's built specifically for that purpose and doesn't have the pressure of being in a mission or having enemies shoot at you. The game's movement is really fun and quite possibly the best thing about it, and many players barely have a cursory understanding of how it works. Pretty much everywhere in the game that actually asks you to engage with the movement puts pressure on you with a failure condition, which discourages messing around and experimenting. Anyway, wildly off topic.

  14. 16 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Well yeah. Earned only stuff would certainly give additional indirect value for players, but selling something is just so easy and readily available. This game's community also thinks it's quite taboo to have items only certain players can obtain, which translates to anything rare being random drops for accessibility, but then that's despised for a different reason and becomes watered down too.

    I for one love when stuff's locked behind a hard challenge, as long as it's cosmetic only. Like the fragmented one hands are great. there's absolutely no reason to even do that boss except to get those hands and they only serve as bragging rights for "I did this stupid, unnecessary side challenge" And I love crap like that.

    I was surprised how much backlash that got. Like you don't need the hands, the whole point of the hands is proof you accomplished the otherwise pointless challenge. I kinda wish it was a solo requirement on top of that, both so other players wouldn't force you into it if you didn't wanna do it (tho that was later sorta fixed), and so you couldn't leech the reward and claim you did it.

    I would have loved if steel path came with some cosmetics like that for doing stuff like the eidolans / profit taker cus there is absolutely no reason to run those in steel path. Even if it was just some 3d emblems... and by that I mean especially if it was 3d emblems cus we are severely lacking in those. We've literally only gotten the evolving one since trials were removed like... 6 years ago? (which evolved into an almost un-noticeably different variant of the base emblem, and one actually different one) And it's a platinum purchase not an earnable cosmetic...

    If it's stuff that affects gameplay tho than I'm not so on board with it

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  15. I love the randomness in circuit, because Decrees take an otherwise completely unusable weapon and turn it into a monster. which is exceptionally fun as it allows you to experience weapons that are otherwise unusable in a functional way. And it's just extremely fun when you get the 1/100 god setup and blitz everything like they're made of soap bubbles.

    This new game mode just sounds like it's going to be agony. Unless they decide to make the mode slap one hell of a massive base-stat buff on weapons based on their riven disposition or something.

    I love the idea of random loadouts when they're actually playable...

  16. The only thing in the quest you can really prepare for that's not extremely easy with default gear is just your amp for the final fight.

    This could be rectified one of two ways:

    1: Not letting you brute-force the sacrifice, and actually requiring you to defeat umbra legitimately. This would force you to obtain a decent amp to progress the story beyond that point.

    2: Just give you Sirocco for the final boss in TNW and make it an actually decent amp, instead of giving it to you after completing the quest.

    Other than the amp, the rest of the quest is a skill check, and no amount of preparing your gear is really going to help you out. You can make the railjack and necramech sections easier, but they're not all that hard to begin with. And the sentient you encounter on your way up unum tower are massive pushovers with the mele weapon you're given for that section of the quest (and you used to be forced to get to start the quest, which I think they never should have removed, and just made the crafting requirements more reasonable.) You just gotta learn the mechanics and get good, which should be that hard. The archons I see so many people complain about I literally just spammed my heal and smokescreen, and shot at them until they died.

    While I do agree most of the story quests in the game don't make sense to force you to solo, The new war really wouldn't make a lot of sense with teamamtes.
    I do really think something needs to be done about the amp thing tho.

  17. On 2024-02-28 at 7:50 AM, Theta-6 said:

    I noticed something. Correct me if I'm wrong but the Drop Tables page doesn't List Mining Drop rates at all Right? Is there a reason for this or is it just a Oversight?

    That's not the only thing. The enigma puzzle drops from Duviri, Particularly Cinta, are missing too.

  18. They really should have added this alongside auto-mele.

    Tho aside from (Unwarrented) balance concerns, doing this to guns would be a lot more work than mele. Some would have to have exceptions due to having different firing modes on hold or quicktap. Bows and other hold-charge weapons would have to have their own separate toggle because weapons like that auto-firing completely changes the way you use them. And I'm sure there's a few funky outliers.

    Overall tho, I agree. I've been advocating for this for a long time. It'd definitely have kinks to work out tho.

    • Like 2
  19. Patience. They're already rushing it out as fast as they can anyways. Just like they always do.
    Then we get to draw pretty circles around all the 10 mile wide dents they didn't take the time to hammer out for them.

  20. I like the idea of changing it's firing mode to full auto and having it's charge shot be secondary fire. But that would remove the possibility of a potential future Incarnon adapter. Tho the prospect of needing to get headshots with this thing is kindof terrifying.
    It needs something tho. It's too cool and unique of a weapon to have gotten shafted this hard.

    It needs an upgraded variant like Tenet, Prisma, or Vandal. Something. Been asking for this for a long time now.

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  21. If you wanna get rid of her and don't have her ability unlocked through helminth yet you could feed her to the wall.

    Otherwise... yeah she should be sellable. I don't know why she'd be flagged as an essential item.

  22. 8 hours ago, WarMonger2667 said:

    It appears I missed that. But it makes sense, thanks.

    I mean it doesn't really, it's senseless corporate BS. But that is the issue, yes.

    32 minutes ago, Drexller said:

    Is there a way to get around this?

    The only way really is to buy an item from a player on one platform, and sell it to another player on the other platform. The issue with this is switch trading is currently massively screwed over because they can only trade platinum between other cross-save enabled switch users. Which is making actually finding someone to do platinum trades with on there infuriatingly difficult. And prices could be different between platforms which could result in a loss. But also potentially a gain depending on which direction you went with it.

  23. 3 minutes ago, Ghastly-Ghoul said:

    DE could allow to play missions for Forma in an event that doesn't require us to farm the same exact mission over and over with no variation. Events like Plague Star are akin to the "events" mobile gacha games use and it's very telling now more than ever.

    "Events like plaguestar" is every warframe event. They're all mindless repetitive nightmares. Did you not play Gargoyle's cry? I can tell you nearly every operation DE's ever ran was similarly grindy and repetitive. And it's not like that's unique to events. That's just the structure of the whole game. There are individual weapons in this game that are more of a grind than farming every single forma you'd ever need out of plaguestar. It's less an issue with plaguestar itself, and more an issue of DE's entire design philosophy.

    I tried Farming Aeolak the other day and got through two rotations Cs of Cascade before feeling like I'd rather bash my head in with a brick. If I got my typical luck and had to run that 100 times to get that stupid part I'd probably straight up need to get committed to a mental hospital. I've more or less just given up on the idea of ever getting the Zariman weapons. They're not worth the cost of my sanity, or the 200+ platinum of buying the parts from other players or just the weapons themselves off the in-game market.

    Plaguestar is at least fun to optimize. I've probably had more fun social interactions from plaguestar than the entire rest of the game combined too. Most other operations are just agony. I had two friends give up on warframe because of gargoyle's cry and it wasn't even that bad by DE's standards.

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