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Posts posted by PollexMessier

  1. 2 hours ago, McGoodGreen said:

    Where in the world is this giant door? I was multi tasking playing with my ferret when I got the last scan, and hence missed the directions I am supposed to go. Just caught the name of the Ustara Crater, but my search around the general area yielded nothing...

    This was after a data hash scanathon though, so my patience was out XD

    But I agree, the UI in the ship is showing us the community progress so far, and if you have scanned it yourself it should say discovered. I had several saying undiscovered til I buckled up my belt and went around to all the locations on the puzzle map to get er done. 

    the directions you're given is that it's in a cave northeast of the Ustara creater. its fairly far away, not directly northeast, its more between east and northeast

    • Like 1
  2. A lot of players are very confused and concerned about having scanned all the data hashes yet not being able to progress the story further. some people have legitimately encountered bugs that have messed with their scans but a lot of people mainly seem confused about having scanned a hash but it says its only a % completed, but they can't scan anymore of them, and the lock on the door you're directed to after scanning all of them looks bugged.

    I'm pretty sure this is whats suppose to happen and it's working as intended. the %completion bars next to each scans are not your personal progress, and they're not on a timer ether. I think a certain amount of players are suppose to scan each one of these, and the % completed is the percentage of players that have done so out of that number. one of these %s is much higher for me and that's probably the one immediately out of the fortuna gate. most people looking probably found this one fairly quickly and I'll bet a ton of people's Helios' have scanned this one without them even realizing it

    no one has gotten through the door yet, and I think everyone who has scanned all the hashes will be able to enter it at the same time, once enough players have scanned all of them

    • Like 1
  3. This is getting long so I'm partitioning subsequent edits into spoilers so you don't have to scroll too far

    Original Post:


    The level of time dedication being asked of the players by the new nightwave system is unacceptable to people with jobs, or any life outside of the game at all, for both new and vetran players alike. It's taken items you use to be able to log on and do a 10 minute mission to get immediately, and locked them behind hours, days, even weeks of dedicated play time that a great deal of people just don't have.

    I personally plan on quitting the game after getting this year's anniversary items, until DE fixes it, if they haven't by then

    Edit 1:


    I acknowledge that I deliberately exaggerated quite a bit in my original post. I believe I saw someone in the responses use the word hyperbole. Not sure if that's quite the same thing but close enough.

    I noticed a good chunk of the comments on here that disagreed with me focused on my saying getting some things would take weeks, barring the rank rewards, which that is unmistakably true about. what I meant by that mainly is some items cost more than the 50 wolf credits given at rank 3. since its impossible to reach rank 6, where the second set of credits Is given, by just doing the missions before the weekly missions reset, it would in fact take more than a week to retrieve a catalyst or reactor from the wolf store. But that time would mostly be spent just waiting for the reset. so yeah the way I worded that was fairly incorrect but you see the point i was getting at.

    After having some time to calm down, actually try to complete some of the tasks, think about it a bit, and read through a good deal of your responses. My grievances with the new system are more or less still the same but with more direction.

    It took me about 2 hours to complete most of them. Definitely NOT all of them. The "complete 8 bounties" one by itself, which I haven't completed, would take at least an hour for me as it usually takes me about 10 minutes to complete a bounty and that's a big time sink for the standing given especially for those that don't need anything else from bounties anymore. I still think it takes way too long to get to a point where you can get just one item. I think it would be dramatically better if the first wolf credits pack was given to you at rank one. This is hardly a handout as even getting that far takes more time and effort than completing a single one of the old alerts. And it would help wean people into the new system better.

    The time limit is one of my biggest concerns really. its one thing to have a tiny time limit of 2 or 3 days that someone could easily miss. but its a whole other issue when your time limit is several months and requires fairly consistent grinding through most of it if you somehow miss a week or two you might be screwed out of the end reward despite all the work you put in and that would be extremely disheartening. there's a pretty easy way around this problem tho. assuming they bring back previous series eventually, and those series always have the same rewards in the same order. maintaining a person's standing in that series for the next time it circles around would outright remove that concern. it'll likely be some time before we have the answer to weather or not that'll be the case tho. as a supplement to this, after rank 30, obtaining more standing should cycle into a rotation of evergreen rewards since the ranks wont be reset.

    So in summary. my main complaints about the new system are that it requires substantially more work to get the same rewards, and it punishes you for taking a break.

    edit 2: a proposed solution


    Upon pondering a bit more I think the single best fix for this system would be to remove the time limit somehow. I think the biggest problem with this system is that it produces a sense of urgency to complete as many tasks as you can to get the big reward at the end. This urgency to complete all these tasks causes burnout which puts the dramatically increased workload to obtain these rewards under a lens. Without the time limit, there would be no stress towards achieving these tasks, people wouldn't feel urged to do tasks they're not equipped to preform yet out of fear of losing their opportunity to get the reward, and everyone can just continue to play the game at a relaxed pace that they're comfortable with, doing tasks that they're equipped to handle. the increased workload required to obtain the alert items pales in comparison to the amount of issues this time limit produces. If the system wasn't "if you don't play x amount of hours within x amount of time you're screwed out of the rewards" and "lose all your progress after x amount of time has passed" I'd be much more receptive of it. as it stands, it feels like its trying to push players into playing the game more than they normally would through fear tactics. with the time limit, this is a negative reinforcement system. without the time limit, this system just rewards players for playing the game, a positive reinforcement system, which I think would be healthier in the long run, and still renew player interest in the old systems it's trying to push, without outright shoving it down player's throats.

    I have no idea how you would go about removing the time limit while still being able to change the narrative and rewards, but the time limit really is the single biggest roadblock I can see to people's enjoyment of this new system, and something needs to be done about it. Yes its a large time limit and yes you can get the max rank without completing every tasks. but you shouldn't be punished for wanting to, or especially needing it, put the game down for several weeks, ether because you just want to do something else for a while, or due to some life thing, like a job opportunity, or a bad accident. its just not a fair system to people who don't have the time to fully participate in it. and it's worth mentioning that the majority of these people are gonna be ones that have jobs that allow them to actually put money into the game.

    Edit 3: The next wave

    For a second there I was beginning to accept the new system. but the next wave of weekly acts has hit and its worse than the last one. two acts that force you to do an hour survival, one with friends which is way worse than the "do sorties with friends" act, and the other in kuva survival which is in the upper end of the difficulty spectrum, which would be hard enough by itself, but on top of it you can't use life support? Even for some veteran's that last one would be an insane ask without an organized squad. Yeah its actually a fun and cool challenge, but not the sort of thing you want to see in a system that's replacing what use to be very beginner friendly content. Challenges like that would be better suited to their own separate system. Yes these can probably both be completed simultaneously but they still throw a wrench into anyone's argument that these challenges can be completed within any reasonable amount of time. Unlike with the last set of acts where most of them could be parsed out into several short stints of playing over the course of a week, if you didn't have the time to sit down long enough to complete them all in a day. This one forces you to take at least an hour out of your day some people might just not have. I could see someone (under absolutely optimal circumstances) being able to complete all of last weeks challenges in under 3 hours. but that's certainly not the case with these. One of the other acts can't even be completed in one day unless you're on good terms with 4 syndicates at once, which is not something most people do. I said it already the amount of time investment needed to get a pay out from this new system is vastly larger than alerts. the negatives of this new system FAR outweigh the positives it has over alerts. A required time investment of hours to get the same items you could get in 1-10 minutes just a day before the change is just absolutely unfair. At this point it would be exponentially faster to earn the platinum through the player market needed to buy what were the alert rewards, even for early players if they learned how. virtually the only thing driving veteran players to participate in this at all is the armor and umbral forma at the end. and to all the new players in the game, many of these challenges are outright uncompleteable making the grind to get these items that took minutes to obtain before, likely take a month or more for them. by the time they'll have the opportunity to get a fraction of the old alert items they want they'll hardly even be new players anymore. and the new players are who this system SHOULD have been for. yes incentives for the veterans to participate was a good idea, but setting the barrier to entry so unfathomably high makes the new player incentives all but irrelevant.

    Nightwave is ruining the game for me, and I'm sure a lot of other players as well. I gave it a shot, and for a moment after the first week I wasn't feeling so bad about it. but this wave of acts has set me back to my initial mindset of wanting to boycott the system entirely. that umbral forma, and some cosmetics, aren't even worth half the effort.

    Run the old alerts system congruently with this one, DE. and maybe make the rewards purchasable with platinum. that's all I want at this point.

    • Like 17
  4. Was really exited to get my hands on the Vent Pobber hood until this morning when I went to see how it looked on my operator again only to find that an ugly skin tight hood was now covering my operator's hair and earrings. Both of the new hoods looked way better before they were "fixed". I thought the look of tubes and wires coming directly out my tenno's head was a really unique and interesting look and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now, not so much. I can only imagine how upset about it people who actually spent platinum on these before the change thinking that's how they were suppose to look are.

    I had a similar moment when the umbra hood was released only for it to hide earrings even when open which hampered my tenno's whole look. I, and I think many others, would prefer if hoods weren't set to hide certain aspects of our appearance just because of potential clipping issues.

    The point is people would like these things a lot more if they didn't restrict their options, and by extension more people would get them. It would really be beneficial to everyone if this hiding function was just removed entirely. I can see how this would be problematic for some hoods, the zauba and smelter hoods specifically, but not nearly as many hoods as actually hide these things. I'd also be tempted to get the ceno and vahd hoods if I could wear them with hair. If there are players that prefer the look of these things with hair and/or earrings hidden they can simply remove their hair and earrings, that is already an option in the game available to us. but currently forcibly hiding parts of our appearance with certain items severely limits our options for customization in ways that it shouldn't.

    I don't have a lot of faith in people but even I think most people would self-moderate clipping well enough if left to their own devices, for it not to be an issue worth limiting the entire player base to avoid. Those who wouldn't are likely only going to be people who intentionally make things look terrible to annoy other people. You don't see them very often and they'll find ways to accomplish that regardless of restrictions placed on them so there's really no point. Please just let us have our hair and earrings on these things

  5. PLEASE switch this so the primary and lining channels on the kubrodon operator cosmetics. currently the metallics are on primary and lining is a fabric channel, but on every other operator cosmetic that has metallics, the metallics are on lining, making this set clash with others. it would look so much nicer if those channels were swapped on this set



    it just looks a bit off and i really wanna enjoy these but i cant if they clash so much with everything else

  6. sat there and watched it refresh twice and finally saw the A5. guess i was just unlucky, the rotations advice helped. really damn annoying that you have to wait 5 hours for it to appear as a reward if you just happen to get on at the wrong time. one of the many things in this game i can see as being an unbelievably massive inconvenience to players that actually have lives

  7. The codex states that they're suppose to be a possible reward for bounties from both cetus and fortuna. but checking regularly over the course of several days I'v only ever seen axi S4 as a reward and never A5. usually when two relics are listed under bounty rewards it swaps every time it refreshes but iv seen it refresh and it didn't swap which leads me to believe this is some kind of bug of the bounty refresh system, or de have just outright forgotten to add it to the reward pool. i REALLY do not want to deal with the rng of trying to farm it from a mission that has every other available axi relic as a possible reward. that's the whole point of them being a bounty reward to begin with.

    ether that, or the system was changed for it to be random every refresh and possibly repeat the same relic, and iv just had improbably bad luck

  8. I really think this is a feature they need to implement.  I'm sure a great deal of players miss out on baro all the time. the way he's setup really screws over players that have lives, and cant log in every single day. allowing purchases off him from the app could mitigate that issue substantially.

  9. maybe something more akin to a material picker. would allow you to pick the material for a given color channel. then it wouldn't limit us to whatever colors de would put in metallic palettes and also wouldn't require us to buy more palettes for the function. this would be a great option to fix the issue of mismatched materials between warframe skins and alternate helmets, and attachments from different sets. i think an option like this would be a great addition to fassionframe and would open up a load of new combination possibilities to people who are picky about mismatched materials.

  10. the entire reason i bought the varida hood was for the sort of chest and back armor. it really added a lot to pretty much every operator suit. moving such a key part of that hood to the curas is unacceptable. and i know a lot of people had that curas specifically because it was more plain looking and now its very much not and clips through everything.

    all these garbage changes that broke operator cosmetics completely and they didn't even fix my one biggest complaint with them before the change which was the opened umbra hood hiding earrings for no reason. yeah they probably clip a little but if you didn't want that you could just take them off, and if this update to operator cloths has said anything its that they don't care in the slightest about clipping because now everything clips with everything else more than it already did.

    everything was much better the way it was before. this is a huge aesthetic downgrade

  11. just got this problem today, had custom bindings since i first started the game, they switched to defaults today for no reason and it wouldn't let me switch them back. was really annoyed cus baro's here today. thanks for posting the temporary fix, it worked for me

  12. yes please, i really want to use this hood but i cant cus my operator's earrings are a big part of my aesthetic. i don't even care if it clips a little. those who care about the clipping can just unequip their earrings so why not just let the rest of us have this. its not like other operator hoods don't clip on just about every miss matched suit or sleeves you try to pair them with anyways

  13. i saw this same issue posted here before but that post was made 3 years ago, got no replies, and was archived so I'm bringing it up again because its incredibly distracting. this occurs in all of equinox's forms but its most noticeable in fused form, which isn't so important since you'll almost never see it holding a weapon except in the arsenal menu, but also night form. this occurs with several primaries but its most prominent with the opticor and arca plasmor. it also seems to bend slightly sideways with a lot of weapons but that's less noticeableWarframe0018_zpsf1uq7tjy.jpg


  14. I think this is the right place to put this.

    So if you're half as OCPD as i am you probably noticed that when you holster your mele weapon on your back, by default the position it ends up in is consistently wrong. In the holster animation, the tenno, with their right hand, swings their mele over their right shoulder onto their back, and reaches over their right shoulder to retrieve it. But nearly all mele weapons' holster position has the handle on the left shoulder, which is just not aesthetically pleasing to watch as your weapon snaps its orientation well away from where your tenno puts it. That's fine for custom positions but the default position should be consistent with the animation. Speaking of custom positions you might be asking why don't I just position it the way I want it, if it bothers me so much? well first of all its inconvenient to do that for every single weapon i get, moreover custom positions are inconsistent between warframes so I'd have to do it multiple times per weapon. having my weapon tilted to the right, where i want it to be, on frost, places the weapon straight up and down, and hovering far off the back of my ember. but the biggest problem with this is that with some frames its just flat out impossible to position weapons this way. the max rotation to the right is sometimes straight up and down.


    So there are a few things I'd like to see to potentially fix this problem. Change the default holster position, or the animation, so that the two are consistent with each other. Increase the range of motion provided for holster customization, and make it pitch equally in both directions. An option to change your tenno's handedness might be a nice customization feature as well as the ability to customize the position of other weapon types more so the main than the secondary. tho i wouldn't be surprised if they're already working on that last one

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