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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. Fair point. Going back to the website, it does say the Tenno were the descendants of an ancient race of warriors on earth, so in that case they would be descendants of Hayden Tenno. So then, given that Hayden Tenno didn't have the powers (besides creating a glaive) that the Tenno have, is it possible that the Void interacting with the Technocyte gave them powers? I guess I'm not sure whether this race of ancients warriors were already infected with Technocyte, or if they get infected through the Orokin's methods. I still think they're meant to be infected though. Really hope DE clears this up.

    I've always maintained exactly what you are suggesting specifically the powers being a result of the interaction between the technocyte and whatever is in the void. I kind of envisioned an ancient tradition where the children are intentionally infected by an elder as a rite of passage. This would weed out those who didn't have the congenital analgesia and over time would ensure all of the Tenno clan would have that trait breed true. I also in another thread linked that to the betrayal of the Orokin. In which the infested being used as a weapon by the Orokin was unknown to the Tenno and their finding out that their ancient enemy was allowed (or even encouraged) to spread was what led them to destroy the empire. Of course this is speculation and could be WAAAAAAAAY off I just like the ring of it.

    I too hope DE clears some things up even if it just shows I'm dead wrong. I'd rather be corrected than continue trying to wade through this mud with too little info and too much speculation being waved about as fact.


    Edit: went to look for that other thread, It was on reddit. I wrote it like a story so it's kind of dramatic and states things that are conjecture as fact but if people are interested I can post it here. 


    Certainly not a clan that Hayden Tenno started. These children who ended up on the Zariman (yes, they're most likely the Tenno) weren't a part of some clan. It's clear that the Orokin purposed them to don warframes and fight. It's clear that the Orokin were the ones who turned to "the old ways. Gun and blade." So no, they weren't some warrior-ninja clan started by Hayden Tenno.


    I liked everything else you said cause you preceded it with "I think" This you state as fact. How does the lore in embers entry state that the children were not kidnapped from a warrior culture? The OROKIN turned to the old ways the Gun and Blade, it doesn't say that the method that they used wasn't to employ a clan of technocyte resistant warriors who already knew the old ways and then twist them with void exposure to give them greater powers than they possessed before hand.

  3. Orokin originated on Earth. They are human. Rebecca let it slip that she was an AI. I'd trust that, since she voices the Lotus. It's clear that the Lotus is of Orokin origin, and not Corpus or Sentient, just like it is known that the Tenno were originally of the Orokin Empire, given that the Tenno symbol is all over the Orokin Tower in the Void, and that the Codex says so. Leaked datamined text from the game pre-U9 has text from the Lotus that is supposed to be an order to the Tenno to sleep, so that also substantiates that. It is possible that the Sentients were aliens. That's the only possible group of aliens in the game, besides the Ancients which are also alien.

    The pre u9 stuff may be obsolete but that's better evidence than opposing theories. Do you have a record of where Rebecca let that slip, seeing is believing and all.

    Same goes for the orokin originating on earth. I've seen players assert that but have never read, seen, or heard anything official. If you can point me to it you would be the first and I'd be greatful. It would be nice to get more than baseless claims on this one, but as that's all you provided I'd imagine it's all you have.

    I disagree highly that those are the only possible alien groups. I also think the ancient infested were aliens and were Orokin. Their appearant difference and orokin styled decorations are what lead me to believe this.

    However all of this will change when you link me to that stuff about the Orokin originating on earth.

    Or not when you don't.

  4. thats one and the same



    you better listen to this guy

    You completely failed to get my meaning or are being intentionlly obtuse you high horsed jerk. Just who are you to judge any of us? I find you attitude to be far more disgusting than any amount of drinking.

  5. Hayden didnt have any of the powers or kinds of power that the current Tenno have. It possible that the exsisting Tenno were the ones forced into the void where their powers were granted. This is the simplest explanation that explains the appearant discrepancy. Also the Excalibur entry could make reference to the first warframe and not the first Tenno, as it not specifically stated as such.

    Wasn't Nemesis a "Warframe" before Hayden Tenno got infected? It's been a while since I played Dark Sector, but wasn't he approached by Nemesis (basically in the Nyx armor) at or near the beginning of the game? If so, she would be the first Tenno.

    Depends if we wish to use Tenno as shorthand for technocyte infected but not hive mind humans, then yes. However it more likely means members of the clan or whatever started by Hayden given that Tenno is his surname. Nemesis would definately not have been a part of that. Sort of the square rectangle thing.
  6. I agree, its disgusting

    Thank you o moral guidepost. Without your gentle persuasion I would have never known what a filthy putrid human being I am. It's good to know there are perfect people out there who can stand in judgement of others. It will really help with my future decisions

  7. Yep most fridays that I play, 

    There is a really interesting point for me where my brain can no longer process the all the visual stimulus as fast as a game the speed of warframe throws it at me but i'm still good at it. This lasts about 15 or so minutes then I go get my next drink, then I can't play effectively anymore and I go to bed. I also do this with racing games but my skill degrades much more quickly in those, which holds it's own amusement.

  8. All melee weapons are getting buffed.

    This but it's unlikely that the "tiers" so to speak will change much. So everything will be more useful but the Galatine and Orthos Prime will likely stay on top for DPS, There could however still be utility reasons to use the Ankyros or anything really. 

  9. I am sorry what, I have no hatred for dark sector I have no feeling for it at all I have not played the game.


    Dark sector is the spiritual successor to warframe they are made by the same devs with similar concepts but they are completely unrelated when it comes to cannon (The same way that Demon souls is similar to dark souls but has no lore connections)


    What live stream did they say he was cannon in the warframe universe and I will happily go and watch it again.


    I apologize for the assumption as I can't fathom why people cannot accept the cannon nature of darksector and have had people in other lore discussions essentially say that it's not cannon cause it's a crappy game. Livestream 10, also we are supposed to get origin lore in the update today, after a prime time DESteve stated in chat that we would soon be getting more lore connecting darksector to warframe which could be the same stuff we're getting today or something in the near future. Either way some of this should be cleared up fairly soon. 


    EDIT: they don't come out and say that DS is cannon just that hayden tenno was the first tenno. Some will argue that they mean the one from trailer almost no one saw vs. the many trailers and actual game associated with the released DS. 

  10. Hayden Tenno is not a character in the warframe universe.

    Hayden Tenno is a character in the warframe universe, he was the first Tenno. I can ref a livestream. What have you got but wishes and a hatred for darksector?

    I also don't buy the trailer Hayden thing, could still be true but super dumb thing to do. No one will associate what was said in that livestream with the trailer and not the game. Does make the statement a perfect red herring though.

  11. Where was it confirmed that lotus was an AI as I've seen it said the opposite was confirmed and that referenced a livestream (which I understand should sti be taken with a grain of salt)

    I maintain the Orokin were an alien race and that the Tenno are not orokin as they are human. Could be wrong and I'll admit that's what I wan to believe but I've heard no convincing evidence to state otherwise. The best anyone has come up with is that their tech was designed for humans, which doesn't make sense, the weapons we see we're designed for Tenno so yeah they were designed for humans. They also mention the couches in the void as proof but there where chairs and thigs covering the citadel in mass effect and that wasn't a world where humans even got near them for a long time. The arguement that there are no aliens present is just a "well duh" we killed them all or killed a bunch and the rest left the origin system.

  12. How is this not a PvP game? There is PvP so it is a PvP game.

    When someone says it's not a pvp game they aren't saying it doesn't have pvp, just that the game is not focused on it. It's sort of like an unstated subject because its easier to type "pvp game" than "pvp focused game" and most people don't nit pick the little detail. I highly doubt you actually didn't get it and are just being pedantic.

  13. Well, that escalated quickly


    You really wont find too much sympathy when a forum has discussed the topic to death.


    And yes, the general stupidity that is the forums is: "when people complain about platinum prices, or complaining in general, then they must just want something for free", i hear ya in that sense.

    But then why complain at all?

    You either want something free

    You want to feel unjustly special

    You want to rub what you have in the face of someone who doesn't have it (prestige)

    You misguidedly think its hurting the game with no evidence

    None of these are good reasons. No one has ever provided a good reason to complain about trading, and the other stuff you can buy with plat is either cheap (slots) or completely unnecessary.

  14. Depends on what is released. I dont mind people getting mods ( heck, i need another set of Ciceros ), Brakk/Detron type also. But if they release Vandals/Wraiths for people that didnt participate in the events, i will not be happy about it.


    How would you feel about them being re-released as rewards for other events. We know everything but the founders stuff will come back eventually.

    Mods should be released, especially ones that give you advantage over others. Only Vandals/Wraiths should stay exclusive.



    DE should include event mods into NM table and make low reward chance for them.

    If history holds true then the mods will return. There's never been an event mod that stayed exclusive except primed chamber but that was awarded in a completely different way. The op is complaining about something that isn't likely to pan out the way he sees it. Well and other people being willing to pay too much for a mod, as though that's any of their affair anyway.

  15. I don't get what your guy's problems are. I WANT TO SEE UNDER THE HELMETS!!!!

    Do not implement:

    Less Lore. We need so much more of it. If you stop now the game will be dead.

    Locked character appearances-I may want to see under the helmet, but I WANT TO CONTROL what is under the helmets. I want to have a Mass-Effect style character creator. Which allows 2 characters at the same time-male and female. For either frame.

    Kubrows that look like plain dogs. I want an alien pet thing with robot and stuff on it. Not an earth-born wolf that does nothing against my space enemies.


    Mass-Effect style face creation.

    Ability to take helmets off in-dojo

    I WANT MY BEDROOM IN THE DOJO ALREADY! Something that I personally decorate with miniature trophies and my favorite weapons. Allow for changing Warframes/their colors/their loadouts IN DOJO to add another depth to it.

    Let's do this, DE. MAKE WARFRAME GREAT!

    You say make warframe great but your post says make warframe into mass effect.

    lol wat. Scott said back when they were at E3 last year that there will be larger PvP rooms in the dojo added at some time. The pvp section of the tutorial codex says that there will be more to come to PvP. That and it's not exactly a secret that DE has said several times that PvP is on the back burner for now, but they'll do more when it when the time is appropriate.

    And that would fleshing out and evolving the current PvP options and the gameplay of PvP as a whole, which is what they should be more concerned about.

    It's possible they were always talking about badlands which they do refer to as pvp even though its not direct.
  16. Oh wait, I got DMC confused with Metal Gear Rising. My mistake.


    http://www.ign.com/wikis/dmc-devil-may-cry/Eryx - Here's the fighting system I refer to.

    D'oh now I feel like a jerk. Sorry, still not sure that DmC will help your arguement still. It still worked a lot like the old ones with the addition of a dedicated launch button.

    Since the other comparable is vindictus and I don't know what that is like I can't really make a good comparison.

  17. Too late they already put them in the game here's the list:

    1. Gender locked frames - should not be forced to play female frames

    People like you make me laugh. You're not being forced to play as a female frame. You can choose to limit your own playtime if you so desire, but whatever reasons you have that's a you problem not a DE problem.

    Your opinion on Loki? Man I need some laughs today and you provided


  18. Oh so you're the other small crowd that never bothered to use two button combos in DMC. In that case, you should play it again and experience the game in a different light.

    Not exactly. DMC 1 + 2 had a button for slash shoot and jump, they really do fit more into the timing category. DMC 3 introduced and DMC 4 expanded on the style system which provided for a third attack button which did a number of different things. There too though to a lesser degree it was still more of a timing issue as what proceeded before any attack had zero influence on the following attacks structure. Here is a simple example using Xbox notation.

    DMC 3 swordmaster

    YY>b resulted in a 2 hit canned animation base combo with a sword twirl

    YYY > b resulted in a 3 hit canned animation base combo with a sword twirl

    YY pause Y > b results in a 4 hit branch combo with a sword twirl at the end.

    See it was timing that changed the combo not the "heavy attack"

    Now dynasty warriors changes what the last (heavy) hit does based on where in the combo the last hit is introduced.

    XXY will result in the last hot being a forward dash attack

    XXXY results in a jumping smash attack

    XX pause XY results in the same combo as above with a pause between the second and third hit, providing the pause isn't long enough to break the combo.

    Conclusion: you should probably know what you're talking about before acting all condescending to people.

    Edit: I know the sword twirl was done with a different button combo and that just pressing b in sword master started a secondary combo. It was simplified for the example.

  19. If this is done then i'd want all chat from the stalker player to be disabled. No mic, no text, no nothing. They show they fight they win or die but I don't want to hear them while they do it.

    I don't want this in the game, I don't pvp anything for a reason. Muting the players would mitigate some of that.

  20. Hayden Tenno is a name, and if DE had made the game the wanted to make he would have been killing proto-Grineer on a ship.


    Remember that Warframe is DE's opportunity to tell the story they _wanted_ to tell when their publishers forced than to make a contemporary game. For all we know The Warframe "Hayden Tenno" is a completely different individual, much like "Frost" was originally going to be a shape-shifting form for Hayden, but didn't appear in DS.


    All we have is a name, that name _doesn't_ implicitly carry any lore along with it.


    I'm not saying any one part of DS should be ignored, but we should understand that unless a specific part _is_ confirmed (like a name) we can't just assume everything attached via DS comes with it.


    Though, Rebecca finally asked my question in the devstream, interesting that they are deliberately holding back on even the most basic of questions. I'm curious what lore we are going to get next week.

    This theory is brought up a lot and I find it silly. Not necesarrially wrong at least I can't say one way or the other on the matter. So maybe it's true Hayden Tenno is just a name, but that same arguement points out how silly it is. If DE didnt want to connect it to dark sector why use the name that was established in that game at all. That statement never needed to be made, nor did that particular name, again established as the hero of a previous game that actually exsisted, need to be used but they did.

    If we want to play the "last thing said" game Steve said in chat after the prime time before the last that connections to darksector would be coming. Beginning of next month actually. Yeah they could be referring to a concept trailer rather than an actual game they made but if that's true I give up.

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