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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. WF forumites are so cool.

    Not best weapon in game? = worthless

    Big slow sword just like it has always been.

    Yeah that's the general attitude around here alright. It's also why you see the same loadouts again and again. It gets to the point where it's just extreme overkill vs. a whole lot of overkill, at that point is it worth the argument?
  2. Not true at all...


    We still have $150 platinum package available in the store which kills that rumor...


    DE has basically admitted that it in fact has nothing to do with Sony.


    DE decided to only give us 2 packages based on Ember Prime feedback...


    They should have given us the option for the full package as well as the other 2...

    I don't disagree with your statement, however Sony does have some culpability in that its their policies that do not allow for package upgrading as it is on pc. Otherwise I believe they'd be exactly the same.

  3. You said it yourself. Yes, Melee does fantastic damage now, but I still have to close the distance and swing while within 15 feet of Lancer dumping bullets in me. Guns are a lot safer.

    I like to dump a Cestra clip while charging into melee to thin them out a bit before diving in.

    Holy crap! I've always hated high ROF low damage weapons (prefer high damage high accuracy) you just gave me a reason to show them some love. Thank you. (Please note; this is excitement and not sarcasm)

  4. I dont know why stance mods are selling for so much either man, like 40 -60 plat a piece, so unnecessary.

    Because they're new, dumb people pay that much, and people who have things others don't tend to be jerks about it. It's always that way when new stuff comes out. If your patient you will still find reasonable people.
  5. It is ok to be hyped, but being real about this change is a must. Lets say you use any frame with melee weapon, and i use Saryn with ranged weapon. Mobs are level 35.

    If i spam Miasma ( as my Saryn is Miasma spammer ), you wont have anything to melee. Simple as that. And that is the biggest issue of melee now, and will be biggest issue with melee after U13.

    You cannot melee something that is dead already.

    If you spam miasma there will also not be anything for gunners to shoot, so it's clear it's time to stop improving/balancing gunplay.
  6. What?  SO DISAPPOINTING!!!! You're kidding!!!  That's friggin' ridiculous, even with an extra week to work on it?  Come on!



    Well that just ruined my day.  :(


    Aside from that, any ideas on the how we're going to get them? What' they're going to be like?

    Why on earth did you ever believe this was going to be a thing?

  7. And here I am thinking about how underwhelming Melee 2,0 probably will be and how many game-breaking bugs and broken weapons that will follow Update 13.

    Also not looking forward to all the new levels of grind and farm that will be necessary to get all the new stuff.

    I am looking forward to all hate threads, though, because they offer good reading.

    Your underwhelming isnt everyone's.

  8. It's not about who get's most XP or anything- ranged is just a lot safer and easier way to fight. Melee is a important part of fighting system but in any way crucial. Even when carrying something people focus on using secondary instead of melee. Why charge, why stop when you can blast your way with Brakk or any other powerfull sidearm.


    I could see a reason in missions where primaries are unavailable, for conserving ammo alone.



    I don't feel a need to use melee more often. I want endgame, less grinding, more lore, better stealth. It's great that DE wants to improve melee but some people have unreasonable expectations. It's melee. How often do you use it now?

    Ask yourself why would you use it more often after U13.

    To answer your questions; a lot, and because it has become more viable and is fun. That is why I will use Melee more often after u13. There are actually a lot of people who do use Melee a lot already.

  9. In my clan I constantly remind people about the one and only rule and I enforce it to the letter. If you are inactive for two weeks you are getting kicked without mercy.

    This has led to there only being active members.

    Think of it as a "Not one step backwards" policy that eliminates cowards, defeatists and traitors. Allowing faithful soldiers to fulfill their duty.

    And people who go on family vacations, have life altering events they can't avoid, injured or otherwise hostpitalized. Who you grouped with traitors and defeatists and so on. Soldier on Tenno.

    Not that I'm totally criticizing your policy but maybe bragging about it makes you look sort of cruel.

  10. They have spoken about adding infested back but never did they say in U13.

    True but everytime they mention something the majority of the community assumes next update. Always. Seriously I've seen people swear up and down that things rhe devs said they weren't even sure was going to happen was coming in the next update. And people wonder why they don't share more further off plans and ideas.

  11. That can be read a few different ways, though - at least, in my opinion. She's not exactly sobbing, or joyous to see that we're still alive afterwards. She's rather... monotone about the whole thing, at least to me when I hear her talk.

    If she's an AI she may not have the capacity to express emotion in vocal patterns whether or not she feels it. Everything she says is kind of monotone.

  12. It's a given that gun users will blast all the enemies before you can close in for a kill, unless you're a rusher of course.

    But who cares? Just play with other melee users if it gets irritating.

    I can Melee without trouble now. How will improving Melee suddenly mean that all the gunners hit what they were missing before, or will always get there before me when that doesn't happen now?

  13. I thought that Vandal and Wraith class weapons were going to be exclusive.  From what I understand, the Brakk was released as it is a separate weapon as apposed to a Vandal/Wraith class of a weapon.  I definitely expect for the Prova Vandal to be released, but I also expect the Machete Wraith to stay exclusive.

    Nope everything except the founders gear goes in the vault for later re-release. I'll try to find the dev stream where it was said.

  14. valkyr ?? lol


    banshee is overdue for her overhaul wayyyyy before valkyr 

    frosts needs his avalanche fixed back to normal AOE freeze duration


    then ash 


    then nekros


    nope valkyr is not due yet

    The frost one probably isn't going to happen, as for the rest you have a point but no more information than the rest of us do Valkyr may very well be the next frame they take a look at.

  15. Dark Sector is to Warframe what the Adam West Batman TV show is to The Dark Knight movie trilogy.

    If it were a direct prequel and Adam west's suit showed up, and Christian bale used Adam west's batarang you would be totally right. Sadly as it stands you are the wrongest guy in wrong town.

  16. Well first, you gotta make sure it'll even be obtainable via platinum. I mentioned this before in another thread, but in a previous dev stream, I swear they said thst they wanted to make aquiring the Nikana 'special'. I don't know what they mean by that, but they're apparently saying it won't be gotten just by throwing down platinum for it.


    DON'T immediately take my word on this though, because I havn't gone back to previous streams to see if I'm correct. But it's just a heads-up.


    If I had to guess, best case scenario would be that it's a Research weapon, probably Tenno or Orokin lab based. This is why I spent time selling some void parts to people with platinum, so I have about 130 plat to spend on speeding up lab and katana construction processes.


    Worst case? Alert only... *shudder*.

    I'm going to second this, they did say they were going to make it special so I doubt anyone will be throwing plat down for it or even using it in the first 3-4 days. Vay hek is in hiding so my guess is we will be tracking him down like alad for Valkyr. Short thing is: they know you want it like all things they know you want you have to suffer first.

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