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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. they should be equal in my opinion as well. i only have the brakk, not having fun/luck finding harvester. do you have both? if so is there a big diference in damage? i am imagining the detron has a more concentrated shot with slightly less damage while brakk has more spread and more damage??

    I have both. You are pretty much correct, also the detron does not have damage falloff but brakk does. The inherent radiation damage of the detron makes it a bit more specialized.

  2. 1) It's can be hard to combine "stagger enemy" and "just attack" without special animation.

    2) You can take knockdown attack in process and just go down.


    Besides, it's just look silly against badass enemies (like G3).

    1 It does have an additional special animation but they are quick, you can use Valkyr to see several of them now (longsword, dual swords, fist iirc).

    2 I don't know that it won't, however you don't know that it will. You simply assume DE won't be aware of the problem, while I assume they will. Neither of us has any claim to being right based on anything factual.

    I'll admit that I do have high hopes for Melee 2.0 but me saying that its going to be the best thing ever is as premature and incorrect as all of these gloom and doom posts. It is silly to pass judgement and I stand by my assertation that the common frame of reference for Melee that we have now is not a valid point for judgement. If the devs are to be believed, and there is no reason not to, the update includes passes at AI, enemy types, as well as base functions of stagger when using Melee, and how blocking works. There is no way to tell good or bad how these things will interact. To suggest otherwise is absurd.

    There's room for skepticism but I do not want to play the game this armchair developer proposes, at least not as warframe.

    TLDR: judging Melee 2.0 by the standards of Melee 1.0 is the product of a mind that doesn't know or refuses to aknowledge what is happening.

  3. What if your teammates don't want to see that? This isn't a single player game and I think you wandered off with your imagination. You can't 'cancel' the animation unless you cancel the kill and you'd need different animations for backing off. And that is visible to fellow players too.

    What if your team mates don't want you to use soma, or Melee at all, or use abilities. Just like in those cases they will simply have to deal or leave.

  4. Wut unpredictable ? I use parkour all the time just fine and I can land anywhere I want, you just don't know how to use it(figures your playin with a controller...), and AC please thats not parkour thats holding a button and letting the game do everything for you.

    Whoa easy there. I use a controller and do just fine with the parkour. In fact I find it to be superior for movement (maybe not for aiming but that's not what we are talking about). Don't blame the control method for someone not knowing how to use it properly

  5. 1) You have damage resist (and CC immune). Your main target is paralyzed, but can hit your back, if you failed too hard.

    2) Bullets and other "small things" parrying automaticly when you have melee in hands. Big dangers (such as strong projectiles/melee strikes) must be blocked.

    Why not simply let them do it the way they are? Parry>stagger enemy>attack for special animation + big damage? Why does it need to be more complex than this?

    Also to the guy who said to compare Melee to soma: You have a point, right now when Melee 2.0 is not released. Considering that's exactly the kind of thing m2 is supposed to be addressing your point is invalid until after its been released and tested. I'm just saying your talking from a frame of reference that will no longer exist you may still have a valid point we just don't know yet.

  6. Oh, so you guys founded everything, pc, ps4, there must be thousands of you out there.

    Sorry pal WE fund the ps4 version, on the present, because we play it and make it profitable, and it costs them almost nothing to do so.

    You continue funding but you did not in fact found anything. The startup capital for the ps4 version was more than likely from the success of the PC version.

    Edit: it is possible they were congruent but it seems unlikely.

  7. Good, cause your point is absolutely meaningless, calling people greedy, lol, pointless point is pointless.


    But thank you for proving my point, that none of you can provide a single valid reason as to why ps4 players dont deserve the chance to buy it.

    Because DE has decided that is what they promised and they mean to keep it. There is no need for more than this. "Valid reasons" are often subjective and you have made it clear that nothing will meet your standards unless you get what you want. You don't have to like it, just like I don't have to like the decision to stop the Tenno reinforcements but it is not your game nor is it mine. You can vote with your time and your wallet but playing this game or even contributing to it monetarily doesn't make it yours.

  8. You should be logging in to shoot stuff, not just to get new stuff.

    I log in to shoot stuff with new stuff. All of my favorite stuff is 5x forma and everything else is at least level 30. I have nothing really to do. The syandanas like I said are nice but do not represent new things to do or use. You are absolutely right I will not be logging on just to get stuff. I will not be logging in at all. I do not feel any hostility about this and will be back when there is something for me. You however for some reason have felt the need to really raise my hackles. Next time I need to be told how to enjoy a game I'll seek you out so you can do it.

    I mean seriously what were you trying to do with that post? The best I can think of is that your one of those who likes to incessantly complain about new useful content every week until they drove DE to produce new and useless content.

  9. Should you question the loyalty of every commanding officer that gives you an order? It's called doing their job. This is nothing that hasn't been done a million times in games, shows, and movies. No matter what the case you're going to get scolded on some level for not following orders. She told you to get out because she feared for your safety, and you're supposed to be following your CO in a mission. That tells us how the Tenno usually operate on missions, (implying it wasn't clear already) not that Lotus is bossy bossy McFussy pants.

    Another point not to be overlooked is what she says when you extract. I'm paraphrasing but it's something along the lines of "the mission was aborted but everyone is safe and that's what is important" it wasn't a desire for control but concern for the safety of the Tenno that motivated her.

  10. Do you think DE know?

    Anyway, Mr Grineer is probably part of the Retired Weapons Unit, with a Gorgon wielding Gunner and a Machete wielding Scorpion.

    Their battle cry is "Does not fit the art style! Apparently..."

    Gorgon has not been retired I got a bp in the login rewards a couple of days ago.

  11. Sooner or later they will be released, they are waiting for most active founders to leave the game. By the time they do it, Most greedy selfish founders will be gone and the impact will be much smaller. in the end, Excal Prime and his guns will be avaiable to everyone, it doesn't matter how much you say" it will never happen" "its mine only mine" or "Get over it they will be mine and only mine forever", Sooner or later, when most of us are gone, they will release the Founder stuff to the common Tenno (read: Everyone)

    How is it greedy or selfish to desire something we were promised? Oh it's cause you can't get it? So you want DE to go back on a promise made to people who decided to support them while the whole venture could far more readily crash and burn making our investment a lamentably bad one. Who is the selfish and greedy one here again? From my perspective it's not the founders.

  12. I remember farming raptor solo as a lowbie to get nova, that was hard, took 30 tries to get systems. Probably should go back with forma'd soma and see what its like now

    I did the same thing. I HIGHLY suggest you grab your soma and do it. It's so satisfying remembering all the trouble it once was.

  13. I would love to see volt prime and I hope the gold skin is truly good looking unlike rhino, don't like it much at all.  As for rhino prime, I look at my rhino and then look at rhino prime....aside from the minor speed boost on rhino prime and the gold skin, my prime is exactly like rhino prime...same "dash" polarity as well.   Since I forma'd my rhino, I see no need to get rhino prime.  Normally I would drop the normal version and keep the prime version, like I did with mag, frost and gonna do with ember (if I can ever get the BP to show up again).  So for an established player like me, it doesn't matter what prime they release, they aren't anything to get excited about.  For a new player to the game, I could see the ignorance factor and they would drool over rhino prime or any other prime.

    For you, not for an established player. I would think I qualify as established and prime frames always make me excited. I am also not ignorant of what the primes are.

  14. Bleh, I don't remember in which stream it is and I couldn't care less about your 'yield'. 


    Not losing my time reviewing every hour-long stream for that.

    I'll back you up it was said sort of, the way it was said though made it seem like a "we've got ideas but nothing may come of it" sort of thing.

  15. The reason way we doesn't blow the cores on the planet is becouse we want the life on the planet to continue to live and there is the chance that humans that are not Tenno, Grineer or Corpus is still alive and wants to come back to the planet. Wish we are protecting. (Don't remember if I heard this from DE or if it was a players thought)

    It's from DE via livestream. Also the Tenno are good this is also from DE. It's possible that they are lying but then that makes EVERYTHING they have ever said lore wise suspect and we have no basis to argue anything at all.

  16. -I have all primes and 315 orokin cells

    -My entire clan farms rare mods/prime parts expressly to give them to noobs

    -Frequently, said noobs believe we are in some way trying to rip them off

    -I consider a weapon finished when they have 5 polarity slots, I have about 20

    -Nekros is my most used frame, I don't really like Nekros

    -I regularly play with a trio of sugar gliders in my hoodie, they are cute but scared of rhino's roars

  17. The problem is that the game dosn't really use or rewards the use of, lets call it, artistic abilities.

    I am talking of prince of persia style epsiodes were mobility abilities would be realy a huge benefit for the team.

    That Wallrunning is available to everyone at a unlimited rate dosn't help a bit as well.


    Creating levels were different abilities are needed for the team to accomplish the over all goal are in genereal sorely missing.

    Imagine parts of levels or whole levels were you simply can't take a rhino ( just picking one) because your team has to climb the outside of a fortress.

    Were speed and agility are everything, or others were you simply must not be detected.

    What then would you suggest for people who don't have all the frames? Stay out of said content? I assure you that kind of thing will never work while slots cost money.

  18. I understand why they are doing this but it still makes me sad. I never understood people who claimed we had too many weapons (as if you can ever have enough weapons) and Wednesday's Tenno reinforcements always made me excited to play. Cosmetics while cool and all don't make me want to jump back in the game. Just as well I suppose I really need to take a little break and play some other games.

  19. you can defend your toys as long as you want, but you cant deny the stone cold fact that mouse is vastly superior to controller at shooters

    I can tell you I did worse with a mouse and keyboard than I do with a controller. Yeah I'm sure if I put in the time the mouse would probably outperform my trusty controller but I don't want to suffer through sucking untill I adjust.

    Either way I don't need you to babysit me.

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